Sexism in Hollywood!

Before we begin, let’s mention a few words and their meaning.

Sexism: a type of discrimination/prejudice against a persons sex/gender. More specific, it is when people are treated unfairly only because they are a girl or boy. Unfortunately, women are usually the ones who face sexism the most. 

Patriarchy: When men have more power and control than women, who have relatively no say. 

Feminism: People who campaign/support the equality of men and women

Let’s get started!

It is nothing new that sexism exists in the world. It is also nothing new that sexism (and racism, but that’s a whole other story) exists in Hollywood. I am sure that most of you know who Mark Wahlberg is, he was in Transformers. 

                       Image result for mark wahlberg transformers

Currently, he is shooting a movie called, “All the Money.” This is quite an ironic title because it seems that Wahlberg received all the money for reshooting some scenes. He earned about $1.5 million. 

So what is the problem you ask? Or think…?!


        Image result for mark wahlberg michelle williams pay difference

You may quickly re-read the article here:

So now, you weigh in. What are your thoughts about this, (especially given the words that were mentioned above?). How would you feel if you were treated differently than another person who completed the same job only because of your sex/gender? Please write roughly 8-12 sentences, with detail and strong opinion.


Christmas Tree or Environment Killer?

Image result for real vs fake christmas trees
It is just part of the Christmas holiday to have a Christmas tree. It just is! You know it’s true! After all, it is under the Christmas tree that those wonderfully wrapped presents sit under not to mention the glittery, aesthetically pleasing beauty that it possesses! 
Due to the recession (economic decline) that the the U.S. had, Christmas trees were no longer being grown there as it was too expensive and not financially worth it. As a result, many American consumers have been buying their trees from Canada. But did you know it takes roughly EIGHT years to grow a tree? A tree that is only used for roughly a month? Ummm.. can you say environment killer…!!!
On the other hand though, some say that artificial trees are much more damaging for the environment. When artificial trees are dumped into landfills, they stay there whereas real trees can be ‘treecycled’ which is much more beneficial to the environment. 
So what are your thoughts on Christmas trees? Should people have the choice, like we do now, to buy real trees, or should consumers only be allowed to buy artificial trees? 
You may perform a quick research on this question by typing out the pros and cons of Christmas trees. Try to incorporate your own ideas too! 
Here are some links if you are finding it hard to find of your own: 
Remember: You need to explain your opinion. Then, give details that back up your opinion (your evidence). It should be roughly 10-20 sentences in length 🙂 
                       Image result for real vs fake christmas trees

Breaking News…Trump back at it…Again!

So guys, it seems as though he is back at it again! Of course, I am talking about a particular individual who will probably be voted for ‘The Best President of the Century’ award! Okay, now you know that I am being sarcastic but what you may not know is what I am talking about! Let’s back up a bit, shall we?

Who ever thought that I would agree with something that Trump has said, however, it is true. The media, especially certain media outlets, can be highly biased. Unfortunately when times like Remembrance Day roll around we do not see the soldiers of colour: Black-Canadians, Sikh-Canadians, Chinese-Canadians, Japanese-Canadians and our First Nations, etc. 

In a ceremony where Trump should have been paying tribute to the Navajo people, especially two Navajo war vets, he goes on to say: “You’re very, very special people. You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas. But you know what. I like you. Because you are special, ” Mr. Trump remarked. 

Who is he referring to when he says ‘Pocahontas?’ He is speaking about an American Senator (Politican) named Elizabeth Warren who came under fire because she was unable to prove her supposed Aboriginal background. 

Read the article and see the clips here:

You really end up feeling terrible for those vets who stayed calm and composed! Below is what Warren said regarding Trump’s comments about her.

So let’s weigh in on this topic. What do you think? To you, why is what Trump said, bad? Perhaps you see nothing wrong in his comment, why do you think that way? What does he even mean when he calls Warren, Pocahontas? 

Remember, grade 5’s -8 sentences, grade 6’s 10-12 sentences. Details!!!!! Post some responses to your classmates too please!



UBC Anthropology Trip Reflection

Our trip to the UBC Anthropology Museum was a blasssst! We saw and learned a lot about different artists, the role of cedar wood and were able to see various cultural sculptures up close! 

In a paragraph, 6-8 sentences, write down your thoughts below about the field trip. What did you learn? What were your favourite parts? Was there anything that you did not like? 






In action with our little buddies!

Please note Rohan’s, um, ‘man-tail’

Selina in action with her buddy colouring pumpkins!

Marcus and Benjamin helping out their little buddy!

Lyiam helping his buddy by cutting out her pumpkin!

Darrel and his buddy enjoying a story together!

Isabel reading her buddy a story as she joyfully looks on!

Library Presentation Thoughts

Our lovely librarian, Ms. Zimmerschied, gave us a wonderful presentation on Digital Presentation. 

She spoke to us about a number of really important ideas to be aware of. We learned about ‘Digital Etiquette’ or ‘Netiquette’ which relates to having good manners and treating people with respect in an online platform. Sometimes, some people find it difficult to follow the rules because they do not see the person to whom they are speaking to face to face. Additionally, we learned that we need to take responsibility for what we put online and that acting with integrity is key.   

In a response of roughly 8-12 sentences, explain what some of your thoughts were during this presentation. What are some of your own personal examples of ‘netiquette’ that you use? What are some types of ‘netiquette’ that you will try to use this year?

UBC Anthropology Museum & Photo Re-Takes

Hi Guys!

Our first field trip of the year, woo hoo! Some important details:

-We leave at 8:30 (meaning you should be at school for 8:15)

-You may bring headphones/phone/etc. to use on the bus as it may be slightly long. 

-Hot lunch students, you will be getting a bagged sandwich lunch. The rest of us, please bring something that you can eat easily!

Also, just a reminder, photo re-takes will occur BEFORE we leave. In the even that you are getting a re-take, please get to school for 8:10. Also, you will need to have your picture form with you!  

Sexism in Sports: Cam Newton

On October 4th, 2017, Carolina Panther’s quarterback, Cam Newton made eyebrows, yes even unibrows, stand up with his comment made to Jourdan Rodrigue, a reporter with the Charlotte Observer. Rodrigue asked Newton about a simple question about wide receiver Devin Funchess’s route-running. He grinned. Not a nice one either. Then he said, in a slow condescending tone: “It’s funny to hear a female talk about routes. It’s funny.” Rodrique fired back on Twitter and said, “I don’t think it’s ‘funny’ to be a female and talk about routes. I think it’s my job.” In fact, she chose not to write Newton’s comments after the press conference because “it was worse.” 

 It took Newton roughly a day to apologise. 

He even said later, â€śMy sarcasm, trying to give someone a compliment turned in ways I never would’ve even imagined.” Does that sound like he’s telling the truth or?

Oikos Yogourt said that they would not be working with Newton and will not be sponsoring anymore. Also, the NFL released a statement saying that his comment was “wrong and disrespectful”

Now you be the judge. What do you think about what Newton said? Was he telling the truth that it was just sarcasm? Was it just a mistake and he did not mean it? 

To see Newton at the press conference, click:

For Newton’s apology, click: 

Please write a detailed paragraph of about 8-10 sentences. After, we can respond to some comments of our peers!