Haircut, anyone?

No, I am not becoming a hair dresser, in case you were wondering! But, I mean, I guess I could always learn a new skill. Anyone want to volunteer for me? 

As I look around the classroom, yes, creepy isn’t it? But as I look around, I see that most of the girls in our classroom have long hair. I see that all of the boys have short hair. But what happens if a girl wanted to get a short haircut? Well, she can… but be prepared to pay more for the exact same haircut as a guy would get! Whatttttt! 


Image result for women pay more for short haircuts

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According to a BBC article, a few reasons are given. Salon owner and hairdresser, Susannah Jones says: “Historically, in our industry there has been a gap between the price charged for men and women. This was based on the belief that men have short hair, which is quick and simple to style, and women have long hair, which takes more time and skill. This is simply not the case. Short haircuts can actually be more technical and often take longer, so time wasn’t even a factor when we used to charge less for men – it was purely because they were male…”

Image result for women pay more for short haircuts

To make matters worse, many men’s barber shops will not allow women to come in. Why? Well, research consultant, Devon Magliozzi states: “I called the barber-shop. I asked if they could just do a clipper cut on the back and sides but they reiterated that they couldn’t do a woman’s haircut. I understand that barbers might not have training to cut long hair, or might charge extra for cuts that take extra time, but gender is an arbitrary way to define services and set prices.”

Please read the full article here:

You can look at this opinion piece for some price differences:

Image result for women pay more for short haircuts

So now is your time to weigh in on this. What are your thoughts about what you have read about? Did you ever notice this when you went to a barber/hairdresser? Do you think that all hair salons should be unisex (for all people) ? Or, do you think that they should be kept separate? Maybe women’s hair requires more skill, like layering and hair dye in different layers. How would you react if you noticed that a haircut you wanted was much cheaper for the other sex? What would you say to the salon? Grade 5’s: 15 sentences, Grade 6’s, 20 sentences.  

38 thoughts on “Haircut, anyone?

  1. zoe24 says:

    Haircut, Anyone?

    Now, I’m just going to quickly cover this: I do not go to the salon or spa to get a haircut. My mom cuts my hair for me, because to save money (I guess?). But my mom has short hair, and she does it at a unisex salon. Some salons charge more for the exact haircut, but it might cost more “because more hair is cut”. I know this brother and sister, and they went to a male’s salon but because they wanted the same haircut, BUT the girl’s haircut cost more by at least $10.00. Why, haircut determines a lot of characteristics, like if you respect hygiene, or if you’re lazy or not. A lot of celebrities also get short haircuts, it’s not because they’re transgender or anything, it’s to reveal the tomboy inside. A lot of girls feel that way, and some boys feel like ‘girly-girls’.

    There should be more unisex salons! For if you have a big family, it would be easier to go to one salon instead of wasting the gas in cars. If you’re one of those people who know me well… not that creepy way, you would know I care about the planet a lot, so if we wasted less gas on cars (and more salons around the town (okay, that just rhymed so…), then less gas, still), we would have a better environment.

    No one noticed (that would be kinda creepy), but when I got back from Los Angeles, I had short hair, so sorry Ms. Pandasarcastic, but some people in class still have short hair, but it grows out, yay??? (AGAIN). You didn’t catch me in it! I mean, I can tell why a lot of girls want short hair, especially when in sports, our hair doesn’t have to be tied back, which I tolerate, but… I have personal reasons why I prefer having short hair. But I also understand why some boys prefer to have longer hair.

    Sexist people these days… I know some salons “don’t allow females”, but if a female wanted the same haircut as a male, why won’t the barber dude just do it? I mean, look, the prices are more expensive for females (EVEN THOUGH IT’S THE SAME CUT), but if the barber dudes want to make some serious money, WHY DON’T THEY JUST DO IT?! On one of the website links Ms. Pandasarcastic put in her post, it leads to a picture that the same wash, cut, dry, etc., but the prices for females are more expensive by like a good ten or twenty dollars. Really?

    Do we have a “problem” with racist and sexist people, or is Ms. Pandasarcastic just super good at finding the latest information for us to research?

    Please note: THIS IS JUMPY AS ALWAYS -_-

  2. labib1 says:

    I think gender equality has been a real issue in this world because what is so special about men? It’s always the men who have the upper hand and I’ve noticed this and have asked my family about it, but they had no comment. This is a very sexist thing these entrepreneurs are doing, and it may just be the case that they can cut boys hair more easily than girls which is not the case here. I think they shouldn’t make it separate because I think it should depend on the hairstyle and how hard it is like if a haircut was long and with extra designs or a short hair with designs covering it on both sides. They could stay separate, but they need it to be because the haircut is harder, or it takes longer, and they must make customers wait. If they want to say no and refuse to cut the hair of a girl because they have short hair, or they are simply sexist, then the government should make it illegal and ban the whole pricing system. Gender or race is no way to set prices because this is like what we have been studying lately like the case of the Chinese and Japanese Canadians and how the government excluded and treated them differently. If they want to make separate prices for girls and boys, then the least they could do is make it, so they got a higher price for better quality or because the barber takes long hair harder and longer. If I went to the store and saw that I was getting a cheaper price, then the other gender I would run out of the store and give it a terrible review and make a petition that all prices should be the same and shouldn’t be different based of gender. I would say to the salon that you should get a gender friendly store or most likely have a lower income compared to stores that do women hair. I think this is an ongoing problem and it’s for no reason! If I wanted to start a successful business as a barber, I would instantly make it that it was a fair price and depended on the hairstyle you want and not your gender because if you’re a guy and wanted long hair or you’re a girl that wanted short hair or anything in between than it would be based on difficulty and not gender. I saw a related article when I was on my computer on how a girl got expelled for having a rainbow cake and a rainbow shirt after she enrolled into a Christian school. It wasn’t even the girl’s fault because her mom ordered and brought the cake to her. It got to the school after she posted it on social media on the day of her birthday. This seemed to be another very bad and non-gender equal because they decided to kick her because she was with a cake representing pride day which ties into gender equality. I been realizing this for a while when at the barber and it may be the reason why my mom never gets a haircut at the salon and cuts my dad’s hair at home. On the photo, it shows that they do give a price depending on your stylist like if you wanted the graduate stylist it would be cheaper, but it is still more expensive if you’re a girl with a haircut. This also is triggering that this happens in such a developed world where racism has slowed, and we already have great technology but apparently not enough to stop gender equality issues. Justin Trudeau is prime minster that is acting with this but if we want to stop this problem, we will have to have the entire world to be acting towards this to stop it. This gender has mixed in with sports and how the people have made it separated like how men have a league and women have a league. Along with this comes the fact that people are like and there are also people that want to fix gender equality. In conclusion I think hairstyle prices should be based on difficulty and not off gender.

  3. jeremy17 says:

    My mom works as a manager at Magicuts and personally cuts her own hair. Usually my parents have conversations about stuff, but I have never ever heard them talk about haircut prices. Onto me, I think that this is wrong. I’m say a woman gets a mans short cut. A hairstyle like a man. If a man’s hair is long, they could cut it like a regular mans. It’s just more hair. This haircut things a rip off. Ill just say this but, if I were to walk in and someone said “sorry, we don’t do woman haircuts,” I would be in shock. First, I would ask why, then if the tell me something reasonable like, “we aren’t trained to do woman.” Id first think it’s reasonable but really thinking into it, its just more hair, or, if I didn’t, I would simply leave. But if I must be charged more, I could just redo, ask why. If they can’t, id talk to the owner or at least the manager. Otherwise, to other thoughts. I think is kind of sexist. More charge for woman, less charge for men. Unusual. I just thought its for more money. If the business is owned by a woman, its less likely to have the more charged money. If it was owned by a wanting money man, it would more likely to by sexist. What the biggest reason to me is… the owner of the company wants more money. If it was for a man’s business, thy just would want more money. The owner would be sexist or something. If it was a woman, and they charged more, she has not thought of a reason why to charge more. Plus, if she liked short cuts, and she got a complaint from someone, and the someone said, “how about if you came into this haircut place, and you got charged more, how would you like it.” Boy, that man would be embarrassed. Same with the man. If the someone said the same thing, he would be kinda embarrassed. And that’s what I think of the charging thing. It’s a rip off. Yup.

  4. alan6 says:

    In my opinion I think that it is bad to only let certain genders in different hairdresser stores or barber shops. Like my not do all peoples hair. I mean I know that some people don’t have the certificate to do that. but some people that cut hair do have the certificate to do that. But the hair cutting shop that only allow a certain gender is bad. Because like I saw this hair cutting store in metro town and it was a men’s barber shop. And for women who do want their hair to cut it is kind of disrespectful for them. And the women’s might be like why not do both genders. So, like some men might have long hair but they let them in but still not the woman! And if you thought that was the bad part then get ready for this: you might think that for a haircut you have to pay the same price as all the other people. We’ll let me just tell you for a fact that if you think that, then you are wrong!!!!! Because I learned that not everyone pays the same price. And no, it’s not because of how much you’re going to cut its what gender you are! Like what! What kind of rule is that? That should be illegal, like legit! I don’t get why. And let me just say that is super racist, and it’s so bad that it went on the news, it went online, then I now I must do this because the news it’s so bad, so it went viral. But seriously why do the prices for different genders different. And here is an example. For a man it’s like about 20 pounds and for a woman it’s about 40 pounds. And that is bad because. I thought this was a free country but apparently some people don’t understand how to do some easy stuff that kindergarteners even know how to do, and they don’t even know what 1+1=. Like really, we could be smarter than this. No but if you think of it, it seems kind of dumb. And then again why not let all genders in the salon or something. And as a kid you know what I noticed, that almost everything is about separating, and unfairness about men, and women. And iff the people who let all gender’s in the hair cutting shops they get more money. And even if you do let all genders. but there are different prices for the people than less people will come in. But if everything is the same price and all genders are allowed in that you would get triple the money because everyone will come to your barber shop or whatever. Wel, that’s bad. And if you think that adults are perfect than you are completely mistaken. Because all the essays, all the writing, all the history stuff is all caused by adults. And this is all 100% true. And all this gender stuff is also, like a women’s salon but the men aren’t allowed in. And the men complain. That it is unfair. Well guess what? The woman say that they don’t let them in. At least I think they say that but anyways, I know how it feels like, but it’s not really anyone’s fault, because it really all started because some weird person that does not care about all genders and some bad thing happens. I don’t think it’s really a nice thing to do. See all the trouble it caused well, this is all. Thanks reader for reading this important page.

  5. tyson12 says:

    By Tyson

    I think that just because you are a gender you should not pay more moolah than a different gender. I think that the people who own a barber you should treat everyone should be treated the same. I also think that you should be kind to every customer like every other customer. I think that paying more because you are a different gender is sexist. I think that they should make the price the same as one gender because 1st it is sexist. And 2nd you might get more moolah because more people might come. I think that the barbers and salons should both make any gender the same price. The people who make the price higher may be sexist or just want moolah. Either way I think humans should all be treated the same. I think they should do this in any store. Some places might make the price the same. In my opinion I think that they should all make it the same price. If I owned a shop I would not do this because if Ms.Panesar comes she will complain. Also because it is sexist. So I think that all people should be treated the same. Thank you for reading this document.

    PS. I like to say moolah so don’t judge me pls.

  6. althea2 says:

    After I have read the article on this issue, I think the whole idea about girls having to pay more money to get the same haircut as the opposite gender whose price is the original amount you must pay for is not right. When I come to think of it, the haircut is the same, but just on a different gender.

    Whenever I go to the hairdresser, I don’t really think about what hairstyle I want. I usually get a trim because I don’t care about my hairstyle. However, when this topic comes up, I need to put myself in others perspective. When I go to the hairdresser, (which is a Korean place) I sometimes see women getting short haircuts, or “boy cuts” and the hairdressers don’t mind at all. They think that getting the same haircut as a different sex is totally fine. One time, I looked around at the other woman’s bill and saw that she had to pay the same amount as how the men pay for that cut.

    I think that all hair salons should be unisex because its fine to have the same haircuts as the opposite gender. I think this because all gender rights should be equal and fair. However, some people don’t understand the concept of gender equality and think the whole idea is wrong. Although women’s hair might be more complex than boy’s haircuts, you can just cut the hairstyle approximately the same length and style as the original haircut.

    If I ever saw another sex having to pay more than the haircut, I wouldn’t just “jump in” and give them a piece of my mind but join in the conversation politely. I would say to the salon, “I think it is fine to have the same haircut as the men, but strange to see that the woman needs to pay more. After all, it’s just the same hairstyle on a different sex.

    Overall, it doesn’t matter what sex you are, because you should have the right to get the same hairstyle as the opposite sex. Also, we should respect others wishes and not make fun of them if you think they are strange.

  7. joshua38 says:

    By JT

    In my opinion, being charged for a haircut because of gender is discrimination. Most female’s hair is indeed long, and it will take more time to cut. But It doesn’t mean you can charge another 20 Canadian dollars because of that. Maybe that 20 dollars didn’t matter to rich people, but I think it is still unfair. If I was charged more money for everything because of my gender, I would feel very sad and discriminated. Women having a “boy haircut” is not a problem at all. I don’t even know why people are against it. I think that all genders should be charged the same money because it is unfair to have the same thing but cost more money. Genders should be equally treated. For example, in Saudi Arabia, women are forbidden to drive motorized vehicles. That is a terrible rule! All people should have the right to do whatever they want. Gender discrimination should stop. If I was charged extra money because I am a boy, I would sue the company. Saying short hair is easy to deal with and long hair takes longer is just an excuse. Plus, even if it took longer it shouldn’t cost 20 more dollars. The article says it could take long to style short hair too. What’s even worst is barber shops won’t even let women in because they say they are only trained to cut “boy haircuts”. I wonder if a woman wanted a “boy haircut” could they go into a barbershop? At first, I thought discrimination stopped in Canada. But looks like there are still some.

    Lastly, I highly Disagree that women should be charged extra for the same haircut. I hope it gets better soon.

  8. lucas78 says:

    Hello, today I will tell you about my thoughts about the haircut prices and how I think this was sexist. So, my thoughts are that this is horribly sexist and that they should not do this. LIKE HAVING DIFFERENT PRICES JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A DIFFERENT GENDER!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the hairdressers should just stop making different prices and just make prices the same for all genders. This I think is sad, the world just still doesn’t know what it feels like to be judged by their gender. I have never noticed this when I went to a hairdresser before. I always look at the prices because I like to see how expensive the haircut is. I just don’t know how I couldn’t have noticed this before. I think that all hairdressers should be unisex. I think these hairdressers should be like this because then instead of having to go to different places you can just go to one place. So that is why I would rather have hairdressers that are unisex. How I would react is that I would just not get a haircut. Then ask the front counter of the shop why the prices are different. After that I would go on the hair shop’s blog (If they have one) and complain about the prices. What I would say to the salon is that how the prices are different are sexist and that they should change their prices.

  9. kadin2 says:

    By Kadin
    I think that they should not keep it the same because it is sexist like. I feel they should make it fair and not $44.50 and 68.00 it’s a 24.50 dollar different so it’s not that bad but its ok. but their visa card is probable bad and she or he has debt and that sad and you must pay back all the money and cent but overall is good. my mom thinks it is expensive to have a haircut these days depending on styles and cuts as foe women than men. I think that movie stars like to have short hair but at the same time I think they should make a cheaper. so, we would not make a big deal of this but if you what a movie star hair then that would cost more money but. if you’re in a barber shop then would that mean that there paying more than needed even tax because these days houses are more, and you should do it at home so buy a shaver or something and chop it at home ‘and if you exercise then your hair will grow longer than usual and that’s how hair people get money faster like $20 each time you go to get a haircut and I would spend it on food and if you asking (which no one asked) I will buy cookies I don’t know why I would but its good at leased my hair don’t grow that long but it can if it’s really hot outside or something I like to play when it is raining or hot outside basketball is what gets my sweat and that’s all I do to get my haircut and who is the creator of hair because imagen that we are all bald it would be funny. And today I was playing fortnite and my hair got longer because I was raging so much that when I went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror a got all swat the end 🙂

  10. noorai1 says:

    Ms.Panesar……. WHY DID YOU TELL MEH MOM THAT I KNEW ABOUT THIS BLOG POST TOPIC THAT DUE, WHEN I DID NOT,ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I’m OFFENDED ABOUT A SENTENCE!!I the classroom As Ilookund the classroom,, yes, creepy isn’t it? But as I look around, I see that most of the girls in our classroom have long hair. I see that all of the boys have short hair. But what happens if a girl wanted to get a short haircut? ” FIRST OF ALL .. DUH I HAVE SHORT HAIR SECOND IM GONNA LIST ALL THE GIRLS IN THE CLASS WITH SHORT HAIR …….. ” ME, Marina ( sorta) , Sally, Althea ( sorta ) , Lyn , sorta Zoe? THATS A LOT Ms.panesar!!!! there are 10 girls in this class ( not including you >:3 ) and only THREE of them have long hair ( P.S Maya’s hair length is caching up to yours!!! HA) SOOOO most of the GIRLS HAVE SHORT ( and close to medium hair ) . TAKE THAT MS.PANESAR!!!!! AND ONE OF THE BOYS HAVE SORTA LONGER HAIR THEN THE REST OF THE BOYS, THATS ALAN ( bro his hair is just FLUFFY looken ) ANDDDDDDDDD MOST OF THE GIRLS IN ARE CLASS HAVE HAD A SHORT HAIR CUT IN THE LAST 4-5 MONTHS .THANK YOU ANDDDDD THE “SHORT HAIR PICTURES ” ARE PIXEY HAIR CUT DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok…. now I got my EXPLODING anger of diarrhea out, what was due on Monday? .________________.

  11. kelvin3 says:

    I think the price for haircuts should be different depending on how long the haircut would take, because the longer the time it takes for somebody’s hair to be cut, the more costly it would be on the electricity bill. This helps ensure that the prices aren’t based on your gender, which is something that many have been complaining about. Either way I think that charging somebody higher based on their gender is sexist, unfair and should not be a thing. I think the unisex barbers are a great way to enforce gender equality as they charge the same price for haircuts no matter your gender and serve both genders, unlike some barbers who reject women haircuts, even though they are just asking for a simple boy haircut. The price gap was extremely huge in the haircut price list that Ms. Panesar showed us, and the prices were absolutely absurd to start, so unisex barbers can help women not get ripped off by those barber shops that charge more money, or decline the haircut completely, just for a simple boys haircut. I don’t know why that the barbers can’t do a simple boy’s haircut on a female, although I’m not an expert you can just snip some hair off and start going away with your electric clipper. The simplicity of a boy’s haircut is insane. Add that to the fact that the women are telling them the instructions, which makes it simple to just follow what they ask. It’s unreasonable to deny a woman a haircut just because they’re female.

  12. vincent29 says:

    Back then, women and men were treated very differently. Some things were only for women, and other things were only for men. One of those things that only men could do was go to the barber shop. That was very traditional. Now, it is different. Everyone is treated more equally, but there are still some barber shops that want to keep the tradition. Those barber shops will charge women more than men for the same haircut, some of those shops won’t even allow women to get a haircut. There are also newer style barber shops than allow women and men to get the same haircut for the same price.
    Now for my opinion. I believe all people should have equal rights. Women should be allowed to go to any barber shops. I understand that some shops want to be traditional, but those shops need to adapt to the new era. Society is much more diverse and businesses need to give service to everyone. If I was a barber, I would cut anyone’s hair as long as they paid the right price. I would make the price equal for both genders. I would however, charge more for more time consuming or more difficult hairstyles.
    Overall, this is a problem that is easy to solve. Barber shops just need to adapt to the modern era. All businesses should make their customers feel welcome. A haircut is something everyone needs and everyone should be allowed to get. All barber shops should welcome anyone that needs a trim.

  13. lorenzo6 says:

    Well, I think this is a very sexist situation that is still offending people today. I think that every barber shop should be the same price for any hair cut you want. That must be really mean to women. i think that rule should be changed and be the same price for male and female. Every gender matters, some women might be thinking right now, i should be trans-gender just so i can get this cut. but why can’t they just make it same price for women if they want a “boy cut”. Maybe they are doing this for money and don’t care that they are being sexist. Also i think they are doing this because it may take longer because womens hair are longer than mens. there are many sexist people in the world who don’t care about other peoples genders but care about the extra $20 they get for cutting womens hair. So it really should be the same price. If men want long hair, then so be it! if they cut it again, its about $20 bucks because they are male, not female. but for female, if they want to have long hair, then ok. but if they end up changing their mind and start to want a “boy cut” then it would be about $40 bucks because they are not women. all women are allowed to have long and short hair. All men are allowed to have long and short hair too. so i think my opinion is correct that being sexist can hurt much more that you think. i also think that being sexist is very bad. if a boy is trans-gender, and WANT to have their short hair, the price might change because they are no longer a boy and now a girl. the person who wants their barber shop to be sexist to women, they will eventually not have much people come anymore. but for the sexist free barber shop, ming make a killing of money. not saying that you be non-sexist for the money, but to stop offending women over hair. So i think that women deserve to have any hair they want.

  14. salina3 says:

    Although I’ve never been to a barber to cut my hair, I can tell this is very sexist. It’s always been my mom who cuts my hair so its slightly different than most people. Besides that, I still think that using gender to decide the price of a haircut is ridiculous, why? If you’re getting a haircut that is identical to what a man, or guy might get, then why should it be fair that you would have to pay more? I get it if your hair is longer and you want to get a shorter cut, that might take a little longer and more skill, but if your hair was already short then that should not increase the price. say if I wanted layers in my hair as well as a short style and the man beside me was only getting a trim, it would make sense for it to cost more. However, if the style was the same one the man was getting, it doesn’t make sense that I should pay more. Even if you had to pay more as a woman, don’t turn them away! That’s just even more rude! I personally like the idea of a unisex barber because it doesn’t exclude anyone, most of the styles that people are mostly the same. As an example, men and women get their hair trimmed and layered, but for longer hair some styles are different and vice versa. Different styles shouldn’t be a reason that they can’t still have them in a unisex barbershop. If a man had longer hair he could still go to a unisex barber and they wouldn’t turn him away. I think that there should be no “boy” or “girl” styles they should have all the cuts and styles listed in the same place with the same price for women and men. Being a barber is originally a man’s job, but now many women are becoming barbers as well. Although there are still some people who are sexist when it comes to woman doing their hair. If women want short hair, they should be allowed to have short hair, there’s nothing wrong with a man having long hair. If women come to you wanting a short haircut, then give them one. They’re still paying you to do their hair so what difference does it make? They say that their barbers don’t specialize in women’s hair, but they literally want the same thing the barbers would give to a man. Besides they can just say that they specialize in short hair cuts because that’s what most men want. But if they do a man’s hair that is long and refuse service to other women who have long hair that is unfair and very rude, also not to forget that it’s also very sexist. So, in conclusion I think that all barbers should be unisex because just rejecting women because they’re girls and not because that they don’t know how to do the hair is so sexist, I can’t even find the right words for it.

  15. marko16 says:

    “Boy cuts’’
    “Boy cuts’’ statement is in my opinion, discriminating to girls.
    I get that some people can be old fashioned, and have their own opinion but getting a “boy cut’’ is their decision .
    “Boy cuts’’ are discriminating because girls have to pay more than boys for the same haircut.
    I get their hair is long and it takes more time to cut, but what if it’s not very long?
    They will still have to pay more.
    Some of the hairdressers, are not trained that well for girls hair, but rising price is not fair.
    For the people that don’t like the idea of boy cuts, ask yourself why?
    Is it that you think its weird, are you old fashioned or are you from somewhere where the boys have short hair and the girls have long.
    In my opinion this is a stereotype, since we live in the 21st Century.
    In this day an age we should be open to the ideas.
    People usually mistake guys for girls just because of their long hair.
    Why would girls only have long hair?
    I would really like to know why people think that is wrong that girls have short hair?
    It might be that they have brought up this way.
    Some people culture or even religion not allowing girls to have short hair.
    Maybe people think the girls are less beautiful if they have short hair.
    I honestly the girls that do get “boy cuts” are strong minded.
    They have their own opinion and respect themselves more than thinking of other people’s opinions.
    If all girls have long hair, they would all look the same.
    Variety and different is good.
    So in conclusion, this is just a giant stereotype that is followed from a long time ago.

  16. leo40 says:

    In my opinion, I think that all hair salons should be unisex, and all the designs should be charged the same price no matter what gender a person asks to have that design. It’s just not fair for women to pay more than men for the same style. Sure, women’s hair is long, and it takes longer to cut and more skill, but that’s not an excuse to charge woman more pounds than men because, as the salon owner and hairdresser, “Susannah Jones says: “Historically, in our industry there has been a gap between the price charged for men and women. This was based on the belief that men have short hair, which is quick and simple to style, and women have long hair, which takes more time and skill. This is simply not the case. Short haircuts can be more technical and often take longer, so time wasn’t even a factor when we used to charge less for men – it was purely because they were male…”” (in the article)

    They probably only charge women more because they’re simply female. Being a female in this situation is sad, and I would consider it as racism and discrimination against anyone who is a female or a girl in this situation. I mean, I can’t even imagine being a woman in this situation and being told by a salon owner that I wasn’t allowed into this barber shop simply because I am a female and the barber shop doesn’t cut women’s hair. I would’ve immediately reported this situation to the police and let them handle it. It’s just not fair to women to make them pay more for the style. The thing that’s sad is that in the past women have faced discrimination tons of times and these days they still do. Has anyone ever even thought about gender equality these days? It’s been a problem for centuries now and nobody even bothered to do anything about it. The men don’t care, salon owners don’t care, and the only people that care are the women facing this discrimination, the United nation (UN) and other parties or organizations that support women or girls that face this. But right now, women not only face discrimination in these situations, but are also targets to gangsters and abused by men. In fact, you have a better chance of getting attacked or sexually abused and harassed than men if you are a woman. The United Nation is doing all they can right now to stop discrimination, violence, and sexual charges against women. I think the reason the salon owners charge the women more pounds than men is because these days woman still aren’t treated the same way as men. Even though everyone has tried to help, the government, the UN, the parties that tried to stop this, people just still don’t care about women. In the past, males think that they’re superior and have the right to vote, while the women just stay home and take care of the housework and children. But the women aren’t treated as real people in this society, they’re just slaves to men. Despite their best efforts, the government, The UN, and the parties that tried to stop this have failed so far, but I know that they will continue until they succeed in their job in the following years to come. I think this problem (hairdresser thing) occurs only in the UK’s barber shop since I’ve never witnessed this before in British Columbia. It might happen in other parts of the world, but all I know that gender equality is a BIG problem all around the world.

    What I’m glad that the women named Karen Waldron (in the website) set up the unisex barber shop in UK because she decided that this should be a place for both men and women, a walk-in, no-appointment service, where the prices are the same for both genders and the same styles. Her stylists are trained to do barber cuts as well as more technical cuts, so there are styles for everyone.

    “The main issue about the barber-shop and the lovely tradition with it is that it is for men and only meant to be men, It’s only in the last five years that I’ve allowed women who come in with an absolute man’s cut – clippers, neck shaved with a cut-throat, etcetera. We can’t be fussy any more now there are so many barber-shops.” Says Karen Waldron. (in the article). I can already tell that Karen is a person that thinks gender equality should be something everyone should try to work on. In the article It said “Karen Waldron set up a unisex barbershop to combat gender issues around hairdressing” under the picture of her standing in front of her new, unisex barber shop. I think she really is trying her best to battle this gender equality thing so I’m happy and proud for her and everyone else who helped to stop this.

  17. landon1 says:

    I think that this is discrimination against woman for something as small as a haircut. A haircut is something so small compared to stuff like politics and the stuff going on with the president, so why would you charge more for woman for getting the same haircut as a man. Like the woman said, I’m fine with it if it’s a different haircut that takes more time to do or takes more hair products to do or it is a difficult haircut to do but if the person is asking to just cut it shorter then can’t you just do that it is not that hard to do. I was surprised to see that Britain was doing it to because the person who makes all the laws in Britain is the queen who is a woman. I wasn’t that surprised to see that USA is doing it since stuff like this but worse has been happening ever since trump became president. I thought that everybody are equals but some people aren’t being treated as equals. I just don’t get it, throughout history woman have been treated as lesser people than men but also there have been woman that have done more than most men have, like Joan of arc or Marie curie just to name a few, so if there are woman who have changed the world for the better, then why is there still people that are treating woman like they are less than men. It is happening here in Canada too, and i think it is because people are trying to get less women wanting short hair or they are trying to get more money off woman wanting short hair. I can’t believe that Canada is doing it too because i just wouldn’t expect Canada to be doing this sort of stuff, but then there was Justin Trudeau doing black face and bill 21 happened so stuff like this has happened in Canada but just not as often as USA. This isn’t even important so why would you make the price higher than what it is for men, is it just to make more money by charging more, if so then you should just charge a bit higher for both not double the price for just woman. Also I just mentioned that it was double the price but it is double the price in British pounds which means if you were to compare a mans haircut in Canadian dollars to a woman’s haircut in British pounds it would be almost quadruple the price than it is here which is a crazy amount of money to be paying just to get your hair cut only shorter not some fancy hair style. Every barber shop accused of doing this has made up an excuse like long hair is more technical and takes longer to cut but according to the article it’s the other way around. What the barber shops were really doing was charging men less because they were men and not because long hair takes longer to cut. I think it is great that some barbers are finally realizing this and making the charge equal for both men and woman. Some people are opening their own barbershops that are also charging equal for both genders. Hope everybody liked my post and goodbye.

  18. lyn2 says:

    Blog Post By: 🐔 Read My Name And Don’t Be Lazy 🐔

    So, after reading the blog post here are my thoughts. Basically, I the way how they make the women’s hair more expensive than men. I get how the women’s hair is like longer and it takes a lot of effort to make it look good but since it is like a woman it doesn’t mean to make it more expensive. I think that the hair salon should make then even but if it like 10+ more than the women’s haircut I don’t think it is best to go there then. After looking at the different hair salons I realized that every sex/ gender has a different price. The price that is different is by 20$ like really. If you wanted a short haircut for woman is to donate your hair to charity. I am not sure if you can do that at a salon. That was sort of a joke. Like sometimes I see funny comics about how like a men’s full haircut is 20$ and a woman’s trim is like 30$. The fact that if a woman is getting a boy’s haircut is still the same price as a women’s is a bit different. What if the excuse is “your hair is long, so it has to be the women’s price.” Anyways, since the barbers cannot do women’s hair is fine, I get it but sometimes why can’t they do women’s hair as well? Also, why did they charge less for a man is it because men are suddenly more important than woman when it comes to money. Now, no matter how you dress, speak, or even get your hair done doesn’t mean you are that sexuality. Like I read the article and it said. “Since you have a short boy haircut, I am going to refer you as a lesbian.” And yet that is not how it works. You don’t know about other people until you ask them. And since Ms. Panesar said about how if you are a woman, most likely a black woman must pay more just to get a car. Like I wish that there is a hair salon/ barber that makes no different price between genders, it should only be when it comes to styles and other stuff. Why do so much people have to be so sexist and racist in this world? Like I know that this could be a bit offensive but why? We should be treated nicely, and we shouldn’t have to pay more because of our colour and our sex/gender.

  19. albert4 says:

    Should we charge the same price for every gender? Well the answer is simple yes but if your hairs like all tangled up the price should be a bit different but this is about gender equality. People will never change but i mean what u wanted me to say we can change them well kinda. Because they might have a daughter and might charge price for them to and it might change their price. Sometimes they have favorites so most likely they won’t change. Mens barber shops charge more but why not hire women to also cut i think they don’t hire is to show mans can do something other than work but we aren’t in the medieval age anymore. The price changes a lot a men could be like 29 dollars for men/boy and for a women is 37 dollars for a woman this is a drastic change from a 29$ thats like 6$ in a change and maybe even if your skin color is different you would be racist and treat them better. So probably if you were a white male vs a black male a black male would probably get it more than a white female but less than a black woman so probably 54$. Just went to the INTERNET and went to the first thing i found was the PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY ASSOCIATION and found that a woman’s are around 48$ while a man is 23$ WT thats a full 18ish dollars that are wanted on a hairdresser that may make yours bad if your a woman if i was a woman I would just had mine cut a home. But if it’s colour hair then good luck! Even if their a transgender how would they be judged? Their neither male nor female how would that be weight? If I were a company of a barber shop/hair dresser i would make the price written on a sheet so no one charges more but in the customers view their hair may be messy and tangled then yeah cost more for the cut. This must be viewed in both way so neither of the people would be bad they have positives and negatives. This is sexism and is everywhere in the world. Just go online and search: is sexism still happening? And the answer is yes.In my opinion all prices are the same except for extras like:untangle hair wash it thoroughly and etc. And for Ms. Panesars question should people unisex? In my opinion is a 100%yes! No type nor sex type should be treated differently all people should be treated the same. There is no reason to not. And if their is? The rule should be BANNED and as before all are treated the same.This was all in my opinion none of this was anyone else’s.

  20. noorai1 says:

    DISCLAMER: This may not be accurate because I was never told about this in person (also I might miss some letter B’s in this because that letter does not really work when I press it on meh brothers key bored OOOOOOOOOOF)

    Based on what I could get, we are talking about hair????? I read the article and wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, there is a lot of discrimination here to unfold.
    First most of the woman here have pixey haircuts, which are much a closer hair cut to a boy’s type of haircut. As I read the article I a photo of a man with a pixey haircut.
    This woman went to get her sides of her pixey haircut fixed, but the barber shop refused to do it, she tried multiple shops.
    But their answers were always “nope, no can do “or “ok (BUT THE PRICE IS DOBLEDDDDDDDDDDDD YASSSSSSSSS!! (sarcasm insert: ) . This is highly exaggerated; a person should pay equally the same amount as the other. Well… in THIS situation. I believe that cutting women’s hair is easier! Sorta x3.I
    mean, I’m good at drawing girl hair, but not boy hair (that’s a connection).this has never happened to me because I go to a hair thing place ( Oof YeAh) Called mimi’s (or its meme’s I don’t remember xD). They ALWAYS cut hair a LOT shorter than what the customers wanted TT W TT that’s why I ended up with

    Dora looken short hair xD). Yes, I agree with the point of barbers (and hairdressers) to open up to all and any gender/unisex. I mean, if I SAW the other sex getting a cheaper price for the same haircut, I would be upset. Although I would not react all sudden, I would calmly approach the person, and ask about dis UNFARE AVENT!!! But…. I’m kind of shy to strangers.

    Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (ONE BILLON O’s LATER) yeah I would not really go ahead, I would just scooch mah butt to a cheaper place (no sarcasm involved). So out of the knowledge I was not born with, im’a conclude dis. Mah finale thoughts are, “Any and all genders should be qualified to go either to a barber shop, or a hair salon, thank you~” – Dwayne the rock Johnsen. Welp he just hacked meh blog :0. have a nice day peeps, and PEACE OUT MY DUDS AND DUDETS.

  21. tiana3 says:

    In my opinion, I think that all barber’s/hair salons should be unisex. I think that if what a customer’s wants their hairstyle to be the way they want it to be, the salon/barber should listen to their customers and not make them pay extra fees. It should be that way because the customer is to pay for a haircut, they should get what they want. I think that it isn’t fair if you need to pay more for a woman’s haircut than a man’s haircut because I don’t think it matters whether a man’s hair is shorter than a woman, so the woman needs to pay more. People should be able to choose what they want, and I think that salons should be opened for all sexes. I was quite shocked when I heard that in most salons, a man’s haircut costs less than a woman’s haircut because I didn’t really notice a lot, but now when I think of it, it is unfair. Even though some people’s hair is longer than others, I don’t believe that their haircuts should cost more. Due to people’s genders, that shouldn’t be a reason to make different genders pay a different amount of money. If you were to get a haircut, I don’t think that the fee shouldn’t be any different than the other gender’s fee because everyone’s hair is different in all sorts of ways and that shouldn’t have to cause one gender paying more than the other gender. Whatever the customer’s hair is like, a haircut should cost the same not based on whether the person’s hair is longer or shorter, or by gender. I think it is unfair for one gender to pay more than the other gender if it is like that way. I don’t believe that if someone’s hair is longer, (traditionally woman) that person would have to pay more than people who has short hair. (traditionally men) Even if some woman/men have short/long hair or if they want to have short/long hair, that person would have to pay more, and I think that the situation would be unfair as the person just wants to have their hair the way they want it to be. I still don’t think that even if a person wants hair like the other gender of them, they should be charged more or would be denied if the barber/salon only uses the excuse of not knowing how to cut hair like another gender because when you think about it, it is quite unfair. I get the fact that some hair studio’s want to separate male and female haircuts but to places where they allow both haircuts for a man and women, I think the haircut fee shouldn’t be different for both gender’s as I think it should be equal. I am starting to think that even though a person’s hair is longer or takes more time to cut, it shouldn’t have to cost more than with people who have short hair and takes less time to cut. It would be disappointing for customers who need to pay more just due to if their hair is longer and takes more skill and time to cut. For extra features to your hair, I think that only that should be what makes a haircut cost more but not because of how people’s hair is like. If I found out that my haircut, costs more than the other sex, I would be shocked and quite disappointed about it. If I were to talk about the fee, I would argue for not only my right, but for every other female so they can have a chance to speak up for themselves and so we can be equal. I would tell those people what I think and that it isn’t fair for women to have to pay more than men just for one haircut and just because of how long most female’s hair are. I would want to stand up for the rights for all female’s, who also, don’t agree about the un-equality to what most hair studio’s, are charging to us. In addition, I think that it isn’t fair for people (normally woman) who have long hair or want long hair to pay more than people (normally men) who have short hair or want short hair to pay a cheaper fee.

  22. teran2 says:

    I feel that it’s not right that women are charged more for haircuts that are similar to a man’s haircut. Longer hair may take more time to cut. Therefore cuts for long hair could cost more.

    If the person getting their haircut has short hair already, then the time to cut it would be less. Therefore, cuts for shorter hair could cost less. It shouldn’t matter at all who is getting their cut. If a man has short hair and a woman has short hair, shouldn’t they be charged the same amount? I think that men and women should be charged the same amount for a haircut. However, women are not charged the same. This can be seen as discrimination.

    However, there could be reasons why some barbers charge more to cut women’s hair. Maybe the barber doesn’t have much experience cutting women’s hair. Or the barber may not be comfortable cutting women’s hair.

    I think haircuts for men and women should be charged the same if the hair being cut is similar in length. Maybe barbers should charge more for long hair haircuts because they probably take more time to work on. Maybe they can charge less for shorter haired haircuts. It shouldn’t matter if the hair belongs to a man or a woman.

  23. ella34 says:

    I know that a while ago, almost all women had long hair, and all men had short hair. You wouldn’t really expect to see a man wearing a ponytail or bun back then, but times have changed. These days, there are no rules. People are free to express themselves and to have whichever hairstyle they want to have. Now, almost everywhere you go you see women with short hair. But for women, most of the time, they are rejected by barber shops or are charged more for short hair in salons. Every so often, a woman will walk into a barber shop saying they want the same hairstyle as the man beside them, but that’s where the problem starts. Barbers aren’t used to cutting woman’s hair. Barber shops were primarily considered for men. They were basically, “man caves,” as some people call it. They were mostly intended for men to talk to each other about football or other manly things while getting their hair done. Some men would feel uncomfortable if the women beside him were talking to each other about fashion or makeup. But I think that all hair salons should be unisex. It’s unfair how if a woman wants her hair done at a salon, she must pay extra, but if she goes to a barber, she gets rejected and isn’t allowed to get her hair done there. So, where can they get their haircut? I don’t think anyone should need to ask this question. But I also think that the longer this problem persists, more and more women who want a man’s haircut will put more pressure on barbers. If barber shops and hair salons were unisex, we wouldn’t have this issue. If I wanted to get a man’s haircut, I would be fairly angry if I walked into a hair salon saying I wanted a man’s haircut and it cost extra. The same saying goes if I walked into a barber shop and they rejected me and said that they don’t cut women’s hair. It also wouldn’t be fair if the price was way cheaper for the other gender, while I had to pay at least 20% more for the exact same haircut. I would question the reason behind it and ask the owner to reconsider allowing me to get a haircut (at a barber shop), or to lower the price to get a men’s haircut (at a hair salon). Even after going to the hair salon quite a few times, I still have not noticed this problem (probably because I have long hair), but it should still be fixed. I liked the idea of the woman who charges the same amount of money to do a women’s and men’s haircut (the woman in the last photograph). All in all, I hope that her spirit will be accepted through Canada.

  24. noah30 says:

    By Noah

    I think that all the barber stores should be unisex barber stores. I also feel bad for women who had to pay more money than the white men or men. Honestly, I think that they were just doing this as another act of unfairness because if they are not maybe those men despise women and girls. My mom would say no to either of my sisters for a “boy cut” and that means those few who got their hair done are extremely lucky to have their hair done. If I were a girl and I wanted a haircut and they didn’t let me I would feel outraged. The people who were at the barber stores wanted money and nothing else. The people back then were greedy and stingy and greedy. They wanted everything for themselves. I think that this event was really a bad one and it was very sexist to. The people who had to live like this, well I feel sorry for all of them. I think that the government should have done something about this conclusion I don’t think that this was the best situation for the people.

    Thank you!

  25. maya33 says:

    Holly Haircuts
    I hate haircuts. I like to keep my hair nice and long (and not easy to keep in place). Others would like their hair long, medium or a little short. But others may not want hair like that, and they’d rather have shorter hair that’s known as “boy” like hair. But other hairdressers won’t except doing girls hairstyles simply just because they are a girl asking for a “boy” cut. If I wanted to get a shorter haircut and get declined because I’m a girl, my mom would probably try to restrain me from killing that person. What I’m trying to say is that if I wanted a haircut that was known as a “boy” cut, I’d probably be disappointed or mad (probably mad though from my description). Even though those short haircuts are known to be traditional boy cuts, I wouldn’t care (If I wanted a short haircut), I’d still get one anyways. I think it should be right for hairdressers to care about their customers suggestions. So, what I’m trying to say is that they should do any haircuts they can do and not just do it because they think it should only be for the opposite gender. It’s not like their getting that haircut so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Like really? I guess it’s fine for other hairdressers to not know how to do that hairstyles with other types of hair. At least they aren’t trying to be sexist or anything. But since it’s their job, they should know how to do it to please their customers. It’s also not that good to have specific barber stores for different genders. It would be too much of a hassle. If they just payed the others less because they were a different gender than you, you can probably see why this isn’t fair. But it they didn’t know how to do it and gave them a harder time, again, this is their job. they should at least know how to do It cause that’s apart of their jobs. How would you think of this? Cause for me, this isn’t close to being fair on my opinion.
    By: Maya Azrielle Gorio

  26. marina1 says:

    In my opinion, I think that all haircuts should be the same price, no matter what gender. The fact that many hairdressers are not giving requested haircuts due to their gender, is very discriminative. Everybody should be able to make their own decisions, especially when it comes to their body, and what they want. Sometimes, barbers/hairdressers decide to give them whatever haircut they would like but then would charge them extra. Sometimes they charge clients over twenty dollars then they would charge the opposite gender, just because of the hairstyle/haircut they would like. I have never seen this happen to somebody anywhere. Personally, I still think that barber shops and hair salons should be kept separate, and here’s why. Most woman still want haircuts/hairstyles that are more on the feminine side, as well as men that still want haircuts that are more on the masculine side. I think it would be a lot more organized if they stayed separate because all barbers and hairdressers normally are cutting different haircuts and doing different hairstyles for different genders and their requests. Many women tend to dye their hair and add some extra details to their hair. Some men do dye their hair as well, but sometimes don’t add as many details. I still think that every gender should cut their hair however they would like, and still not get charged extra. After doing some research, I have found that unisex barber shops not only smell of different chemicals for both genders, but they don’t do your hair well either. Sometimes men and women use different hair supplies and products for their hair. This means that unisex barber shops would most likely have most of those hair products. These chemicals are not healthy to be inhaling either, which are some health benefits as well. Unisex barber shops are not always reviewed to be very good, but that depends on who is working there and what how advanced they are. How do you feel about unisex barber shops? Do you think they should stay separated? If you do, why?

  27. mohamed4 says:

    I do not think that anybody has a heart.
    Why would anybody refuse to cut your hair because you are a different gender. the sitituataion is kind of wierd. So What does it matter if you`re a different gender. I know that maybe the people cutting the hair are not trained to do long hair but at least they can explain it nicely. I think that nobody should enter a shop and pay more than a different person because of their gender. I think that everybody should pay the same amount of money for anything . the discrimination is just so wrong. Even I would not charge someone extra for something because of their gender. Some people are very mean and like to discriminate for really small things. I think that there should be more unisex barber shops .
    I know that longer hair is harder but some boys have long hair and do not get charged extra. How would it feel to be shamed for your gender. you will feel bad about yourself because you can’t even get
    a haircut without paying extra. It makes you feel bad about yourself. You can’t even get a haircut in peace. It’s sad how almost everyone wants to be good person but then they do things that harm other
    people. these people are supposed to do their jobs. I think they might have done their jobs wrong. VERY WRONG. And they don’t even say sorry for their horrible actions. There should be more unisex barber shops and women should to be treated different o.

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