Second St. StrongStart

Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

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The Value of Sleep for Children and Adolescents

Many of us know sleep is important but do we really actually get

the amount of sleep our brain and body requires?

I just watched a webinar from Strong Minds, Healthy Kids called

 A relaxed Brain is the Most Comfortable Pillow:

The Value of Sleep for Children and Adolescents. 

This webinar isn’t just focused on children and adolescents it

is helpful for adults too!

Dr. Macdonald (a registered psychologist) talks about the value of a restful

sleep and strategies how to get a solid night’s sleep.

I have been using some of his techniques to help me fall asleep.

They have been super helpful.

You can watch the webinar  here!

What Sounds Do You Hear?

The past two weeks in our outdoor sessions we read the book:
The Listening Walk by Paul Showers

After reading the story we covered our eyes to help us use our ears!
Then we went on a listening walk of our own.
To play with sound, each family received a variety of materials.
They hung them like mobiles  from the trees and then explored how each of them sounded.

What do you have in your home that you could hang and explore sound with?

Giant Bubbles

I love bubbles!!

I posted this video last June.

I wanted to re-post it incase you missed it.

Don’t miss the recipe below the video


Recipe for Giant Bubbles:   

  • 6 cups of warm water
  • 1/2 cup of blue Dawn original dishwashing detergent
  • 1 TBSP of corn syrup (or glycerin, if you happen to have some)

Mix all of the ingredients gently. Here is the secret: The bubble liquid gets better the longer it sits! It should marinate overnight at least.  Tip: Just dip wands into the solution don’t stir or swish. It creates small bubbles and stops working. Enjoy!

Happa Zome with the Kindergarten Class

This morning I was with one of our kindergarten classes and we did Happa Zome art. Please see my previous post to find out more about this Japanese art form.




Today I was surprised by the aroma when I hung them in the classroom!




Each time I do this I am so amazed at the colours and patterns that transfer onto the paper.

Today I folded the paper to see what would happen……


Exploring Colours in Nature

Last week and this week in our outdoor sessions we are reading the book “My Forest is Green” as our inspiration.  Then we go on a search to see what is in the forest that we can use for our pictures.    With all of our findings we are doing Happa Zome which is Japanese art using hammers/mallets and leaves, etc.

To find out a little more about Happa Zome click here.   It was amazing to see the pigments from our objects transfer to our paper after we hammered on them! What will you discover in your backyard or forest? What happens when you hammer on them?!


Fun with Bird Seed

Tired of sand or water play?
Need something to inspire outdoor play?
This week in our outdoor sessions we played with bird seed!
Children learn so much through sensory play.
(Please note that not all sensory materials are safe for animals.)
Bird seed is a great option as it is safe for all animals.

Sing-a-long With Me!!

Wow it’s March 1st today which means a new Sing-a-long video to help you sing and move with your child! Singing is an important part of child development.  If you sing they will sing! Click here to read an article on the benefits of singing with your child! This video includes some felts and Sleeping Bunnies!!

Are you having a hard time understanding your child’s behaviour?

Cameray Child and Family Services offers many programs to support families.

One of many things Cameray is offering is a free two-part workshop March 1st and 8th at 10-11:30 AM titled “Parenting in Canada”. In this workshop you will be discussing the challenging and positive aspects of raising children in Canada and cultural differences and similarities in child-rearing.  To register please email or call 604-436-9449.

Click the link below  to find their March calendar displaying what programs they offer and when they are being offered.


Early Years Parent Support Program

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