Category Archives: Alphabet Countdown

G is for GUEST & GAMES

G ~ We started off our day welcoming a GUEST into our classroom! Magnetic Megan from Mad Science visited us & we did some ecosystem exploration! We learned about the interconnections that exist between all living things in ecosystems including humans. Click HERE for more pictures!
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G ~ In the afternoon we had our free choice of GAMES to play with our friends!


F ~ After a wee bit of a wait for our Freezies to Freeze & for the sun to come back out, we headed outside today for some FREE TIME  & cooled down with some refreshing FREEZIES! We enjoyed blue raspberrycherrygrape & everyone’s favourite, cream soda!summer-animated-animation-weather-smiley-emoticon-000399-large


EISFORE ~ JujubesM&Ms, Jelly BeansSours… Count the Candies!!
We spent the morning using referents & good ‘ol fashioned thoughtful guesses to ESTIMATE how many candies were in the jars.

After all the Guessing Jar estimates had been counted, the winners were announced in the afternoon. Drumroll please………

Anna, Cecilia, Trinity & Yi had the closest estimates!
Well done to all Division 8 students for their excellent estimates! Can’t wait to enjoy the candies at another Alphabet Countdown day very soon…


D ~ DINOSAUR books, drawing books, matching games, pattern blocks, posters, toys & more! We spent the day learning lots about dinosaurs, watching a movie in the morning & then doing different dino activities in the afternoon.greenproject-jp

C is for CHALK

C ~ pink, orange, bluegreen, white…sidewalk CHALK!
We got our creative juices going & decorated Nelson’s cement surfaces with our chalk pictures & writing. Thank you rain for holding off!
Click 3865335-smile-sign-smiley-sketched-with-white-chalk-on-blackboard to see our fun!

B is for BUBBLES

B ~ bubbles, Bubbles, & MORE BUBBLES! Using big wands, small wands, pipes,  pipe cleaners & even our hands, we created hundreds of beautiful bubbles!!
 Click    1280337hlt3uzzwj4to see our fun!


new-year-countdown-smiley-emoticonMy favourite (soon to be yours too!) time of the school year has arrived!abc-countdownThe ALPHABECOUNTDOWN has begun!

For the rest of the school year we’ll be celebrating each day with a letter, or two. We’ll be participating in activities &/or dressing in something special to make our last month together memorable & lots of fun!IMG_7131Today we began with A & spent the day with our favourite stuffed ANIMALS!

S is for SUNDAES

S ~ It was time for the most infamous & popular days of the Alphabet Countdown …Ice Cream SUNDAES!!!

We created our very own ice cream SUNDAES with some neopolitan ice cream & the candy from our E is for Estimation day. I hope nobody got a stomach ache…
Click ice-creamto see our fun!

P is for PUZZLES & Q is for QUILT

jigsaw-quiltP ~ We worked together on PUZZLES throughout the day.

Q ~ We also worked on memory squares, drawing a picture of our favourite memory of the school year. Miss Watt will put them together in a QUILT to hang up in her classroom.

O is for ORANGE

O ~ We wore Miss Watt’s favourite colour – ORANGE!

I-Love-OrangeClick on the picture for a closer look!