Yesterday Division 14 took part in the Stagecoach Arts Umbrella workshop. The leader’s focus was on the 3 “C”‘s; communication, collaboration and connection. This was a drama lesson where most of our acting was using our bodies and our faces, rather than our words. All of the students were actively involved and had a great time becoming different humans, animals, objects and foods. Enjoy the pictures of our acting in action!

Curricular Competencies

  • Explore elements, processes, movements, and techniques of the arts
  • Create artistic works collaboratively and as an individual using ideas inspired by imagination, inquiry, and  experimentation
  • Develop processes and technical skills in a variety of forms to refine artistic abilities
  • Express feelings, ideas, stories, observations, and experiences through creative works
  • a variety of dramatic forms (e.g. tableau, improvisation,  role-play)
  • personal and collective responsibility associated with creating, experiencing, or sharing in a safe learning environment

Big Ideas:

  • Inquiry through the arts creates opportunities for risk taking
  • Creative expression develops our unique identity and voice
  • Drama is a unique language for creating and communicating

Core Competencies:

  • I can describe and demonstrate pride in my positive qualities, characteristics, and/or skills
  • I contribute to group activities that make my classroom and school a better place
  • I can demonstrate respectful and inclusive behaviour with people I know