Category Archives: Holiday Actitivies


FullSizeRenderohmigoodness, are you as excited as I am Division 8?! Over the next couple weeks room 203 will be transforming into a bit of a winter wonderland in anticipation for the BEST MONTH OF THE YEAR!!christmas-lights-smiley-emoticon
Tune in here to see the daily additions to your home away from home as I do a 10 day countdown to December!

In Flander’s Fields

A number of brave souls from Division 8 volunteered to practice on their own time in order to present this famous Remembrance Day poem written during the First World War by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae.
Click on the poem to see their wonderful reading of this special poem.
Well done everyone! I’m so proud of our contribution to this Nelson tradition.

Happy Halloween!

HappyHalloweenPictureLoveItI hope everyone had a tons of fun yesterday out and about with your family and friends!! After lots of fun during the day at school, Kennedy & I went to the house of Kennedy’s friends Anderson and Georgia! We ate yummy pizza and then went Trick or Treating around the spooky neighbourhood houses. When we got home we were treated to some spectacular fireworks we could see in Richmond and Vancouver from our apartment windows.
What costumes did you wear out Trick or Treating!? Send your pictures to Ms. Watt at

Nelson’s Annual Haunted House

A big Thank You to Mr. Morrison’s Grade 6/7 class for creating such a spooky haunted cruise ship for all the Nelson students to enjoy yesterday. We loved it!

Nelson’s Haunted Museum!

On Wednesday, Division 1’s 6s and 7s will be hosting their annual haunted house and this year’s theme is The HAUNTED MUSEUM! 
Along with being a fun activity for the whole school, each year this is a fundraiser for Nelson’s foster children. This year our children are Kevin Rodriguez Burgos and Parishmita Singha. Please bring at least a quarter to support these wonderful kids and all the work Division 1 does for our school!

Nelson’s Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch Time! rolling-pumpkinDivision 8 met up with their buddies from Mr. Morrison’s grade 6/7 class this afternoon. We enjoyed some delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows provided by our wonderful PAC parents ~ Thank You!! and then picked the perfect pumpkin from our pumpkin patch.
Afterwards we returned to Mr. Morrison’s portable and Ms. Watt’s room to do fun Halloween activities with our buddies.

Click on the smiley below to see them up close & have fun at home with your pumpkin! Send in pictures of your jack-o’-lanterns!!

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Nelsonites!!I hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend! Enjoy this extra time with your family, be thankful for all you have and I look forward to sharing our weekends with each other this week. 
Love, Ms. Watt

Mom Love

After brainstorming all the reasons we love our moms and all the special things they do for us, we created these mini masterpieces to gift to our fabulous moms. I hope all moms had a wonderful day with their families!

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Nelsonites! I hope everyone has had tons of fun over the past week celebrating the holidays & spending time with your friends & families! 148377-Animated-Merry-Christmas-With-SantaIt’s been a nice and relaxing time during Kennedy’s 3rd Christmas. After a quick trip to the aquarium, we jumped onto a ferry to Vancouver Island to stay with Kennedy’s Grandad and Grandma. She’s having lots of fun exploring local beaches and collecting rocks, shells and beach glass. She’s also reading lots of Christmas books and playing with gifts from Santa. Enjoy your 2nd week of winter holidays everyone and I can’t wait to hear about all your celebrations when we return in 2019! 
Click on the pictures for a closer look!

Jingle’s Adventures ~ Week 3

Jingle’s last week with us had her climbing the walls, hanging from zip lines, playing Battleship and gifting us some candy canes! I sure hope she was proud of our behaviour these past 3 weeks and will give us a thumbs up to Santa! 
Click HERE for a closer look!