
Annual Plan Book List

Annual Plans for Schools

The Indigenous Team at The Burnaby School District has been working with schools to develop an annual plan based around the Indigenous Ways Of Knowing. The themes emerging from these plans are:

Gaining a deeper understand of the land we are on.


Land and it’s connection with Wellness and Resiliency.

Each school is in the process of developing ideas and activities around these themes for the school year. For each season (following the Coast Salish Round Cycles), the school will be implementing these ideas and activities. I will be involved in these ideas and activities as well by providing cultural enhancements for the classes with Indigenous students.

To help carry out these annual plan themes, I wanted to post a list of books related to these themes.

*Teachers, please check with your school librarian for these books.

*Parents, you can purchase these books through the following websites:




Our Traditional Medicines-Sally Williams

The Cedar Tree: Our Culture, Our Tree-Bobbie Wildman

The Three Sisters-Michelle Corneau

Poems to Honour Mother Earth-Leah Marie Dorion

What We See On The Land-Megan Kyak-Monteith

Wild Eggs-Suzie Napayok-Short

Just a Walk-Jordan Wheeler

Lesson From Mother Earth-Elaine McLeod

Chuck in the City-Jordan Wheeler

Isla’s New Drum-Herbert Shane Hartman

Taking Care of Mother Earth-Leanne Flett Kruger



Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox-Danielle Daniels

Thunderboy Jr. -Sherman Alexie

The Eagle’s Path-Michelle Corneau

Lila and the Crow-Gabrielle Grimard

Porcupine-Mike Bowden

About stricklanda

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