Dear Families,

This is Division 16 in our sea of orange to recognize Orange Shirt Day. I’m also including some pictures of our bulletin board that show some of the work we have done on Truth and Reconciliation this week. We have read books about Orange Shirt Day and stories that focus on Indigenous teachings. I have attached videos of When We Were Alone by David  Robertson (whom we met on a Zoom presentation), and Phyllis’s Orange Shirt by Phyllis Webstad that you can read and discuss with your child at home.  I’ve also included a link to look up Phyllis’s new book called Every Child Matters. We had some very thoughtful and engaging discussions about these stories in: the Library, with Ms Papapanagiotou, Ms Ballarin’s Div. 15’s class and in our own classroom. We drew and wrote about what we learned and what we were wondering about. Please speak to your child about their thinking. We hope that you found some time on Saturday to reflect and remember that every child matters in our country.

Curricular Competencies:

Social Studies:

  • Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions
  • Recognize the causes and consequences of events, decisions, or developments
  • Make value judgments about events, decisions, or actions and suggest lessons that can be learned

Language Arts:

  • Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
  • Plan and create a variety of communication forms for different purposes and audiences

First Peoples Principles of Learning:

Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors

  • Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational

When We Were Alone Read aloud:

Phyllis’s Orange Shirt Read Aloud:


Information about Phyllis Webstad’s new book: Every Child Matters