S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Division 7 & 8 have been learning about healthy eating this term and students are bringing home their Vegetables and Fruit SMART Goals sheet today. Click on the image below if you’d like to read more about Canada’s New Food Guide which emphasizes eating plants, drinking water and cooking at home.Your child has set a goal for this coming week. Everyone’s goal is a little different, but they all include eating more fruits and vegetables. 
Ms. Tsumori and I would appreciate it if families can help their child reach their goal, or you are welcome to adjust it so that it is S.M.A.R.T. for your family.

S ~ Specific  M ~ Measurable  A ~ Attainable  R ~ Realistic  T ~ Timely

We’ll be discussing everyone’s progress when we meet again next week.  Please return the sheet on Wednesday. Thanks so much for your continued support!

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