A Cushion Gone Awfully Wrong!

Do you shop at Walmart? Do you scrutinise what you buy in its entirety? Or do you just say, “woo, I got this ____! I’m so happy!” 

Well, you are not alone if this is so.  In Fresno, California, as shown on the map below: 

Image result for fresno california map

A man purchased a pillow with some French decor from Walmart’s online story. Sounds fine, right? Do you notice anything strange in this picture?Image result for walmart pillow

Read the article below and find out the story behind it. 


So now that you have read it, what do you think? Is Walmart to blame for selling such a product ? Or, is it hard to keep track of every single detail, of every single product that your large store sells? Is it the fault of the third party seller who perhaps produced the pillow, but definitely printed/sold the product to Walmart? How do you think an image like that could appear on a pillow?

25 thoughts on “A Cushion Gone Awfully Wrong!

  1. kenrich1 says:

    So I think I know what is wrong with the pillow. It has Hitlers face on it when it is someone! Come
    On don’t be this racist it is not fair for people. I am sure we can fix this! Now time for Walmart Walmart thinks that this pillow is allowed in their site and in stores. Which seems fine but that could get you reported. Like what come on Walmart please be smarter. It should not be like this you guys should go through a procession first to check if the product has anything racist or inappropriate and then add it be smarter. Another thing I realized about Walmart is the people who do this work in child labor so maybe it is the kids who do the procession maybe, you know what I don’t know moving on. So another thing I realized is that people don’t careabout it racisim is very serious it is very hurtful to others so pease be better. I hope this article helps! see you next time bye!

  2. tamara4 says:

    how, who, why? this was not ok. who made this why did they make this. if they were a supporter of Hitler then you do that. but that was so long ago why is this on a throw pillow. this should not be in a store, no forget that it should not be in any place at any time any where. when will this be ok? hopefully never. this man that they are putting on a pillow killed many people and connived others that people of the human race are delves and should be dead. is that what you want on your pillow? is that what you want your friends and family to think of when they think of you? for sure that is not what i want. yes you might think that it was a mistake or was it. this was allowed to be sold. is it just me or is this total stupidity. i am speechless. and not a surprises that this store was made by a American businessman. and he was so successful how did this happen?

  3. matthew88 says:

    OK so theirs a cushion and it looks like a normal cushion with a picture on it pretty usual at Walmart, but theirs a NAZI sign on it. A NAZI sign on it and its being sold at a WALMART first they sell rifles now NAZI signs on it now that is just a hole different level of poor decisions that Walmart made. Wouldn’t any employee notice at least one employee could have looked at the cushion properly. Plus who on earth would want to put a NAZI sign on a cushion. At least Walmart could have covered it with something less dangerous. I wonder how Jewish people would have felt if they were just shopping at Walmart saw the cushion then looked at the NAZI sign. I wonder how many were produced at like a factory or something. I wonder if Walmart is ever going to shut down because of the poor decisions. They should at least analyse there products before putting them on their shelf’s. Even seven eleven is doing better at Walmart not receiving to much hate. I wonder which country it was made in or who made it , maybe NAZI supporters. It could even be criminals or maybe Germans that were very angry for the NAZI defeat in world war two. Or maybe it was another company that was trying to ruin Walmart’s reputation. Well I don’t really blame Walmart or whoever made it I blame the British sniper who almost shot Hitler but missed by seven SEVEN inch’s and shot Hitlers best friend. Come on you could have aimed a little better!

  4. harry17 says:

    I think that the people who produced the cushion should be the producers fault because they produced it and walmart doesn’t have time to check one single package because they have a ton of packages so the producers probably think that since walmart is a big company than they probably don’t have the time to check what’s on the merchandise that they sell. Walmart got blamed for it because they sold it but the producers should be blamed for for giving walmart it and why specifically to walmart couldn’t they went on Craigslist, E bay, Amazon, Shopify, Max Sold. Plus Bonanza, Ebid, Facebook, Instagram, Marketplace, Letgo, Poshmark, Ruby Lane, Etsy, Ioffer. The last ones are Listia, Mercari, OOdle, Sell.com, Ubid, Varagesale, ASOS, BagBorroworSteal, Fashionable, Just between friends. The last last one i will do is Kindermint. So why did they have to sell it at walmart? If the company was caught then it would be their fault but selling it at walmart is just cruel although i don’t feel bad. Lets just say that walmart buys things from factorys and the things get shipped here. The people at walmart barely check the packages before putting them in sale. they just have a peek at the things and put them at the sections where they belong.

  5. amelia15 says:

    So i somewhat “read” the passage and i noticed the topic was about a pillow. At fist, i saw nothing wrong, but then i noticed the shocking design that was very wonky. I saw The famous, and very disliked sign, the nazi symbol. I wonder why would somebody make something like that and want to sell it? The nazi symbol comes from a very bad man named Hitler .Could the blame got towards Walmart for not properly checking their items that they were selling? Or it could possibly be the creator’s fault for making such disturbing a sign on a pillow. I think i choose both, and here’s why. I blame the creator of this horrific pillow because they added this nazi sign to the pillow but also put a stamp looking picture of Hitler himself. Like why would you do something like that? i find it totally unnecessary and very dumb.Here’s a random thought of mine. What is that photo was original copyrighted from some random picture (probably was)and placed on a fabric to sell and make money? (oof) Like this creator person could’ve found this image online and didn’t notice this strange markings on the side. But it could also be the creator’s fault for not properly exposing this natzi sign along with Hitler. OooR, It could be Walmart’s fault for not properly checking it and making sure it was “friendly pillow” not some crazy pillow with a sign on it. They probably shouldn’t have bought it if they didn’t properly check it. Which they obviously didn’t cause they totally missed this sign and the person completely. Overall i think this poor buyer man just wanted a comfy pillow as a house decor, or for maybe even sleeping on. And Walmart and this creator person had to be irresponsible and either not check it properly or not show and sell a very wrong sign.I think is was so wrong is so many levels to put a very hated and evil man and his very wonky bad sign on a pillow that could’ve been actually sold. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. yang1 says:

    0Reasons for Walmart to be blamed. (And how they can fix it)

    Some reasons could be: Walmart not having checked the merchandise properly before sharing it with the community. It could’ve been a completely different outcome if they had inspected the pillow into deeper depth. This will cause a negative impact on other people as they see walmart as an irresponsible company, not having properly checked for many flaws that their products have. It could also depend on the questioning of the quality of their products. As we all know Walmart has many products that are sold in the store, if something like offensive symbols on a pillow who knows how many other problems walmart could have on their products. Maybe the unnatural use of chemicals in food, or the prices of their products being too high, these are the simple things that make us have a bad outlook on this company. Well there are many way to ensure something like this doesn’t happen to them anymore. They could easily ensure the authenticity of their products by either listening to what the community says to the products that they are selling. It is also a really good idea to incorporate the things that people are saying about the company (whether it’s good or bad) and either act on it, or keep it up. This may not be the reason of selling the particular merch but, they still need to pay attention to what problems they have.

    Reasons for the producers fault.

    Well first of all the awareness to do something like pasting an offensive picture on their merchandise is clearly not a good way to attract attention. Also even if it was the design they were going for, there truly is no reason at all to share it with the community. Of course it’s partially walmarts faut for selling their merchandise but they have to be that stupid to think of an idea that involves a lot of bad instances to show to the community. YES, they may have planned to jeopardise walmart as a business but it just another problem as them not paying attention to what the community is easily affected by. All in all the only issue for them is the offensive symbols that are shown on a form of furniture. The only way for them to avoid something like this from happening is to AVOID THESE PRODUCTS!!!!!

    My opinion

    The fault is shared equally between the two company. It is walmart’s fault for not being aware of the products that they are putting out, not being responsible enough to look out for the little details that affect their company as a whole. It is also the fault of the people who produced the picture because of their stupid actions of putting someone who is hated by many on the front cover of a pillow.

  7. amra1 says:

    Hello there! Today I will be giving you my thoughts about a man who bought a pillow in Walmart which had a Hitler’s name on it and a Nazi sign. Let’s see if it was the Walmart’s fault or if it’s the people who made the product. Hope you’ll like it!
    Wow! Why would Walmart sell these kinds of pillows? When the people who made the product asked Walmart if they could sell their product, Walmart should have checked the pillow out and how it is. They couldn’t just say “Oh, well of course we can sell your product!” No! I mean it is 2019! The Nazi’s and Hitler was just so long ago. So, I think it was Walmarts fault. Last year in November, me and my parents went to Walmart to buy a bed for myself, and then I saw this pillow that it was a flip pillow, and beside it was almost exactly the same and I actually saw a Hitler sign! And before I saw the Hitler sign, I asked my mom and dad to buy that pillow and when they came, I just saw a Hitler sign, so I just never mind. My dad asked me why I said never mind, and I just said that there was a Hitler sign on the pillow. He was like “good job Amra!” So, we just left. But seriously, who would buy that? I mean those people that are making those kinds of pillows are stupid and crazy, so just stop until it gets even worse.
    Thank you for reading my Blog Post and I hope you like it! Because if you don’t ms. Panesar, I will call you a grandma for the rest of the school year. Thank you!

  8. vincent31 says:

    I think that the person who made that pillow try to make that as a Easter egg, hopping no one would see it.I don think I should blame it on Walmart I would say it is both of their fault. Walmart should cheek the third party items more frequently. The third party company that made that should not make that product if they know that that will make people angry and upset. I think that a person was trying to mess with the people and make them upset. It also might be the person who came up with that idea wanted to do it and did not think that that will make the people upset and angry. Though I do not understand why they would wanna put that on the pillows still. These are only what I think might of happened. Another theory of mine is they wanted to make Walmart costumers upset and mad.So the costumers of Walmart will hate Walmart because they have that item in it. I also think that when Walmart sells another third party item ,they should really check over it so something like this would not happen again. The problem is the third party seller hid that part of the pillow. So over all I think it is the third party sellers fault. It is because the third party seller was hiding that part from Walmart.When Walmart revived the item they should double check.Though I still think that it is the third party sellers fault.

  9. mark28 says:

    It was probably Walmarts fault because they Didn’t check that pillow had a picture of Hitler on it. Why not anybody else? Maybe some French king that lived seven hundred years but they still used a man that started a war that killed almost a billion people and Destroyed many cities of Germany, Japan and many other very bad stuff happened to like the camps for Jews in Germany or The internment camps for Japanese Canadians in Canada. Plus under Hitler’s horrible picture there was a Nazi Sign which hurts me even more. Probably The design was invented in Germany so they put their president’s picture as they did on bills in America. Now after I think again I think that it’s the companies that made the pillow’s fault because they know what was on it and It was made by people who wanted to test Walmart if it checks their stuff or by people who wanted to secretly sneak Hitlers photo on it because they are secretly Nazis. The manufacturers know what they make so this can’t be a mistake. It might be that your worst nightmare that Hitler’s friends made a machine that revives people and they used it on him so he came back alive and then started off his horribly evil plans by making pillows with his picture again. Or this is a practical joke by the creators so they wanted to see what will happen. It isn’t really Walmarts fault because all they do is order stuff from cheap companies and sell it for more at their store. It was really hard to see the picture right away if your ordering it and it was almost in the back of the pillow so it was very hard to see when you are ordering it and Walmart just pressed “order” without thinking. And The picture of Hitler. Was halfway on the back and half on the front so the creator of this pillow didn’t want the buyers to see this until they bought it. Ryan Newman bought the pillow on walmart.com in November, he could see it featured large images of a bicycle and the Eiffel Tower, and the word “Paris.” What he didn’t see was the stamp of Hitler’s face and the nazis logo. He called and emailed Walmart about the pillow but said he couldn’t get anyone to take his complaint seriously. Part of his email: “I’m outraged and feel very violated. For two months, I had this pillow in my house until I found out about the horrible stamp. Walmart said that “We weren’t able to see if this because of it wasn’t on the photo that we were going to order.” Walmart apologized for the incident and took out the item. Newman said he thinks the Nazi symbols were inserted on the pillow by mistake. He noted the pillow also features handwritten information about London and the English Parliament, suggesting the creator didn’t have a good understanding of Paris. Newman hopes his experience gets the company to improve its product vetting process. As for the pillow, he’s keeping it. The priest plans to use it to tell a story about the need to “stand for love, acceptance and peace.” I think this is something like this should be cared about because if we didn’t care about things like this then the planet would be like a big piece of garbage.

  10. kevin48 says:

    It might have been Walmart’s fault because Walmart doesn’t care about those kinds of stuff. All the company cares is about money. Not anything else. It might have appeared on the pillow because Walmart put it as a design so it could look better. It might have been printed out from something. It also may was bought by Walmart from someone else. Maybe Walmart bought it cause they liked the design. Maybe they didn’t see that Nazi swastika and Hitler photo. I watched the video in the link. I found found out about it the second I clicked it. I think it should be in the video instead of just right in front in the title. I think this is not okay! It is #######! Next time Walmart should check better when they buy something. I am not sure if Walmart really did it or not?

  11. milica6 says:

    Hello, my name is Milica and today I am going to be telling you about a pillow that had an inappropriate sign on it.

    In Fresno, California a man a pillow from Walmart and when he came home he realised that there was a Nazi symbol on it. If you don’t know what a Nazi sign is, it’s basically a sign that Hitler made up when the time of the mistreating of the Jewish was done. Now back to the pillow story. When the man noticed that there was a Nazi sign he immediately posted it online and accused the company of the incident. Which happens to be Walmart Walmart was accused of selling the pillow to the man. Before selling something you should always check it if it’s appropriate to sell. When Walmart got called out for selling that pillow the company immediately denied the comment. In fact they shot back saying that the company that gave Walmart the pillow should be the one’s at fault and not them. The man with the pillow said that the pillow was a sign that he should start standing up and speaking up for the right things to do. He said that he could make a difference . The man that bought that pillow didn’t realise the sign until he took it home. To top that off Hitler’s face was on the pillow as well. Like what else would you not want on your pillow?

    My thoughts and feelings: I think that Walmart should check their stuff before selling stuff. This pillow is really disturbing and it brings bad memories of what happened with Hitler back in the day.

    Yours Truly, Milica Pavlovic:)

  12. johnny4 says:

    After I read why that cushion is so bad I was angry at Walmart because HOW CAN YOU NOT CATCH THAt (sorry, still angry at Walmart),also the company claimed that they manually and automatically vet the items,either the company orders the employs and machines to get make sure that it does not hurt someone and the company also tells them not to worry about anything else or the more possible way,the company does not vet and inspect the products at all and if that is the case then I am pretty sure that the company can get sued for that. I feel that Walmart is to blame for this and is also not to blame for this as they have on the job: make sure everything is safe and will not insult anyone but they also have so many products so it will be very hard to make sure that everything is good. I feel that the third company seller has most of the fault as this is the company that designed the cushion and made the product also during the design and prototype phase of the making of this cushion, how can the people that made this cushion not catch this horrible symbol on the cushion. Also I wonder how no one has caught this horrible Nazis on the cushion as you can see you see the Nazis symbol from the Walmart site and commented on it, also I wonder if and anyone that have bought this product before Mr.Newman had noticed it but didn’t bother to report it or did not know what it meant (which I think is highly unlikely to happen),also I wonder why the designer/designers had put that racist thing on the cushion, what was their motive to put that on the cushion, inspire people to follow Hitler’s steps or what? I feel like this image appeared on the cushion because the designer/designers look up to Hitler and want other people to do so too. But how did the entire company that the pillow was manufactured at and Walmart miss this detail?I am very astonished on how they missed it as the symbol.

  13. reilly2 says:

    I think it is Walmart’s fault and the people who made the pillow. It is kinda Walmart’s fault because they allowed the Nazi sign on the pillow but maybe it was a accident but i do not think so. Maybe some person at Walmart probably missed the Nazi sign on the pillow and thought it was OK. I put the blame on the people who made the pillow because they are grown adult and should know better but it could have been there child and they wanted to help and they serched up paris and the kid found that image. Or if a bot on the computers checks the pictures sent to the computer it could have got unsensored by the bot. I m pretty sure Walmart checks there products with real people and whoever checked it thought it was a bird carrying a circle or something like that. Or maybe the creator of the pillow thought it was a bird carrying a circle. If the creator put a description he or she would say it is just a bird carrying a circle. Maybe Walmart thought that no one would notice the Nazi sign. The reason I think that Walmart does not care is because they are such a big company and no one would care. I think it is the company that made the pillow is their fault because they should have studied the Nazi’s. Maybe Walmart and the company wanted to make this for the jokes. I do not know why the company makes the pillow maybe it is because the do Nazi march but I do not think so. Or a person could have hacked a computer and the pillow looked good but they put a Nazi sign. Another possibility is if Walmart put this pillow for sale for attention. In conclusion I think that it is The company that made the pillow and Walmart is responsible for this.

  14. dennis7 says:

    Well I already know what it is but I can keep a secret. Apparently it’s a Nazi symbol on a pillow! And don’t talk to me but I blame it all on Walmart for selling that gosh darn pillow. They should be more aware of their surroundings and what they’re selling because maybe one day someone will end up with something like that.what are the exact same time the people that were selling it knew that there was going to happen so it’s kind of their fault too.honestly I don’t even get why a person would buy that pillow in the first place it doesn’t look good and it doesn’t seem really good. And on top of that it’s probably from a brand that makes cheap pillows because that does not look like a pillow that you can buy at Walmart. Oh wow what a coincidence oh no it’s not!!! Also my question is why is that even on a pillow! Anza any of the other stuff for me I like plain pillows but it’s probably just me. I wonder what happened to the person that bought it was he shocked it anyway to be honest I wouldn’t. for me it’s such a weird thing that someone would put that kind of symbol on well a pillow. Because Hitler’s not around anymore and no one else is around either if you know what I mean. Also I wonder if Walmart went to court or anyting I hope Walmart is ok then. also when the person bought it is literally maybe just showed it right there on the hello so why can’t he just open his eyes and see what it on the pillow. Same thing with Walmart you have to see what the heck are people selling!!!

  15. tiya1 says:

    For this picture I was very confused for what was wrong in this but when I opened to article I saw that there was Nazi sign. I was very shocked how anybody could put such a racist and rude sign on a pillow! I also saw that Hitler’s face on it and I felt so bad for the person who had it and bought it. I can’t imagine how the man would have felt who had bought it. He would have felt so offended and would be so upset. I n the article above it told that he even phoned Walmart to tell them about the product and Walmart didn’t respond nicely and ignored him. He kept calling andone day Walmart said that they were sorry and this was very wrong. In some of the pictures he was looking very mad and was not happy at all.
    I think it was both Walmarts fault who bought it and the person who made it. I think that it’s both of their faults because why would walmart not check what their buying and when it came to them look at it before putting it in stalk. Also, a little child could have saw it and told their parents to buy it and whenever anybody came to their house they could see it maybe. It would be very outraging and mad. So, I think that Walmart should be careful of what they are buying. But, I would not forget the fact that Walmart did not make it and somebody else did so it wasn’t entirely Walmarts fault. I feel that this very discriminating to the person who bought it and put it in his probably for a few days and saw this horrible Nazi sign on and Hitler’s face on it in bright orange like a stamp.
    I hoped you liked the blog and I will see you next time! (Like tomorrow) 🙂

  16. jemimah1 says:

    There is a lot of opinions with this pillow problem. But I have a lot to say on the way I see it. To me, it seems like it is both of the people’s faults. Walmart and the unknown third party company. First of all, let’s talk about the third party company. What were they thinking?! Why did they think that it was a good idea to put a Nazi sign on that pillow?!The worst part is that you can’t even say that it is a mistake since it has Hitler’s face on it. It is rude and upsetting that someone went out of there way to add that not caring for who was buying it. Then we have Walmart. ( Yeah, they are not safe either from my wrath. ) How could they let this really racist item hit the shelves? It is really embarrassing on Walmart’s part since they let someone buy this horrible pillow. I know what you are saying though, ‘ Why are you blaming them? They cant check everything! ’. But isn’t it a bit worrying that they don’t check? I mean, anyone could have seen it and decided to get it. Hell! Even kids and children could have seen it. Not top even mention the fact that Jewish people that could have had family that was there in Germany when Hitler came. There could even be people that were part of the people that were discriminated when the Nazis came. So overall, I have come to the opinion that, (1) the third people should have been so unsympathetic, (2) Walmart should have checked it (or at the very least, look at it closely before they bought it). All of this happened in a series of events and now people like rev Ryan are being at fault. Companies should be more considerate with what they buy and put on shelves. It is the only way to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.

  17. bernice4 says:

    I think that it is partly the designer companies fault and Walmart’s fault. This is because Walmart should be more mindful of the things they sell and the designer company shouldn’t even put that type of thing on their products.Who would put the face of a person that killed over 5000 people on a pillow that they are going to sell? Nobody unless the person is crazy. I think that the designer company should be shut down for a while at least or the company should be fined a bit of money. I feel that the priest that bought the pillow should have his money returned and the company should stop the order of these inappropriate pillows. Which seller would be so immature? Maybe the seller has a German background and thought that it would be funny. Maybe the seller was a teenager and thought that it would be a great prank. I do not find this funny and I think that if it is a teenager then they should maybe be disciplined and taught why they should not find this funny. Maybe if they were punished and taught then they would know better then to put that persons picture on the pillow. What if a Jewish person with relitives that died because of that person saw the picture? Wouldn’t you feel bad if you where the one that put the picture on the pillow? If I find that on a pillow I would return it at once and demand for my money back. Wouldn’t you do the same? If I was Jewish I would find that offensive. What would you do if you were Jewish and saw that picture? If I was the one that put the pictures on the pillow I would apologize sincerely and ask if I could make it up to Walmart and all the people that bought the pillow. Wouldn’t you do the same? Why didn’t Walmart see the design of the pillow when they first ordered it? Was it because the wrapping of the pillow hid it? If it had was this done on purpose? I wonder what the designer truly was thinking and what his or her intentions were. What is the point of putting the picture on the pillow (and before anybody asks why not I will tell you why it is wrong)? It is bad because the person in the picture murdered more then 5000 people! He murdered Jewish people especially and if a Jewish person saw it then what would they think? Why would anyone even think that this is good or funny? Who would be this immature? I think that maybe the designer was just not thinking before they acted. Perhaps they should reflect on this and maybe this will help to not make the same mistake again next time. After all don’t mistakes help people learn?

  18. peiyi1 says:

    This is unbelievable. Personally i go to Walmart hundreds of times each year . I thought they were supposed to check all of their supplies and items? At first i thought oh OK so its just a random pillow with a picture of a bicycle and the word Paris on it nothing wrong with it. Then i looked over at one of the corners I was shocked when i saw the inappropriate sign. Who would be that stupid enough to put that there? There is even Hitler’s face on it , like who does that?
    I think its both sides fault. Well cause first of all, its the person who created this pillow’s fault because this is inappropriate. Second of all, who would put that sign on a dumb pillow!!! Okay it’s also Walmart’s fault for selling this they should have took a thorough look at the pillow and find out about the stupid sign. Which also means that Walmart doesn’t look at their items that they sell. Now if I think about it I think Walmart is very irresponsible as well. If I got such a pillow I would be rage. Maybe like how Tiya attacks Ms. Panesar. these are my thoughts about this piece of text.

  19. jason78 says:

    First let’s talk about my thoughts on this picture. My thoughts on this picture is that it is very racist because it has the Hitler face on the pillow. My other thoughts on this pillow or the picture is that it wasn’t revealed to the employees before it was sold on the shelf. Now these are my reason why Walmart should kinda be blamed. They should be blamed because they were the one who was selling it. And the Walmart employees still should of checked if there was any racist words or stuff, if there were any false spelling, inappropriate stuff on it, or if there are anything offensive saying or stuff on the product or in front of the product. Another reason why they should be blamed is that they didn’t care that they just sold one of the most racist product they maybe ever sold. Another thing I want to talk about is that you maybe wondering, how will they keep of ever single product they sell on track. In my opinion is that all Walmart employees should have their own job in the store. And it is also kind of the third party fault too because they were the one who made and created the product and put on the market. Another reason why it was the third party’s fault because they are giving the product to random store like Walmart, Costco, and etc. And the third party should of not made this in the first place. I think appeared on the pillow when one of the third party employees was messing around and created something. Also they put Hitler’s face on the pillow because maybe the workers thought it was a joke. Another why his face was on the pillow because they were trying to be funny but now it is in the news,website, and even article. Well I hope you enjoy my thoughts about this article.

  20. daniel166 says:

    i think this is wrong because i dont think warmart would do this. warmart is one of my favourite places to go and i think warmart would sell this product and i think warmart didn’t have time or maybe it has too much services and their probably too busy to check this product. warmart is one of the most earning companies so i think warmart didn’t have time, warmart should not be accused for doing this and i think its the other companies that did this. Warmart is a very big company so i believe they didn’t have time and there were too much orders from people that are using online shopping. I think the person who gave this product to warmart should be accused because warmart would not do these racist things (i dont know if they really do) i think warmart is innocent because warmart is a very big place but still warmart should not be accused. What if warmart would be no longer here? Because of this item? maybe they will get arrested maybe the company that gave warmart this item is named dshgfjgdsjfgdsfdsfg company lol. i think the jdjfsgsahjgadasgadhjwgajs company did this and wanted wamart to get banned i think they wanted that to happen just because the sjdahajsgdjagja company gets more money than warmart maybe i SHOULD CALL 9-1-1
    to get them banned instead of warmart (not done)

  21. jeron1 says:

    I mostly go to Walmart and buy things, but it’s rare to find something weird. I think that it’s Walmart fault at the same time as the seller of the product. The seller’s fault because the got a picture of it. Then they put it on their products and tells someone else to buy it. They clearly don’t have good workers. Plus, it’s copy striking, if the image is copyrighted, because if they made it themselves they would not put Hitler’s face and sign on that pillow. How might that image get on that pillow, maybe the seller takes a image from the internet, because he or she think it’s beautiful picture. Well they are blind and don’t see the face in the corner. Walmart’s fault because they bought the pillow products and don’t even look at it carefully. Walmart had to sell it and didn’t even notice it because of all the other products. Or maybe the seller sold it to Walmart to make them to go bankrupt. It’s either Walmart and the seller’s fault or the seller did it all. See, this is an example of carelessness and what will it do to your company. It’s not proper to sell these things, it will bring back the bad old days. The days I will not talk about. When your going with your family shopping and you come across this what will you do? Some will just say oh it’s just an eagle, then you study about this and say oh.. why is that Nazi sign on the pillow? Wait, what if you bought it already and you don’t want it because Hitler’s watching or something? Maybe burn it, because it might bring bad memories for some people. If it was all an accident, just forgive each other and acted like nothing happened. So I don’t really want this to happen again with an olden days murderer or something.

  22. daniel166 says:

    real one:
    I think this is wrong because I don’t think Walmart would do this. Walmart is one of my favorite places to go and I think Walmart would sell this product and I think Walmart didn’t have the time or maybe it has too many services and their probably too busy to check this product. Walmart is one of the most earning companies so I think Walmart didn’t have time, Walmart should not be accused of doing this and I think it’s the other companies that did this. Walmart is a very——- Shutting down… *turns on computer* loading… 99.99999% *logging in* *types Taylor park website* loading… *logs in… ummmm sry, my brother turns off my compooper big company so I believe they didn’t have time and there were too many orders from people that are using online shopping. I think the person who gave this product to Walmart should be accused because Walmart would not do these racist things (i don’t know if they really do) I think Walmart is innocent because Walmart is a very big place but still Walmart should not be accused. What if Walmart would be no longer here? Because of this item? maybe they will get arrested may be the company that gave Walmart this item is named dshgfjgdsjfgdsfdsfg company lol. I think the jdjfsgsahjgadasgadhjwgajs company did this and wanted Walmart to get banned I think they wanted that to happen just because the sjdahajsgdjagja company gets more money than Walmart maybe I SHOULD CALL 9-1-1
    to get them banned instead of Walmart. or maybe its a fan of Hitler that put the nazi sign on that cushion. or maybe they did this on purpose to get like Walmart banned or something so that they could get people into their company I know that I said this like a trillion times but I just want you to get information about this cushion I also think that maybe they hate Walmart but the sdhaksjdh company should be accused not Walmart! I think they nazi sign should not be used unless they are using it for some reason but it has to be a good reason to use it because why would they let people use this sign I think that this is copyrighting from a guy named STUUUUUPIIIID HIITLERRRRRR I used this word to describe his racism so that he could see what we fel=el about it maybe both companies did not do this and I think its a person who has a Nazi sign stamp but it shows that its sewed on so I’m very confused about this stuff because like why would they even do this they should of used another stamp like “Paris” instead of the Nazi sign and i feel like i’m being offensive by saying the Nazi sign too so that means they should feel that way too like we do. Screw those people if they used a different Walmart and djkasdhakjsdh would not be accused of this cushion.

  23. beatrice7 says:

    I think that it’s both Walmart and the seller’s fault. I think it is the seller’s fault because why would you want to put a symbol of a military that took a cultural symbol from India, then killed 6,000 people? Unless the seller was trying to use the Indian swastika and not the Nazi symbol, but could only think of the Nazi symbol, forgetting the swastika is supposed to be flipped, then I guess I can’t blame him/her. I think it is also Walmart’s fault for noticing and selling it anyways. Even if they didn’t, I think they should be more careful and look carefully at their products to make sure this doesn’t happen again. According to the news, it said that the image of the pillow didn’t show the swastika, so anyone wouldn’t have guessed. Also, there was a word, “Reich” referring to the government that supported the Nazis. He/she wanted the pillow to be sold even though there was an evil symbol. Maybe the seller was German, so he “honored” his country by adding in the famous symbol there. Whoever is selling that though, I suggest that he/she should have thought about who might buy it, because some people really hate discriminatory events or are descendants of people who survived the Holocaust . I think it got there because maybe that person wanted his pillow to be retro, like postage stamp or something, (not hearts, checks, polkadots, etc.) so he/she used a swastika instead. I think the creator put the Nazi symbol there because he wanted the pillow to have that public attention, even if it meant doing something possibly wrong. If I had that pillow and found the Nazi Symbol, I would be mortified because I had just found that symbol out of the blue especially if someone caught it before I did. I would also be curious, “Why would the Nazi Symbol be here? We know Hitler killed over 5000 people.” I wonder if that person was actually using his/her head. Although, I , personally, would find that kinda funny,, no offence to those who don’t agree with me. I also think Walmart needs employees that look carefully for any signs of harm on anything; pillows, snacks,.
    A few suggestions for anyone who would sell something:
    Don’t use anything that will possibly offend someone. 2) Make sure something relates to the main thing, because what does the Nazi symbol have to do with the Eiffel Tower? 3) If you don’t want to have plain stripes, circles, whatever, look it up.
    (Pls hope that my post isn’t too cringy)

  24. cecilia5 says:

    This pillow has serious problems. Two serious Nazi problems.On the top of the pillow there are two symbols/faces. Now my teacher just told the class to look at the pillow to find the thing that was wrong with it. At first even I couldn’t find it but then I looked at the article and it told me so… ya.The images are a stamp with a bird holding the Nazi symbol. The second image is right next to the first and it is Hitler’s face. I for one believe that this is not entirely anyone’s fault. Half of it was Walmart’s fault for actually selling this product. At the same time it is also the company that made this product’s fault for putting these things on a pillow. Walmart should check all of their products like I know that it would take a lot of time and they would have to pay the employees to do it, but stil. The company should know about what is appropriate to put on any kind of decoration. So in conclusion I don’t think that it is anyone’s fault. Companies should just check what they are making and selling. Hope you enjoyed this, see you in a bit.

    By: Cece

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