Thank you for coming to speak with Ms. Dente and I this past week during our Parents as Partners meetings. We always find the information that is shared during those times to be very helpful for us as we are building relationships with our new students. It is also really nice to have the opportunity to speak to our parents after the children have had a couple of weeks to settle in to their new norm of attending school full time. As we mentioned in the meeting if there is every any questions or concerns our door is always open and if you can’t make it to the school please send a note, call the office or fire us a quick email.
We have our Public Transit field trip this Thursday afternoon. We will leave the school as soon as the children are finished their lunches and return by 3pm. As we will be going rain or shine please send your child dressed for the weather.
Please visit my this week in Div. 12 tab weekly on this site for reminders/info about our week (basically the same info that I write up on the white board in the window) but with more details. New blog posts are sent out via email newsletter but edits to blog pages are not. You will also be receiving subscription email notices from the e-port site. This is because I am having your parent access passwords created using the emails I collected from you at our meetings. Once I have everything up and running I will send home a notice with your actual log on ids and passwords. Please see me if you have any questions.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Pasqualetto :0)