
Hello families!

Today we woke up to a wonderful surprise! Snow! Some of the children brought some snow inside after Recess and we thought it would be fun to do a little experiment.


What do you think will happen to the snow?

  • melt – Odin
  • it’s going to stay – Aayden
  • someone might put on the air conditioning and it might not melt – Quinn
  • it might evaporate – Finn


  • melting – Jayden
  • it can’t evaporate because the lid was on so the water couldn’t get to the top – Andrew
  • it’s melting – Aarya
  • it’s turning less dirty – Finn


  • I noticed it’s different because it has less chunks of ice – Andrew
  • it melted – Renzo
  • it has more water – Finn
  • the ice is really really small – Jayden
  • it’s cold – Maria
  • it’s becoming to water – Aayden

We noticed it started as a ball of snow and it started to turn into water because it’s hot in here – Andrew

This mini experiment led into an impromptu lesson on Properties of Matter. Here are a few things that we learned:

  • that soy sauce can freeze in the freezer. If you take it out it will turn back to a liquid – Quinn
  • water – Odin
  • water evaporates and it turns to gas – Jayden
  • water turns to hail – Kristy
  • clouds are made of water – Lena
  • when it’s really thundery when water droplets get pushed around in the clouds they freeze and after they freeze they fall down as hail. Sometimes the hail balls can get so big they can hurt you- Finn
  • when it’s windy the clouds have snow – Aarya

We also learned that the properties of matter are reversible. Liquids that can be frozen can melt back to liquid form, and when you add heat (energy) to water it evaporates, but can turn back to a liquid. The science video we watched today also talked about irreversible changes.  An egg starts as a liquid and when cooked turns to a solid. However, we cannot turn the egg back to a liquid. We also saw an example of someone burning a sheet of paper and it turned to ash. That is also an irreversible change as the ash cannot be turned back into paper.

Isn’t Science cool?

Happy Monday!