Mrs. Chava Sale

Division 5

Last days of school!

Yay Division 6 we made it! What a year! I have loved having all of you in our class. I have missed seeing your lovely faces in the last term. It was nice to see most of you during the Teams Meetings or in class in June. I have such wonderful memories of each of you this year.

Red Heart on Apple iOS 13.3

You have done such a great job this year. You worked hard and put your best effort into all you did. You accomplished a lot. You have shown how you can take on new challenges and persevere through them. You have helped give me the strength and motivation to do the same. Thank you.  😊

I hope you all have a wonderful summer. I will miss you. I can’t wait to see you all again soon and see how much you’ve grown. 🙂 I know you will continue to learn many things. Here are some examples that you are probably doing already. 😃

I have put a couple of activity checklists in the Schedule. My family is going to see how many we can do over the summer. I have also put some Art activities for you to do. I put some colouring sheets of a local Canadian landscape painter, Dana Irving for you to do. You can check out her work on her website colour the illustrations or draw your own in her style. I also put instructions on how to make a popsicle stick loom for weaving. (you can also you a glue gun to hold it together) Enjoy!

Thank you again for a wonderful year. 💖

P.S. Don’t forget to join the Burnaby Public Library Summer Reading Club.


Confederation Park’s 100 Challenge

Hello everyone! Our school is participating in a 100 Challenge. Please check out the power point to learn about Captain Tom Moore and what he was inspired to do to help others. the 100 challenge Can you think of activities you could do 100 times. For example, run/ walk or ride your bike 100 times around your block/ outside your house, read 100 books, skip 100 times, draw/ colour 100 pictures, dance/ sing to 100 songs, etc.  See if you can come up with a plan to accomplish a 100 activity by June 25th.  Ask your family and friends to participate in your 100 activity with you.

Confederation Park has started a fundraising page towards a virtual food bank drive. We know that every family has been affected differently during this time and donating to a fundraiser might not be feasible right now. Don’t feel that you have to donate, but you could still participate in your own personal “100 challenge”.


Pet Week

Since a lot of you were telling us about your pets last week I thought we would celebrate them with a Pet Week. I know my dog and cat would appreciate it. 🙂 Some animal activities this week: introduce your pet to the class in a meeting, check out the SPCA learn-at-home website, draw a pet habitat, write about your pet or your dream pet.

Pro D Day

Monday, April 27

Today is a Professional Development Day. The teachers are learning in virtual workshops. Maybe play some games today. Our family has been playing a lot of board games such as, Sorry, Monopoly, playing cards, etc. My daughters and I even played the “Making 10” Go Fish game. (We left the 10, J, Q, K’s in and just played them as regular pairs.) I will be posting a weekly schedule of learning opportunities tomorrow. Since it’s a Pro D day we’ll have our Teams meeting Tuesday instead of Monday. “See” you then. Enjoy your day. 🙂


Library Letter

I’m sure you are missing going to our school library each Monday. So is Ms. Lynka. Here’s a little note she wrote for you.

Hi Everyone!

I sure miss seeing you in the library and sharing books with you! While you are at home, maybe you have books to read, or maybe you can go on the computer for online books and games. I know my daughter is enjoying more time to play, even though she misses her friends and teachers.

If you have a chance, you can visit our school library sites- to find them, go to our school website and click on Library-

1) Library Catalogue- this has links to fun websites and places that offer books online, games and learning.

2) Library Blog- this is my page where I post videos, read a story and share things with you. I will also post fun things to do from home.

3) Web Resources- this is where you can find Tumble Books and World Book Online.

I would love to hear from you, too! If you and your parents want to email me with questions or just to say “hi”, my email is:

Keep Reading!

Ms. Lynka


I’ve added Ms. Lynka’s website to our links.

Hello Division 6

It was so wonderful to hear many of your voices last week. It was nice to hear what you have been doing.  I’m so glad that everyone is doing well and adjusting. Thank you to all who made the kindness hearts and send me photos. They are very heartwarming. ❤

I know we are all in this new learning together and I appreciate all the support you have given so far.  I have just begun learning how to use this blog. There will be many updates coming soon.

Take care,

Love Mrs. Sale


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