Category Archives: Alphabet Countdown

S is for SUNDAES

IMG_8011S ~ It was time for the most infamous & popular days of the Alphabet Countdown …Ice Cream SUNDAES!!!

We created our very own ice cream SUNDAES with some neopolitan ice cream & the candy from our E is for Estimation day. I hope nobody got a stomach ache…

Click ice-creamto see our fun!


IMG_7994R ~ We spent some time in the beautiful, sunny afternoon out on Nelson’s front lawn. After finding the perfect spot to REST & RELAX, we shared books with our friends. We had a nice surprise when Mrs. Roberts came out to READ with us. Thanks for joining us!
Clickps-smilies-readingto see our fun!

Q is for QUILT

Q ~ We also worked on memory squares, drawing a picture of our favourite memory of the school year. Miss Watt will put them together in a QUILT to hang up in her classroom.

O is for ORANGE & P is for PUZZLES


O ~ We wore Miss Watt’s favourite colour – ORANGE!

P ~ We worked together on PUZZLES in the afternoon!


IMG_7843N ~ We celebrated our NELSON Pride by wearing NELSON NIGHTHAWK tattoos & writing about our latest adventure to Burnaby Village with our NELSON classmates!

M is for MUSEUM

M ~ Division 7 & 8 spent the day at the Burnaby Village MUSEUM learning all about life in the 1920s! Highlights were the carousel, blacksmith shop &  the school house, where Miss Watt picked up a few tips about discipline!
IMG_7737 IMG_7761
Click Carousel9to see our fun!

K is for KERNELS & L is for LETTERS

IMG_7692K ~ KERNELS of popcorn
We popped some popcorn in a couple old fashioned hot air popcorn poppers, including the one that Miss Watt used as a Grade 3 student! It was so cool to see it close up instead of waiting outside a microwave!
Click popcornto see our fun!

IMG_7695L ~ We wrote LETTERS to next year’s class, giving them the low down on what it means to be in Miss Watt’s class. Miss Watt will be sharing them all with her new students in September!…or maybe just the ones that were kind… 😉


Poppin_Rockets_0128J ~ JUMPY Poppin Rockets! Science with baking soda & vinegar!
We created a chemical reaction in a film canister! The vinegar reacts with the baking soda and produces carbon dioxide gas. Pressure builds up until the small canister can no longer contain the gas. The lid pops off, the canister shoots up into the air, the gas escapes, and the pressure is released.
CLICK HERE & HERE to see videos of our rockets in action!!

Click p0310to see our fun!

I is for IT’S SPORTS DAY!!!

keep-calm-actually-don-t-it-s-sports-dayI~ We IGNITED your spirit & you IMPRESSED us
with your sportsmanship. IT was
Congratulations to Blue House on 
their big win!
Click on the picture above to see us in action!

Thank you to our PAC for providing such
yummy eats today! smileys-cz-12

H is for HATS

IMG_7581H ~ We took the opportunity today to break school rules & wear our favourite HATS all day long (along with our green for Spirit Day points)! We may need them again tomorrow in the heat of the Sports Day sun…