In Math, we are learning to measure objects using non-standard and standard units of measurement. For this activity, students measured various objects around the classroom using a uniform non-standard unit of measurement: Counting Cubes. Students worked in pairs to measure a chosen object around the classroom and record their findings. In the process, we learned that learning is experiential as we explored to choose and measure objects around the classroom.

Big Idea: Objects have attributes that can be measured and compared.  

First Peoples Principles of Learning: 

  • Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational

Curricular Competencies: 

  • Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play and problem solving
  • Develop and use multiple strategies to engage in problem solving
  • Communicate mathematical thinking in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic ways


  • Direct measurement with uniform non-standard units

Core Competency: Communication – Collaborating 

Profile 4: I can confidently interact and build relationships with other group members to further shared goals. 

  • I can identify and apply roles and strategies to facilitate group work.
  • I can plan with others and adjust our plan according to the group’s purpose.

Learning Involved: 

  • Students experimented with the concept of measuring using uniform non-standard units
  • Students learned the importance of accurately recording their findings on a data sheet
  • Students learned to collaborate with a partner in identifying roles and applying strategies to reach a shared goal