I Spy With My Little Eye….

Welcome to 2019! 

Have you posted any pictures online ? Do you know where those pictures are going? Recently, I actually stumbled across a picture I took of some bracelets I have. I did a deeper search and noticed that that picture was being used on an online site to  sell some those bracelets. In fact, I noticed it in many other places. Not going to lie, it was kind of strange!

Well, forget bracelets! Justin Trudeau’s picture from Yukon was somehow stolen and used to advertise a canoe business. Apparently, a Facebook user saw the ad and spoke of it in French. Just recently though, a Reddit user posted a caption beside the picture which made it go viral. 

You can read the complete article here: 


So of course, it is time for you to weigh in. What are your thoughts about this issue? Do you agree or disagree that pictures posted online/when you do an internet search are fair game to be used for your personal use? How would you feel if somehow you noticed that there was a picture of you posted on something large, like a billboard, and placed in a largely public place? Please provide detailed responses of at least 15 (grade 5) – 20 (grade 6) sentences. 

27 thoughts on “I Spy With My Little Eye….

  1. daniel166 says:

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  2. kevin48 says:

    I think this is okay unless the person who took the photo or the person in the photo said yes. Posting is okay unless they had permission to cause whatever goes online never comes off. I think it’s not ok if you use somebody’s photo for adds for a company or something because that’s like stealing! If they didn’t get permission that’s even worse. This is just messed up to put a picture of the prime minister and his family canoeing on a billboard for an advertisement without knowing it. It just feels weird to not know that and to get a photo from online and randomly put it on a billboard to advertise your company. The thing that just makes me go like “What the?” is that it was the prime minster! It wasn’t some random dude canoeing with his family, it was the prime minister’s family and somebody took a picture of them canoeing, it would be very creepy cause it’s like somebody stalking you but you know someone is. I wouldn’t want a random billboard with like my face on it with a donkey body or something just hanging out on the billboard! (If I ever did something like that, it’s going to be for subscribers on YouTube.) I think posting about other people isn’t good unless you get permission or something but definitely no taking a random photo online and then use it to make money! You didn’t even get permission! If they offered the people money or something I’m going to be okay but nope, they didn’t. I do post videos and so do some other people (Kenrich, Vincent, Reilly, Matthew, and Jeron.) I don’t have problems with this unless it has something to do with me. But to be honest it’s not that such big of a deal to post a photo of somebody else that you found online cause they posted online for you to see. So I guess it’s not necessary a bad thing but it isn’t a good thing either and it’s a huge no no when it comes to the prime minster! I don’t know how much I’m supposed to write but I’m just going to hope I wrote more than the least amount.

  3. kenrich1 says:

    So I think lots of people post things on Google (Sellouts to them lol) But I will tell you why this should be more fair but also it is still fair. First I will tell you why it needs to be more Fair. OK now A days there are a ton of pictures on google like 1 decillion pictures. So just look at how many Nintendo pictures are there and then go to Images (No seriously there are a lot of pictures.) Anyways I think it needs to be more fair you should either ask permission for posting or taking pictures or Pay them (I recommend the first option though Depending on how much you give them.) Now lots of people (or dummys lol) post things on internet sites. Now if they rake pictures and add it to a website, people do this because they enjoy it but then again. It is not fair to the person you took a picture off or the buyers because you are clearly giving them garbage instead of the thing they want (Like I said people are dummys these days.) Well as you saw there people post things, without permission! However not only do they Took pictures and post it they also don’t know how to operate things (Like clickbate. Oh and use Photoshop lol XD) So why are they doing this? Oh I know for $. If your gonna operate something be creative, Use Photoshop as your sign (Decorating software XD) but most importantly don’t steal stuff from people (You might get sued.) Sure it might be Ok if it was another family but how about your family what would you feel like (Unless if you are a YouTuber, then that is a whole other story. The only way for this to work is to either get permission to use the picture or give them money for how long you use it but don’t go to far with it because sometimes they might decline it I’m not saying you can’t I am just giving you advice as always. So how do you think this effects us is it fair or Not fair or you are in the middle lol. So as always have a good day and remember ask permission before posting things on the Internet (If you don’t wanna read why it is fair then leave because not fair is now done). Now I will tell you why I also think is Fair. So as a lot of people be asking for pictures and posting it on the Internet, however you can do that by giving them links and what they do so that poor person can be more Famous. Sometimes you want to make something so you can take a picture of a sign Change it on Photoshop and then add it that might and/or will save you from getting sued so you can run something nicely that takes almost 0 effort. A way to save it is that tell them Hey can I take a picture of you and if they allow it on your property. You can post it so asking someone and then taking a picture is actually pretty fair. Another way you make it fair is you only put it up temporarily and not permanent do after like 5 months 7 months 1 year bla bla bla. You can have it good fair thing. Now the last way to make it fair is to pay them monthly so that way they kind of feel credited and Happy for being famous. (As well as there stuff) So then you can make it fair. Or even slightly a little more fair… (Right?)Well that is my statement for why I think this is also Fair so people can live a happy life of posting pictures of what to do and what not to do.

  4. arnav1 says:

    i think this is really disturbing but this is how internet works cause people stupid. if i was on vacation and took some pics and put it on Instagram and someone just takes the picture i would be mad at least give me money. well this is really likely especially when your the priminster of Canada. why do people do this ? if i someone posted my picture on the internet i would sue them and get their company banned. my thoughts are bad because if this keeped happening to me i would just stay inside and go outside with a lot of caution are basically never go outside. this company should watch out because Justin treadou might sue them. well are these are the consequences of using social media
    because some people just want the money so they post pictures that do not belong do them . if i saw the same thing but it was on a public billboard not on social media i would go to the company in car i would ask for money if they dont obey i will sue them. putting pictures of people on a billboards in public is exactly like putting pictures that are not yours in the internet. i think that your own pictures can be posted online but taking a pictures are messed up. well if you were to advertise your company by posting someones picture at least get permission if you are allowed to use it.

  5. amelia15 says:

    I’m not sure if i agree or not about this odd topic. But its the internet so your pictures are now seen all over apps like Instagram or public websites that include posting pictures. Maybe you wouldn’t know the consequences of posting, its not really your fault that your unaware of this copyright. Maybe a suggestion, maybe some social apps should give you a notification about this situation so your aware that people could take your images and add them as advertisement. Well what could i say, Your the prime minister (Justin Trudeau) who wouldn’t wanna take a nice picture of him and put it as an advertisement you could certainly make some money but you could also get sued for copyright which isn’t very nice. People might think that it might be very good quality that somebody popular was for example canoeing so they would want to try the experience. Which makes the company improve and might encourage them to copy more online pictures and make good money out of it even though it wasn’t your image that you took. I would also feel disturbed and very shocked if i ever seen my (ugly) face on a huge billboard! Firstly i would wonder why they would ever choose my face as an advertisement. And secondly how they randomly found my face out of all the other images that could have shown up. And lastly i would be very annoyed if some random company is making money off of my picture with me and my family in it. (I will Sue dem! If i could.) I really wonder if Justin Trudeau was either very mad and sued them. (hehe) What would happen if you saw your picture that you posted on a advertisement or billboard? what would you do in this situation? I would probably report it for copyright then ask my mothet to send a complaint to the comapany to expose them! ( >:) )

  6. tamara4 says:

    posting something on the internet and having it show up on a add or a sponsorship and you not getting paid. is that something that you would like that to be legal? or would you like to have our own things to yourself? well you hold that thought in your head because i will come right back to that.

    now these are a couple of my thoughts and feelings about this. well this is technically theft in almost every way that i can think of. well how is it theft well good for asking that because that is my next topic. well this is theft because first it is technically someone eles’s property, and they did not say that the person can ues that photo

  7. mark28 says:

    This incident definitely should be cared about because this is not okay. They just take a random person and just put him in an add and don’t even tell them about. Then they realize that that person is Justin Trudeau and then just say “sorry we did not know.” They probably did that to thousands of other people and so did other companies and that is bad! Plus to make matters worse they don’t even pay them for their picture. Also maybe you are looking at something and someone just takes a picture of something else but your face is in it! All they do is nothing and nothing they don’t even blur your face or blur your car licence number if you are in a car. Probably if something like this will happen to you as it happened to Justin then you would probably “hey but I was kayaking In Cults lake not somewhere in Kentucky? Also, why did they put me in their add I did not even let them plus they did not even pay me!!!! I WILL SUE THEM AAAAAAAA! That is a typical response to a human being who this happened to. And another problem is that Most of the people that this happens don’t even know about it because their picture is on a billboard is half the way across the world. The thing is that lazy companies who want to save on money use other peoples pictures to save money. I don’t even know why they used Justin Trudeau’s picture of him on some Canadian lake in Kentucky!!! Even though I am American I still don’t get why, why and why. The only other special thing I can tell you is that “if Americans want something they get it.” And I have experience with that cause I am American. The fact that also surprises me is that thousands of people pass that spot and Justin Trudeau was the one to get his picture taken. Probably that happened because most Americans are absent-minded. (That doesn’t mean me, I m smart :)). For example, take the American President. Donald Dump, he is dumb, he lets people actually walk on the street with guns and is old as my great gramma.

  8. johnny4 says:

    I feel that it is not fair that when you post an image and then some person then comes along and copies and pastes your picture and then uses it for their website or something. That is no fair for the person that took the picture and owns the picture and I feel that maybe people should delete the button that allows you to copy a picture (at least for people that use other peoples pictures and content).I feel that it is not fair when someone comes and uses your stuff it for public use but in some cases I feel that it is ok to use sometimes to use others things for private and personal use.I feel that social media companies like facebook and instagram should put in their privacy policies that people cannot just go on your facebook or instagram page and take a picture from it and use it to advertise their product and if they do they will get kicked out of that social media site and get a fine of a lot of money.I feel that the company that uses Justin Trudeau and his family’s picture is not very bright and did not think about the consequences of using that picture ( that why you should listen in school cause the people that did that ad certainly didn’t) and I feel that the company deserves to get embarrassed like how they probably did . Also I feel that technically Justin Trudeau can sue the company for using his family’s picture without permission from him and his family and I feel that that is exactly what Justin Trudeau should do to that company (which the company deserves ). If I went with my family canoeing and suddenly one day I saw a picture of my family on a huge billboard advertising a company that rents canoeing equipment, I would feel mad at the company and embarrassed that I am on that billboard. I would try to sue the company if I could.Also if me and my parents did not allow the company to use the it would not be legal (so it is illegal because I am a minor (someone that is under the age of full legal responsibility so people under the age of 18).Also in the picture of Justin Trudeau’s family there is two little kids that are minors so maybe it is illegal to use that photo without their parents permission? I feel that if I saw a picture of me without my parents and my permission then I would first tell my parents about the picture.Me and my parents would try to figure out what company owns the picture and then report the company to the police and government and maybe try to sue them for the picture and hopefully win the case and get some money from them (the company).

  9. dennis7 says:

    I would be so mad! I would even sew them because I think no one would want to be on a build board with no asking you! Even though I don’t like Trudeau I kind of feel bad because one no wants this! Anyways I think that it’s OK to that’s pics only if you don’t post it on places that are not going to take your pic. But for real you should just find a pic on the internet. Its not that hard to find a pic on the internet and then use it. Back to what I think, it would just be dumb! I would think its a dream and try to wake up by killing myself! But at the same time it would be kind of cool to be on a build board! I do still think it’s a problem and that the government should still do something about it because like I said I don’t think anybody wants their face to being a build board with no one knowing that it happened or when it happened. But my question is how the government didn’t think about this in the first place. Like come on it’s not that hard to just find it on the Internet or on Facebook that people are being put on build boards. And some reason they’re just like oh yeah why not just take your picture and use them and for my company. Also why can’t I just ask them it’s not that hard just go on Facebook and say hey can I borrow your picture and if it’s no then just don’t do it. But I just think they don’t care and that’s all.

  10. milica6 says:

    Hi, my name is Milica and today I will be telling you about how people use other peoples pictures to advertise they’re products I hope that you enjoy!!!!

    First of all I hate that they use other peoples pictures to advertise they’re own products. They don’t even pay those people for their product modelling. I just think that this is really mean, cruel and savage. They don’t even ask these people if they could use they’re photos. But the worst part of all, is that those people that see those adds and want to buy them will not get the same thing as they saw in the advertisement. They even spent they’re money on that. Doesn’t that suck !!! Worst case scenario is that they don’t even send it to you. I do understand that they want money but it is not nice to take somebody’s photos and then use them for they’re own advertisement for they’re company. This is what you call false advertisement. If you up there this person used Canada’s prime ministers picture while he went canoeing with his family. This person used this picture to advertise his canoe and kayak company. Like not cool, man!!!!!!!!! The worst part about all of this is that this company owner that used this photo for his/hers company did not even know that this was Canada’s prime minister.

    My thoughts and feelings: I feel like this topic is a medium serious topic. If you know what I mean by that. If somebody did that to me or to my friends or family I would feel terrible and after that I would like to speak to the manager or whoever sold me that product. Anyway I hope that you have enjoyed reading my side of the story about this topic.

    Yours truly, Milica Pavlovic :):):):)

  11. reilly2 says:

    In my opinion I think people should not do this because they do not have permission to get there pictures. Another thing is That if I had a picture of me on a very public place it would be embarrassing. Another thing is people could make fun of me by saying things like this kid is ugly or stuff like that. Also I could like it because I am on a big billboard with lots of people looking so it could be cool. I said could because it is bad to do it because it might be bad for the person because if i was the prime minister then more people will go to that place and think it is good because the prime minister is here. If I was the person that was putting the picture then I would think it is a kind of a good idea because more people will come to the place. If I saw this I would not care too much I would just think that’s me and just keep moving. I saw that it is not illegal to use a photo of another person but it is still bad. I would also be mad because all the money they get from that ad would not go to me. Also if I was some Celebrity and my picture was up there I would not be mad because I might have gone through much worse. If I was that man or woman that put that picture up there I would have been more careful because if I had inspected it more closely then I would have put it up there. Another thing is the people who had took the photo should not have posted it online for these people to find. Also in my mind I was thinking what would the people who drove past this think to them self because I would be thinking is that a picture of Justin Trudeau. If my parents saw a picture of us on a canoe they would be very worried so the would call the company and ask to take it down. Finally if I was driving down the street and saw a picture of me I would be freaked out because I do not know how they got it.

  12. jeron1 says:

    First of all, why did the company post the photo of the prime minister, because they are very dumb. Secondly did they even ask the prime minister to use the picture of them? For me it would be fair if they gave them money to use the picture and that would be fair. Not just going to the internet and get a picture that is kind of private and use for personal use. If the people ask the prime minister, and he said it’s OK then they can do it, if not they are screwed. Probably the company is going to get banned by the government and get fined real money. Not the class money REAL money. If i was like in this picture , one word ,report. If the government didn’t do anything about it, i would report the post to the network or the report button. Wait, why in the first place post a picture of a complete stranger and post use it for themselves. Why can’t they just take a picture of themselves, i mean it’s easy, you need a phone and take a photo. DONE! It’s like someone is hacking you and they are forcing you to post it for themselves. This is why i NEVER use social media ever, but only chating i do. it sucks to be the prime minister, your fans never leave you alone and never stop. If they just asked to put this picture for their company, this would never happen. all people should be equally respected and with privacy.

  13. amra1 says:

    Hi! Ill be telling you about my thoughts of posting pictures online and how it is really bad for you. Hope you like it!

    My thoughts on this is the way that people see others pictures, like for example a stranger sees a person wearing a necklace which that person had made, then that stranger is going to copy and print that picture and just make his (not trying to be sexist) own business and sell like those kinds of necklaces , I mean that stranger would be really stupid if he (not trying to be sexist again) did that. I understand if they would like to get more money, but copying someone’s necklace that they made, that’s not cool man. So, I totally do not agree with all of this, you know why I don’t agree, it’s because not only people copy others pictures and their bracelets or necklaces, but they also take pictures of themselves. If a stranger saw a picture of a person they would try to kidnap/take that person on the picture and suddenly if their parents comeback from work and they don’t see their child, then they would try to find them and maybe they won’t see their child anymore. Anyway, if you guys didn’t know that I have instagram. I have normal and appropriate pictures and 69 followers. That is how many followers a grade 6 should get, and the grade sevens too. Maybe a little higher if they have more friends or relatives, but some grade sevens have more than 1,000 followers I mean can you believe that and they also have inappropriate pictures and also inappropriate comments/captions. The reason why those grade sevens have more than 1,000 followers is because they are bad and they act really bad and saying/calling bad things to people, and I don’t want to be like those grade sevens. Anyway, if someone posted a picture of my face on twitter, instagram, or face book I would feel mad and doesn’t have to be a stranger, it could be one of my friends or maybe someone I know in my school or even one of my followers can do that to me. I they do that to me than I’ll just block them from my instagram, Facebook, or twitter. If they bully me than I’ll just ignore and don’t care. I’ll just do something like roast them, hit them, or just keep on what I am doing (this sounds like I am giving people advice for if someone bully’s them, which I am not).
    – Thank you!

  14. tiya1 says:

    My thoughts about this issue:)
    Some thoughts that I have for this picture is that how could a person not know their prime minister and post a picture of him to advertise their business. Also, I think that it is kind of sad for Justin Trudeau can’t go anywhere without getting photographed by everybody who is there where he is. Another thought I had was that it’s not fair to put somebody’s picture on a billboard without asking them because they can’t get privacy with there family even!
    I agree that we should be able to post pictures and info about politicians, athletes, actresses but I think we should post their info with there permission. Also, I think that famous people should be able to have their own privacy unless they don’t want it. Which is very weird! If somebody put pictures of me on a public place where everybody goes like Edmonds community center I would think it is very cool that I was being seen by so many people. I also think that actresses and actors and famous people should have a choice to be recorded everywhere they’re going and doing. One example I have is that one time my dad was watching the news and Indian actor was being filmed about his personal problems. Also, one Indian actor got cancer and is in serious problems but I asked my mom why they post their personal problems and she said the people want to know what happened to the actor. But what if the actor didn’t want to tell this to the whole world. But, I would also feel that I can’t have any privacy. Another thing would be that if I got posted on a billboard by a company or activity place and I didn’t even like their product or activity I would be feeling cheated that they took a picture of me without my permission and without asking me if I even liked it. But I wouldn’t forget the fact that I was on a big lifesize board in a public place.
    I hope you liked my work

  15. peiyi1 says:

    My thoughts about this issue is that this picture shouldn’t be hanged up or posted online without getting paid or even told that its up, like are you CRAZY? THATS YOUR PRIME MINISTER! You don’t even know what you Prime Minister looks like. Did you even use your brain before you posted that?
    Now this just creeps me out, I don’t want to go canoeing or kayaking anymore because I’m scared that my picture will end up on one of those poster boards. Like I would like some privacy here, but I do have a question about this situation like did they know that it was their Prime Minister and put it up on purpose? Also would it get a lot of attention if it was just a regular family that went canoeing or would it get as much attention as Justin Trudeau’s family, would it be the same?
    I personally disagree to this situation because its their own privacy because I know that if my picture gets posted or even hanged up I would feel very uncomfortable. And that no one respects my own privacy. I don’t think that this fair at all because you don’t get paid or told and it just gets hanged up on a billboard. Okay this what I’m not okay with you open up a random site and then you scroll down and you see you picture with a lot of comments beneath it. Like WHY IS MY DUMB PICTURE ONLINE? ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS TO GO ON A TRIP WITH MY FAMILY ON THE CANOE!😣 And that is my thoughts and feelings about this situation.

  16. jason78 says:

    My thoughts about this issue is that thee should of never taken the photo form the internet in the first place. And the other issue is that if they took the image from the internet could be plagrizing or copyright which is basically the same thing. Another issue is that this could make a lot if people mad, furious. And the other issue is that the person who copied it didn’t even know that Justin Treduea is our priminister. I agree and disagree. I agree because if they didn’t post on the internet nobody will know about this. I also disagree because if they didn’t post this image this wouldn’t had happen. But in my opioion I agree with the post about this story. And if I did an internet search I would use it as my personal use. And if I if I were doing a assisnment I wouldn’t put my information on website or in any sites. And last that I will be talking about. What happens if somebody took your information? In my own words I would be furious, mad, sad,depresed because somebody took all my idea and pit it on the billboard. And then they advertise it on the internet. At that point that Will straight plagrizing somebody’s idea. Well, that what have to say hope you enjoy My idea’ about this topic. Hope you have a Nice day. And remerbred don’t copyright me (JK). Bye!!!!!.

  17. harry17 says:

    In my opinion I think it should be illegal to randomly find pictures on the internet and post it up and especially to post a picture of the prime minister of Canada. I think taking pics of someone else should get you in jail and if you make fun of the picture of someone else you should deserve a lifetime in jail or something worse. You should be able to use someones photos only if you get there permission. If you don’t get permission then you shouldn’t bother, threaten, or force them to give you permission to use the photo. There is one thing that i don’t understand, why use someone else’s photo when you can straight up just make your own bracelet because the materials are right in front or somewhere beside you at work and plus if you really want to show of your company’s bracelets why don’t you prove that you have good bracelets and if you can’t make a good bracelet then why even bother having a business like that when you can’t even do it correctly and this doesn’t just go for bracelets this goes for every single thing that does this whatever its called. If you take a picture of Trump and post it on a sign in BC or something i don’t think Trump would notice because he lives in America and there is a very high chance that he is going to come here but don’t post it on the internet because its probably going to viral and Trump might see it and it might actually start another world war like World War III so we must be careful and not carefree.

  18. bernice4 says:

    Hello again. Today I will be telling you my opinion on this topic. I think that people should invent an app to stop people from taking photos for their personal uses. The app should allow you to post photos but prevent strangers to take the photos you post and put them on advertisements and billboards. I think that it is unfair for somebody that you don’t even know can take a picture that you post and take for their own uses. For example: you are doing a cartwheel when a random stranger comes by and takes a photo of you. The next day you find the picture of you doing a cartwheel on an add for a gymnastic company. How would you feel? I would feel angry because I didn’t give the company permission to use my picture and because I need my privacy. I don’t think that many people would be happy to have their personal photos on a billboard or on an add without their permission. I personally will not want to find a picture of me doing something. What if the picture is embarrassing? Wouldn’t you be embarrassed? I would be very embarrassed. I am already embarrassed by the thought of my picture being in public. I really think that apps / companies should not steal pictures for money. It is really unfair because the picture might not be true in the first place. The company would be lying to their customers. Don’t you think that is really unfair? To prevent this from happening online sites should invent something to stop this from happening. I would probably be trying to put a stop to this if I were the Prime Minister (unlikely to ever happen). So, what are your thoughts on this?

  19. cecilia5 says:

    Hey it is me again! ( Insert my brother groning in the background). So let’s cut straight to it , I feel that this is very wrong. It is kind of like plagiarism in a way. The definition of plagiarism is, an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author:It is said that he plagiarized Thoreau’s plagiarism of a line written by Montaigne.
    A piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation:“These two manuscripts are clearly plagiarisms,” the editor said, tossing them angrily on the floor. As provided by: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/plagiarism. This in a way is similar, they took a photo off of Justin Trudeau’s Facebook page from 2013 and used it to advertise for their company without his, or his wife’s permission. If you go to https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Country_specific_consent_requirements than it states that it is illegal for someone to post or use a picture of a minor (someone under the age of 18 in Canada) for advertising in pretty much all of Canada. I do very much agree with this law as a child is innocent and people may try to harm them. I am guessing that Justin and Sophie Gregoire Trudeau didn’t give consent or sign any waivers. So technically this company did something illegal. I think that this law should be better enforced. I also believe that Justin, and Sophie Trudeau should either sew the company or, go have a talk with their manager. And also I am kind of insulted that they had no idea that the picture they used was JUSTIN TRUDEAU the Canadian PRIME MINISTER while pretty much everyone else has to deal with DONALD TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for reading the whole thing. If you sneezed while reading this than bless you.

  20. daniel166 says:

    (The Real One) I think this is wrong and illegal because some people don’t want their faces shown and some people think they are gonna make fun of them. even my friend’s mom doesn’t allow her child shown online but I want it shown online so I can be famous on youtube I could make youtube videos but I can’t show my face. I don’t think Justin wants to be in that stupid company. I didn’t mean to say that L̝̣̫͙ͣ͑̽҉̺ͩ̒̀Ơ̧̩̪̙̭̪̠͛̿ͫ̎̈ͬͫ͐ͯ̕͜L̥̭̦̞͕͎ͬ̊̃̐̂. I think this is wrong! because no one wants to be on an ad and doesn’t want to be made fun of. justin is the prime minister! do you think people should do that? I think they cant did the prime minister say so? NO! well, he didn’t really say anything but as soon as he saw it I think he was pretty mad. Seriously how exactly dumb are they? they don’t know what the prime minister looks like? I bet they didn’t go to school. lol, they are so dumb they can’t tell if its Justin? omae wa mou shindeiru NANI? loading… 99.9999999999999999999999999% done loading! okay, I’m back I just ran out of batteries no jk lets get back to work. I think this is wrong because like you can’t even like do that it is mean and like its hard to explain you like cant do it because did he allow? you can only post things that people allow you to but I don’t think he allows those people to do it on their company am I right? wait did he let me check 5 mins later… No, he didn’t he was just an innocent person going kayaking with his family and friends I guess he allowed the people who took this picture. but he did one thing” posted online so a French company started using this image for THEIR COMPANY such idiots and copycats. I bet they don’t even own a company and believe it or not, I saw this thing on a newspaper I guess I was dumb too because I didn’t know him when I was young soooooo yeah I was dumb lol. Hmmmmmmmm what else? thinking… 99.9999% oh yeah when I saw this thing or newspaper I wanted to go lol. I wanted to go because I thought it would be fun because I never went kayaking so yeah okay let’s stay back on track. I think Justin is gonna post a picture of them online to get creative revenge lol but I don’t think justin will ever do that because he is the prime minister and prime ministers don’t do those kind of things.

  21. hanaa1 says:

    I think that it is quite disgusting that America doesn’t know our Prime Minister as we and everybody else in the world, know their president, Donald Trump. Justin Trudeau should have known the risks when he posted that picture, but I would never expect something like that to happen.
    When posting online though you should be aware of the risks.
    People can photoshop you to make it seem like you are doing something wrong. Anybody is allowed to see, share and do what they want with the picture you post on social media.
    It is legal for people to do what they want what you picture. It can be very dangerous though. You do get creepy stalkers everywhere!
    When you post something you have like maybe some shoes, the company that made the shoes can use your picture to promote the product.
    When you listen to music on iTunes you have to pay to use it. Same as on the radio they have to pay the artists to play their music, so if we post pictures on social media shouldn’t people have to pay to share it or use it for advertisement? Sadly things don’t work like that or most of us would have been millionaires by now! I know that I would definitely not like it if someone took a picture of me off Instagram or Facebook and stuck it onto a huge billboard. Some people may say that taking pictures of someone off Instagram or Facebook or in this case, Twitter is an invasion of privacy, which I can’t argue with. Maybe you should have to ask the person if you can use their picture. I don’t know about you, as Ms. Panesar, I would also be pretty wierded out if I had taken a picture of myself in new Converses and posted it on Instagram only to find out that 2 weeks later I am the new face of Converse! That’s my thoughts on this and I am sure it will be interesting reading yours
    H A N A A K A N J E E

  22. jemimah1 says:

    My thoughts on this subject are very clear, they shouldn’t be using the photos if they don’t have permission to! The photo was taken without Trudeau knowing that they had done that at all. Now they would be using false advertising and just being so disrespectful. I Mean, they didn’t even know that they were using a picture of Justin Trudeau FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Its like they were doing this on purpose just to annoy us!

    Anyway, if I was the one in the picture, I would be pretty pissed off. I mean, here I am having some fun with my family only to come home to see that my picture is on a billboard all the way in freaking Kentucky! It would be so upsetting and so annoying! I mean come on! I would think that people would have the decency to at the very least tell me or something! But no! I would probably find out by mistake! not to even mention the fact that they probably didn’t even think that I would find out. They probably thought that they would be able to go scotch free.

    And that is the problem. Basically, no one would even know and if it was fake advertising, they would be going somewhere that didn’t look as well, or they receive something they weren’t expecting since it looked completely different from the pictures. It’s annoying to think that some random companies are taking pictures from others and are using them with basically thinking that no one will even care. And the truth is that no one would even know or care. It’s only when the exact same thing happen to famous people when people notice and care to an extreme. So while everyone is caring about the more famous people and a billboard that has Justin Trudeau, there are other people all over the world that are getting tricked into buying bracelets that the company doesn’t even have.

  23. vincent31 says:

    I think that some people might like it because they would like to be seen all the time on the picture. Thoes people might also be happy that they are now on the internet by the people taking the picture of the sign. Other people also might not like their picture on the sign where everyone can see. Maybe because they do not like their personal picture online that they posted for a reson.I think it is best for the person that posts the picture to ask for permissoin befor posting the picture. I am a person that does not like to be shown as a photo in a company. Especially if I do not even know that they have my photo.I would try to get my photo off some how and I might be angry that they did that.I also might be scared beacause now almost the whole public that goes to that place would reconize me. Maybe beacause the people always sees my picture and for some weird reson I do not feel good I get scared for some reson I dont know.So that mean I would feel abit scared,but mostely angery that they did that.I will try to take it off by maybe contacting them.Then tell them to please remove the picture of me.I would try my best to do that,but it will not always work so yea.I can not really think of another way of trying to stop.If I really need them to remove the picture then I might even do alot of reasersch on how Ii maybe could remvoe that picture.Over all I do not agree about having my picture posted with out permisson.

  24. beatrice7 says:

    I think taking people’s pictures from online and re-posting them is totally wrong (and probably the rest of the class.) In my opinion, I think it is like taking pictures of other people secretly, cyberbully or somebody taking your stuff and then selling them. I think it is kind of like plagiarism as well. People took Ms.Panesar’s pictures and used it for something else. I think it is also humiliating. I would be humiliated if somebody took a picture of me failing when I am trying to do a cartwheel and then uses the picture online as an public ad. You would think it is humiliating too, right? I would also be angry at that person because he/she is sneaking into my personal life. Taking a picture of them without permission is kind of like stalking. Why would a person take a picture of you without you noticing unless they were trying to see you literally 24/7? It’s sounds like somebody is trying to stalk you. And also why would you take a picture of a celebrity doing something very casual in a public area? I find it creepy. Using an excuse like, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know he was important,” is kind of a lame excuse. I feel like this would be humiliating, wrong, creepy, and like stalking. I think if something like that happens, some people in the school will spread a rumor that I can’t do a cartwheel. I also think that if somebody takes a picture of me doing something, he/she will edit the picture to make it look I am doing something else. I would also start to become paranoid about who took my picture. I would think, “Is he/she a stalker? Does the person want to use my picture? Does the person want to humiliate me because I done something wrong?”But in other cases, if I were proud that my picture was taken because somebody notices me, I would feel anxious about my pose, action, facial expression, et cetera. Overall, I think taking somebody’s photo without permission is wrong.
    (BTW I am totally aware this response is super cheesy)

  25. tamara4 says:

    Taking a photo and then seeing it come up in an ad, or a sponsorship that you are not a part of is something that people have gone through. Now that, that is done lets get in to the more important stuff.
    Being the person that took the photo or the person that was in the photo and not approving the fact that this is happing or not even knowing that is has been done is not ok. Forget the “lets get this world better” what about “lets not steal others photos off the internet”. And that is not all. It is deferent if someone would want to be in the photo. And you not wanting to be in the photo. So lets say that he did want to be in the picture than the next person that they would need to ask is the photographer if they would be able to use the picture or not. But if they say yes than you are good to go. But there is one other way that it could go. And that way is that both of the people say NOPE then you are really done for.
    Now what of this was not someone famous would we really care? And if this was not someone famous then would people go after the company? That is another thing that we need to think about. So what I think is that we would not care as much as if it were someone famous. But one more thing is what could he expect he is one of the prime minister of Canada.


  26. yang1 says:

    Well many thoughts can go through your mind especially when it came to talk about topics like these. It’s hard to argue about if it’s okay to do these sort of acts because you have to look at it in many different ways. Like a good example is the owners perspective. He probably thinks it’s fine to share personal pictures in front of millions of people to advertise his product, but no, it isn’t fine. He honestly probably thought, “Yeah, Justin Trudeau is definitely thinks that i’m smart enough to know that i’m allowed to use his pictures especially without his permission.” But in reality, Trudeau could have a completely different opinion. He probably thought that they were invading his privacy bubble, by taking these pictures and posting them as advertisement for their “merchandise”. (Which to me is the most reasonable side to this problem) He would’ve thought that the company is using his personal imagery for their personal business. Despite maybe being a bit angry, etc at the companies who take advantage of that specific scenario he may never actually trust the people who run it anymore. And of course, Justin being the prime minister could speak out for the companies doings and ruin their reputation a lot more. Like not only is the company ruining their reputation a lot more than before but they are also breaking into people’s personal space aren’t they? And as we know, this could make an influence on many of the companies ways of advertising. We might be wondering, why don’t they just use employees in their advertisements, well that’s a pretty good question… why don’t they think of doing something like that? Well regarding the company’s, there isn’t any problems with them putting up billboards here and there, advertising their campaign but it isn’t always a polite thing to do to smack a large signs that says toilet under 60% on a random billboard across the street. I mean, they obviously need permission to do post the company’s advertisements on someone else’s property, well the same goes for them being posting pictures of someone wearing the merchandise and assuming that they are complimenting their product, because the reality is what if their not. My personal thought is the company isn’t taking much time to rethink on the thoughts on both sides of the problem, the person who took the picture and their own company. It can be fixed very easily, mainly by just plain out admitting to their mistakes and not doing it again because, as we know it can influence a lot of other companies to do the same thing. I mean i am just talking these points from if it happened to other people, but say an instance like this happens to me or my best friend. Obviously I or my friend would expose the company for their doings. Of course, we would NEVER wear their contraband EVER again (or at least post a photo with the product in it) but a smarter choice (for me) is to share this with the media and explain why it’s unfair for them to take advantage of someone’s personal pictures and post it as a way to attract people into their company’s products. In fact I would probably more shocked and surprised that the company did this. Mainly because at how far they would go to trying to sell merchandise with other people. But in all honesty, this has to stop as it may influence other companies to do actions similar to this and it would change a lot of the opinions that the fashion or even food companies receive. Well we as a community just really hope that controversy like this can end, and we just want it to.

    Piece 🙂

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