canadadayIMG_9398I hope everyone had lots of fun celebrating Canada Day!! I always wish we were still in school for the holiday so we could celebrate together & continue to learn lots of cool things about our fabulous country of Canada! Make sure to answer the poll & share what you did with your family &/or friends!
I went to a bbq & got to visit with one of my very best friends from Simon Fraser University, Allyson. She moved to Baltimore, Maryland with her husband 6 years ago & this was her first time back in 4 years! I missed her! We ate lots of good food & I got to play with her two kids, Connor & Grace. We’ll be travelling down to Seattle for the 4th of July before they get back on a plane to fly home on Saturday. I’ll share pictures of all the cool stuff we’re sure to see as Seattle celebrates their country’s big day!

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