Category Archives: Indigenous

Orange Shirt Day 2024

Orange Shirt Day is an event that started in 2013.
It was designed to educate people and promote awareness about the Indian residential school system and the impact this system had on Indigenous communities for more than a century in Canada.
The date was chosen because it is the time of year in which children were taken from their homes to residential schools.
On Friday, Division 9 participated in a beautiful assembly where students from our class helped present a territorial acknowledgement.
On Tuesday we will continue our learning by speaking about the story Shi-shi-etko that was read during the assembly. In the story, Shi-shi-etko collected “memories” for her memory bag in order to remember her home, her land and her family. Students will be asked to imagine having their own memory bag to store things that help them remember their home. They will draw and label these items and explain why these items are special to them.

Nelson students, what was your favourite part of the assembly and how will you ensure that other students at school always feel like they matter, they are cared for and they are important?