
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to update you all and let you know that Ms. Pontalti will most likely be away tomorrow. However, it is good practice to bring your instrument just in case there is a TOC who is able to teach band.

See you all bright and early!

<3 Ms. Ramen


Darwin’s Finches

Today, we continued our discussion on evolution by learning about Darwin’s finches. Please view the video below and try your best to answer questions 5 and 8 on your handout. 🙂 We will continue our conversation about this on Thursday.

A Very Belated Welcome Back!

Hi Families of Division 1!

Our class has decided to get this blog up and running again! The purpose of this is for our class to have a digital platform where everyone can learn about important things happening in our classroom, school, as well as around the world.

We have a dedicated News Crew who are hard at work creating some new posts for us to learn from. These will be posted shortly.

While we are waiting for their updates, please familiarize yourselves with the important links located on the right hand side of this website:). Here are a few links that you should be focusing on . . .

  1. All The Right Type
  2. Math Prodigy

See you all tomorrow!

<3 Ms. Ramen

Battle of the Books!

Hey Div. 1,
I hope you all are having a great time! As we are halfway through Spring Break, I wanted to check-in and remind you to read at least 20 minutes each night from the novel assigned to you for our Battle of the Books series. Here are some great websites to visit to get a head start on reading your novels / checking out new books that are interesting to you. In some cases you will need access to a library card. Library cards are free and you can get one by simply going to a library and speaking to the librarian with a parent or guardian as these are still considered a form of ID. Check our MS Teams page for any further updates.
Happy reading! I can’t wait to see you all!

Spring Break Has Arrived!

Dear Families of Div.1,

I hope you are all enjoying the first few days of Spring Break! You have all worked tremendously hard and I am looking forward to seeing what we create and learn together in Term 3! With that being said, I am saddened at the fact that we will have to say goodbye to our Grade 7s but know that you are on to new and exciting experiences! For those of you who have asked me about your French films, you can find them on our MS Teams page.

See you all soon !

<3 Ms. Ramen

Welcoming Conversations

Hi Everyone,

Welcoming conversations will begin this week on September 28th & 29th. I am looking forward to (re)connecting with you all and learning more about what home looks like for the students of Division 1. If any of the aforementioned dates do not work for your schedule, please let me know and I would be happy to arrange another time, either online or in person.

Here is the link just in case it was missed:

Hope to see all of you soon :)!


Ms. Ramen

Welcome to Division 1!

Welcome to Division 1! I am thrilled to welcome all of you, both new and returning students/families, to our Grade 6/7 classroom community. I am so looking forward to all of the learning we will be doing together this year.

With that being said, I always find it extremely helpful to get some more insight into the families that make up our Division 1 community. Please complete this brief survey at your earliest convenience:

Further information about our classroom routines, expectations, schedule and learning intentions will be sent home within the next couple of weeks. However, I know many of you have questions regarding supplies. Please see the attached supplies list for your convenience here or  the paper copy that will be sent home.

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.


Ms. Ramen

Our 5 Basic Needs

Hi! I’m B and today I will be talking to you about the 5 basic needs made by Abraham Maslow who was a psychologist.  Here is what he believed were the 5 basic needs:

We learned about the 5 basic needs but in a different way because it is important to know what you need in every situation. These 5 needs help us to understand ourselves and others and why people behave the way they do.  For example, if you are having a hard time making friends then it is good to know that you have a need for love and belonging and use different strategies for how to make them.

Love & Belonging: you are very close with your friends and family and get very upset when friends and family have a fight with you or you lose a friend. 

Fun: you always have a way to have fun and you can make a game out of everything. You make a lot of jokes and laugh a lot.  

 Freedom: you need to have some space and choices. You need to be able to feel what you want, and feel yourself emotions  

 Power:  you are very organized and love planning things and being in control. 

 Survival: be safe, have shelter and food and water 

My primary need is power. This helps me understand why I react the way I do in certain situations.

Do  the test below to find out your primary need. 🙂

Primary Needs

Earth Day!

Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd. As we discussed in class, the purpose is to raise awareness and to support initiatives which protect our planet.

Check out this timeline of Earth Day’s history. It is a fascinating look at how one person can grow an initiative that can impact people all over the world. We learned that Earth Day is now recognized in over 190 countries and over 1 billion people have mobilized to take action to support environmentally friendly policies.

Our class engaged in a thoughtful discussion around the outsourcing of our recycling and the impact it has on the countries our plastics have been shipped to such a Malaysia and China (who as of 2018 has stopped accepting plastics from categories 3-7).

In an effort to reduce the impact of plastic on our environment, many people around the world have repurposed single-use plastics. Check out some of their incredible inventions below!

What invention might you create out of single-use plastics?