Fire Station Field Trip

On Tuesday May 23rd Div. 11 had the chance to visit the fire station as part of our study of the local community. The fire station sure is busy! We got there and had to wait for the fire fighters to come back from their call. Once they got there, they were called out again within five minutes! We were fortunate that another crew came back so we were able to have our tour.

The students enjoyed spraying the fire hose at a traffic cone. Many of them managed to knock it down! Ms. Leppanen and a few of the students got to try on some fire fighter gear, which was quite heavy! We got to sit inside the fire truck and some of us were brave enough to slide down the fire pole. We learned about how fire fighters help keep our community safe, and some things we can do to stay safe in case of an emergency.

We are very grateful for the fire fighters at Fire Station #5 for taking the time to show us around their work place. Thank you to the two parent volunteers who came with us – we hope you had fun too! Fire safety colouring books arrived yesterday as a gift from the Fire Station – look for them in your student’s backpack on Monday!

Ms. Leppanen

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