Category Archives: Field Trips

Suncrest Park Field Trip

Tomorrow is our big end of the year all day field trip to Suncresk Water Park!
Suncrest Park has a playground, a large field and sprays for water play.
Each child is welcome to bring whatever they’d like to the park to entertain them for the day, not including money, valuables, squirt or water guns. Whatever they bring, they are responsible for it’s safe return home.

Each child should arrive in the morning, dressed in his/her swimsuit with sunscreen applied and his/her clothes over top. Everyone should wear comfortable sandals that are suitable for walking and water play and bring these items:

  • large towel
  • hat
  • sunscreen
  • healthy lunch & recess snack (reusable containers please)
  • 2 drinks (plastic bottles only, please)
  • large plastic bag for wet towels, clothes, etc.
  • knapsack in which to carry everything

We will be leaving Nelson at 9:30am and returning to school at ~2:00pm.

St. Michaels Visit

On Monday morning, we visited Saint Michaels with Miss Gatenby’s grade 1s   & 2s for our last time this year and sang for the seniors.
I’m so proud of how everyone performed and were so respectful in a much different environment than you’re used to. Way to go grade 3s! I loved watching the seniors sing along with big smiles on their faces.
Thank you St. Michaels for spoiling us with snacks and goodie bags!

Grouse Mountain Field Trip

Last month the Grade 2s, 3s and 4s in Division 7, 8 & 9 traveled by school bus to Grouse Mountain for a day of adventure in the snow!!!
(Click on the smiley above to see pictures of our adventures!)
First, we walked through the winter wonderland of Grouse to have an interactive experience all about bears with bear artifacts, stories and we learned the similarities and differences between the 3 species of North American bears: the grizzly, black bear and polar bear! 

Next, we stepped into an authentic Pacific Northwest Longhouse and had the privilege of having Kwel-a-a-nexw, Grouse’s Squamish First nations elder, take us back in time to discover the traditional way of life of our First Nations people.
After enjoying our lunches in the Grouse Mountain cafeteria, we had a guided snowshoe tour along the Light Walk trail before jumping back on the gondola and travelling down to our awaiting school bus back to school!

Community Cleanup

Nelson spent a beautiful Friday afternoon cleaning up our community and enjoying the sunny afternoon with our buddies.
With bags full and tales of the most interesting item found, we returned to school before heading home for the weekend.
Thank you for all your hard work Nelsonites!


V ~ VACATION from School at Suncrest Water Park! We spent our morning playing in the spray park, on the playground and relaxing on our blankets with our friends. Cool, windy weather unfortunately had us heading back to school after lunch, but we got a quick side visit with Ms. Lawder at South Slope.

O is for School in the OUTDOORS

O ~ We spent our day OUTSIDE at Lumberman’s Arch in beautiful Stanley Park.
We spent the morning down in the intertidal zone discovering there wildlife and creating a “crabitat” and then ate our lunch on the field before playing on the playground in the afternoon. 

Click  to see our fun!

Burnaby Village Museum

Division 7, 8 & 9 spent the day at the Burnaby Village Museum on Tuesday, learning all about life in the 1920s! Highlights were the Carousel, the Burnaby Post & Seaforth School, where Miss Watt picked up a few tips about discipline! Nose & Toes, Boys & Girls!
Click on the carousel
to see some of our fun. 


May Field Trips

In May, division 8 has some exciting adventures planned!
On Monday, May 7th, we will be visiting our neighbour school, South Slope Elementary, for their spectacular musical, Alice in Wonderland. This is a free dress rehearsal performance that we have been invited to see and all parents are welcome to join us! We’ll be leaving at ~12:30 and be returning before 3pm.
On Tuesday, May 8th we will be visiting Burnaby Village Museum for the day. Although we will be taking a bus there, we are looking for parents to join us and help lead a small group around the village.
Please let Ms. Watt know by commenting on this post or writing in your child’s planner if you are able to join us!

Thanks again for your continued support! 🙂

Community Cleanup

Nelson spent Friday afternoon cleaning up our community and enjoying the sunny afternoon with our buddies.

With bags full, we returned to school and were spoiled with a freezie treat.
Thanks PAC!!

St. Michaels Visit

On Thursday morning, we visited Saint Michaels with Miss Gatenby’s grade 1s for our 1st time this year & sang for the seniors.
I’m so proud of how everyone performed and were so respectful in a much different environment than you’re used to. Way to go grade 2s & 3s! 
After entertaining, we were all spoiled with snacks and brought goodie bags back with us to school!