Georgia O’keeffe inspired art

Last week we created beautiful pieces of art inspired by Georgia O’keeffe. We did a directed drawing of a large flower, then used oil pastels and a blending technique to finish them off. Aren’t they gorgeous?!

Goodbye ducklings!

Today we said goodbye to our ducklings. Farmer Cassandra came by this afternoon to pick them up and bring them to the farm to live. We are happy that Stormy, Ducky, and Sunny will get to run free and swim in a pond. We were very fortunate to watch Stormy hatch from the egg, and watch all 3 ducklings grow so quickly over the past couple weeks. One thing we noticed as they got bigger was how much more they pooped, and how smelly it made our classrooms (and hallway)! We were sad to see them go but know they will have so much fun living out their lives on the farm with lots of space to run around in.

Here are the last photos and videos I took before they set off for the farm.


Video 1

Video 2


Egg investigation!

Egg investigation

This week our kindergarten classes got an incubator delivered to our school. We learned that animals who lay eggs are called oviparous animals and those that give birth to babies are called viviparous animals.

Here is a photo of the eggs that were delivered in the incubator. They are expected to hatch in approximately 13 days. We decided to do a little egg investigation this afternoon.


On Monday, all the children predicted what they thought would be in our eggs. I found images of eggs for the animals they predicted for this investigation.

Today we looked at the different types of animal eggs to compare the similarities and differences to see if we can determine what eggs we have.

Alligator/Crocodile eggs

Could our eggs be from a crocodile or alligator?

  • no because it’s not the same – Maria
  • no, because they’re too fat – Jayden
  • no, because those are longer – Aarya
  • no, because they’re more oval – Lena
  • no, because they’re too dotted – Finn
  • no, because they are too thin – Euan
  • no, they’re oval shaped and ours are fatter than them – Quinn

Platypus egg


Could our eggs from a platypus?

  • no, it’s too small – Aymaan
  • they look like potatoes – Euan
  • no, because it’s different colours – Kristy

Puffin egg

Could our eggs from a puffin?

  • no, because it’s a bit round – Hailey
  • maybe, because they’re the same size – Finn
  • no, because those ones are round than these ones – Quinn
  • no, because those are a little bit round and a little bit oval – Aarya

Sea Turtle eggs

Could our eggs from a sea turtle?

  • no, because it’s a sphere – Aayden
  • no, it’s not the same – Kenney
  • no, because there might be water inside the sea turtle shells – Finn
  • no, because they not the same – Maria

Spider eggs

Could our eggs from a spider?

  • no, because they look different – Renzo
  • no, because it’s a bit too small – Hailey
  • no, because they are a little bit middle – Aarya

Butterfly eggs

Could our eggs from a butterfly?

  • no, because they’re teeny tinier – Aarya
  • no, because ours are not the size of a pin head – Finn
  • no, because they are yellow – Kristy
  • no, because they’re way way way too small – Andrew

Duck & Chicken eggs

Could our eggs from a duck?

  • maybe, it’s a bit too white – Hailey
  • yes, because it’s the same size – Kristy
  • no, because the middle size and it’s a little bit small – Aarya
  • yes, because duck and puffin and the same size and duck are the same size as our eggs – Finn
  • yes, because it’s the same as our eggs – Jayden

Could our our eggs from a chicken?

  • yes, because they’re the same size – Maria
  • yes, because the colour is different and other colour have also the same – Aymaan


Other egg comparisons:



This is an Ostrich and chicken egg. 


After looking at different types of animal eggs, what do you think our eggs might be?

  • duck – Lena
  • turtle – Maria
  • duck – Hailey
  • puffin – Finn
  • goose – Kristy
  • chicken – Quinn
  • duck – Jayden
  • duck – Andrew
  • goose – Euan
  • duck – Renzo
  • duck – Aarya
  • duck – Aayden
  • crocodile – Kenney
  • penguin – Aymaan

Class Photo Day

Hello families!

This is a reminder that class photo day is this Thursday, April 18. We will be one of the first classes to be photographed, so please be on time. They will not wait for any late students to arrive.

Many thanks!