First, Trudeau. Then, the Voter… and Don’t Forget Bill 21!

Somehow, just somehow, I am imagining someone in our class saying aloud: What? We are getting a new 21 dollar bill? No, we are not getting a new 21 dollar bill. So what is Bill 21 then? 

Image result for francois legault bill 21

Well, in June this year, Quebec Premier, Francois Legault, and his Coalition Avenir Quebec government passed the heavily criticised and controversial, Bill 21. At roughly 10:30 P.M. this bill was passed with 73 in favour and only 35 against. This bill bans public servants who are in positions of authority from wearing any religious ‘symbols.’ So if you are a judge, police officer, government lawyer, school teacher or principal you are not allowed to wear religious ‘symbols’ like a hijab, crucifix, turban or kippah.

Image result for hijab

A Muslim woman wearing a hijab.



A Christian crucifix or cross.

Image result for sikh turban

A Sikh turban.

Image result for kippah cartoon

A Jewish kippah.

Why did they do this? Well, the party says that they would like Quebec to remain truly secular. This means that there is no interference of religion in the public space. If you were wondering what happens to the the people who have these jobs and wear symbols, well the answer is this: employees can keep them as long as they do not change the school they are working at or take a promotion.  Image result for bill 21 protest

Some people argue that this is racist and that in Canada we have the freedom to dress however we would like to. We also have religious freedom and are allowed to peacefully practice any religion we choose to. This law would jeopardise people’s relationship with their religion as well as their job if they were a public servant. 

The below link is Legault’s reasoning behind the bill:

This article speaks about the impact that Bill 21 is having on Muslim women as well as a young lady named Amrit Kaur. She just graduated from university and wants to become a teacher… but she has a turban.

This article shows the protest rallies that are occurring in Montreal because of Bill 21. 

So now it is your turn to weigh in on this Bill. What are your thoughts on Bill 21? Do you think that it is a racist bill which goes against our rights as Canadians? Or, does it help Canadians keep religion out of the public sector. After all, Canada is made up of many religions so what happens if someone wishes to do something in the name of their religion but it goes against Canadian laws? Remember to treat this issue with the respect and compassion that it deserves. Grade 5 a response of 20 sentences and Grade 6 a submission of 25 sentences, please. Try to go as deep with your critical thinking as you can!  

143 thoughts on “First, Trudeau. Then, the Voter… and Don’t Forget Bill 21!

    • mohamed4 says:


  1. labib1 says:

    The man is probably just ignorant and doesn’t know how much of an impact his words are affecting. Religion just makes us more different which is honestly a good thing and Canada should be a free country with people being able to follow what they want to follow. The thing the man said is not a right thing, but people may be just unknown for the fact that stuff people may do different is something important to them. The people that don’t know about religions can learn a thing or two which also makes it so the world can be more racist free because these are just a few of the examples of people who without realizing made such a big conflict. This just also maybe a case where people are just blind in the fact that their being racist to other religions. I also know for a fact that believing something that other people don’t is nothing to be shameful about because your religion is yours. Jagmeet Singh handled the situation in a proper matter reminding the man that this is a free country and afterwards the man probably realized what a mistake he made. The man probably was a supporter and wanted him to win by giving that tip. I honestly wouldn’t be able to do this in a kind manner and probably end up being silent and walking away. The way Jagmeet Singh dealt with the problem made him think about his actions. I find it very fascinating how generations after generations he had his mom send him how to tie his hair in a bun without a hair band to make it so he can wrap the turban that he always wears. People may have other opinions thinking that having longhair is not right, but it just shows how determined they are about following their religion. The way they never cut their hair makes me think about how men take years to grow long hair, but girls can grow hair long in a short period of time. It’s also very cute how his wife choses the colors to make them match every single day. I would always think that there was a reasoning behind the colors, but people simply just do it as a random color or for them to match. Jagmeet Singh always tries to make Canada a diverse country so that racism can stop, and we can realize the fascinating things about others and to the fact that people are different, and no one is the same. I learned something I never knew about how Sikhs have long hair because they think it’s wrong to interfere with our bodies. I also learned that there is a way to tie up your hair without using a hair band. Jagmeet Singh should also give a speech on the behalf of the people to make them realize their mistakes. I will also bring to the people how interesting it is to learn about the other religions. Also, as you may realize, Jagmeet Singh is the ever politician that is sheik to ever lead a major party, in fact he may even become the first sheik prime minister in Canada. So that just shows that white politicians always end up coming in the riding but this election there is the difference. His win also made Canada a more diverse society, which just improves Canada even more. Now that thing the man said about him is a rude thing to say to him and all the sheiks in Canada or even globally because a sheik winning a spot the spot of the leader of the NDP party. The man should just give an apology and we could right past it because if you take a certain conflict to seriously, it will affect how much votes you get so Jagmeet Singh should try to find the most harmless way so other parties can’t take advantage over it. If Jagmeet Singh plays it correctly he will be able to earn more votes bringing him up even more to maybe even win the election. Jagmeet Singh so far is probably taking this election smoothly making it so that he looks good as a person and a leader. What the man did was wrong, but he did in a way he didn’t know it was going to make an impact like that but if he decides to take it smartly and admit that yes, I have done something wrong and that I should give my apology to Mr. Singh then a lot more time will be saved and as a possible NDP supporter it will make it so his party will win. At the same time though we cannot control how he thinks so he may make it into a bigger case where he’s on the side saying that he didn’t say anything bad and how Jagmeet Singh is just trying to falsely accuse him but anything can happen in the world of politics. Another fascinating I found about sheiks is that they don’t eat any kind of meat because they think interfering with their life would be the same as cutting up someone and eating that. I also saw that they eat only plants at temples to because one day me and my dad went to one to see how everything worked. They treated us equally because they said that all people were welcome. When they served food, the whole plate was vegetables and even the naan (a circular bread coming from India) was fully plants and had a greenish color, although I did not like it, I still thought that the religion was unique and different like all of them. In conclusion, this situation should start a conflict like Justin Trudeau blackface did and the man should just kindly go up to him or email him that he admits that he has done something wrong and he is deeply sorry about all the chaos it has started up just because of his few words.

  2. zoe24 says:

    First Trudeau, Then, the Voter, and Don’t Forget Bill 21!
    Wow. I think this is very, I repeat, VERY racist! After the other blog posts about racism, this is STILL happening. I’m very surprised only 35 people vote against the other 73 voters. Bill 21 isn’t a new 21 bill, but it’s something that now people can’t go to a job if they wear a turban (A piece of cloth wrapped around someone head that’s baptized),hijab (something similar to a turban), crucifix (A Christian cross), or a kippah (A mini hat on the back of a head). These are just sighs to prove that they are faithful to their religion, and shouldn’t mean that they can’t go to jobs. This woman, Amrit Kaur, should be able to do whatever her heart desires, and not being able to complete that. Like I said for MY job interview, someone should do something they enjoy doing, not doing something they wish they didn’t have to do.
    There are a lot of protesters still out in Canada, and if I were in their shoes, I would also be a protester, and I would also be offended. In the picture, this lady had a sign that said, “Judge me for what’s in my head NOT on my head.” I can understand that, because a turban, hijab, crucifix, or a kippah doesn’t make them bad, but, again, it shows their faith to their religion.
    Francois Legault, the Quebec Premier, started Bill 21, and (Not to be rude) personally, this is a VERY stupid idea. Think, what if you wore a turban, hijab, crucifix, or a kippah, and you wanted to have a good job. Then, the interviewer dude says, “Yo, I’m sorry but you wear a turban/hijab/crucifix/kippah. Remember Bill 21?” If I were that person, I of course, would feel insulted, and might have even thought how depressing Canada is.
    Now, Canadians all look different, also what Jagmeet Singh said, in my previous post (It’s Not Just Trudeau…). My point is, Canadians SHOULDN’T look the same, and that’s a reason why a lot of people immigrated to Canada. They want peace and freedom, a good job, and anything anyone wants to have a good life. But if they come to Canada, and see they might not be able to get a good job, than that person wouldn’t be able to have a nice, peaceful life.
    I think that Legault’s “heavily criticized” idea on Bill 21 shouldn’t be happening anymore, because the more people that have ideas on racism and so forth, shouldn’t be thought about again (Maybe someone can find a sorcerer to remove the thoughts of the world (INCLUDING CANADA) on racism).
    But now. The bright side for Legault. Maybe he wanted Bill 21 because he might have had a problem with the religious people in the past, or maybe he didn’t understand why the turbans/hijabs/crucifixes/kippahs were being used and the definitions of it. Maybe, if he does do some research on religious stuff he might understand more and be able to take down Bill 21. He might be able to convince those 73 voters to change sides, although maybe a handful might have a good reason (Not saying there IS, but maybe) why Bill 21 is a good idea.
    All of this goes to my main idea, and governments shouldn’t be able to judge or force us what to wear, etc.

  3. zoe24 says:

    Oh! I forgot to mention. Ms. Pandasarcastic (Don’t mind me), are we going on a field trip to this Science museum thing? I saw it on the School Cash Online thing. With Division 6?!

  4. noah30 says:

    This is what I think about bill 21

    I think bill 21 shouldn’t have happened. Imagine if the government had their own religions and you were not allowed to have a religion. I know that some people don’t have religion’s, but you should still care for them what did they do to earn this? They didn’t do anything the government made them do this. If I were part of government, I would tell the people to be the person they want to be because everybody needs freedom now and then.

    But on the flip side if they ae trying to remain secular then they should be specific places like a church or a little area. This bill 21 might also spread because some other area’s might be secular but not like this. Were my dad’s country is located they won’t allow people to do Christianity because they are a Muslim community although my dad think’s that is wrong. So, he moved to Canada so he could use Christianity in Canada.

    In conclusion I think that bill 21 is wrong and they shouldn’t have started it. How would the government have felt if they had some religion’s and they weren’t allowed to? I think they would feel the same way as the people feel. Sad angry and mad. And, why did they decide this for them selves.

    How did you like the blog post?

  5. marko16 says:

    BILL 21
    I do have two opinions about Bill 21.
    My first opinion is that people should be able to wear anything they want. Their freedom of wearing what they want, should not be taken away. We live in a country where there are so many different religions and we learn from each other. The beauty of our country is having so many differences and that’s what makes Canada what it is. Such a multicultural country as Canada is a great asset to the world. With this we are showing the world that differences can live together in one place.

    My second opinion is that people should not wear religious symbols in the public sector.
    I don’t feel this is racist. I am thinking what if we have a group of police officers and each of them have their religious symbols with different uniforms, this will not look as professional, and serious. On the internet they talk about christian, jew, muslim and sikh symbols. Those are only a few of them. What if for example I am a police officer and want to wear my Serbian religious symbol instead of the police hat.
    With so many religions, we would have so many different kinds of symbols public sector is wearing. I feel that uniforms should be the same for everyone. Mainly I think that is for the security reasons. For example, wearing niqab is covering the face, and with that we are not able to see the person under. Would that also be aloud being a police officer, or immigration officer.
    This concludes my statement Bill 21 is mainly for security reasons and for the people not to judge or be judged due to religious symbols.

  6. vincent29 says:

    I personally believe that bill 21 is a TERRIBLE idea. I think that because Canada is a very beautiful country because it is so diverse and has many cultures. Bill 21 would basically cancel out the culture in part of Canada, and that would ruin the environment. People should be allowed to do any culture they want. The culture doesn’t cause harm to anyone so I don’t see why we should ban it. In fact, it would cause harm if people couldn’t do their culture. I don’t think it is fair to the people who enjoy their culture because they did their culture for years but then they are told they must stop. The people who came up with bill 21 are very careless and they don’t know what turbans and crosses mean to people. I believe it is fine to express your culture in public because it teaches people about your culture and they might gain interest in it. Culture is a big part of Canada. People in Canada all come from different countries and have different cultures. Different cultures in Canada make it a very welcoming environment. If bill 21 is applied, Canada will not be as welcoming to people from different parts of the world. I don’t think it is right to tell people what they can and cannot do. People should have the right to wear whatever cultural symbols they want to wear. It isn’t a very pretty environment if everyone is wearing the same type of clothes and accessories. If everyone in the world were the same, it would be very boring. Canada has freedom and we need to keep that freedom. It would not be very free to have ridiculous restrictions. But it would be free to let anyone do any culture they want to do. To sum it up, I think bill 21 is a very bad idea. I believe that because it basically cancels out the culture in part of Canada. People should have the right to wear any type of clothing, religious or not. It isn’t fair to tell people to stop doing their culture. Canada has freedom, and we need to keep that freedom. Bill 21 would ruin lives, and would do no good. Overall, bill 21 is a really, really bad idea.

  7. kadin2 says:

    By KADIN
    I thought my teacher said area 21 like area 51. I would vote for NDP, but my friend sitting 1 seat away said he would vote for andrew scheer like i mean jagmeet singh is a little bit better than andrew scheer. I mean no one is going to vote for justin trudeau who would vote for justin. no one right he’s done a lot of bad stuff that can do to canada. And i think they should make a 21 dollar bill because it would be easier to buy stuff and for the election i think that andrew is a good pick but he’s never been picked before but people made a bad mistake for voting in justin and my parents don’t like to talk about politics but jagmeet singh is a great pick but he is only in north burnaby and i am not old enough to vote, so i can’t vote. i don’t know who will win the votes it’s tough to decide how to pick and I don’t read, a lot about andrew so i don’t know if he’s bad or not. but jagmeet is good amount of votes and if it’s justin again i think everything is going bad he just what’s to get money tax bills or electricity bill and more and jagmeet singh is good because he lowers the bills like gas is more now a days so he can lower it and life is easy and not hard to find money but it’s hard to work for money and now andrew i don’t know but he’s better than trudreau and it’s really hard to pay for house,gas,electricity and food and i know people in the world are starving from hunger and pain.

  8. ella34 says:

    In my opinion, I think Bill 21 is not a good idea because it is a racist bill which goes against our rights as Canadians. If Bill 21 happens, it will be like taking away a part of someone because they will not be able to wear their religious symbols that are part of their culture. Everyone has their own culture and beliefs and should be able to keep them. The hijabs, Christian crosses, Sikh turbans, and Jewish kippahs are what make Canada multicultural. It’s unfair that if you’re a judge, police officer, government lawyer, school teacher or principal you are not allowed to wear religious symbols. I think it will be a big mistake if religious symbols are banned because those are what make us diverse. Everybody is different and should be able to wear whatever clothes they want to, while doing the job they want to do. It is unfair that some people can’t get a job or lose the one they already have just because of what they are wearing when wearing those clothes won’t affect how well they do their job. The reason behind this bill is to divide religion and government so religion doesn’t affect the way the government works. But for many people wearing their symbols those symbols are much more than a religion. It is in the core of their beliefs. My parents are immigrants and we are Orthodox Christians. If I wish to wear a crucifix (cross) one day, I still want to be able to get the job I want to have. Besides, not wearing any symbols does not make anyone more Canadian than they already are. We need to make sure that all immigrants feel safe, welcomed and accepted. Telling them what to wear or what not to wear does not make them feel accepted. We should not judge people just because of what they wear and what they want to wear. It should only be important for the person to be capable of the job and to have the right skills for it. Unless Francois Legault can prove that wearing hijabs, Christian crucifixes (crosses), Sikh turbans, and Jewish kippahs prevent people from doing a good job, he should not suggest Bill 21. All in all, if I had the chance to vote, I would vote against it.

  9. althea2 says:

    Bill 21 is Quebec’s law that Francois Legault came up with to keep Quebec’s public service secular. Secular means to be not bound by religious rules. Francois and many Quebecers believe that religion and state laws should be separate. Bill 21 prevents public servants in certain positions of authority from wearing religious symbols while they are in public service.

    Bill 21 is inappropriate because it stops people from expressing their signs of faith. Canada is about inclusion regardless of religion, and people should not be forced to hide their religions. Even though the law applies only to those who are in public services and when they are in duty, it can influence how people wearing religious symbols outside of public services are treated. People with religions will start to leave Quebec because they will think that they can’t continue with their jobs.

    I think that if a person wants to do something good for their religion but doesn’t affect other Canadian’s safety or security, it shouldn’t go against the Canadian law. For this reason, I disagree that teachers should not be allowed to wear their religious symbols. However, there are some controversial situations where some outfits can create challenges. For example, if you are a soldier who has to wear a helmet, wearing a turban, hijab or a kippah may make it impossible to put on a helmet. There are two issues here. Firstly, not wearing a helmet is a safety concern. Secondly, the rule of wearing a uniform should equally apply to every member of the group. If we keep making exceptions to rules, the order of the group breaks down. I believe that is what Bill 21 was trying to protect for some positions, like police officers and judges. Another situation where Bill 21 may be valid is when the person in public service or being served should show face to confirm his or her identity. For example, if I am talking to a policeman or a policewoman, I would want to see what the person looks like for security reasons.

    I believe all Canadians have the right to feel comfortable and live in peace in Canada. No one should feel ashamed of their religion. It does not help to keep religion out of the public sector. Bill 21 should be changed to protect people’s religion and safety. If wearing religious symbols does not cause safety or security risks, it should not be banned. In services that require a uniform, the same rule should be applied to everyone with or without religions while they are in public service.

  10. Sally Chen :) says:

    In my opinion, I think that Bill 21 is wrong and racist. His idea is wrong and just stupid. His idea goes against our rights as Canadians. I believe that Francois Legault’s belief of his idea is just wrong. He has no right to ban innocent people for wearing religious accessories or clothing. Everyone is different and that’s what makes the world unique. The world is beautiful in their own way and people can’t change that. If we weren’t allowed to be their self, we would be helpless. Bill 21 is taking our rights away from us and we can’t allow that. Bill is just racist and selfish. What he’s doing is ugly, inside and out. Being secular is the most horrible thing anyone could ever do. There is a rule, that if you wear religious clothing, symbols and accessories you wouldn’t be able to get a job. Bill is trying to take the freedom we have and deserve. I would be ashamed to be in a country with Bill in charge. Everyone should have the freedom to choose what they wear and do. It would be a huge mistake to let Bill do this to everyone. Canada is supposed to be a place where people can feel free and peaceful. For example, if this rule was legal, what would Jagmeet do? Jagmeet wears a turban (a turban is a piece of clothing they rap around their head) what would he do, get banned? I believe that everyone should have the freedom and rights to do what they want. In conclusion I think Bill 21 is racist and wrong.

  11. maya33 says:

    Bill 21
    This year, in June, Francois Legault had an idea about something called Bill 21. Bill 21 is a bill that can ban any public servant with any religious ‘symbols.’ About 73 people thought this would be a good idea and about 35 were against this idea. But on my opinion, I would be on the side where people are against this idea. To be honest, I think this would be a moron mistake. They just want the religious people out so everyone could look the same in public. So, they didn’t really give us a good reason on why they are doing this. How would stopping others from doing their religions help in the future? For Francois did change the rule. But I’s still not that fair on my opinion. He says that religious employees can keep their jobs. But they can’t move schools that they are working at or even get promoted. It’s good that they won’t get ban from their job and have a lower chance of being homeless. But this still wouldn’t be fair. So many people able to are get promoted. Or even go to a way better job. But why can’t people who have a religion not be able or have the right to do those stuff? Well, I would be more than glad to go on strike with a lot of more people who are against this. I would do this because we do have the right to wear whatever we want to. It’s like how girls can wear suits, or how boys can wear skirts. It’s not like people could get hurt because of that. So, if clothing can’t be that much of a deal, why do religions have to? It’s not like it’s going to hurt anyone. So, this is how I feel about the Bill 21 and if it would be a decent idea. What’s yours.

    By: Maya Azrielle Gorio

  12. leo40 says:

    In my opinion, I think that this law that bill 21 made was not a helpful, but racist law. People with any signs of their own religion should be able to wear it and go to work without any trouble. As I mentioned in the Jagmeet blog post, their religious symbols are part of their faith and religion and their body. Taking their religious symbols off would mean complete removal of their faith. People have the right to wear and support their own faith as long as it’s not in any way that’s breaking the law.

    In the article, protesters said to “judge me for what’s in my head, not what’s on my head”, I think the protesters make a good point. The protesters are basically trying to say that bill 21 should judge what they’re thinking about their religion and how their supporting their religion instead of judging what they’re wearing. Before they used to say: “you can’t judge a book by Its cover”. Now I say, “you can’t judge someone’s religion by what they’re wearing”. If they’re wearing a kippah, or crucifix, or any type of religious symbol, and going to work with it, they should not be guilty for it.

    In the article it says that bill 21 did this because they wish for Quebec to be secular and wishes for no interference of any religion in public. And If people do go to work while they are wearing any religious symbols, they can stay in that job as long they don’t change their job or take a promotion. I don’t think that that’s fair because anybody wearing any religious symbols should be able to change jobs easily without any problem.

    So, in my opinion I think that bill 21 was a racist bill. I think this was a racist bill that was against all our Canadian rights and especially to the people who are wearing any religious symbols. Sure, Canada is made from different cultures, but everybody’s cultures should be respected and not stand out different from other people’s culture. One of the laws of Canada is that everybody should be treated equally, no matter what. (unless someone made a criminal offense). Everybody has the right to stay safe and it is the government’s role to help the citizens of his or her country. The citizens would not feel safe and leave the country if they knew that the government could pounce or attack them anytime.

    I feel like bill 21 is targeting people wearing any signs of their religion in the public. I believe that if bill 21 was not targeting the citizens of Quebec, this would have never happened. And if people knew that bill 21 was going to target the citizens of Quebec, then this bill would never have been a thing.

    I agree with the protesters that this is Canada and that we can dress however we want. (but not weirdly) I believe that bill 21 will jeopardize citizens relationships with their religions. Bill 21 will also jeopardize people’s jobs if they are a public servant.

  13. landon1 says:

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    • kelvin3 says:


  14. lyn2 says:

    Well in my honest opinion I think what he thinks is not right. What I mean is on my last blog post I mentioned how Jagmeet said. “This is Canada we can be/do whatever we want.” That also includes that even if we wear sign’s that we have a religion that doesn’t mean that the people that wear signs that are religious can’t follow their dream of teaching. This is not right because Bill 21 is sort of racist because they are judging them not by how well they teach but they judge on how they look.(If they want to become a teacher.)Again, I am going to mention how Jagmeet said they we can do whatever we want. What I mean is dress not like kidnapping and other. He must have not thought about how other people might have felt about this. I think that this has many people feeling sad and even maybe upset. No matter what excuse they have it’s wrong and people should not think racist thing’s that will hurt people. I understand that sometimes that when for example that let’s say that you are a firefighter it may be a challenge for people that wear hijabs or turbans. But you are going to have to for safety reasons. In the photo a woman with a hijab say’s. “Judge what’s in my head not what’s on my head.” That woman that said that was doing that was right for people that wants to show Canada what she believes in. Since Francois Legault doesn’t have any turban or any religious sign’s maybe that’s a reason why. I think that he could have hurt many people’s feelings and he did! I think that people should not feel like they don’t belong here they should feel like they are welcomed. And they should feel like they are going to stay here like for life! We all make mistakes but this one is a MAJOR mistake since it’s racist. It might be a new law some maybe some people might give up their dream job of teaching. This might be sad well this the end GOODBYE!!!

  15. kelvin3 says:

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  16. tyson12 says:


  17. noah30 says:


  18. salina3 says:


  19. noah30 says:

    This is what I think about bill 21

    I think bill 21 shouldn’t have happened. Imagine if the government had their own religions and you were not allowed to have a religion. I know that some people don’t have religion’s, but you should still care for them what did they do to earn this? They didn’t do anything the government made them do this. If I were part of government, I would tell the people to be the person they want to be because everybody needs freedom now and then.

    But on the flip side if they ae trying to remain secular then they should be specific places like a church or a little area. This bill 21 might also spread because some other area’s might be secular but not like this. Were my dad’s country is located they won’t allow people to do Christianity because they are a Muslim community although my dad think’s that is wrong. So, he moved to Canada so he could use Christianity in Canada.

    In one of my idea’s think that bill 21 is wrong and they shouldn’t have started it. How would the government have felt if they had some religion’s and they weren’t allowed to? I think they would feel the same way as the people feel. Sad angry and mad. And, why did they decide this for themselves.

    I think that people are overreacting that is why it was made.

    The end

  20. jeremy17 says:

    To my beliefs, I think that it is racist, so racist. It’s even worse than Mr. Trudeau. Even worse than the Man that came up to Singh and said, cut off your turban. Bill 21 is more like a bill – “racist 21.” A very not nice thing. It in my opinion is someone evil will do. I wonder if the people that liked the bill is evil and the ones that said “NO”, they made a good decision and probably didn’t have an of the religious symbols. This is a good thing that at least SOME people went against this. Imagine if his family wore religious symbols. They would be mad. This man does not know what he real Canada is. I’m not saying that the bill should go on for my next sentence. I just wonder if he wore one of the symbols and the bill went on and he lost his job as the Quebec Premier. That’s a good lesson for him. This is not illegal yet though. Some people could protest him if it was a real thing in the future. Oh, I just thought of this right now, does he now what the bill would do? This would make everyone move out of Canada or just move to another territory or province. I hope at least the next president is a good president and would make this bill illegal. The bill must not go on. It must not be a thing. If the next president looks at this, I hope he will be a good president, who ever it is. And there are my thoughts on the bill. Goodbye till next time!

  21. noorai1 says:


    im not trying to kidnapp you

  22. landon1 says:

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  23. tiana3 says:

    In my opinion, I think that the idea of Bill 21 is racist and that it goes against our rights as Canadians. I think that Francois Legault’s idea is wrong. Every Canadian should get the freedom to wear religious clothes and accessories, so I believe that the Bill 21 is racist and is not a good thing. I think that people in Canada should get a choice if they want to wear religious accessories and clothing etc. if they want or if they don’t want to. Everyone is different and if people are not allowed to wear their own religious symbol, that doesn’t mean that they can’t get a job just because of that rule. I think that that is not fair for those who want to get a job but can’t just because they want to wear religious symbols, but they might not be able to because it might become against the rule. If this happens it is going to be a huge mistake because wearing religious symbols will be banned. I don’t agree with the idea of Bill 21 because people will not be able to get a job all because of the rule. It will not benefit people and this rule means that people will not be able to wear any religious symbols. People should at least be able to have their own freedom of being able to wear their own religious symbol, so I think it is not really a good idea. I believe that people should get the right to be able to be able to dress the way they want whether they are wearing a religious symbol or not. His idea of Bill 21 is kind of racist and I think that it is not a good decision. Whether people who have jobs wear religious symbols or not I do not think that it will affect their working skills and ability. I don’t think that if people stop wearing religious symbols, it will make them work even better because I think it is just cruel. I think people shouldn’t be judged just by wearing religious symbols and this will not make them feel comfortable and welcomed to Canada especially immigrants coming from another country who don’t know this rule and wants to get a job. Well they can’t and they will not feel happy about that. I think people should be able to live in peace and not feel guilty about wearing religious symbols. Everyone has their own culture, and everyone is different and unique so this idea is terrible because it will force people not to wear religious symbols so they can’t express themselves and their culture. It is racist and not a good idea and it is especially a very wrong, bad and terrible idea. In addition, I don’t agree with Francois Legault and if I were to vote, I will not vote to accept this idea.

  24. lorenzo6 says:

    it is not a $21 bill. i agree that it is not a good idea because some teachers have a religion where they have to wear their turban and their hijab. its kinda racist because some people need to wear their stuff because of their religion. its not good to quit something that they have started with most of their life. also they might not want to be a teacher anymore because of bill 21. its not good and one day if this keeps happening then one day there wont be ant teachers because most of them have the religion with a hijab or a turban. if it happens then thats their fault for doing bill 21. and for being racist for not letting people being free. people have a religion where its what they might have been born with. i bet that the people doing bill 21 might also get payback if they cant do this job because of their culture and their religion. so that is why that i think that bill 21 is not a very good idea.

  25. tyson12 says:


  26. tyson12 says:

    I think that bill 21 is a bad thing for people who live in Quebec because if you get a job and you have a religious thing you cannot switch jobs. Another reason is because that is very rude to some people and since you can’t change your job you can only work for one place. That is bad because if you want a different experience you cannot have one. But having different experience would help you. This is very important because right now are the elections too. That makes it worse. That is bad since it is only for people in Quebec. I also think that the person who thought of this will get in big trouble by the other leaders. Another reason is because since this is very rude some people may not live in Quebec anymore. they might move to another province. That is bad because then there will not many people in Quebec. Then there will be too many people in one province. They should change this. Also since bill 21 is a big deal for the people in Quebec they are complaining. Then many people may not go to Quebec because their friends told them about bill 21. This is very bad since the people that have a religious thing will be mad at the person who did it. Another reason is because it is not fair to the people with a religious thing. Since some people can change jobs but some can’t. if I wore a religious thing and I lived in Quebec I would be mad at the people that did this. This is why I think that bill 21 is bad.

  27. teran2 says:

    Francios Legault is the Premier of Quebec. He and his party want to keep religious symbols out of the community of Quebec if you are a public servant in a position of authority. Some of these positions are police officers, government lawyers, school teachers and principles. Some of these religious symbols are turbans which are worn by Sikhs, the Muslim hijab, the Christian cross or crucifix and the Jewish kippah. This is known as Bill 21.

    I feel that Bill 21 is racist in nature. Canada is a very diverse country. Canada is made up of people from many different parts of the world. They all have to live and work together. They contribute to our Canadian economy. These people are all part of Canada, they are considered Canadian. Canadians should be allowed have their own beliefs and identities, as long as it is within Canadian laws. Bill 21 does not allow this diversity to exist if you are a public servant in a position of authority.

    I don’t this is fair because Canada is a free country and this bill doesn’t make Canada seem like a free country in the eyes of the world. Amrit Kaur is a young student who grew up and went to school in Montreal. She went to university to become a teacher. She wears a turban as a symbol of her faith. She is a Sikh. Because of Bill 21 she cannot work in Quebec. She had to leave her family and friends behind in Quebec and find work in B.C.. This is not right. Everyone should be made to feel like they belong.

    Maybe Francios Legault and his party should educate themselves about other peoples faiths religions and embrace their differences rather than be afraid of them.

  28. joshua38 says:

    In my opinion, I think bill 21 is a law that could help many people. For example, if an elementary school teacher believes in a religion, then he or she would disagree with things that are wrong to that religion but fine in Canada. I think people can’t wear religious symbols too. For example, if there was a police officer who was Muslim, and he heard a crash in a shop. Two people, excluding the owner, was in the store, and one of them was Muslim too. The police might think that it was the other person who broke something because he is wearing something that represents that he is Muslim and so is the other guy. But I think that it might be unfair for people if they can’t move to another school to work or get promoted. Because I know that religious symbols are really important to them. So I don’t think it is nice to make them not wear it so they can move to another school or get promoted. I wonder what the consequence would be if someone didn’t follow the rule. Bill 21 could make people upset because people might think that they are discriminated against. So I think the government should think of a better way instead of having people not wear their symbols that show who they are. The article says that bill 21 was made because the party says that they want Quebec to be secular it says that it means there are no religious things going on. But I think that Canada is a wonderful place for all kinds of people to live in. So, maybe for the people who are not fine about bill 21, they can move to another province. I’m not saying that bill 21 is not right or wrong, I’m saying that if you’re not happy with it, just deal with it. Lastly, the people should tell the government to take away that law if necessary. I want Canada to be a good country.

  29. lucas78 says:

    Hello, today I will tell you about my opinion on Bill 21. I will tell you about the opinions that I think are correct. So, first I think it is horrible because people are just trying to live their lives. I think that it is very racist. They are just unfairly treated this way when they are supposed to have a good life. Second, I think that this is a huge problem against Canadian rights. Bill 21 must stop! And this is making the rights look unfair and Canada look bad. This does not help Canadians keep out religions in our public sector in my opinion. I think that this just makes Canada look bad. This also makes Canada look unfair compared to another country. This is bad and unfair, and it must stop before something happens, something bad. Canada is only Canada to me because of the religions in Canada. The religions are important! I think that if someone does something in the name of their religion, I think that they will not be allowed to do it. Thay probably would want to do it but they would not be allowed to do it. What do you think would happen? Do you think they would get fined?

  30. salina3 says:

    I think its very stupid to judge someone just because of what they wear. Canada being secular means that we are allowed to practice any religion we want, not to be forced to practice any religion. Or in this matter we shouldn’t be forced to not practice a religion. One of the protesters signs had “judge us for what’s in our head not on it”. I think that is very true, just because you wear a turban or any other religious symbols doesn’t mean you will do horrible things or commit crimes. Besides just because one person who made a mistake believed in this religion doesn’t mean everyone else believing in that religion will do that. Judge others for who they are not for something someone else did. This bill does not let those who want to get a job with authority have it, but if you already have that job, you can keep it. Some of the jobs include teachers police officers or lawyers, so even if you were completely qualified to do this job you would still be rejected because of your religious symbol. A lot of people are being forced to move to get a job they want because they can no longer be hired somewhere else because of this. I don’t think people should have to be chased out of their home because other people think they are going to do bad things just because they are wearing a religious symbol. Francois Legault the Quebec premier in my opinion is using secularism as an excuse as to why he made the bill 21, which is kind of strange because the whole point of being secular is being able to do whatever you want with your beliefs. If banning religion is being secular what different is it from forcing others to practice religion? If being secular means denying others a job because of religion, secularism should not exist if it hurts others more than it helps them. Why should those who are religious have to hide their religion just to get a job? No one should be able to force us not to wear our religious symbols. It’s not their choice to make, its our choice to whether or not we would like to wear these religious symbols. Just like with jagmeet, that man had told him to cut off his turban, now in Quebec they are telling everyone to cut off their religious symbols so they may remain “completely secular” (lots of sarcasm there). How is this going to help their economy when so many people can’t work because of this bill? Even though that making this bill was a huge mistake that some times all of us whether we intend it or not we are all racist. And sometimes we don’t even realize what we are doing. I think a bit of that happened here. But that doesn’t excuse the wrong of this bill and it restricting freedom in culture and practices. Perhaps we all, including me, need to open our eyes a little and try to see through other peoples eyes, and try to understand their opinions and suggestions. Over all I think this bill was a really bad idea, but we all need to work a little more so we don’t make the same mistake. After all we are Canada’s next future, whether we like it or not.

  31. labib1 says:

    I think this is an extremely racist act the Premier of Quebec has said, and Bill 21 should never have come about in the first place. I am a Muslim and my mom wears a hijab to work every day and she thinks of it as proof that she will do anything for our beliefs. If it was taken away from her, she would have no proof of what he believes which would erase her entire belief which goes on for all those religions people believe and their symbols. In other ways, I take side with Justin Trudeau on this case because Canada should be a free country where everyone should be able to believe what they want to believe. If they want to fight over this, they should have an actual vote or debate on it but also take the people of Canada and their opinions over this because there are lots of people whose lives are being ruined because they follow a religion and the job they want to earn are going to be impossible to get because of Bill 21. In other words, Francois Legault should give an apology to the province because of this racist act that they call helpful but is just plain racist and wrong to society. The people that go against this have a saying that it doesn’t matter what is on your head, it only matters what is in your head. This has now gone to a far enough state where I think the people cannot forgive on because Canada always claims it’s a free country. At another view the people against this with not quiet down since this is something completely offensive toward them. If this continues in Quebec, then the idea may spread to other provinces making the people the same. In that case, Canada may repeat the mistake like what they did with the residential school but with way more people and less violent. I also think that for any reason the Premier should apologize to the public and try to make the province forgive him but if he fails, he should resign and forget about politics. This conflict I think is more racist than the blackface because this targets religions and attacks more than one specific target. This seems to be the most racist act someone has done in Canada and more people agreed with this rather than disagree showing that the premier will not bring back his actions. There could be a way that could make him escape this punishment because there is always a way if you play it correctly. If it becomes a law, it will technically make us all Atheists, and no one will have any sign of religion in Quebec. In other ways it will make Canada the opposite of what it is, a free diverse country. Justin Trudeau is honestly in my opinion saying the right thing about Bill 21 and it should never have come into anyone’s mind because it shall make Canada a country no better than America, which is bad cause USA is probably one of the most racist country’s out there and the leader himself is too. Justin Trudeau is also trying to save Francois Legault’s reputation as a politician and person. I had nothing against the Premier of Quebec Francois Legault because he never had done anything bad, but this is straight up not acceptable. Francois Legault should have dismissed this as a mistake a long time ago but now he will have to go along with his saying regarding Bill 21. Justin Trudeau could have simply just left himself out of this, but he did it so he can show that François did a mistake and he is addressing it which shows Canadians that he is a good leader and can solve problems. This problem just shows that you should always think before you blurt out something because word can hurt as much as kicking like in this situation. In conclusion, I think that he should apologize to the public and never speak of this again.

  32. landon1 says:

    I think this Francois guy is stupid, why would you make people not be religious.
    Canada is secular, which means we don’t have a religion and it also means we can’t force people to not be religious and it also means that we just don’t care if people are religious. I don’t know why bill 21 is a thing. I think we should get rid of bill 21 for good because I think Francois Legault has the wrong meaning of secular or maybe he thinks he’s doing good for Canada but I think he is definitely doing bad, have seen the angry mobs protesting against bill 21 . I have seen some posts on this woman who had just graduated college and wanted to be a teacher but she wears a turban so she is not allowed to teach. I would get, Letting her teach if she didn’t have her degree or something else that would prevent her from teaching. Why would you prevent someone from doing the job they got their degree on because they are wearing a turban or a hijab or any other religious symbol, thats like the opposite of what you’re trying to do. Secular to me means you accept all religions not force people to have no symbol to show what religion they are. I think Francois Legault should get rid of bill 21 or at least change it so it’s less opposed to religious people because we’re Canadians not Americans. Going back on the protesters, I think it’s right to protest, this thing is very bad, Francois must have stayed up to late and didn’t go to bed on time, even premiers need their sleep. The government shouldn’t have allowed this, I know this guy is premier, but shouldn’t the government have double checked this thing before actually accepting this, it’s kind of like when a really bad joke is in a movie and an entire team looked through it and no one thought the joke was bad until the movie is in theatres. I know the bill has been changed because of people protesting but it is still pretty bad and people are still mad about the bill still being a thing and a I’m little surprised that the government hasn’t taken the bill down. I’m pretty sure the government was made to keep everything in order and not make everybody mad but every year, every election something bad rises up and into the public about something bad one of the political leaders has done, like there was Justin Trudeau doing blackface, there was Andrew Scheer and the pipeline thing and now this and everything else that has happened this year. I think we need to ask the government to stop what has become one of the most controversial things this year in Canada. I don’t know how bill 21 even came into mind but we need to figure out how to stop it. Why is bill 21 a thing, I think I already asked this but still out of all of the probably hundreds of people that read and checked through this nobody thought it was a bad idea and I know they have to listen to hm because he’s the premier but nobody found something in it that might make people mad. I don’t know how anybody thought this was a good idea, the is and was a bad idea I have much more to talk about so i’ll Have to make the last few sentences short. Andrew Scheer did something bad and this is worse but still not as bad as Justin Trudeau’s blackface thing, but this is still pretty bad. Everybody is saying how bill 21 is bad and I agree with them, bill 21 is bad I just spent the last 4 or 5 sentences saying it was bad, it is incredibly stupid, stopping people from showing they’re religious in a free religion country. Everybody what are you going to do about it ? We can’t just let only the people in Quebec protest, we need to help.

    Everybody what did you think of my post ? Did you like it? This is the end of my blog post.

    The end

  33. alan6 says:

    Bill 21.

    In my opinion I think that it is unfair to cut religions off, because the people who have a religion take it very seriously. The things they put for their religious things is not a joke to them. And the 21-bill thing made matters worse. Some people had to move to one to one another country. So, they could find a job. And in my opinion, I think that it is very bad. Like I know that I always say this but put yourself in those people’s shoes, it is a very sad life. And your life is supposed to be happy. I would not be happy if I were them. I wish if the world would be a happier place. The 21 bill made changes in lives. But not very good changes in people. And I thought that all the countries apologized about something bad they did. But I guess they never learn. As a kid I know better not to do that, or any bad thing. The bad thing is that even if they fix this problem most likely another similar problem will happen. I just hope that everyone is happy, and no one will be mad or sad. I am just saying my opinion right now, so I know that someone out there would have different opinions. But it is not only bad for that it is also bad for the reason it is racist. Why does it have to be about racism? And what I think is that when you accuse someone with racism it is just very sad. Like they can’t choose what color they are. They were just born with it. And with bill 21 you must take off any religious things you have on you. It is sad like for example: one day you have a turban or something, and you are just taking a nice walk in the park, and suddenly a person comes, and takes away your turban or something says that if they see you with it then you will go to jail. Well I mean not that harsh, but you get what I mean. What I mean is that no one likes for their religious symbol to be taken away. It is not rocket science to figure It out. And did you know that that is also a sign of bullying. Well it sure is. The thing is that I thought that we were as civilized but NO we are not. And it became a too big of a fact that even kids had to learn it because the adults can’t seem to handle the situation so well. Well that concluded my assignment. by: Alan!

  34. mohamed4 says:

    Why, just why. Why does everybody have to be so mean. Can`t the world be nice for once. This is just unfair and mean. Nobody deserves to feel that. The world would be a better place with out racist people. The world will be a more safe place. I think this is a stupid bill and it should go back where it came from. First Trudeau then the voter and the worst of them all, bill 21. I don`t know how people think of so many things that are racist. How could the premiere do this. I can`t even write his name. This person does not deserve to get forgiven. In fact I am surprised he is still in his job. This is Canada your suposto be free and happy. I don`t think that is happening in Quebec. People These days. How do religious people get a promotion. If a person has to wear something and they are going to a promotion, they probably would get the lowest job because of their belief. That will be hard for some people to get a job. I think this person is a selfish idiot who some how, is premiere of Quebec. I don`t think a lot of Quebec citizens like this man especially the relegioes people. This is an unfair bill and it should be cut.

  35. kelvin3 says:

    I think Bill 21 shouldn’t have been set. The majority of people living in Quebec have voted to set Bill 21 and “It’s time to set rules now after living here for 100 years” but in all seriousness, why elect a Bill that destroys equality in a country that is supposed to have equality amongst all? That’d just be stupid. I think the premier shouldn’t have pushed a bill as dumb and unnecessary as that. Most of the people may want the bill, but it pushes people to entirely remove their religious identity, or to spend another 3 years learning in a different skillset, then I really think you shouldn’t push a bill like that. Most of the bill is just following the rules “The majority wants it, so I have to push it” which really is a big problem. Let’s look at the thousands of people protesting Quebec. They are doing it for a reason. Why, you may ask? Because of a simple bill that changed tens of thousands of lives. This bill is directly discriminating against many different people with different religions, in a country where equality is the greatest part about Canada. The Premier is completely ignoring the rights that the people have and sweeping them away with sentences like “We have to change, after 100 years” and “The majority of the people want the changes.” Well the problem with that is that some people may have beliefs that are irrational that may be passed on to others. The Premier has made a big oopsie poopsie and shouldn’t have done that. It’s 2019 and almost 2020, people have rights y’know?

  36. noorai1 says:


    Yes, I find this very racist. Canada is a free country and should have no policy or rule for these things. I would like this BILL 21 to not to BILL 21 is to ban all religious things such as a turban, hijab, and Christian jewelry. This is highly unacceptable because most people would not even think or dare to give up their religion. The people without specific religion Don’t care as much. so, 1 they either vote for Francois Legault or they will vote someone better like jagmeet Singh. Some people argue that this is racist. They said they should be free in Canada to do anything they want (that’s good).

    So, they went on and on about how this was a bad example to the people outside of Canada wanting to come. It also shows other countries like the USA. China, Africa and many other countries that our precious Canada is actually garbage. It does not help our Canada to grow its like I said BILL 21 sets a bad example of Canada to the rest of the world. This a young lady named Amrit Kaur in Quebec graduated from university she wants to become a teacher, but she has a turban. I think… NO I know! That she and all other woman that want to be teachers but have some sort of religious thing on them should have a chance in being successful.

    IF I were in their shoes, I would of course stand up for myself. BILL 21 is a threat to Canadians reputation. Not that it madders. (duh) turban,hijab,crucifix,kippah are all important to the people who wear them. And we should not force the people that wear them to stop and let go their religion. As I heard they may be changing the voting age from 18 to 16. They want the younger people’s opinion and more and more people to participate. That’s why they do it in elementary schools to. I voted jagmeet Singh, because he seems to be the only good person who wants to make a difference. That’s only in my opinion. I don’t wear a turban,hijab,crucifix,kippah so I don’t know how important it is. But I know it does mean a lot. I’m sorry Ms.Panesar for being late to post this, I had difficulty trying to find time T~T 3:

    Noorai Tourgan ;3

  37. albert4 says:

    I think the bill 21 Is kind of equal because a Christian cross could be left at home A Jewish kippah. Can also be left at home. But a turban and hijab are things where you can’t cut your hair and one sign was (Judge me of what’s in my head not on my head.) which is very reasonable because why are they not allowed to wear those? Well they said (employees can keep them as long as they do not change the school they are working at or take a promotion.) but since this is Canada, I think this is racist because Canada is a free country not a country where there`s specific things to wear and things should come off. Mabey the favors didn’t see how much it would affect the people and the ones in favor did not have a religion. The only jobs you can wear these items is jobs that don’t need you to be seen. Such as judge, police officer, government lawyer, school teacher or principal. This would change a lot like Canada is known for being (A free place wear what you want.) it also changes the part about god which was not a big deal at first.

    That may be bad but they still can do the religion (just not wear it at work.) even Trudeau and the Montreal mayor said about this. This news is so big it affects everything small big one human. This affect half of that place’s population because of its people may regret the job they took but can’t change it. This news will create a huge climate of hate. hate for this new law. Qualification was all but judging them for what religion is a new and worse thing.

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