Ostinato Presentation

An ostinato is a REPEATED musical idea/pattern/phrase. It helps make a song memorable and unique. We listened for ostinati (plural form of ostinato) in these songs:


Your objective is to create 2 body percussion rhythms: one is a group ostinato, and the other one is your own solo. Both your group and solo ostinatos need to be 16 beats long, and each box on your handout means one beat. You have the freedom of deciding how to format your ostinato presentation, but an ostinato must be present throughout the piece. You may repeat the same 4 beats for your group ostinato, but you must have different rhythms for your solo. You must also use a minimum of 4 of the sounds we discussed (clap, stomp, tongue click, tap, etc.). (The attached sheet show 2 options, but I’m expecting option #2 since you have more time to work on this than the other classes this was assigned to.)

All members must contribute to the presentation in order to receive a mark. Bonus points for enthusiasm and choreography. You will be graded on the following:

  1. Staying in time/tempo as a group
  2. Involvement with the other members
  3. Following the criteria given

Bonus marks for choreography!