Category Archives: Alphabet Countdown


~ We participated in a Zoom meeting this morning in which we were learning, honouring and celebrating some First Nations, Metis and Inuit Cultures within Canada for National Indigenous History Month. It is always fascinating to continue learning about and VALUING the DIVERSITY that exists within Canada.

Looking forward to celebrating with eee…!!! on Monday!

U is for U-PICK

~ U-PICK the movie! I love the message about believing in yourself and being true to who you are. It may not always feel like it, but people see and appreciate the real you. As long as you try your hardest and persevere, it doesn’t matter whether you’re the best at something. It’s important to be liked for who you are. Be kind and compassionate.

Looking forward to aluing diversity tomorrow!

T is for T-SHIRT

IMG_5272We created some cool T-SHIRT art, showcasing our
very favourites in food, things, friends, places, hobbies and more!

Looking forward to celebrating with – Pick tomorrow!

S is for SUNDAES

~ It was time for the most infamous and popular days of the Alphabet Countdown …Ice Cream SUNDAES!!!
We created our very own ice cream SUNDAES with some neapolitan ice cream and the candy from our E is for Estimation day. I hope nobody got a stomach ache…

Looking forward to celebrating with shirts tomorrow!


~ We escaped the rain and found quiet spots around the classroom and in the hallway to REST, RELAX & READ books with our friends. 


Looking forward to celebrating with undaes tomorrow!

P is for PUZZLES & Q is for MEMORY QUILT

~ We worked together on PUZZLES throughout the day! Laie_27

We worked on memory squares, drawing a picture of our favourite memory of the school year. Ms. Watt will put them together in a QUILT to hang up in her classroom.

Looking forward to celebrating with eading on Monday!

N is for NOTES

Using a artistic medium that will be unveiled this weekend…We wrote NOTES to our Dads and other important people in our lives.




~ We wore Ms. Watt’s favourite colour – ORANGE!



Looking forward to celebrating with uzzles and auilt activity tomorrow!

 ~ is for MacPHERSON OUTDOOR POOL! We brought our swimsuits, towels and goggles and walked to Burnaby South with our friends in Division 7 to escape the rain and have fun in the warm MacPherson Pool water!
Click HERE to see us in action!

Looking forward to celebrating with otes tomorrow!

L is for LETTERS

IMG_7695 ~ We wrote LETTERS to next year’s class, giving them the low down on what it means to be in Ms. Watt’s class. Ms. Watt will be sharing them all with her new students in September!…or maybe just the ones that were kind… 😉

Looking forward to celebrating at acPherson Outdoor Pool tomorrow!

K is for KERNELS

 ~ KERNELS of popcorn!
We popped some popcorn in an old fashioned hot air popcorn popper, the one that Ms. Watt used as a Grade 3 student herself! It was so cool to see it close up instead of waiting outside a microwave!

Looking forward to celebrating with etters to Next Year’s Class tomorrow!