The school year is officially under way and there has been a whirlwind of activity in the annex. The students are having a great time learning the different routines and meeting/making new friends. So far the favourite activities seem to be centres/playtime with gym and playing outside on the playground not far behind in votes.
In class we have also started to talk about Terry Fox, what being a hero is and perseverance. As a school we are participating in our Terry Fox run next week on Thursday and we are raising money for the Terry Fox Foundation. Any student who brings in a donation will be able to enter their name in a raffle for a Terry Fox T-shirt. Lets see how much we can raise!
Thank you for your prompt attention filling out all of the forms that we have been sending home. It is very important that you check your child’s backpack nightly for their home communication folder to see if anything has been sent home that requires attention. Thank you to those of you who have already returned the action items. A list of communication that requires your attention is:
– Student verification package- please double check/fill out accordingly and return to the classroom asap. We are Division 12 for when you fill out the forms.
– October School Meal Order – Order envelopes have been sent home. If you wish to pay online access has now been set up (if you have difficulty please see Ms. Z in the office).
– Parents as Partners time request forms were sent home and are due by tomorrow so we can schedule meeting times.
– PAC BBQ rsvp. You will pay for your meal at the BBQ on Wednesday October 27th but the form is to help the PAC with ordering enough supplies for the event. I hope to see you all there.
– September Scholastic order forms will be sent home this week along with a letter explaining the program.