Work for Wednesday April 22nd

Happy Earth Day

  1. Watch/listen to my video Lessons from Mother Earth(under Storytime with Ms. Peters): On your writing page(in Teams), draw and write about one part of the story. (Same expectations as for regular writing) If you would like to send it to me I would love to see your work (not required to send).
  2. Continue working on your counting book. If you have finished it, do some of the math activities under optional activities.
  3. Reading: Grade 1’s please make sure you read in your online program today, Kindergarten’s have someone read to you, or watch a book on Tumblebooks.
  4. Finish “How You Can Help Look After the Earth”.


Optional activities:

Social/Emotional Learning: Tell someone, or draw a picture about what zone or zones you are in today.

Math: spend 15 minutes (or more) playing some of the math games I have sent, or some you may already play at home. Remember that any game that you have to roll a dice or spin a spinner and move your piece is a math game because you are counting. Do your favourite math activity that we have done.

Counting: practice counting, how high can you count? Can you skip count by 2’s? 5’s? 10’s? Have someone help you skip count to 100 (for Grade 1’s), to 20 by 2’s and 5’s (for Kindergarten) and to 100 by 10’s (for Kindergarten). Can you count backwards?

Exercise: watch a few Go Noodle videos, can you keep up with the children dancing or exercising?

Letter names and sounds: read the Alphabet Jive or Blends Jive with someone, watch a few Jack Hartmann videos about letter names and sounds

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