Category Archives: Flat Stanley

Flat Angelina’s Hawaiian Adventures!

Flat Angelina’s adventures in Hawaii! Here are some pictures of Flat Angelina at Hanama Bay & Pearl Harbour. 
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Click on the pictures for a closer look!


Flat Kihan’s Maple Falls Campground Adventures!


Flat Kihan’s adventures in Maple Falls, Washington! Mrs. Roberts took Flat Kihan along as her family celebrated Thanksgiving at The Glen at Maple Falls. Here are some pictures of Flat Kihan at the United States border, the entrance of the campground, hanging out at the campfire & back at the border on his way back into Canada! Thanks Mrs. Roberts!!

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Click on the pictures for a closer look!


Flat Stanley Project

Flat-Stanley-AdventuresWe are currently learning about continents & other map skills in class. Among them, we are learning how to locate our province, our country & other countries on maps & globes. The character Flat Stanley has inspired our current project. Click on the picture above to learn more!
Division 8 students have created their very own Flat Stanleys that are ready for adventure!  There are a couple different ways they can travel…

Take Flat Stanley on Your Family Vacation
Take pictures of your family with your Flat Stanley at landmarks & recognizable locations during your travels & if you are able to purchase a postcard &/or small souvenir it is definitely welcome! When you return email the photos to Miss Watt @ & she’ll share them with the class!

Mail Flat Stanley Around the World
Your Flat Stanley can be sent to a friend or relative that lives in another province, or one that lives in another country! We can mail our Flat Stanleys from school, so if you provide the name and address, Miss Watt will take care of the postage. Division 8 has a letter that is sent along to explain the activity to friends or family members & one for them to return to our class. The recipient will be asked to return the traveller after a week or so with pictures of the Flat Stanley somewhere in their area and a postcard or artifact/souvenir if they are able. They are also able to email me the photos @

When the Flat Stanleys return to school, we will plot their whereabouts on our map & share the information received with each other. 
Our Flat Stanley project will continue throughout the year & we are all very excited about what we’ll learn about our world. Our own travels; letters, pictures & artifacts from our friends & family; & lastly through the research we do in the classroom, we will learn about the different places our Flat Selves travel to. 

To see examples of other Flat Stanleys please click HERE to see a video made by the Canadian creator of the Flat Stanley Project!

Flat Rhea’s Disneyland Adventures!

canaFlat Rhea’s adventures in Disneyland! Here are some pictures of Flat Rhea enjoying the rides, Minnie Mouse & the canyon. 

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Click on the pictures for a better view


Flat Keanna’s Philippine Adventures!

Flat Keanna’s adventures in the Philippines! Here are some pictures of Flat Keanna visiting Narita Airport in Toyko Japan, a water buffalo at the farm, Pundakit Beach, fruit bats at Bat Kingdom (eek! :(), Zoobic Safari, Nemo at Ocean Adventure Subic, & finishing off in Vancouver Airport! 
Where has your Flat Self gone so far this summer?! Send in your pictures!d         a         g         f e         b         c
Click on the pictures for a better view


Flat Christopher’s Hawaiian Adventures!

Flat Christopher is back from Hawaii! Here are some pictures of Flat Chris visiting a beautiful beach, gift shop (with President Obama!? 🙂 ), & a Polynesian Cultural Centre!

Where has your Flat Self gone so far this summer?! Send in your pictures!DSCN0158-1                             IMAG0387                             Photo0145Click on the pictures for a better view
