I am a Young Entrepreneur – (Part B) evaluating my product

You must also consider the success of your product.  Remember, the amount of money you made is not what’s most important.  The main goal with this program was to have fun learning about business.

  1.  Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
  2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
  3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?


  • 1. I didn’t really have a business name. My slogan was “summer vibes” and no i do not have a pic.
    2. It was okay. It was the first thing that I thought of.
    3. Think of more than one product and do it on time.

  • I don’t really have a business name, but my slogan is “let it glow”. I made lava lamps
    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZL1hCip_gwW77IdMbi5s1O_2kui3KaxwRWkFWlidV4Y/edit?usp=sharing (this is the link to my product)
    I feel okay about my product because it was really easy to make, but it was really messy to make. I could ask an expert on business or use google that could help me sell my product.

  • 1. My business name is Friends Bracelets.
    2. I was feeling good about my product because it was really fun to make and kids like having the same bracelets like friends bracelets.
    3. Ask friends or my parents for ideas or go on google.

  • 1: I named my business Clay Keychains and the slogan that I thought of was “Modelled clay, became keychains”. I do not have a picture since my teacher was busy on the day I wanted the picture.

    2: I feel okay about the product I selected because I had only one product I could choose from.

    3: Think of ideas sooner and watch the time it goes by quickly.

  • 1. I sold two different products, One was called Clay Key chains, and the other was just Potted Plants.

    2. I feel really happy that I chose to sell what I sold because I love painting and both of my products involved painting.

    3. That you shouldn’t sell items that mostly only girls or mostly only boys will buy because then you get less income but if you sell an item that is unisex, then you could get income from both sex

  • Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
    Sweet Soft Soap, Lovely Lotion. So slogan.
    How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    Bad. Because I didn’t sell very much.
    What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    I’m never doing this again it was terrible. Think long and carefully. Thats all.

  • My business name is called “Selam’s Soaps” my slogan is “Silky Soaps” and I’m sorry but I don’t have a decent picture of my product. I felt confused with my product because I didn’t quite like it or even enjoy making my products but selling it was something I kind of enjoyed doing.
    A tip I could use to sell a product in the future would be to always make sure to have better packaging and to not procrastinate making my product. 🙂

  • 1. Name: GaMing Magnets. Slogan: GaMing just got better. Photo: None

    2. I feel really good when I selected my magnets. I got pre orders from friends and even a buddy from Gilpin Elementary.
    3. Get better glue, because the photos didn’t really show that well.

    • Gaming magnets is a smart idea since we are selling at a school where a lot of kids play games online it would be a good product.

  • Well, now I have decided to share the picture of my product since it has cropped my face now thank you, Miss. Smith.

  • Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
    (no business name), Fluffy stuffy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MWbFNJFfFcZWcMzMsyNO929u0667IpRXOcXmVYa2JzU/edit?usp=sharing

    How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    It was awesome!😝 I think they were one of the best products you could have! Everyone liked it! They just didn’t have the money. 😒
    What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    Bring a needle just in case one of them breaks (ear falls off…). Find yarn for cheaper(need lots).😓😐😌


  • 1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
    My business name is Original Origami and the slogan I have made up was
    Come and see my Original Origami”.
    And, I don’t have a picture

    2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    I feel like I chose the right product for business because I sold out so fast that I had to start making more. I also feel happy that I chose origami as my product since I actually love making origami outside of business

    3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    Some tips that I could use that would help me select a product is to pick a product that you would love to make, since if you made a product that you love to make you would have more of it and have a better attitude at the sell/market place.

  • My business name is Vaibhav’s candles.


    I feel acceptable because more than half of my product was sold.

    I can make it more neatly.

    • candles vaibhav made candles. i like the smell of your candles. i bought one for my mom for mothers, day great job. cha cha

  • 1. I got My business name from my friend Josh and I. we were talking about our business name and he gave me the best idea and that was to name my business Them Good Balls.

    2. I feel sad because I picked the worst idea in the world because it was too simple and easy to make so people would rather make their own then buying mine.

    3. Squishy balls because they are really hard to make and I will sell them for less than the store would sell them.

    • yo thatts so…………….nice nah jk thats so marvellous
      i like your Them Good Balls but why did you only have 1 whyyyyyyyyyyy

    • I feel very sorry that you think that. I hope in the future you would pick a product that you are happy with.

  • 1. I sold two different products, One was called Clay Key chains, and the other was just Potted Plants.


    2. I feel really happy that I chose to sell what I sold because I love painting and both of my products involved painting.

    3. That you shouldn’t sell items that mostly only girls or mostly only boys will buy because then you get less income but if you sell an item that is unisex, then you could get income from both sex

  • 1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)

    2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?

    3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?

    1=my business is called Supply Bots. slogan is Bam Bam Bot.
    2=i feel like i made the best product(no affense)cause i actually spend so much time on my products. i also made the most creative product(again no affense)
    3=i dont know, i guess…do something you’re good at. like if you’re good at art, i mean sell drawings.

  • 1.Begin by telling us your business name and slogan(do you have any pics?)
    My business name is Oooofer gang skrrt and the slogan is
    “You can make your future brighter before your eyes”.
    And I don’t have a photo.
    2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    I feel disappointed about myself because I did not get to sell anything of my product because I thought that I did not have enough things to sell. So I gave up and did not do the fair and made no money. On Top of that I also expect to get a lower mark on my report card and I expect that I failed the Young Entrepreneur project.

    3. What are some tips you could use to select your product in the future? Some tips that I could use is probably the tips that Anwar Visram (a parent) like discipline, self smarts, or ask for help.

  • My business is called Cosmic Crayons I produce molded crayon shapes. My tagline is “Life just needs a bit of colour”
    I feel proud of my product because even though I didn’t get many customers, I exceeded all my goals. I got more than 3 customers, I made more than $15 dollars and I had fun. I was also proud of how my product came out, it exceeded all my expectations.
    One tip to select a product is, to pick something that kids of all ages could use, to appeal to a larger demographic. Pick something that is trending or popular around the school. Choose something that nobody else is doing, so that you won’t have any competition. And finally, choose a product that is cost efficient to make so that you make a lot of money.

  • 1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)

    2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    I feel great because I did and chose a better product than last year and it was a less mess to make instead of slime stress balls.

    3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    when you are making the stickers, make sure it’s easy to peel the back part so the little kids and parents don`t complain about it( no they didn`t complain to me). furthermore, advertise a lot and ask what the customers want and not what you want to make.

  • 1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
    I didn’t really have a name for my business, I never really thought about a name for my product but I really just called it “Feed the Birds Bird Feeder!”. My slogan was “Feed the Birds!” its not a lot but it’s something, Right?https://docs.google.com/document/d/12kMBVwgNVISVMRXsEnVIOBfDkNa5auGqr3DZ56gLQRE/edit#heading=h.8uryedneb2ce

    2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    I feel Great and Proud about my Product. I can relate to a Bird Feeder a lot. I see so much Bird Feeders in Dollarama, and I kept on asking my Mom for a Bird Feeder. But when the the Entrepreneur came up. I could make my own Bird Feeders to sell. So I am Great and Proud to make a Business that I can relate to.

    3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    Do a Market Survey! You will never know what people want until you ask them. Pick a Product Design that is popular in your school! If you make, lets say Lotion, do you think a Grade 1 will buy it? Lastly, make a Product that you like! Don’t pick a product that you don’t like. Make a Product that you can be Creative and Excited about.

  • 1.Begin telling us your business name and slogan?
    “Look Up See Something Pretty? Buy My Plant Holders!”

    2. How do you feel about about the product you selected of your business?
    I feel flattered because people said very delightful things about my product, especially the ones who bought them.

    3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    Remember to use recycled items and durable ones. If people doesn’t want it anymore they can recycle it.

  • 1. Begin By Telling Us Your Business Name And Slogan ( Do You Have A Pic?)
    I did not have a business name to begin with and throughout the entire time I was selling, but I did have a slogan, which was “Be a blockbuster.” My other business was doing crystal geodes, which didn’t work out, also did not have a name but had a slogan which was “ Can’t find a better shine.” I unfortunately do not have a business picture of me at the marketplace because my picture wasn’t taken at the time.

    2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    I thought my business product was a great idea, but not a lot of people bought my product, which is obviously implying that it was a horrible idea. At first I felt confident and excited to sell my product but by the end of the marketplace selling time, I felt very disappointed and unhappy with myself. Since not a lot of people bought my product, I still have a lot of magnets that remind me of how unsuccessful I was. It wasn’t the best quality but it still was pretty good in my opinion. Most kids probably didn’t even know what Tetris was at the time.

    3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    First off, sell something that is popular and well-known in the community and not something that is barely even known. Sell something that attracts the attention of most or all of the possible customers. Ask yourself these questions, what makes your product worth being bought? Is there any use to buying your product? What’s different about your product compared to others? Pretend to view your shop in the perspective of the customer, what would you think of this business? Would you want people to think this way? Is this want you want if you were the customer? Would you even buy your own product? When thinking this way, you can mold your own business in whatever way you want. You can change anything you want in your business and try and create the “perfect” business.

  • 1 my business name was milart jars, and I forgot my slogan,(I have no pic)
    2. christianna inspired me to paint something and I thought jars
    3. know the due date and do it sooner

  • 1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
    My business name was Folded and my slogan was ”Art created one fold at a time”
    unfortunately, I don’t have a picture.
    2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
    I feel very proud of my product because of how well it did on the day of the sale(Nick and I partnered up, we split 50/50) I chose origami because it’s simplicity and was easy to make.
    3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?
    In the future, I’d go for something that is cheap and time effective or something that has been recycled is also good.

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