Category Archives: Alphabet Countdown

Z is for ZOOM out of school & ZIP into summer!

~ One last hour together as 2023/24’s Division 9 Grade 2/3s – marked our last day together this school year before ZOOMING out of Nelson & ZIPPING into summer! We watched a PHOTO STORY of our year together, took photos about what we’re going to be when we grow up and Ms. Watt shared one of her very favourite Dr. Seuss books, Oh, the Places You’ll Go.
Love you lots Division 9 and thank you for all your hard work this past school year. Have a TON of fun this summer and I can’t wait to see you all on the 1st day back in September!
t4511Ms. Watt

V is for VACATION from school and W is for WATERPARK!

We had  a ACATION from school work and we walked to Suncrest
ATERPARK with the rest of the primaries for a day in the sun and water!

Looking forward to celebrating with some undaes an eit from school  tomorrow!

T is for T-SHIRTS

We created some cool T-SHIRT art, showcasing our
very favourites in food, things, friends, places, hobbies & more!

Looking forward to eading and “ Get an Award!” tomorrow!


Today we walked to t. Michaels with Grade 3s in Division 7 and 8 to sing for the seniors!
stay tuned for pictures!

Can’t wait forecret Park tomorrow anduncrest Park on Tuesday!

Looking forward to celebrating with shirts tomorrow!


Today we uit school and went to go see a movie!
Click HERE to see some pictures of us at the theatre
and then after lunch at Bonsor Park.

Looking forward to singing at t. Michaels tomorrow!

O is for ORANGE & P is for PUZZLES


~ We wore Ms. Watt’s favourite colour – ORANGE!
~ We worked together on PUZZLES throughout the day! Laie_27

Looking forward to celebrating with a Let’s uit School and See a Movie Day tomorrow!


~ To celebrate some school pride, Division 9 students received Nelson Nighthawk bracelets to take home in Nelson’s colours, purple and yellow. I hope everyone wears theirs proudly!



Looking forward to celebrating with range and uzzles tomorrow!


M is for MOVIE and K is for KERNELS

~ MOVIE! In preparation for our field trip to see Inside Out 2 next week, we enjoyed watching the original version while eating some freshly popped
of popcorn!.
We popped some popcorn in an old fashioned hot air popcorn popper, the one that Ms. Watt used as a Grade 3 student herself! It was so cool to see it close up instead of waiting outside a microwave!

Looking forward to celebrating ourelson Nighthawk pride tomorrow!

L is for LETTERS

IMG_7695 ~ We wrote LETTERS to next year’s class, giving them the low down on what it means to be in Ms. Watt’s class. Ms. Watt will be sharing them all with her new students in September!…or maybe just the ones that were kind… 😉

Looking forward to celebrating with with ernels and a ovie tomorrow!


~ We took the opportunity today to shade ourselves from the sun, break school rules and wear our favourite HATS all day long!
~ JUMPY Poppin Rockets! Science with baking soda & vinegar!
We created a chemical reaction in a film canister! The vinegar reacts with the baking soda and produces carbon dioxide gas. Pressure builds up until the small canister can no longer contain the gas. The lid pops off, the canister shoots up into the air, the gas escapes, and the pressure is released.

Looking forward to celebrating with etters to Next Year’s Class tomorrow!