Burnaby Art Gallery ~ Memories of Place

Arts AliveDivision 9 made the short journey to the Burnaby Art Gallery this Wednesday. Thank you parent drivers!! We were there to see 2 exhibits & create some art!

On the 1st floor we saw the Arts Alive exhibit which featured the works of talented Burnaby students. It showcased student paintings, drawings & sculptures depicting a place that holds special memories. We grabbed a clipboard & became gallery detectives & went on a Gallery Search to find key images in the works of art. We found a Pharaoh, fireworks, nighttime, & even a watermelon!
Click here to see their amazing works of art! Well done to all the young artists!

On the gallery’s 2nd floor we saw Focus on the Collection: Wood Engraving which featured a selection of wood engravings which the gallery has been collecting over the past 60 years. We took our clip boards around & studied & drew setting, line detail, & how the artists depicted calm & movement.

The second part of our visit was in the fireside room where we created our own paintings using watercolour paints & watercolour crayons depicting a place that holds special memories . Click on the tree above to see Division 9 artists at work!

* * * special note re: VICTORIA DAY this weekend in Burnaby * * *

GuyFawkesFireworksSmileyHappy-2This Victoria Day Monday from 11am-4:30pm is a special time at the Burnaby Village Museum! Just around the corner from the Art Gallery there’s “entertainment all day long including: Morris Dancers, a parade, and construction of a colossal cake. After the parade, be presented to Queen Victoria by her ladies-in-waiting during the Queen’s Levee. Enjoy a piece of birthday cake.”
Click on the smiley for more details! I hope some of you can go join in the fun!

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