Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is a total of 90 students in a Red House meeting.SmileyNumberOne
There were 89 students in the red house meeting. 1 was late. How many in all? ~ Mia
There are 10 students & Nicholas takes 80, but 5 do not come. So, Sukhuman gets 5. How many in all? ~ Lincoln

There are 130 people in red house. Mrs. Mur Mur Mur made 5 people get out! Then Chloe made 5 people go buy her macaroons for her sale. Then Julia made 10 people go buy her doughnuts. Then Casandra gets ANGRY & complains there are too many people! Then Casandra makes 15 people leave then falls into lala land. la la la la la Then 5 people leave to go to a party! Then they came back! Then 5 more people had dance then left. Then the people shopping for macaroons come back! Then Mrs. James stays for 1 minute then leaves to feed Squishy. How many people at the meeting? ~ Chloe
There are 70 people. 30 people come but then 10 people went to the washroom. When they came back they remembered they were in blue house & gold house. How many people were not in blue or gold house? ~ Cayla
70 students in red house & 10 of blue house students leave & 10 of green house leave to join red. Chloe said What are you doing? Come back! Everyone said No. How many in red house? ~ Sahana
110 people going to the Red House meeting. Then Chloe said, “I’m hungry” & went to get a macaroon. Then 5 more people said, “I want a macaroon too” so they left! Then Julia said, “Why go to this meeting when we can go for a doughnut instead?” Then 5 people said Great idea! So they left then Cayla decided to have a Spelling Bee then 10 people said I want to go & 1 of them was Sahana & she won. How many people still going to the house meeting? ~ Casandra

IMG_4718Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Friday!

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