It’s Not Just Trudeau…

Our previous post mentioned Justin Trudeau and some acts that he had done in his past. Sadly, racism in politics has hardly come to an end. On Wednesday, Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the Federal NDP, was out at Atwater Market in Montreal. While being at this market, Singh was out speaking to citizens about the NDP, the election and voting. Unfortunately, he was met by a man who told him to ‘cut off his turban.’ 

Let’s backtrack. Singh is a Canadian Sikh. Sikhs are people who practice the Sikhism religion. They originally came / come from Punjab, India. As a result, many Sikhs speak Punjabi and are ethnically called Punjabi. This means that their culture is Punjabi. Like other religions, Sikhs can either be baptised or not. Sikhs who are baptised (and a small chunk who are not) wear a turban- men and women. Generally speaking, a turban is worn to showcase the Sikh faith. Underneath the turban, is long, uncut hair. Sikhs who are baptised are not allowed to cut their hair as it is thought that the human body does not need to be altered. I should note, which we will learn about later, that Sikhs are not the only religious group who wear turbans. 

Now, this man, told Singh to ‘cut off his turban’ which as we know would be a complete removal of his faith and identity as a Sikh. Similarly, his ‘advice’ to Singh was highly racist. 

Read the article here:

and watch Singh showcase his hair and speak about his turban:

Now is your time to weigh in. What are your thoughts on what this man says to Singh? Do you think it is racist, or is he just ignorant/unknowing and doesn’t know the impact that his words will have? How do you think that Singh handled the situation?  What are your thoughts now learning about Sikhs and Sikh turbans- did you learn anything that you did not know before? Please write your responses in detailed, complete sentences. Again, please treat this matter with respect and compassion. Grade 5’s, your response should be roughly 20 sentences, grade 6’s yours should be roughly 25 sentences. 

Image result for jagmeet singh turban

60 thoughts on “It’s Not Just Trudeau…

  1. alan6 says:

    I think it is racist that a person would say to cut off your turban like that. Because the person does not know how important the turban is to him. And saying to cut it off. And plus, he is trying to help as being the PR minister of B.C. But it is very interesting how he does not just rages, away. But it is very racist. He could have done anything like physically punch by being offended. But he didn’t do any physical stuff because he is a nice and calm person. And when he said to cut it off, He is being racist or Prime Minister. I wonder why people are so racist it’s just sad. In my opinion I would have been Physical. It’s amazing how he handled it. Cause then again it is racist. Everything a big disaster if Jagmeet Victor punched or is sad racist, and kind of evil. I think he learned his lesson by being in the news that everyone could see. But I mean the bold guy didn’t really know of ow important that turban is to Jagmeet. Like that turban is part of his religion. So, you could see how important it to him. It is like your money or something very previous. So, saying to cut it off is also kind of offensive to Jagmeet. Like imagine if you were Jagmeet, I bet that you could not handle it like Jagmeet did. What I am trying to say is that it is really bad to say something like that even if you do not mean it or if you do not know how it feels like being said that. You got to think on what you say before you do say it. Because I could imagine it. It is very offensive indeed. Put yourself in Jagmeet’s shoes. It would feel very bad. Like you must go home with that feeling. And if you said that and you knew it was a bad thing to say then you would have gone home with a bad feeling to. Then you will feel like you were put down. And everyone will be sad. It will just make the world worse and the world will become worse and worse. It is just so sad that everyone did not learn the basic thing since they were kindergarten. People we should have already mastered not to put people down. We should have mastered it in grade 1! And matter of fact people from the olden days or even smarter than us And they knew less than us kind of. Even monkeys were better than well now we just turned into the arguing people that are Just fighting and not enjoying life all the time. It Really sad how we turned out to become of the human population. I Just hope the world turns into a better place. Thanks for listening to my project. I worked hard to do this. Well this concludes my project. Hope you enjoyed!

  2. labib1 says:

    The man is probably just ignorant and doesn’t know how much of an impact his words are affecting. Religion just makes us more different which is honestly a good thing and Canada should be a free country with people being able to follow what they want to follow. The thing the man said is not a right thing, but people may be just unknown for the fact that stuff people may do different is something important to them. The people that don’t know about religions can learn a thing or two which also makes it so the world can be more racist free because these are just a few of the examples of people who without realizing made such a big conflict. This just also maybe a case where people are just blind in the fact that their being racist to other religions. I also know for a fact that believing something that other people don’t is nothing to be shameful about because your religion is yours. Jagmeet Singh handled the situation in a proper matter reminding the man that this is a free country and afterwards the man probably realized what a mistake he made. The man probably was a supporter and wanted him to win by giving that tip. I honestly wouldn’t be able to do this in a kind manner and probably end up being silent and walking away. The way Jagmeet Singh dealt with the problem made him think about his actions. I find it very fascinating how generations after generations he had his mom send him how to tie his hair in a bun without a hair band to make it so he can wrap the turban that he always wears. People may have other opinions thinking that having longhair is not right, but it just shows how determined they are about following their religion. The way they never cut their hair makes me think about how men take years to grow long hair, but girls can grow hair long in a short period of time. It’s also very cute how his wife choses the colors to make them match every single day. I would always think that there was a reasoning behind the colors, but people simply just do it as a random color or for them to match. Jagmeet Singh always tries to make Canada a diverse country so that racism can stop, and we can realize the fascinating things about others and to the fact that people are different, and no one is the same. I learned something I never knew about how Sikhs have long hair because they think it’s wrong to interfere with our bodies. I also learned that there is a way to tie up your hair without using a hair band. Jagmeet Singh should also give a speech on the behalf of the people to make them realize their mistakes. I will also bring to the people how interesting it is to learn about the other religions. Also, as you may realize, Jagmeet Singh is the ever politician that is sheik to ever lead a major party, in fact he may even become the first sheik prime minister in Canada. So that just shows that white politicians always end up coming in the riding but this election there is the difference. His win also made Canada a more diverse society, which just improves Canada even more. Now that thing the man said about him is a rude thing to say to him and all the sheiks in Canada or even globally because a sheik winning a spot the spot of the leader of the NDP party. The man should just give an apology and we could right past it because if you take a certain conflict to seriously, it will affect how much votes you get so Jagmeet Singh should try to find the most harmless way so other parties can’t take advantage over it. If Jagmeet Singh plays it correctly he will be able to earn more votes bringing him up even more to maybe even win the election. Jagmeet Singh so far is probably taking this election smoothly making it so that he looks good as a person and a leader. What the man did was wrong, but he did in a way he didn’t know it was going to make an impact like that but if he decides to take it smartly and admit that yes, I have done something wrong and that I should give my apology to Mr. Singh then a lot more time will be saved and as a possible NDP supporter it will make it so his party will win. At the same time though we cannot control how he thinks so he may make it into a bigger case where he’s on the side saying that he didn’t say anything bad and how Jagmeet Singh is just trying to falsely accuse him but anything can happen in the world of politics. Another fascinating I found about sheiks is that they don’t eat any kind of meat because they think interfering with their life would be the same as cutting up someone and eating that. I also saw that they eat only plants at temples to because one day me and my dad went to one to see how everything worked. They treated us equally because they said that all people were welcome. When they served food, the whole plate was vegetables and even the naan (a circular bread coming from India) was fully plants and had a greenish color, although I did not like it, I still thought that the religion was unique and different like all of them. In conclusion, this situation should start a conflict like Justin Trudeau blackface did and the man should just kindly go up to him or email him that he admits that he has done something wrong and he is deeply sorry about all the chaos it has started up just because of his few words.

  3. vincent29 says:


  4. vincent29 says:

    I think what the man said to Jagmeet Singh was very racist. I think that because the man said to Singh that he should ‘cut off his turban’. That basically means the man told Singh to lose his faith. The man also said that if Singh cut off his turban he would look ‘Canadian’. I believe the man shouldn’t have said what he said because it was not very friendly. I personally think the man should be very ashamed of himself. He said something about a faith he doesn’t know about. The man did not even know what a turban is. I don’t think it is right to judge something you don’t know. You should be kind to people of all faiths.
    I am surprised about how calm Singh was when he responded. He stated that Canadians can look different and that he doesn’t agree with the man. Singh was talking in a calm voice trying to solve the issue the right way. I think Singh did the right thing by stating his opinion and moving on because I don’t think the man would reflect and feel bad. I think he would just keep arguing with Singh. I think Singh solved the problem very well by just saying he doesn’t agree and leaving. If it was someone else, I don’t think they would have handled the issue as good as Singh.
    I learned that the turban is a symbol of the Sikh faith. People of Sikh faith can be baptized or not. If they are baptized then they can’t cut their hair or beard. They also wear turbans as a symbol of their faith. I think the Sikh faith is very unique and interesting and I would like to learn more about it.
    Overall, I think the Sikh culture is very nice. The man who told Singh ‘cut your turban’ was very racist and didn’t care to learn about the Sikh faith and why Singh wears a turban. I also believe Singh did the right thing by just stating his opinion and leaving. To conclude, I think the man was just very rude and racist.

  5. tiana3 says:

    In my opinion, I think that the man just made a mistake and didn’t know that it is what racist. I think he was just trying to help Jagmeet, but he didn’t know the affects, of what he did. What he said was disrespectful to Jagmeet because it is his decision to do whatever he wants with his turban. I feel like the man was unknowing and ignorant though what he said was rude. I wonder why the man thinks that if Jagmeet cuts off his turban, he might win the election. I don’t agree with him because everyone has their own traditions and beliefs, so I think that he shouldn’t suggest Jagmeet to cut off his turban because it is not really a nice suggestion for someone. The man should have been more kind because what he said was not nice. He should respect Jagmeet and shouldn’t have suggested him something that might be offensive to him and his culture. I don’t think the man knew that it was racist and that he meant to be disrespectful. I think he should be more careful about what he says and what he tells others. He shouldn’t have said that and should have just kept it to himself if he really thought that it would help because it is rude to tell him to cut off his turban. The way Jagmeet handled this situation was smart because he told the man that he doesn’t agree with him and that in Canada people have their own way of doing things. The other smart way he handled this was by staying calm, not creating drama, and telling the man what he thought even though Jagmeet might have been upset at him. My thoughts on learning about Sikhs are that the Sikhs that were baptized, wear a turban and underneath the turban they have long hair, both men and women. Turbans are worn to showcase the Sikh faith. The Sikhs who are baptized were not allowed to have their hair cut. That was because they believed that the human body doesn’t need to be altered. Sikhs are also not the only religious group that wear turbans. I also learned that the Sikh speak Punjabi and that they originally come from Punjab, India. In conclusion, I think that this man made a mistake that he honestly didn’t mean and that he was just trying to support Jagmeet Singh.

  6. Ella Majstorovic says:

    In my opinion, I think that the man just made a mistake, and he didn’t know that what he said was racist. I think he was just ignorant/unknowing. He still shouldn’t have said that, but I think he was just trying to give Jagmeet some advice. He should have known better, and he should have kept his thoughts to himself. I don’t think the man knew the impact that his words had. The way Jagmeet handled the situation was smart. Instead of showing how mad he was, he kept his cool and handled the situation calmly and reasonably. The man’s suggestion wasn’t nice, so instead of suggesting that, he should have kept his thoughts to himself. He didn’t know that what he said was racist, but it was offensive to Jagmeet and his culture. He shouldn’t have suggested something like that to Jagmeet, but I don’t think the man meant to be rude, and he just wanted to give some advice to Jagmeet. He should have respected him more and kept his thoughts to himself. I don’t think the man should have suggested that because everybody has their own traditions and beliefs, and what he told Jagmeet was disrespectful and rude. But I don’t think the man meant to be disrespectful and rude, he was just giving Jagmeet a suggestion. I learned that Sikhs that are baptized cannot cut their hair and over their hair, they wear a turban, which is a piece of cloth that they wrap around their hair. I also learned that generally, a turban is worn to showcase the Sikh faith. Sikhs are not the only religious group that wear turbans. Many Sikhs speak Punjabi and are ethnically called Punjabi. This means that their culture is Punjabi. They originally came/come from Punjab, India. In conclusion, I think that the man truly didn’t mean to be racist, and he just made a mistake that he didn’t think was racist.

  7. kadin2 says:

    Hi my name is Kadin, and i think the guy in the video telling Jagmeet Singh to cut off his turban has no knowledge of his (Jagmeet Singh’s) religion. I don’t watch the news with my parents, but I have watched the news clip of the man telling Jagmeet to cut off his turban. I think that the guy should have thought about what he said before he said it out loud. Yes i think the man was racist, because in Jagmeet’s religion he has to wear a turban. I also don’t think the man was taught about Sikh. I didn’t know that they can take off their turbans. I think that Jagmeet handled the situation calmly with respect. I feel that others would have handled the situation badly, and would have lashed out. If i was able to vote, I would vote for the NDP. I would vote for NDP because Jagmeet singh is not racist and he can handle situations very well. I think he would make a great leader. He has a great speech when he talks to crowds and people about situations and problems. He would make a great leader because he’s not racist like Justin Trudeau, that’s why I will stand by Jagmeet Singh. I bet that he will do the best in his power to do anything to help the community reunite anything that is good to Burnaby or Vancouver. So don’t always blame him for stuff I mean he’s a great guy, I would like to meet him one day. But if anyone else wins. I will not stand by them. And because of the video I know what culture he’s in and i think Jagmeet Singh is better than Justin Trudeau. I hope Jagmeet wins the vote it’s better we can just watch from the sidelines. I mean this is very hard to write in one day 25 sentence i like talking about who is going to win the election. It is bad that plastic is getting sent back to canada. And i mean people these days they care about animals now. it’s been a long time and now they care about animals and. now animals are mostly gone because of plastic and i mean why. do people vote for Justin it’s mostly all he’s fault. It’s so bad I almost feel bad for the guy not he’s for he so bad even new people can beat him so i’m done.

  8. jeremy17 says:

    I think the man was trying to help Jagmeet Singh in being elected as the Canadian prime minister. Maybe he didn’t know his words were racist and just said it. Or he knew that Mr. Singh was a very calm guy so he could just talk to Mr. Singh like that. Since it was highly racist I think he probably did not know it. Or maybe it’s a chance for Mr. Singh to settle himself down and get more votes and to show others he can handle situations like that. I’m more in the middle of those answers. Mr. Singh handled the situation nicely. He didn’t get mad and say that something bad was going to happen to him. Mr. Singh is a nice person. He did say Canadians look like all sorts of people. Mr. Singh is a Canadian so he can look like anyone. He made a good decision in saying, “I disagree”. I do understand what the man said in the video, “That’s what they do in Rome” but I say, this is Canada, not Rome. My thoughts on learning Sikhs are that it really shows out people and it shows that Mr. Singh is a Sikh too. I never knew what Sikhs were. I learned many things about Sikhs. But again going back to the racist part, Mr. Singh did a good job of handling the situation. This is a good time for Mr. Singh to prove to others that Canada is a country where people can look like a sorts of things. Mr. Singh has to be very good at handling difficult situations. His calmness and his talking is probably a habit for Mr. Singh. Once again, I think that the man is probably trying to help Mr.Singh be prime minister, but in a not in a good way.

  9. leo40 says:

    Jagmeet Singh must have felt shocked. Jagmeet is a Canadian Sikh, therefore, his turban is a sign that in his religion, he is baptized. I feel like that man that told Jagmeet to cut his turban off is being kind of racist because cutting off his turban would mean complete removal of his Jagmeet’s faith.

    I think that the bald man whispered to Jagmeet because he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of the group of people that were taking pictures of Jagmeet and his wife and because he probably knew that the other people could call the police if he said it out loud. However, I don’t think that the bald man was doing this on purpose. Because their religions are almost on the opposite sides of the world, they probably don’t know much about each other’s religions.

    So, I think that the man that told Jagmeet to cut off his turban didn’t mean it. In the video the bald man said that Jagmeet should cut of his turban because It would make him look more like a Canadian and he said that probably because he thought that Jagmeet could get more votes and win the election if he cut of his turban.

    However, on the other hand, I think the bald man was acting kind of weird. This is Canada and everybody has the right to support their own religion in any way. I think that the bald man said to Jagmeet to cut off his turban without knowing that “Sikhs were considered the champions of fairness, uplifting people, protecting and defending human rights. Defending equality. So, when someone sees a Sikh, the turban identifies a person who’s going to stand up for rights, even if you disagree with them”. If the bald man didn’t know this, that’s okay. But If he did know this, and just wanted to hurt Jagmeet with his words, I’m going to be mad.

    I think that in the bald man’s opinion he thought that if Jagmeet cut off his turban it would help him win the election for being the prime minister because he looked more like a Canadian. He probably didn’t realize how strong, shocking, and the impact those words were to Jagmeet because his turban is part of his culture.

    I am curious of the tone that Jagmeet used to respond to the bald man. He sounded calm although I’m not sure why he would be calm when someone just told him something that racist. I’ll bet that from his tone of voice that he responded with, he is someone that is very calm, peaceful, and doesn’t like to start conflicts with others. But one question still roams me, if Sikh people do cut off their hair, does that mean that they are no longer baptized and no longer support their faith? I’ll have to search that up.

    In the article it says “They raise some eyebrows in Quebec, but Singh says he’s not worried. He feels he will get a warm welcome throughout the province.” This kind of means that some people are still unsure about Jagmeet Singh’s culture. Also, Bill 21 has strict laws that forbid judges, police officers, teachers and public servants with any signs that are visible to the public of their culture to have a job in Québec. Tons of people are protesting bill 21.

    The bald man probably didn’t know that and because, as I mentioned earlier, their cultures are almost on the opposite sides of the world, so I don’t think that they know each other’s culture well. So, I think that he could have a second chance to correct his choice of words. But if he didn’t know and he was just acting weird and trying to be racist to anybody then I don’t think he deserves anything.

    So, in conclusion the mystery remains unknown, was the bald man actually trying to hurt Jagmeet Singh with his words to cut off his turban, or did the bald man didn’t know how much of an impact his words had to Jagmeet Singh and that he said that on purpose because he thought it would make Jagmeet look more like a Canadian. The mystery remains unknown. We would have to know what the bald man was thinking in order to solve this mystery…

  10. salina3 says:

    I think that man who told him to cut off his turban was very racist and told him in a very rude way. Perhaps he didn’t understand the importance of his turban, but if he didn’t understand he could’ve just asked why he always had his turban on. It seems especially rude because in our day and age we should know better. Even now a lot of people judge others just from the way they look or seem. In the way he pointed Jagmeet’s turban out, it looked like he was judging Jagmeet just from his turban. By saying that he also meant that he thought Jagmeet couldn’t be elected if he didn’t cut his turban off. In other words, he depended almost his entire vote on whether he cut off his turban or not. Although Jagmeet handled the situation very well, it was still very racist to say that. I think we would have forgiven him if he said it in a polite way, but he told him very directly and basically stabbed him if words were knives. It was a very good thing that Jagmeet Singh handled it well or else it could’ve gotten messy. I don’t think I could’ve handled that situation well. I am very glad that it didn’t get too complicated because it could’ve ruined his chances of being elected. Instead of being rude Jagmeet was very polite about pointing out that Canada is a free country. But based on Jagmeet’s expression I could tell that he was not happy with what he said. I think the guy meant that he should take of his turban because he thought that being too religious would bring down his chances of becoming prime minister. But like Jagmeet said Canada is a free country and by being able to wear his turban only symbolizes that we are free to practice our own religions. The man who told him to cut off his turban probably had a religion, or if he didn’t believe in religion, he wouldn’t like it if someone told him that he was wrong about what he believed in. Jagmeet’s turban is a type of sign that he believed in Sikhism, to cut it off would be throwing away all his beliefs. That is very disrespectful to just ask him to toss out something important to him out the window just to please you. Especially if you didn’t understand why he did it. The man probably didn’t know how important the turban was to him. The turban is one of the main parts of being a Sikh, as you know, cutting off his turban would’ve been cutting off his faith in Sikhism. I have a religion as well, and I know that I would not appreciate it if someone asked me to cut off an important part of my belief. This is one of the main reasons why I am so sensitive to this topic, that man told him to cut off his turban and he had no right to do that. It is Jagmeet’s choice to follow his religion, not anyone else.

  11. teran2 says:

    I think the man who told Jagmeet Singh to cut off his turban didn’t realize the impact this would have on people everywhere. It ended up all over the news.

    The man made a remark which came across as racist. Maybe this man thought he was trying to help Jagmeet Singh. Maybe he felt more people would vote for him if he did not wear a turban. However, I think the man probably just doesn’t know enough about Sikhs and their religion. People should educate themselves about other people and their religions and cultures before making statements like that. I think people should not make judgements about other people based on how they look and what they believe in. Unfortunately lots of this still exists today.

    I think Jagmeet handled the situation really well. Jagmeet Singh did not make a scene in public. He just said that he didn’t agree with the man and his thoughts and walked away. He didn’t show that it bothered him at all, even though it probably did bother him. He handled the situation very politely.

    This bothered me a little because I am a Sikh, too. But, I am glad that Jagmeet Singh used this experience to make it positive. He used it to educate people about Sikhs and why they wear Turbans. I hope that people will be more understanding of peoples religions and differences.

  12. marko16 says:

    In my opinion the man who approached Singh and told him to cut his turban off is racist in every way. I think he doesn’t support any minority in Canada. He is stuck in the past as he is talking about Romans and the time where no one was thinking about others but themselves. Me being a minority in Canada as Serbian Canadian I am sure he would have same comments about my background. The way how we should look at people should be how they act around each other. Are they doing good deeds or bad deeds. It’s all about good and bad these days. If someone is looking good in a suit but is a criminal, does not make him better Canadian than someone who doesn’t have a suit. This is just a misrepresentation.

    He also said to Singh by cutting his turban off he would look more like a Canadian. I would like to know in this man’s opinion, how does the Canadian looks like. Is he of a certain shape, belief or maybe his thinking he is better than others? I think the man is ignorant and don’t know anything about Sikhism or what turbans represents.

    Singh said that this is a free country so people can choose to see or look like what they prefer. No one should be judged by their appearance. What makes Canada a great country is people coming from all over the world from different cultures, for a better life and future. At the end Singh was very comm and showed this person that he is a bigger man.

  13. lyn2 says:

    Jagmeet Singh must have felt shocked when he said. “Cut your turban off.” If I was him, I would have felt surprised as well I would have said wow. It was something religious and a sign that he got baptized and he practices Punjabi. He was just walking around the market greeting other’s out of nowhere someone comes up to him saying. “Cut off his turban.” In my mind I think that I would have not handle that well and trust me it would have not end well. He wanted to try to set a good example of how-to solve a problem in a good way, by talking. Jagmeet tried to calmly solve it so he wouldn’t send a big scene of him and a random man fighting. Well everyone used to be shocked about Justin but now it’s between Jagmeet and a stranger. Jagmeet should have felt proud that he got baptized and should not have felt ashamed that he is Punjabi or offended. The stranger should have not said that because if you have something rude to say keep it to yourself. We all can see that Jagmeet is very calm and known’s Canada’s freedom because if you watch in the video, he says something like this. “This is Canada when can do whatever we like.” This is a free country we can dress/look like how we want to. Here is an example let’s say this person came from let’s say Russia and someone comes up to you and says. “Oh, dye your hair black so you will look like one of us.” Well some people wouldn’t say. “I don’t want to look Canadian.” Instead people might say. “This is a free country I can do whatever I want to my body.” I mean like if that man wants Jagmeet to cut off his turban instead of making him cut it off he’s going to have to deal with it. THE END 😊

  14. Sally Chen says:

    In my opinion, I think that man just made a mistake and he didn’t know that what he said was unacceptable. He just wanted to help Jagmeet to win but he didn’t. He should of thought of what he was going to say. It was a little inappropriate of what he did. He didn’t know what he said was racist he was just ignorant. I think the man just wanted to just give Jagmeet some advice so Jagmeet would have a better chance of winning the election. The man was not aware that was he had suggested was offensive to him and his culture. He was unknowing of his actions and could have been slightly nicer of his words. He should have kept his thoughts to himself but I think that he truly just wanted to “help” him it may have not been the nicest thing to put it out like that but if he had just said it in the nicer way it could have helped. I don’t think he thought of the impact his strong words had. But how Jagmeet handled the situation was wise he didn’t show how mad he was and calmly left. Jagmeet didn’t show how mad he was and kept his cool. The man had told him he would have a better chance of winning the election by taking off his turban. I learned that Sikhs that are baptized cannot cut their hair, over their hair they wear a turban, a turban is a piece of clothing they wear around their hair. The advice the man had given Jagmeet was not friendly, but he tried to speak to Jagmeet and try to help him. And how he was brave enough to try and speak to Jagmeet, that means the man is on Jagmeet’s side. I think the man was mean on his words and may have been a bit racist, but I believe the man only wanted to just give Jagmeet some advice. The man was trying to say it in his own words, but the words were not kind and not respectful. I don’t think the man should have said that because everyone has their own traditions and beliefs. In conclusion I honestly think that the man didn’t mean to be racist and unkind, he made a mistake, and everyone should have a second chance, in life we all make mistakes and if we didn’t, we wouldn’t learn from them.

  15. althea2 says:

    I think the man thought he was helping Singh by telling him to take his turban off. In Quebec, Sikhs are not as commonly seen as they are in British Columbia. According to Wikipedia, British Columbia has the largest Sikh population in the world outside India. In Quebec, only 0.1% of the population is Sikh. In addition, the man was not aggressive and wished for Singh to win the election. However, he was ignorant by suggesting that Singh needs to change his appearance or symbol of his faith to ‘fit in’. We should respect everyone for who they are regardless of their appearance, colour, gender, religion or race. The man may not have known the impact of what he said on Singh and the entire Sikh community, but his behaviour and words are discriminating. He does not seem to know the reason why Singh wears a turban, which represents the Sikh faith, and that cutting hair in Sikh region is not allowed.

    Singh handled the situation reasonably well by staying calm and telling the man that he does not agree despite that what the man said was offensive. However, Singh could have informed the man about why he must keep his turban on so the guy would understand more about why it is important to Singh and his religion. Instead, Singh brushed him off and walked away. By doing so, he lost a good opportunity to invite the man to understand about Singh’s cultural background and Sikhism. Singh also said, “you can do whatever you want in Canada”, which is not the true. Canada is about respecting diversity, but it is not about doing whatever you want.

    I learned that the Sikhs are a religious group who wear turbans at all costs and don’t cut their hair because it is part of the gifts given to them by God. In Canada, we are taught about aboriginals and their culture, beliefs, and symbols of faith. We should learn about other religions and cultures in Canada and in the world the same way. Learning about other cultures and religions don’t have to change our own beliefs, but we get to understand each other from different background better, and we can learn to be a better person in life. For example, from Sikhism, I learned that I can take better care about my body and the lives that God has created.

    Canada is a multi-cultural country because many cultures from all over the world come here to live. It’s a good thing for Canada because people from different cultures can come into schools to teach about themselves. You can learn new lessons from one speech a day. In all, I think that people shouldn’t tell others to change who they are. We must respect one another regardless of their appearance, race, colour, religion or gender. We also can ask about other cultural backgrounds, religions and differences so we have a better understanding of who they are and work together to make the world a better place for everyone.

  16. kelvin3 says:


  17. kelvin3 says:

    I think that the person who told Singh to cut his turban off was doing it intentionally to offend Singh. Nobody would just randomly tell a politician to cut their religious identity away to win the election ceremony. That would just be an extremely racist, rude and unnecessary comment to make to the Sikhs. And on top of that, he told Singh to “look like a Canadian” if that wasn’t racist enough. Singh has handled the conversation with the person well, as he has explained that we are all equal in a calm manner, even when him and his religion was continuously being insulted by the man, as he was talking about Singh not looking enough like a Canadian. It’s amazing how Singh was even calm in that situation, where a person approached him, told him to “look like a Canadian” and told him to cut his turban off to win the election. I have learned many things about Sikhs, as they fight for equality for all, no matter if you insult them, and that baptized Sikhs do not cut their hair as they believe our bodies are made for a reason, and that cutting your hair is unnatural. Racism is a still problem in the world, and this was one of the many instances of racism that has happened this year.

  18. maya33 says:

    It isn’t just Trudeau
    By: Maya Azrielle Gorio

    Some people might just think that Justin Trudeau has been making these racist mistakes. But obviously not. Lot’s of people could still be racist about how people could look like. Just like when some man walked up to Jagmeet Singh and told him to ‘cut his turban off’. I think what this man has said to Jagmeet Singh wasn’t ever necessary for him to ever say because that especially if he was going to walk up to Jagmeet Singh and just go and tell him to cut off something apart of his religion because it just looks odd to him. I also feel like this person wasn’t even trying to be polite to him because for some reason. For some reason, lots of people wouldn’t even give some people a chance because of their looks, language, religion, etcetera. I feel if this man was going to vote someone, I bet he wouldn’t vote for Jagmeet Singh because he thinks that Jagmeet isn’t listening to him. By doing some research, on what I’ve learned, the turbans would show that after baptism, they have a choice of keeping your hair long and wear a turban or have no turban at all. I feel like Jagmeet Singh has a turban because on how loyal he is in his religion. I think that he would still be having a turban to show that he’s loyal, and he wouldn’t be going to far to stop doing a special religion that he gets to do. The man should think about what he has been saying to Jagmeet Singh. He probably thinks that saying ‘cut off our turban’ is going to help some how. But he’s just saying to Jagmeet Singh that he doesn’t care about others religion and the man thinks that for some reason he knows better. Some people might think “why isn’t Jagmeet listening to this man!” well, that’s your opinion. And I’m fine with that. But on my opinion, Jagmeet Singh shouldn’t be listening to this man. And if the man said to Jagmeet Singh to cut off his turban with attitude too, then he probably shouldn’t be listening to this man. This is because on how racist he was and on how he never even watched what he was saying to Jagmeet Singh. I also think why Jagmeet Singh isn’t listening to him. It’s probably because it is his opinion. It’s good for him to think about his opinion. It is good to think about helpful opinions that cold help you. But not the insulting ones like what the man Jagmeet Sign met. This is my thoughts about what this man said. And if you have a different opinion, that is more then fine. But this is how I described my opinion about what this man said to Jagmeet Singh. How would you describe your opinion?

  19. lorenzo6 says:

    The man that told Singh to cut of his turban was racist because Singh’s religion is not to cut their hair but the man might have been saying to quit his religion. that was i bit offencive to Singh because he might want to do that religion or born with that culture. that guy was doing something racist, like Trudeau. He might have wanted Canadians and only Canadians in Canada. he could not just tell him to leave Canada because that is Singh’s home. So he told him to look like a Canadian by quitting his religion because of him living in Canada. He thought he would win the election by cutting of his turban and everyone would be impressed with him for having Canadian style hair and beard. Listening to racist people would maybe not make you win the election. the man wants him to look like a Canadian by cutting of Singh’s turban but that is who Singh is. Its good to be different but if every Canadian looks the same then that would be odd. Hopefuly all the racist actions will stop one day.

  20. albert4 says:

    The man should’ve never said about Singh. Because what does he know about him? But how calmly singh reacted to what the man said to him singh only replied (this is canada.)and he walked away. What the man said may have been the most racist act in the world. The man said to him (I think you will do better If you cut your turban.) in a joking manner but to singh this rude act not only the place they were stepping on canada but he’s taking his culture away .To the man he did not think anything before saying. To singh It would feel like him as a slave while the man as king. (a.k.a)the man is taking his culture and not letting doing what he wants to do. The man even replied with an unusual answer he said(this is how romes do it.)singh replied (this is canada you can do whatever you like.)the way Singh responded was smart and kind without disturbing anyone else. If i was in his place I would have not responded the same.

    The man was ignorant but not unknown. First ignorant. The man was ignorant because he did not know what was going to happen at the election. If the man was unknown then he would have not said it in the first place and if it did start the man would have said nothing about it. Thats why the man was ignorant unknown although theres still one thing that was unknown he didn’t know why he said it.

  21. noorai1 says:

    THE real TRUTH

    Welp this is just plain Trash. No comments (well yeah, they’re comments). So basically, this guy walks up to jagmeet Singh and said if you cut of your turban, he would have a better chance of winning. Which is plain racist and rude.Another thing like this. Prince harry made fun of Muslims and Sikhs and their turban and calling them “diaper heads”. Which I believe is very rude.His words are just plain “get that turban off. Which YES, it’s clearly racist! I know Jagmeet Singh took It personally. Cutting his turban would mean a lot to him. Who cares if it will help him win! It’s his religion. And no one can change it.Mabey the guy who said It was not thinking straight. Or he did not mean it as harm to him. and I were Jagmeet Singh I would forgive him. If I were to vote I would vote .hmmmmmMmMm Justin Trudeau. There are videos of this event and photos. And in a nother vid it shows him taking his turban off and showing it to people. He has long hair. I’m Muslim and I did not know what a turban was x3. In my mind I would have gone nuts. We are older than that man and we know better. I have heard many rude Canadians’ not like this. I would love to hear your response.

  22. marina1 says:

    My opinion on what the man told Jagmeet Singh are that he doesn’t know the impact of his words. He did not really think about what he was saying. Maybe he didn’t intend to hurt anyone, but I am guessing that Jagmeet Singh felt offended. His turban is part of his religion. Canada is not a Country for one specific religion. Anyone from any religion is aloud to be able to show their culture in a way, and I don’t think that anyone should be able to stop someone else from doing that, no matter what religion. Jagmeet Singh did not seem very happy because somebody was telling what he should do to get elected. I think that the response from Jagmeet Singh was answered very nicely. The man that said this to Jagmeet Singh most likely did not mean to hurt anyone. This was not malicious, you could tell he wasn’t trying to hurt anyone. This man made a mistake, and he probably thought about what he said and knew that he should not have done this. According to the video the man was still being polite after and said “I hope you win.”
    There were many news reports about this and most likely the man saw at least one of the videos. After seeing the videos he probably thought that what he did was wrong. I don’t think that this was very racist, but i don’t think this wasn’t racist either. What I really think about this is that he wasn’t thinking about what he was going to say. He wasn’t thinking before his words. I think that this was sad because even if the man was being nice after Jagmeet Singh definitely felt offended. I hope that Jagmeet Singh did not feel as offended as I think he did. I’m hoping that things like this don’t happen quite often. Not only too him but to others as well. Even though I did not find this as racist I am sure that many others did. Did you find this racist? That Jagmeet Singh was told to take off his turban? What do you think about all of this?

  23. mohamed4 says:

    I think this man does not know that he is being racist. Nobody would do that because that is just mean. Yet this person should have been more carefull with his words. I don`t know why this person said this. His turban is important to his religen. It is just sad people are doing this type of stuff. I don`t know how Jagmeet Singh handeled this problem like a calm dude. I would have punched this man. He was just calm, and talked peacefully without violence. He handeled it like a boss. I don`t know how to do this sometimes. This man hasdone nothing but hurt the person trying to become prime minister. People these days, they are crazy. This man should have been more careful. Now every body knows him. But not in a good way. In fact in a BAD way. He should have been minding his own business. Now he probably wishing he did. Now nobody likes this person . Carfull with with your words . He should be ashamed. His actions have hurt people.

    • mohamed4 says:

      so gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. amazing

  24. tyson12 says:

    I think the man did know and that was a very offensive thing to do. Because it is a religious thing to wear a turban. But Jagmeet Singh took care of it without being rude to the other person. I think that the other person should have been more careful about his words. Also I think that person tried to make him because nobody would just suddenly cut their religious hair. I think the man was trying to go on T.V. so he did it. Also I think he was trying to make Singh lose the election. This is a big problem because it is very rude to people who wear turbans. He was probably just trying to make fun of Singh. But Singh did nothing to him so why would he do this. Maybe he did not know that it is rude . But it is a low chance that he did not know. If I were him I would not do this because it is rude and because he is the leader for the N.D.P. Even if he was not the leader of the N.D.P I still would not do this. If I wore a turban and someone said that I would be mad at them. Because you are very rude if you say that. He said that it will make him more Canadian. This is rude because anyone can look like something but they do not have to change to look like a certain religion. These are some of my reasons for why it is rude. Thanks for reading my project.

  25. tyson12 says:

    Who likes turtles?

  26. tyson12 says:


  27. lucas78 says:

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  28. lucas78 says:

    Hi, today I am going to tell you about my opinion about how somebody told Singh to cut off his turban. I think that it, was very rude to Singh and his religion. This person did one thing that I think should not have been said. The person probably did not understand racism and how rude it was to the religion. I also think that the person also did not know how this affects the religion. I believe that Singh did not say anything rude and he handled the situation by keeping calm. He also might have told the person that he will not cut it off. He also might have said that it was part of his religion. This made the situation better. I also think he did it by accident. At the same time! The thought is annoying. I think that learning about this was interesting. I also feel that it was a good experience to know what bad things are happening in the world. I also liked learning about this because I now know that election leaders are being rudely mistreated. Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! What do you think happened? Do you think the guy did it on purpose?

    TIP: Don’t watch Vincent’s epic fails videos. 😒😁

  29. lucas78 says:

    Actually, don’t watch the videos😢😎he wants to be rich🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

  30. zoe24 says:

    It’s Not Just Trudeau…
    A lot of people had been racist to Trudeau, but now other people are offending others. Jagmeet Singh had been at the Atwater Market in Montreal, when this man came up to him and whispered, “I think you should cut off your turban, more people might vote for you. Jagmeet just said, “Hey, I think all Canadians look different.” Jagmeet is right. All Canadians look different. *Pats the man on the back* His wife witnessed this (I think), and I think she would have felt shocked that someone would say that. But sadly, there are still A LOT of people who continued to disrespect others. I think that man is very racist, and the man told him in a very offensive way, although Jagmeet took this calmly. Canadians are all unique/different/special, so I don’t see why people are being offensive to others. Personally, I think the man was purposely being offensive because if all Canadians were the same, looking the same, hair down, then there wouldn’t be a point of being a Canadian. ALSO no one is really supposed to look the same, unless they share the same DNA. Cutting his turban meant that a removal of his faith as a Sikh. Wearing the turban shows that he has been baptized and his identity as a Sikh. If the man had been trying to help, he might have no thought about himself being racist. Maybe when Jagmeet Singh said that Canadians look different, the man might have thought about what he said. Maybe the man was a supporter, but gave a tip to Jagmeet that HE thought might have been useful, and something he would have done, although he might not know what baptizing is {Being baptized is getting dipped, sitting, etc. in holy water or something like that} . Being baptized can be really important, and in fact, I have a neighbor that’s been baptized, and that moment was really important to her. I really admire how Jagmeet didn’t show he was being offended, and its really cool how he can tie his hair up without a hair tie or anything. If anyone has a religion, it isn’t right to have your culture offended, as when SOMEONE called me SOMETHING, I felt really offended, and so calling other people a offensive name or anything is completely WRONG. I’m not a supporter/fan of Jagmeet, like Trudeau, but just because people are from another country or place, they shouldn’t be disrespected. As Leo said/asked, if Jagmeet cuts his hair off, would he be no longer supporting his faith? He, of course, is baptized, so I don’t really think he can be un-baptized. No one deserves to be disrespected, or anything offensive, AND I HAVE SAID THAT AGAIN. Maybe the man didn’t know what the purpose of his turban was used for. BUT WAIT! Before you go, I have a great idea. Jagmeet could do what the man said, and cut/take off his turban. Then he can replace it with another turban! Problem solved/case closed. That way, the man got what he asked for/advised for, but Jagmeet could still have his religion/culture ways.

  31. joshua38 says:

    October 14th, 2019
    I think Jagmeet Singh was offended because the man probably didn’t know the importance of a turban to Jagmeet Singh and some other people. I think the man in the video was just trying to help Jagmeet Singh win the election. But, what he said was racist and rude. I agree with Jagmeet Singh’s response to the man. I liked that he mention Canada is a multi-culture and full of freedom. If you think you deserve respect. Then so does Jagmeet Singh. He has feelings and can be sad. So what the man said to Jagmeet Singh could be unencouraging, mean, and insinuating. But the man might regret what he said. So I believe that Jagmeet will forgive him. I mean he is kind of supporting Jagmeet. Well, in the end, the man still said he hopes Jagmeet would win the election, Jagmeet wears his turban as protection for his hair and it represents his religious identity. If I was the man; I would probably try to express to Jagmeet more nicely. for example: I really like your turban. But you might look better if you take it off. And if I was Jagmeet Singh I would probably just tell him about my turban and explain to him. If someone said some offensive stuff like that to me, I would probably handle the situation by telling him that it’s rude to say that and tell him to apologize for saying such mean words. Lastly, I think being on the news would be a lesson for all of us to not be racist. In conclusion, I think the man should be sorry and Jagmeet Singh should just forget it.

  32. lucas78 says:

    I did dictate and look at what happened

    Making you angry frustrated Hawaii people Hawaii Hawaii people with the on Monday look at that it was a It was a witch witch Cortana song hello Cortana what the heck that’s not actually how you get back to her power what the hell did making you angry frustrated on Monday look at that it was a it was a witch witch Cortana song hello Cortana what the heck actually have you get back to power what the hell did making you angry frustrated on Monday look at that it was a witch witch.

  33. noah30 says:

    This is what I think about what happened to Jagmeet Singh.

    I feel like the man said that to him for a reason he said it because he thought it looked like he wasn’t a Canadian. Now, I know why you think this is very weird it is because he wasn’t a Canadian person to begin with. And this is Canada you can choose what you want to do. Back to my response I would have said to him is it the same as somebody shaving your hair. A turban is cultural and hair that everybody has that it grows on us to them a turban is as important then hair seeks. I also think I would get angry at him but if I were him that would be tough words to say in the public because those words kind of effects Canada. That kind of makes me think that he is taking our support for granted. And this response kind of makes me and my family sad because if you’re going to say something at least say something good.

    That comes from the saying “if you’re going to do something do it well”. Politics is very hard to get through especially when it really affects you. I’m very sure this project is going to affect my life because some politicians have things behind there back, so it is crucial to lean about them when we are small. If I were the man, I would not give a peep of what he just said.

  34. landon1 says:

    I don’t even know what to say about this, I don’t know if he was trying to help Jagmeet Singh win the election or if was trying to be racist, all I know is that it was extremely racist and he should not have said that. Telling him to cut off his turban is already bad, very bad, but then after that he says to look more like a Canadian, he is just adding salt to the wound. Telling Jagmeet Singh to cut his turban off is like telling shaulin monks to stop doing Kung-fu or like telling someone to stop doing something that they’ve been doing their whole life, just like telling Jagmeet Singh to stop doing what he’s been doing his whole life, wearing a turban. You can’t just tell Jagmeet Singh to cut off his turban, he’s been wearing his turban his whole life’ he’s going to just cut it off, I don’t think anybody will give up their religious symbols that easily. Jagmeet Singh could’ve just said something mean back to him, but he was being nice and he didn’t say anything back and I think that should make him win the election. I think Jagmeet Singh should win the election just because this happened, why does this guy think he can just tell a political leader to cut his turban off, that is so unfortunate because he was just doing his own thing being nice and visiting people and the this guy shows up, that is my reason on why Jagmeet Singh should win the election. This guy is being very racist towards Jagmeet Singh and he shouldn’t be doing that. No one should be racist against anybody especially a political leader that hasn’t done anything wrong and probably never will. You should never do what that guy did, it is racist and don’t ever do that, don’t ever tell anyone to stop wearing whatever they’re wearing and don’t ever tell them to not wear their religious symbols ever. You don’t be racist ever because racism is bad, it’s a thing of the past and most things that they did back then was horrible. I hope this doesn’t ever happen again because what he said was incredibly racist and should never be said again by anyone. I feel bad for Jagmeet Singh, it happened to him because he was wearing a turban. Bill 21 has happened and it shouldn’t affect Jagmeet Singh because of his political leader status but I hope it doesn’t affect him in anyway and I’m still rooting for him to win the election. This guy shouldn’t have said that because now the video is going viral on the internet and now everybody is going to know what this guy said to him and every body is going to be posting about it. Now that I’ve thought about it this is the first blog post were I’m actually posting nice things about the political leader and not ranting about how they’re being racist or they’re doing something to offend religious people. I think that the guy was probably trying to help him win the election even though he was being horribly racist about it, he was probably trying to help him in his own racist way. This is the part were sentences get shorter and I start to run out of ideas. I think he should at least apologize to Jagmeet Singh like how Justin Trudeau apologized for doing black face. The guy probably wasn’t even trying to be racist he just ended up sounding racist because of the way he said it. Jagmeet Singh should meet up with the guy and talk to him about what he meant by you will look more like a Canadian. He could be nicer next time the guy meets up with a political leader, but thats just what I think. I hope you guys liked my post and goodbye.

  35. landon1 says:

    This is what I think about Justin Trudeau doing black face. He should have never done this, he did one of the most racist things you could do, three times including the brown face thing that he did. I think he never should have done that, even back then when he did it for the first time it was still considered very racist and he was in either high school or college and he should have known better. I don’t know how the pictures have surfaced only now and not a few years ago because he would have gotten in trouble while he was still prime minister like he was trying to hide it from the public but it doesn’t matter because the pictures have been released to the public and thats all that matters because now everybody can get him in trouble including the news stations.I think that doing anything that has to do with putting down another race is racist and it is actually the definition of racist and Justin Trudeau doing is just wrong and would only be accepted in the 1800’s which means he shouldn’t be doing that. I am wondering why he didn’t get in trouble for doing it the first time or the second time or the third time and it can’t be because his dad was the prime minister and he couldn’t get in trouble, I think that would be illegal. You can’t do black face and expect to get away with it especially if you’re a political leader like that Anthony Sabatini guy. No matter what stereotype it is, it is not funny, because if you do something like that you better expect to lose the election or anything you’re competing in. Honestly as soon as I heard about I thought what is black face and then I looked it up and then I thought why would anybody do this and as I’m typing this I thought why would Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, the guy who helped gender equality wouldn’t think about racial equality. It is crazy even thinking about doing black face unless you’re a comedian that time traveled here from the 1930’s or 1800’s but that probably isn’t possible so why would you do black face think about how many people are going to be mad at you for doing that unless Justin Trudeau is a crazy person and now I’m going to get in trouble for the prime minister a crazy person I hope I don’t get in trouble with the government. No one should do black face ever even if you’re the prime minister, just because you’re the prime minister doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want, sure you have access to most thing in Canada and you’re the leader of Canada but you’re supposed to make Canada a better place not do one of the most racist things you can do and make people angry. Don’t do black face ever, I feel like every one that’s in the election has done something bad except for Jagmeet Singh, he’s the only exception. I’m sure people are going to vote for Trudeau again because he’s apologized, but that doesn’t give him the rights to still be in the election, he should step down like all the other people who stepped down after doing something bad. You can’t do black face, because 1. Everybody will be mad at you 2. Black face is one of the most racist things ever so by doing it you will make people think being racist is okay because you’re a political leader 3. It will demote Canada’s reputation of being non-racist, a safe place for refugees to come. If you’re wondering why black face is racist, black face is racist because it was used as comedy to make fun of black people and was over all very racist. No one can get away with being racist not even a political leader can get away with being racist that’s why you don’t be racist. As I was researching I found out that he also dressed up as Hitler. Doing black face 3 times is bad enough as it is, but then dressing up as hitler after getting in trouble for doing black face, that is horrible for the prime minister of Canada to be doing. The prime minister should be making Canada a better place, not making Canada a worse place. You should do something to tell Justin

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