Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Author: Lillian (Page 2 of 9)

Bubbles, Bubbles and More Bubbles

Hi StrongStart friends,

Sunny weather is here and it’s time to take out the bubble solution and have some fun!

We had fun the other day at StrongStart making gigantic bubbles. Thanks to teacher Beth for making the special wands for us! We used this Recipe for Giant Bubbles:

  • 6 cups of warm water
  • ½ cup of Blue Dawn original dishwashing detergent
  • 1 Tbsp of corn syrup (or glycerin, if you happen to have some)

Mix all of the ingredients together (gently!). The bubble liquid gets better the longer it sits, it should sit overnight at least. The solution gets better with age and should last a while! Tip: just dip wand into the solution, don’t stir or swish, otherwise it creates small bubbles and stops working.

It took some practice. Grandma was modeling and soon- success! A gigantic bubble!

Chasing bubbles was so much fun too!

Sometimes we just watched how big bubbles make amazing shadows!

Sometimes you blow and see them getting bigger and bigger.

Sometimes they just pop!








Babies love floating, glistening bubbles too, what a joy to watch their faces as bubbles shimmer in the sun.  The bubbles will help build their eye-hand coordination as they will want to reach out and touch them! What a wonderful sensory discovery! What happens when you touch a bubble? How does it feel? Show your toddler how to blow gently and slowly, show them how to pop bubbles by clapping them between your hands. What a delight and endless fun as they will be chasing after the bubbles to do it again, and again! Good for their physical development too. By talking about different actions and textures you will help children grow their vocabulary as well.

By adding songs you will enrich their experience. I was inspired to learn a few new ones from the book Bubble Play published by Key Porter Books.

Click here to watch Ms. Lillian sing bubble songs.

For older children we can try counting bubbles, catching them with your hand or your spoon or in a plastic cup. We can chase them,  pop them on your nose, on your neck, dodge them, float them by waving a leaf or a hand to make a motion. Bubbles help us wash our hands, we can wash our dog, we can wash our dolls or toys with a bit of soapy water.

If you do not have a ready bubble solution, you can make your own.

Another Home Made Bubble Solution (Using Sugar)

Mix 2 Tbsp of dish soap (Joy and Dawn seems to work the best), 1 cup of water and 1 Tsp of sugar. Stir gently until sugar is dissolved. Pour the solution into a container and use bubble wands to blow huge bubbles. There are many other recipes, but most require glycerin.

I made some wands from objects I found at home: zip ties, twisted pipe cleaners, a long piece of aluminum foil which I twisted tight, a cut-out lid attached to a chopstick with a piece of duck tape. I made a cone out of a cut-out milk jug with a 6-7 cm opening at one end, secured again with a duck tape (that one made the best bubbles!).

You can paint with bubbles (by adding a tiny bit of paint in the solution in a tray and then blowing them and making them pop on a paper.








Ms. Lillian




Serve and Return

Dear StrongStart families,

Here is a post from our community partner Anita Olsen. Let us SERVE AND RETURN!

As the Early Childhood Community Consultant in Burnaby, I absolutely love visiting the outdoor StrongStart programs. There is something almost magical about the outdoor exploration that happens when parents/caregivers and their children connect with one another.

I spend a lot of time talking about the need children have to feel connected to the big people in their immediate world (mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, or whoever makes up your immediate “family”). When children feel connected to their big people they feel safe and secure, and when children feel safe and secure, they learn that the world is a safe place to explore and learn in. Feeling connected to their big people helps them feel important, and a child who feels important is gaining self-confidence and acts on their curiosity to explore. A child who feels connected to their big people feels that they are listened to and understood – and children who are listened to and understood are far more likely to listen to others (even their big people) and practice empathy.
Being connected with our children through outdoor play offers countless opportunities to engage in what leading researchers at Harvard’s Centre on the Developing Child refer to as, “serve and return” interactions.

For the most part, these are everyday interactions that can happen anytime and in any place. They are back and forth exchanges based on a child’s interest – a child “serves” by showing an interest in something and the adult “returns” that “serve” by responding in a supportive way. Here’s a great example of a “serve and return” interaction.

In this picture, L. shows an interest in the distant sound of a train’s horn, this is his “serve”. Dad “returns” this “serve” by first sharing the focus with L. , he pauses and listens to the train’s horn with his son. Dad continues to return L’s serve by naming the sound, “Yeah, you hear the train”. By naming what our children are seeing, hearing, doing or feeling helps them make understanding of the world around us and what to expect from it – not to mention all that language development it fosters. L. responds to his dad with a train sound – now they are taking turns and L. gets to practice self-control and how to relate to others, in this case his dad. When dad is waiting, giving L. a chance to respond, L. has the opportunity to develop more ideas, build up confidence and independence. Finished with the train’s horn, L. goes back to his leaf collection and dad offers a hand when the leaves are too high.

In those moments we practice ending and beginning – when we can find these moments for our children to take the lead we can fully support them in exploring their world and make more serve and return interactions possible.
Strong Starts are there to facilitate the connection of the parent/caregiver and child relationship – for them to engage in these “serve and return” interactions.

Unfortunately, we don’t live at Strong Start and life is full. Now, if we were able to return every single serve that our child gives us a) we would be absolutely exhausted and b) we’d be robbing them of full human condition! Disappointment or frustration is a natural part of life. Sometimes we may miss a “serve” and that’s okay, there will be more to return. Sometimes our return to a serve isn’t what our little one has in mind and gets upset, this is okay too.

If time is up at Strong Start and your little one serves you with “I don’t want to leave!!!” it doesn’t mean that your “return” has to comply – what it needs to do is exactly the same as what L. and his dad practiced. Share the focus – here the focus is on not wanting to leaving the park. Then you name it – “Sounds like you’re feeling upset the time is up” and wait to see how they respond. Asking a question about what they liked best or if they could stay all day what would they wish to do, can help get into some turn taking – remember, give them the chance to respond. As you move through this with them, honour the ending of the time and associated feelings. Endings can be really hard, and they need practice too.
Share the focus – pay attention to what they find interesting (or hard)
Support and encourage – name it (what they see, hear, feel, do…). Take turns – wait to see how they respond.
Practice endings and beginnings.

If you would like more detailed information about “serve and return” I highly recommend checking out the Harvard University Centre on the Developing Child. 

I look forward to visiting again!

Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd

Early Childhood Community Consultant

M 604 723 9548

3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7







A Story About Our First Outdoor Exploration at Our StrongStart

Hi StrongStart families,

We started our first SSC outdoor day by our StrongStart portable looking and finding what gifts nature left for us: branches from nearby trees, some of which were broken by intense winds, and smaller twigs. We could not resist picking a few wild flowers, blew on our first dandelions of the season, and found some leftover pine cones and chestnuts we had played with before. We brought our finds back to the centre and used some colourful yarn and pipe cleaners to attach them to our porch fence to decorate our outdoor space.


We  started with weaving the yarn on the fence, and moms helped. At that point, A. was much more interested in exploring the length of his bundle of yarn, feeling it first, finding it stretchy and unfolding it to see how long it is. What a hands-on way to learn about math concept of length!

In the meantime C. and her mom were busy creating a nature web on our fence, attaching cones, twigs, appreciating the colour and shape of flowers and bendable pipe cleaners along with recycled tart shells. They were supplied by me as a way of displaying some delicate flowers  and chestnuts she cherished.

A. had the idea to explore one of the big pine cones by throwing it on the ground. When he observed that some seeds were falling from the cone, this  kept him  engaged for a very long time. Over and over he was throwing the pine cone. He was mesmerized by watching the falling seed petals and he started changing the height from which he threw the cone and varying force.  I knew that he was engaged in both transformational and trajectory schemes when children study, carefully and intentionally, the interesting changes that happen because of their action. That is why I was not encouraging him to go back to the original plan and why we continued with this explorations, abandoning all the rest of planned activities.

For privacy reasons, those photos do not include his face, but I can assure you he was so focused and engaged in his exploration.

Something of the experience reminded A. of making nests and birds, and he started talking about it. I asked if he would like to build a nest. After seeing his interest piqued, I provided a small wicker plate. I had some play dough we played with earlier at hand. Sure enough, the idea of making the eggs for his nest out of play dough soon came to him (this play was taking place shortly after lived experiences with eggs at Easter). He enjoyed adding to his nest by gifting bird with flowers and blooms and some seed petals from the pine cone.

C.  overheard that we were talking about making bird’s nest and she liked the idea. She got her ‘nest’ dish and asked for a bird. The idea of making eggs was so exciting that little ‘egg gifts’ were soon attached to other objects.

In the meantime, A. continued to have fun with making eggs too and started decorating them with some seeds and wood chips.

The next day, the first thing L. noticed when he arrived on the porch for his indoor visit was the intricate nature web on the fence. He loved it! I promised that instead of outside storytime we could continue to add to our nature web.

L.  was enjoying looking at the objects, touching everything, feeling the textures, soft and stretchy yarn. Baby R. was learning though his senses too!  Seeing how much he enjoyed his sensory exploration, I provided L. with some leftover materials. He was ready to start creating and enjoying new textures.


When we slow down and observe closely, we are able to see children’ s curious minds at work.

Please feel free to send me pictures of those special moments.

Take care,

Ms. Lillian


An Update About Community Programs

Dear families,

I hope you are enjoying cherry blossoms and nice weather! Here is a compilation from Anita Olsen’s Newsletter, thanks Anita!

Click here: FREE Burnaby Programs and More FINAL Spring 2021 Master Burnaby (1) to check out the family program list compiled from The Burnaby Early Childhood Development Table! This comprehensive list has up-to date programing, links to registration and lots of choice for families this spring. Choose from circle times, parenting programs, workshops and more!

Family Services of Greater Vancouver is offering some great virtual community programs – click here: NewWest_CEDS_2021_SpringProgramFlyer to check out all the details. Children’s programing , parenting groups and single mom’s group – if you are interested and would like to register call 604-368-2154 or email ceds-nw@fsgv.ca

Also, here is now only one phone number and one on-line booking for the province’s age-based vaccine roll-out. Please see the link below, now seniors born anytime in 1950 or earlier can book their vaccine. Translations available on the page  https://www2.gov.bc.ca/getvaccinated.html  When you are eligible, register online at getvaccinated.gov.bc.ca or by phone at 1-833-838-2323 (toll free). You can also register in-person at your nearest Service BC location.
  •   www.vroom.org is a Harvard based child development resource for families filled with information about and how to foster your child’s development through games and play. The simple games offered are backed up with “Brainy Background” quotes to provide parents and caregivers more context of what type of learning is engaged. Here’s a little example:

    Anytime anywhere

    Sing, Read, Repeat

    Your child probably enjoys listening to their favorite stories and songs over and over again. After singing or telling stories with them, ask if they want more. How do they respond? Do they nod or squirm away? Talk about their actions like, “You said yes!” or “You look like you’re all done.”

    Brainy background

    Children learn through repetition and shared back-and-forth conversations. Repeating stories and songs helps your child understand the meaning behind words. It sets the stage for talking, and eventually reading. They’re learning the basics of communication!

    Here are a couple of ideas for Spring art.

  • April showers bring May flowers! If you are feeling crafty this morning and have a glue gun, a paper grocery bag and some artificial flowers on hand, you have all the fixings to make a Paper Bag Tiara! First cut off the bottom of the paper bag and carefully roll it outwards all the way down – you will end up with a paper circle. Use the glue gun to tack the bag closed. Have your little one choose which flowers and where to attach them on the crown, glue in place. An easy and beautiful spring crown for your little princess or prince! For a visual tutorial, check out happyhooligans.ca
  •  I hope you’ve been able to take in the beautiful cherry blossoms while they last. There are lots of cherry tree art projects for children to engage with and for a more sensorial experience, you can make your own 3-D  bouquet! With a few gathered sticks from outside wrapped together with yarn or another string, stick this into a clay or playdough base. Using torn up bits of pink tissue paper, dipping them into a little dish of white glue and attaching them to the sticks, your little one can create a 3-D likeness of these beautiful blossoms. Easy and fun! Check out howwelearn.com for step by step pictures.

    Here is Anita’s info: If you are interested in a free one-on-one consultation about your child’s development, behavior, parenting tips, tricks and education please email, call or text Anita, to set up either a virtual appointment or a socially distanced visit in one of Burnaby’s many parks. Her contact is: aolson@fsgv.ca or 604-723-9548.

    Enjoy the Spring and stay healthy and safe!

    Ms. Lillian

Goodbye to Ernie Winch Park

Dear StrongStart families,

We have been visiting Ernie Winch park for many months now as a part of our outdoor explorations on Fridays. Now that the weather is getting warmer, the park is getting busier, and it would be getting harder to find a spot where our small group would be in a bubble. So many children want to join in!

So, from now on, we will be meeting on Fridays in front of our centre and exploring the area and nature around it, close by and further away. Please let me know if you wish to book a Friday exploration visit.

As we say goodbye to Ernie Winch Park, let’s revisit some of our explorations.

We looked around and spied with our special “eye”!

If you look closely, you can spy Grandma M’ s eye too.

We carefully looked using the magnifying glasses for things to observe up-close.

Sometimes we found unexpected, wonderful surprises. D. said delighted “I found a feather, look here!”.

We explored all nature’s presents found in the park. We collected chestnuts and made chestnut stew.

We discovered where we can find seeds and look for more.

We enjoyed using nature’s gifts and our imagination.  L. made a caterpillar and a bumble bee and all made special pinecone ornaments.

We have had so much fun with bubbles!

We wondered what made some bubbles burst fast and some stick for so long? What happened to bubbles when there are strong winds or when is so cold?

We have so much fun playing actively and enjoying the stories.

I wonder what discoveries we will make while exploring the nature around our centre, using our eyes, senses and thinking deeply? In what ways will we discover our creativity and our relationship with new materials? How we will be using our bodies while finding joy in nature and making new friendships?

See you there,

Ms. Lillian


Spring is Here!

Dear StrongStart friends,

Many families celebrate holidays during spring months – Nowruz, Persian New Year, just passed, Passover, Easter and Ramadan are upon us. Maybe you just celebrate Spring and new beginnings. We are still living in challenging, emotionally charged times, but there is a HOPE in new beginnings which is the essence of Spring. Hope holds a central space in all holiday celebrations.

I am wishing you a lot of happy, joyous times together during holidays you are celebrating, even that we have to celebrate with your immediate family. Whether you are celebrating religious or secular holidays, holidays are always about love and HOPE!

My wish is that we all find ways to make happy memories with our family, filled with light, love and HOPE!

Here are few pictures from our art explorations at StrongStart today. Easy art: you can use electrical tape or masking tape and paint over it.

When done, peel the tape off and a nice design appears- just like magic!

E. was very proud of his art!

You can also use Q-tips to decorate the egg cut-out,  just like artists used to do (pointillism) or use feathers to make some marks on the paper.

We used egg shells (desinfected, of course) for our sensory exploration today.

Stay safe and healthy, following all the health recommendations.

Much love,

Ms. Lillian

Additional Community Support For You

The Social Emotional Development in the early years (SED) from Child Health BC has began a public messaging campaign and I would like to share some of their wonderful information. Social and emotional development is critical in the early years (birth to 6 years old). Building the capacity to form close relationships, experiencing, managing and expressing a full range of emotions and exploring and learning about their environments leads to healthy brain development, success in school, increased community involvement and success in future employment. What can we do as parents and caregivers?

The Burnaby Primary Care Network has compiled a contact sheet with various supports from help finding a doctor, mental health support, or discrimination or racism supports.  Check it out here or click on the attached poster – multiple languages available online.

The Early Childhood Development Table has compiled a wonderful program resource for families – check out the poster to see fabulous free programing Burnaby offers for families and children from Mother Goose to Circle of Security, there’s something for everyone! Visit The Burnaby ECD Table at www.kidsinburnaby.ca or the Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/BurnabyECDCommunityTable.

Information Children hosts an Online Family Story time. Join online for a 30-min interactive story time with songs and easy art activities! Suitable for ages 18-months-5 years old. Register here, check out the attached poster for more information or email/call them info@informationchildren.com – 778.782.3548 to sign up.

Feelings Come and Feelings Go

Hello my StrongStart friends,

We have all been riding this emotional rollercoaster for more than a year now.  Every day brings a variety of emotions: fear, anxiety, relief knowing our loved ones are safe, sometimes  getting lost in a moment still brings us happiness.

When young children experience strong emotions, they do not have our wisdom to know that the feeling will pass. They need a loving adult to help them learn to manage their emotions by naming and acknowledging feelings with understanding and empathy (“I know you are frustrated because… I wish we could…” I understand… ). Children need to know that is OK to have all sort of feelings, and that adults have them too.


CLICK HERE to hear me read Llama, Llama red Pajama by Anna Dewdney, published by Penguin Random House. Little Llama goes through all sorts of emotions  and is comforted and reassured by her loving mama the end of the book .

Previously, I have shared how in our StrongStart we are teaching our children to to learn to recognize their strong emotions  by naming them (” You feel… angry or sad…”).  We ask them to take a deep breath, we offer them a hug. Nowdays I’m finding that I  I need to remind myself of these same things.

Let us do it together: Let us take a deep breath in. Slowly, deeply! Fill your lungs with air. Then pause. Take a deep, long  breath out. Do it together with your child, all of your children. You will be giving them a life-long gift; knowing how to manage strong emotions. They will be grateful to you!

CLICK HERE to hear the song we often sing in StrongStart to help us deal with different emotions. It is called “Happy Firetruck”.

To give love to your child you need to be kind to yourself too. We all need to look for ways to comfort ourselves, do something that brings us smile, joy and light! Small or big. To calm my emotions I often need to stop what I was doing and take a deep breath, focus on my breathing and nothing else. I plan time to do something that brings me joy: walk in the nature, connecting with people dear to me in any way I can, smelling my lavender plant…


Take care, we are all in this together!

Ms. Lillian





Celebrating Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year

Dear StrongStart friends,

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I am sending my love and best wishes your way. Let us celebrate by reading two books.  CLICK HERE to hear me read “I Love You Book” by Todd Parr, published by Little, Brown and Company.

Another book you will hear me reading is a rebus poem “I Love You” by Jean Marzollo, illustrated by Suse MacDonald, published by Scholastic.

CLICK HERE to join me in singing Skinamarinky Dinky Dink song.

For those of you who celebrate Chinese New Year, I wish you best of luck and Happy New Year –  GUNG HAY FAT CHOY! CLICK HERE to hear me read “My First Chinese New Year” book by Karen Katz. The book is published by Henry Holt and Company.

Enjoy these special holidays, together!

Ms. Lillian

Parenting Support and Resources

Dear StrongStart families,

Many of you know Anita, our wonderful Early Childhood Community Consultant from her in-person visits StrongStart in happy times.  Anita is now joining us every other Friday for our scheduled outdoor explorations (and consultations) for those registered and booked families.

Anita is currently offering:

  •  Free one-on-one consultations: learn about your child’s development, behavior and parenting tips and tricks to support them.  Email or call, Anita, to set up a free virtual appointment aolson@fsgv.ca 604-723-9548.
  • The Power of Play – Book a Wednesday morning one-on-one play session with Anita – Enjoy a private play space with your little one as Anita coaches and models child-led play, establishing healthy boundaries, turn taking and so much more with parents/caregivers and their child. Call/text or email, 604-723-9548 or email aolson@fsgv.ca to see availability
  • ECCC Resource Newsletter – short, informative, daily newsletter with children’s activities, up-to-date community activities, parenting tips and more. Email Anita aolson@fsgv.ca with the heading ADD ME TO NEWSLETTER to receive yours! You can also check out the archived newsletters here.
  • Anita is a regular contributor to The Parenting Place Blog, an excellent resource for families. Click below to follow!  You will be soon able to find it on top of our blog page as Parenting Place – Activities for Children.


parentingplace – Medium

A resource for families focusing on activities for children, parent education and self-care. Our goal is to help strengthen the parent child relationship & ensure children are nurtured, youth find optimism, adults feel empowered and parents make choices that build strong families.



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