Category Archives: Alphabet Countdown


new-year-countdown-smiley-emoticonMy favourite (soon to be yours too!) time of the school year has arrived!
abc-countdownThe ALPHABECOUNTDOWN has begun!

For the rest of the school year we’ll be celebrating each day with a letter, or two. We’ll be participating in activities &/or dressing in something special to make our last month together memorable & lots of fun!
Today we began with A & spent the day with our favourite stuffed ANIMALS!

Z is for ZOOM out of school & ZIP into summer!

Z ~ A touching Graduation Ceremony – Well done Mr. Morrison, Mr. Phillips & Mrs. Dodd! – marked our last day together for the 2012-13 school year before ZOOMING out of Nelson & ZIPPING into summer!

Everybody went home with their own imagesFlat Stanley selves & I can’t wait to see all the places that you explore this summer! Love you Division 9, have a TON of fun this summer & I can’t wait to see you all in September! 

t4511 Miss Watt

Y is for YIPEEE!!! …

P1110217Y ~ …It’s the Last Day of School!
We celebrated the accomplishments of the Intermediate students in the morning during the awards ceremony. Can’t wait to see you up there next year!
After recess, we met with Mrs. Roberts in the library & watched everyone’s completed Ipad Story while enjoying a licorice treat. It was so cool to see everybody’s hard work! Make sure to read each others stories through the post I put up & comment on what you enjoyed about each others stories!
In the afternoon we had YIPPEE, it’s YEAR END free time!
Clickclicking-your-heels-smiley-emoticonto see our last photos of the YEAR!


X ~ Who doesn’t love eXPLOSIONS!?

We learned more about volcanic eXPLOSIONS v11242hwigy in the morning & then eXPERIMENTED with our own mini volcanoes in the afternoon!
Click bth_volcano1trto see our fun! 

W is for WALKING to the WATER PARK

W ~ Well…what was supposed to be
WALKING to the WATER PARK, turned into 2 WET 2 WALK 2 WATER PARK

Instead of Suncrest WATER PARK, we got to enjoy inside activities with the other primary students. In the morning we played games in our classroom & out in the primary hallway & then in the afternoon we watched a movie in the gym! Not a bad 2nd choice!Rain-animated-animation-rain-smiley-emoticon-000400-large

V is for VIDEO

P1110209V ~ images is in theatres, so we enjoyed the VIDEO Monsters_Inc!


P1110186U ~ We celebrated the sun by wearing our shades-animated-animation-shades-smiley-emoticon-000387-largeSUNGLASSES,
some more UNUSUAL than others!

T is for T-SHIRT

favourite-t-shirtT ~ We wore our favourite T-SHIRTS & created some cool T-SHIRT art.

S is for SUNDAES!

P1110149S ~ It was time for the most infamous & popular days of the Alphabet Countdown …Ice Cream SUNDAES!!!
We created our very own ice cream SUNDAES with some neopolitan ice cream & the candy from our E is for Estimation day. I hope nobody got a stomach ache…
Click ice-creamto see our fun!


P1110145R ~ We spent some time in the beautiful, sunny afternoon out on Nelson’s front lawn. After finding the perfect spot to REST & RELAX, we shared books with our friends. We got a great surprise when Miss Tsakalos’ class came out to READ with us. Thanks for sharing your books Kindergartens!!
Clickps-smilies-readingto see our fun!