Category Archives: Field Trips

Primary Christmas Skate

IMG_4568Primary students travelled by school bus to Bill Copeland Arena on Wednesday, all bundled up & ready to skate! After lacing up our skates, we were ready to show off our skills!
Click on the picture to see us all in action on the ice!

Easter Eggs!


To celebrate Easter, in the morning Division 8 & Division 12 visited Saint Michaels for our third time this year & sang for the seniors.

In the afternoon, we gathered in Miss Gatenby’s room to decorate & colour Easter eggs. Afterwards we read together before heading back to class.

Click on the picture to see more!

Nelson’s Annual Holiday Movie

Frozen @ MetropolisFrozen-El-Capitan-Movie-TheatreDivision 8 walked with their buddies to Metropolis to watch Frozen (& my new favourite Disney character Olaf!) After finally settling into 2 theatres we all enjoyed the show!

Primary Christmas Skate

Primary students travelled by school bus to Bill Copeland Arena on Friday, all bundled up & ready to skate! After lacing up their skates & putting on a helmet, they were ready to show off their skills!
P1140476Click above to see us all in action on the ice!36_8_13

Nelson’s Annual Metropolis Holiday Field Trip

Frozen!! ~ I can’t wait for Thursday, December 12th!!
Click on the picture below to see a super cute trailer for the film

Halloween at St. Michaels

Mrs. Lentz has passed the torch ~ after 22 years of visiting St. Michaels with her Grade 1 class, Mrs. Lentz retired last year and handed down the honour to Divisions 12 & 8. Thursday was our 1st visit of the year, although many grade 3 students in Division 8 were students in Mrs. Lentz’s class 2 years ago. They proved to be incredible leaders while interacting with the seniors at St. Michaels & the grade 1s proved to be just as gracious & friendly with the audience.
Miss Gatenby & I are very, very proud!!

Click on each of the pictures above to see each of our 5 songs performed!

Burnaby Art Gallery ~ Memories of Place

Arts AliveDivision 9 made the short journey to the Burnaby Art Gallery this Wednesday. Thank you parent drivers!! We were there to see 2 exhibits & create some art!

On the 1st floor we saw the Arts Alive exhibit which featured the works of talented Burnaby students. It showcased student paintings, drawings & sculptures depicting a place that holds special memories. We grabbed a clipboard & became gallery detectives & went on a Gallery Search to find key images in the works of art. We found a Pharaoh, fireworks, nighttime, & even a watermelon!
Click here to see their amazing works of art! Well done to all the young artists!

On the gallery’s 2nd floor we saw Focus on the Collection: Wood Engraving which featured a selection of wood engravings which the gallery has been collecting over the past 60 years. We took our clip boards around & studied & drew setting, line detail, & how the artists depicted calm & movement.

The second part of our visit was in the fireside room where we created our own paintings using watercolour paints & watercolour crayons depicting a place that holds special memories . Click on the tree above to see Division 9 artists at work!

* * * special note re: VICTORIA DAY this weekend in Burnaby * * *

GuyFawkesFireworksSmileyHappy-2This Victoria Day Monday from 11am-4:30pm is a special time at the Burnaby Village Museum! Just around the corner from the Art Gallery there’s “entertainment all day long including: Morris Dancers, a parade, and construction of a colossal cake. After the parade, be presented to Queen Victoria by her ladies-in-waiting during the Queen’s Levee. Enjoy a piece of birthday cake.”
Click on the smiley for more details! I hope some of you can go join in the fun!

Esso Cup

banner_2114On Wednesday, April 24th  we were incredibly lucky to have the Edmonton Thunder visit us at Nelson. We welcomed them in our gym with our signs held high, showing our Nelson Spirit! The team autographed signs & pennants before being introduced & seeing a power point full of pictures of their team’s great accomplishments! After the assembly, the girls came around to autograph our planners and answer all of our questions. We wished them luck & then they were on their way to an afternoon game!

red-light-hockey-smiley-emoticonAfter lunch, the BP team from Nova Scotia came to our classrooms & handed out hockey puck erasers & shared their team cheer with us. We met them again during gym class when some team members practiced passing around the puck & shooting with us. What a cool experience!

puckThe best part came on Thursday, April 25th when we went to Bill Copeland arena to cheer on the Edmonton Thunder to a 3-2 win over Quebec! Division 9 had front row seats to all the excitement & were right next to the player’s bench so we got to high five them as they left & returned to the ice each period. Lucky us!

thunderClick on the Edmonton Thunder logo above to see all the action!!