Music: Monday

Band: Monday and Wednesday

When other students are in band, everyone else is in an arts-focused class with Ms. Peachey. This term, our focus is dance. Students are learning the dance linked here.

PE: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Library: Tuesday

Buddies: TBD

Circle: at the end of each day


Why a daily circle?

BC schools are working towards Truth and Reconciliation in the classroom. This is a small aspect of that in Division1. Many Indigenous communities across North America consider the circle to be a culturally sacred shape. Because participants are facing one another equally in an interconnected circle, all aspects of the human being (mind, body, and heart) are activated and learning/sharing has more meaning/authenticity. A strong sense of community is established and everyone is accountable to one another. We are building our trust and confidence to answer pre-determined prompts in the circle. Students are already growing in their capacity to listen thoughtfully, articulate and project their voice, and show their circle-mates respect and encouragement.