Library Success! YAY!!

What an exciting day in the library & a wonderful way to start off the new year!! In a show of awesome reading & responsibility, all students in Division 3 returned their Bookbeast 50 nights sheet & all their library books! Yay!!!
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This is my 1st class at Nelson to have 100% & I am so excited to have everyone reach 100 nights over the next couple months! Keep up the reading & recording each night Grade 3s & don’t forget your library books next Wednesday morning! Let’s keep our own pillar in the library by adding stars by the end of January!!

Before that happens, Grade 3s (& parents if you’d like!) share below what your favourite book was to read over the holidays. Or, if you’d like, do you have a favourite Christmas story you enjoy reading each year as a tradition?
Why is it your favourite?

I look forward to reading all about these wonderful books!!

Place your computer mouse over the books below to see who is reading / has read which books! Keep up the great work Grade 3s!

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