“We Missed the Mark”

Remember this ad? 

Better yet, do you remember what Dove said about this advertisement? They apologised and said, “Dove is committed to representing the beauty of diversity. In an image we posted this week, we missed the mark in thoughtfully representing women of colour and we deeply regret the offense that it has caused.”

THEY MISSED THE MARK!!! WHO SAYS THAT? Well, maybe me in golf…lol. But let’s look at another company that also messed up… pay attention to what their excuse is. 

In your response below, be sure to interpret this ad: what is it saying and what is its’ hidden message? It’s your turn to weigh in- do you think that these are just honest mistakes or do you think that there are other reasons why companies make such mistakes? Is an apology or a short statement enough or should these huge companies face some sort of consequence? Your response should be roughly 15-20 detailed sentences. 


26 thoughts on ““We Missed the Mark”

  1. matthew1 says:

    What is strange about these advertisements is that it is always surprisingly detailed in a racist way. Those 3 people the bottle went past were all black. “lighter is better” what a strange slogan. It is pretty clear that they had a thought in their minds. If they really did not want people to think that, you could have changed the colour of a few patrons. Or make the slogan less broad. I think the producers of the show meant this. The apology, if you look closely, is not really an apology. They never said sorry, just that they are “taking the feedback to heart” It was not a large apology either. A pattern I think I see is that companies make racist ad, people respond, company says short sentence and forgets this happened. If these companies think ahead of time, they could get a few people of different heritages and colours and see how they respond so they can improve and change the commercial. Chance the rapper has a good point. Maybe the companies purposely make it racist so more people will notice them. There are also those white superiority activists will support them and buy their brand. They are more noticeable when it is the only thing people talk about. Either way, the companies win. If people spread the word, more people know them. If they do not do anything, they will be insulted and bullied.I prefer the former. What sucks even more is that skin-whitening products are still popular.

    Update: Heneiken made a “black’s only” beer.Just because white people suffer less does not meant they have to! People want something that all people can share. I can see they wanted to make an apology, but just make a bigger one, not an entire corporate line of beer products. This apology is a lot bigger, and they wanted to make sure african-americans can trust them. Heneiken, do NOT make colour, race, or sex based products. It will lead to enormous hate.I can not tell if they wanted this wiplash to happen, but it is most likely they meant the first one, and did not mean the second one. I hope that Heneiken will not try to offend anyone anymore.

  2. tyra2 says:

    Yeah, right! “We missed the mark, oops!” I am really against the advertisement that Dove put on. When I first saw this ad, I was flabbergasted that there are such mean people in this world and I believe Dove should not only apologise to the dark skinned woman in the commercial, but to apologise to all of the people who are offended by this horrible commercial that Dove posted to the public. The people who created this ad should ban this ad.
    I am unsure of the whole story behind this commercial when they said, “Dove is committed to representing the beauty of diversity. In an image we posted this week, we missed the mark in thoughtfully representing women of colour and we deeply regret the offense that it has caused.” I think there is something going on when the creators of the ad created the advertisement and the people who created the Dove ad had a mean customer who had dark skin was a terrible customer to Dove. Some people have really childish mind and will think , ” One mean dark skinned person was mean to me, so maybe all dark skinned people are terrible as well.” This might lead to making this ad.
    Be nice to everyone, no matter how they look!

  3. jessie3 says:

    I think that Heineken was trying to hide the fact that this is highly racist. They said that “The lighter the better”. Also, did you see how all the people that the slide by were mostly brown/black people. So, it seems that the white people and the brown/black people were in different parts of the place. Also, lighter is lighter skin is better then darker skin. Also, they said “sometimes, lighter is better”. And they said that light has great taste, like they want to say that light is great and dark is bad. I know that racism is not allowed and stuff but people are still racist to other people. I think that is a little weird because racism was so long ago. I guess the racist people taught their children to be racist as well. Maybe because they think that white people are the “leaders” of the world or something like that. Sometimes cops do that too. Once on the news I saw a white officer pulled over a black male and told him to take out his drivers licence and he was but he just pulled out his gun and shot him like three times. Anyways, i think that the ad should have been worded differently because obviously people could assume that you were talking about skin colour. Dove talked about they like the “beauty of diversity”. They apologised, but I was thinking”then why did you make a racist commercial. Bye! 🙂

  4. the amazing joshua says:

    I think that this company wanted to offend the “darker skin” people by implying that “lighter skinned “people are better. The fact that the beer slides through the black people to reach the lighter skinned woman confirms that “suspicion” of the colourist message. Their excuse was they “missed the MARK” Hmm then WHY did the bottle went past the black people to reach the light woman. HUH? Why couldn’t it be another white person that the Beer passes. “For decades, Heineken has developed diverse marketing that shows there’s more that unites us than divides us,” said a Heineken beer worker and that they MISSED THE MARK. They made it worse by creating a BLACKS ONLY beer that just made it worse. He said that the “lighter is better” quote was saying that the light beer they were advertising. They even had a FREAKIN “Hey America Let’s Bring Back Slavery Campaign” that was held from 1974 to 1977. They succeeded by using LABOUR in South Africa. They did not acknowledge the Black workers that helped this company. AHEM what was that excuse again? I say that Chance the Rapper had the right idea. You can’t ignore the Heineken company’s horrible history.
    *SIGH* Disapproval

  5. isabel2 says:

    I think this add is really bad because it shows being racist in a bad way. They say that sometimes lighter is better like lighter skinned people are better than dark skinned people. These are not just mistakes on porous they said that “lighter is better”. They should have some high consequences for this. Did the actors/actresses in the commercial really agreed to do this or did they just do it because they will get a high pay or something? The brand that selling this product should definitely think of deleting this commercial and be putting out a deep apology for its fans of this product. But even if they still get out an apology then people still would not care because this company still is racist no matter what . This is exactly like the dove commercial because people liked the product before the racist add but after the add people dislike it and they don’t use the product any more. What got me the most is how they past the black or darker skinned people but stopped at the white. It says lighter is better like once they thought that darker was better but then they just suddenly changed. The funny thing about it is that they say it like a pun saying “lighter” as in lighter in calories and the other “lighter” as in lighter skin. These companies like dove and Heineken should really be ashamed of what they did. More people should talk about this saying that its racist so that the company knows that it is racist because I don’t think they know that. More people should know about this and it should be aware of this topic even some younger kids. I hope that what I wrote inspires people. Thank you for reading my post.

  6. bosco3 says:

    In the c ad they showed a Italian men sliding a Heineken drink Through two black people and landing on a Spanish person what Ms Panesar said. At the beginning of the ad the title say’s this light is better .
    So they mean that lighter is better than black. In the other ad in dove they show black women into a white women. They apologise to the people who were watching that stupid ad. And that ad was release to the world last year what Ms Panesar said. But the Heineken was release a few days ago. Heineken copied what Dove did on the racist ad. The worst part is that they did not even say one sorry. They only said” We Missed the Mark”. That like you miss the goal. Just watch this ad’s ending. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/28/business/media/heineken-racist-ad.html. If you watched it you can see that the ending say’s”Sometimes Light is Better. Wow that is stupid.

  7. daniel169 says:

    I feel like this ad shouldn’t have been made, but people these days don’t think properly now do they? (Well a lot of the adults anyway.) Now these Adults here who made that ad just wanted to make money and didn’t care if that ad bothered people nor did they care if it was racist or sexist. I have proof on how some adults don’t think about how other people will feel because dove made a ad that was racist and now Heineken is making a racist ad, it is also sexist as in it going past three black people and one of those people being a black lady. (I am sorry I had to say black so much.) If you have watched the ad you probably have heard the saying “Lighter Is Better”, now I find that is very racist, I don’t know about you but i’m pretty sure you will agree with me that this is very racist. I don’t know what you think but I think that racism is pure EVIL! I hope that you all agree with me because racism can change peoples lives, it can even kill people. Did you see how the bottle of that beer went right pass a black person then another black person that was playing guitar on a chair the beer went under the chair that the black man was sitting on, the beer also passed a black woman then to the white woman that wanted the beer. I still don’t get what “lighter is better” it is obviously racist but why is lighter better? A lot of Black people are better than white people, isn’t that true?In NBA and MLB and a lot of other sports, did you hear what Adolf Hitler said in the Olympics in Berlin? Black people are better than White people because they are born like that, that proves that Blacks are usually better than whites in sports.

  8. marcus31 says:

    What struck the most in this commercial is that HOW MUCH SLIME IS ON THAT BOTTLE!!! JK but it did slide a lot, and i also slid by some certain people. Those people with some exact skin colours. They were all darker skin coloured. It’s like Heineken is saying their drinks are too good for darker skinned people. As a big Formula 1 fan i know that Heineken is a giant sponsor for them. I am amazed that Heineken has taken such a risk that may offend their giant crowd in formula 1. Heineken is one of their platinum sponsors and that is very un-smart of them to do such a thing that obviously will upset everyone. as well they make it clearer that they are being racist by saying “sometimes, LIGHTER is BETTER” when you think about what they just showed before is the video combined with what they said later on basically says we don’t want black people drinking their drink and we want to tell you black people that this drink alone is better than all of you. Very racist, right? i think that if the many events that Heineken sponsors think about what they did they will start to not allow Heineken to be a sponsor. i honestly think that Heineken deserves this as it has probably offended much of the crowd of events that Heineken sponsors and will only be fixed if they get rid of Heineken as their sponsor. This is probably not a mistake as Heineken’s bottle slid past people that were all dark skin coloured and not a single white person passed. Not even in the background. Just all black people. If Heineken examined this properly which they probably did they would have noticed what they were pointing to but i guess that’s what they wanted. As long as they did those stages. If they did that it would only be too obvious that they did this racist commercial on PURPOSE. Pretty bad for a well-known company and they should defiantly know better than to do that. From what I know no black people have done anything bad to Heineken and Heineken has no reason to be so racist. I think that this is NOT a mistake and that Heineken has to do something more than apologies to any black person and to do a favour for them. That is if they want to make up for it.

  9. selina16 says:

    This commercial didn’t show the racism directly by making the add is for the beer. But there was one sentence in the commercial that showed another meaning of this add. “lighter is better.” If it wasn’t saying it to the people who had a darker skin tone, then they shouldn’t have make it more detailed so everybody will understand it in a better way. Saying lighter is better, directly gave a shot to the people who had darker skin. It is making those people think they don’t even have the right to buy the beer they are selling. Another thing about the add they made is the people they made the beer PASS. If you pay intention to the video, then you’ll find out the people that the beer battle passed was all black. It showed that they thing white people is better, and only the white people deserves this beer. In one word, it’s racist. By saying lighter is better, and passing the beer through all the black people. It truly showed that this commercial is telling the black people to back off, or never buy this beer. Because they think those black people don’t deserves it. Just because they have a darker skin tone than others. I think these people should really stop. Just think if the black people are doing the same thing to them. What if the table changed? What will they feel about it? So just stop right there, and be kind. All kind of people have feelings.

  10. lily6 says:

    Here it goes again. By the way my word of the day is…:*sigh*.Heineken is trying to be “smart” and hid a racist comment in an ad and hopes that none notices. It slides past 3 black people and then stops at a white person and says lighter is better. So basically the said that lighter not as the alcohol, as the skin colour is better. RACIST ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well obviously doing that on purpose and it was not an honest mistake. *sigh* just like dove. Then they said they missed the mark! *sigh* x1000000000. They missed the mark when they were trying to show. So racism right? Well stupid people you didn’t miss the goal if you were trying to show racism. *sigh* Wait… why didn’t the black people in the ad relies that what they were doing was wrong? It would be weird if a black person who was in that ad was like stop I’ll have that and then takes the drink. Hahahahahaha… oops *sigh* a short apology doesn’t work and I think that any time they can be like oh it was a mistake and not learn its lesson. I can’t believe that such a big company can be that racist. I AM VERY AGAINST THIS AD. *SIGH* the end.*sigh*

  11. brodie1 says:

    Well i think it was a really dumb and terrible ad that should’ve bin check over and edited, in the video it shows a bartender who spots a girl with lighter skin, so he gets a beer and slides it across the table then it magically slides across a stage and then it teleport’s to the girls table (Illuminati confirmed) then the girl gets the drink and drinks it and gets drunk. But if you looked closely you would notice that it passes all darker skin people and then these words pop up (lighter is better), if you think about all theses people and the words you could put the pieces together and it will basically mean lighter skin people is better than darker skin people. That is not just racist its offending and humiliating and sad and disappointing for lighter skin people and Heineken. I understand if Heineken gets a lot of hate and no one buys its beer i know i wouldn’t well i’m not even older enough to drink. I’m not very surprised that a big company like Heineken would mess up really badly, because i already saw Dove do it so now i’m just waiting for another big company to mess up maybe Microsoft or apple? i bet you apple would mess up before Microsoft if i’m right we get extra P.E time if i’m wrong we get 10 more minutes added to Math. Honestly they have a better apologie than just saying they missed the mark because stuff like that offends the world and is also really bad for there company. Those are all the ideas i could think of.

  12. eric55 says:

    The ad is absolutely racist because its’ saying “sometimes, whiter is better”, as the beer passes by black people towards a female with white skin. This is the latest ad that was denounced for appearing to promote white skin over dark skin. The skin care companies Dove and Nivea got similar flashbacks last fall. In its statement, Heineken boasted of a long “positive track record” of promoting unity through its marketing. Last year, it was widely praised for a lengthy advertisement, “Worlds Apart”. I think that they did this to get more people to buy their products. Heineken should go to trial for making an ad racist to black people.

  13. sebby1 says:

    In the Heineken ad the hidden message is that lighter is better than darker, plus that the white bartender was passing the light beer to the white woman, passing two black woman and a black man. I think the white man did it purposely because there were two beautiful black women and the white man could have had pass it to one of them. So I think it was not an honest mistake because the bartender knew what he was doing, plus he was looking directly at the White lady. Companies should be facing consequences, because they will not do it again and will learn their lesson and be aware

  14. the amazing joshua says:

    I think that this company wanted to offend the “darker skin” people by implying that “lighter skinned “people are better. The fact that the beer slides through the Black people to reach the lighter skinned woman confirms that “suspicion” of the racist message. Their excuse was they “missed the MARK” Hmm then WHY did the bottle went past the black people to reach the light woman. HUH? Why couldn’t it be another white person that the Beer passes. “For decades, Heineken has developed diverse marketing that shows there’s more that unites us than divides us,” said a Heineken beer worker and that they MISSED THE MARK. They made it worse by creating a BLACKS ONLY beer that just made it worse. He said that the “lighter is better” quote was saying that the light beer they were advertising. They even had a FREAKIN “Hey America Let’s Bring Back Slavery Campaign” that was held from 1974 to 1977. They succeeded by using LABOUR in South Africa. They did not acknowledge the Black workers that helped this company. AHEM what was that excuse again? I say that Chance the Rapper had the right idea. You can’t ignore the Heineken company’s horrible history. The fact that in the Ad, the bottle passes the Black people as if rejecting them, so why couldn’t the bartender pass the bottle to a Black person? It also fells as if the Black people were the “obstacles ” and the White woman is the destination. I think this clear gesture means that the Black people are the “obstacles” and that we should avoid them. GEEZ also, was the bottle made of ice?!
    *SIGH* Disapproval (THIS IS THE GOOD COPY) 😉

  15. rohan7 says:

    the hidden message in this video is basically there slogan if you paid attention you would know what it means it basically is talking about there colour of the people that so, ill tell you in shorter form there saying that white people are better than black people which is actually very weird because a lot of people in the background is black which is weird. i think that these people should off said something better than “We missed the mark.” they probably should of said that “We totally weren’t aware that this effected so many people.” and also i think that that company should probably get a punishment for what they have done and also dove get a punishment also because they offended a lot of people. and also the weird thing about this commercial is that how do you slide a beer bottle that far and also i think that bottle is magical because it climbed a lot of weird things like when it passed the laddie it like climbed on one of those things that weight tress use to use to serve things those things it literally climbed on it . now Im going to be talking about my opinion, my opinion about this ad is that it actually makes no cense because first you cant slid a beer that far like what are the physics behind that plus it also climed on a lot of stuff which is not possible. And I also think they should of checked the ad and then posted it because they made a really bad mistake and also they are such a big beer seller,fun fact there were actually fifa commercials about that also but that is behind the point. Now that makes me wonder if another big company will mess up I can’t wait to see which one does but if a big company actually messes up that that will be really bad. I also wonder what the people that saw the add think I bet that they will never drink that ever again. So now we know that not all company’s have good advertisements. Also do you ever wonder why that bottle never tipped like when it passed the guy playing the guitar it was sliding on a rug what are these physics behind this. Do you also find it weird that they used the same excuse that dove did you know what I bet they did they probably just saw the responses and then they were looking up good excuses on the internet and then I bet that dove was the first one to pop up.i also love that literally no one craves that the bottle was sliding on the floor,I guess that they were to busy dancing weirdly or the fact that they can’t see and also the guy in the glasses it literally passes him and then just keeps on smiling. Well know we know that all famous adds make mistakes which is fine but if they were racist then that’s a whole different story then but ur at the end off the day were we forget about it. (But this we won’t forget because it’s in our brain FOREVER!!!) I’m just kidding geet

  16. jhanine1 says:

    So basically this beer commercial is talking about how lighter beer is better,but if you noticed beer wasn’t the only thing that it was talking about it was also talking about the skin color. I think that they did that on purpose because it is very unlikely that the person that got the drink was white,then the people that passed got passed was African Americans. Also when the girl got the drink it even said that lighter is better. Or maybe they were just so careless that they didn’t even notice what they were doing and then it made a really bad message to the public but in this case it is unlikely. No offense to the company but I don’t think that a short apology will be enough because they can just do it again and then make another apology saying ” oh sorry we didn’t notice it was just a big mistake” so yeah.I also think that they should redo the ad and be suspended for 2 months. I can’t believe that the African Americans agreed to do these roles.If I were them I would sue or tell the company what this message this ad is trying say. I also can’t believe that they had to use the word lighter I mean they could’ve just used a different word for it.And if what they were saying was true that they did not see the bad message that it was giving people then that just means that they don’t check what they are giving to the public.Or maybe they’re just blind!…………….which might be possible.I mean shouldn’t they have someone who would watch the ad and say ” oh there is nothing wrong with this ad its a very nice ad you can give to the public” maybe the person that was suppose to watch the ad was blind and the only reason why he or she even liked the ad or think that it was friendly was because of the background music. Heineken if your reading this if you did it on purpose please stop doing it,but if it was an accident then you should probably be more careful when you make ads double check if its not making a bad message………..BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. winona2 says:

    I really want to know who came up with this ad and maybe the person who came up with it is stupid. I mean wouldn’t they see how rude they are? How did this ad even come out? Did they just think that no person would care? Well too bad you dumb ‘birds’ your ad did not just slide by. People noticed it and got damn offended!!! I can imagine a little kid seeing this and saying “How is this possible?”.*Winona takes a deep breath.* I mean at least they apologized BUT THEY COULD HAVE DONE BETTER!!!!!Why can’t the world have peace where everyone is nice….I only have one thing to say about this ad and that is: This ad is mean and rude. Wouldn’t the two girls that are in the ad get bothered by the ad? Maybe they are just doing it for money. If I was asked to do an ad like that I would grab something to knock everyone unconscious and grab all the money and buy a laptop. I think they just made this ad without thinking how it can reflect on other people and I bet that ad got a lot of hate from offended people. Man, I wonder when they noticed how rude the ad was or how long it took them to apologize. I can imagine people seeing this ad and never wanting to get a Dove product again. They probably lost a lot of customers. Now whenever I see a Dove product I will always think of this ad and in my mind I would say “Oh a dove product – not buying it”. I wish the world would be made out of unicorns and rainbows but sadly not. 🙁

  18. annie25 says:

    I think this ad is highly offensive to anyone not just black\brown people, I am even offended considering I am not really a light skin person. I think that Heineken is trying to hide that they know this is racist I mean they literally employed black\brown people to play the black\brown roles. My question is why do they even making these ads it’s like they want attention. I am just surprised that the black\brown people even decided to actually play this role. I think that they were trying to say that lighter calories is better but they could have used another word considering that the bar tender and the lady that received drink are both light skinned they could have used lower calories. This is unacceptable, it’s just disappointing that all these companies that are making these “mistakes” that are just not appropriate I am honestly disgusted. Black\brown people should be treated this way they are harmless they are human just like the rest of us. They even responded and said “we missed the mark” the exact same thing dove said when they also made a racist ad. This ad makes me feel uneasy and troubled I wonder what a light skin person would feel about this. I bet many people think this is okay and think that this ad is just a simple misunderstanding. Well it’s not an accident it’s not a mistake, let me tell you what this is this is racism this is what I call rude. Social media was invented for good uses not to promote a racist ad that can make people feel hurt. Like don’t these companies check over their work before they show to the world? What also bothers me is that this ad doesn’t even make sense like that beer bottle cannot slide for that long. And when the bottle past the people their smiling and laughing like your being put in a racist ad there is nothing happy about that at all. To finish this up since I am already steamy mad, why would they make this ad it just gives them negative attention and making them self-look bad so this ad was very unintelligent.
    good bye

  19. eunbin2 says:

    this ad or a racist message to the black or brown people is a total crash and burning ad to the blacks/ or browns, cause according to this add is that the bar guy looked ONLY at the sort of white women and perfectly delivered the beer the that women in the spot. lighter is better what kind of slogan is that? means that only white skin or light weight is better than anything! these commercials just post to embarrass themselves and make the blacks / or browns that like their products just flee away or just get rid of them. that makes a result of their company to be a failure or they have to just shut down because no people will buy their product also the man looked like he only liked white and light weighted women, which is pretty much a disgrace to all people. when i saw that add i seriously felt awkward to that ad Heineken and a lot of disgust who would even like that ad maybe some people like James earl ray that killed martin l King. why would they post that on the internet that`s one thing i don`t get on the world. no wonder why beer company`s high on drugs to advertise that sort of ad to make them more famous. as you see on the dove ad is the same as the beer ad the dove ad just took of the shirt and the women just mysteriously turned white, no the beer ad didn`t turn white or any thing but, why does it have to pass all the brown or blacks i just hate that ad no matter what happens they should have had a warning not to post a garbage ad like that. Every ad has it`s purpose to entertain or to persuade the buyers. but in warning the company as much as i not care for the ad HEINEKEN BEWARE!!!!

  20. darrel1 says:

    Some companies just do this for advertisement, because since they work in places like the US, they’ve probably seen lot’s of white people. I don’t think an apology would be enough to tell the dark people they’re sorry, because this could lead to terrible consequences. But it may be enough to tell some people, but maybe not to important dark people. I don’t even get why Heineken would say lighter is better. Some people could actually tell the authorities about the offensive ad, and this could lead to the company being shut down. It might even be a greater punishment that I can’t even imagine! If Dove or Heineken did something bigger than an apology such as taking down the commercial, they could be safe. But NO, they missed the mark with just one simple apology. I guess some people such as Dove don’t understand how different people could be. Actually, if a product that everybody needs had an offensive commercial, shutting it down could be a very big problem. Also if people keep making offensive commercials, it could become a war with the dark people against the white people and nobody would be safe then. They could even make a commercial that says that dark people are better. So why did Dove had to make that commercial? So they could make everybody become white! In my opinion, I don’t think these apologies were enough to be convincing.

  21. naomi19 says:

    This add is about this white man who sees a white woman and he slides alcohol to the woman and it passes two black men and I also noticed that the woman was going to drink the alcohol from a cup and the alcohol was dark and she made a face and refused to drink it that is very racist. I also researched the Heineken’s other adds and people say that all of there adds are racist! And there was also a hidden message at the top that said lighter is better than lighter. That is very racist and I don’t think they realise what they are saying or maybe they are just a very racist group of people and think it’s okay and people won’t mind. My opinion on this add is that it’s racist of course and they are not thinking about the impact it will have on other people. My opinion on this company is that they should change everything apologise and start new and be a better company. I am not sure they notice what they are doing and they are doing since they haven’t apologised to anyone. This is not acceptable and should not be making any money and I will never work for them if they were going to be racist! If I were the prime minister I would probably say the need to quit there job if they don’t then I will say you need to stop making racist adds. I am pretty sure the prime minister is allowed to do that. Donald Trump would probably let them continue because he is racist as well! So if the Heineken’s company reads it I am asking you to STOP RIGHT NOW!

  22. lyiam1 says:

    Why does it have to pass coloured people?! and what is the physics of this commercial like it is not possible for it to slide dat far bro? me is confusedd! im supaa trigered man why they do! Me OCDD is da supa powad brooo. and den this hapem agen bro like dis qote is make me maddddd! it sayy “SOMETIMES, LIGHTER IS BETTER” WHY DEYY DO DIS OOPS CAP LOCK IS ONN! there me supa sorrs it WASS ON opoops. bat anewae i dont like it and then a lighter coler hooman pik up o no physics ber. did dem at lest opoligiz rite did dey?! me want know plsssssss tell meh NOW! like it is supa werd how da famose/popolularr brends do dis supa meaner thang bro are dey tring to manipulate us into believing dat colored peple have to be disrespected jus because they were back den! like I know our civilization has net changed but we are gradually changing into respecting coloured people. its ben a long tem endd yat wee stillll have no no no no learnedd how to at least respect the colored people. well actually there aree people who can respect coloored people in the worlddddddddd. well I hope that we can learn actually hopefully the world can learn to respect colored people more often instead of not respecting them. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  23. isabella16 says:

    I think the beer ad by Heineken is racist because it says Sometimes Lighter is Better and when the guy giving beers to people gave a beer to a girl it was a girl with white skin! but at the end it says it means lighter because the beer has very little calories but it still looks like it is trying to say that only lighter good which is racist on the ad it even shows the beer going past some people with darker skin to the girl with a lighter skin colour which is basically saying that the girl with lighter skin is better so she should get the beer. sometimes i wonder why people have to post racist ads like this one its like people don’t care. anybody who says being racist is wrong are right because when those people are being racist they are hurting other people. I think those companies don’t really care when they post those ads because if they did they wouldn’t even post these ads since they are racist. and most of these companies have to apologise for posting the ad, and that would probably make people not want to buy some from those companies because it is racist. the ad also shows how obvious the racist part is, it also makes me think Heineken did know the ad was racist because it is soooo Obvious they probably just posted it for money and so it would get a lot of views. bye 😀 XD 😛

  24. kai23 says:

    “Lighter is better?” like, come on that is so racist to the moment I saw that video because the beer goes right pass three black people and guess who it lands on . . . a white girl. Yeah. Like I said “lighter is better?” they’re just saying that so they can the money.
    They were trying to be funny and get good views
    but turned out to be racist to some people. A dove ad was also racist for being that there was a black women who took off her shirt and became a white women.
    I think some company’s did it for fun while others didn’t know. I also think Heineken said “They’re trying to be funny” for an excuse. But I don’t know how many mistakes are there in the ad.
    I read the article and there was the Dove ad and a photo apology which in a black child is wearing a sweatshirt saying “coolest monkey in the jungle”.
    In the beer ad, the background also has black people.
    I also think they did it on purpose because if it was an accident non of this would be happening and everything would be fine but no it was on purpose.
    Why did they do it in the first place and is it they fault.
    Did they actually say sorry or did they try to get away.
    But I think it’s also sexism because the beer slides past two women and then stops at a woman. It should not matter if your skin colour is light or browner/darker. What matters is that we are all human!

  25. jordan55 says:

    “Lighter is better”!? every one in the world is same, we don’t care about the skin colour. It is funny if you care about the skin colour. if you are black you are grateful too.

  26. winona2 says:

    *WInona takes a deep breath* Ok first of all a man can not tell a women that her skin color is to FREEKING light skinned we had this problem already with black women now it is happening with white women why!!!! This world is so mean. I feel bad that pretty women are being cat called by men it’s just so mean. Beautiful lady’s probably just get hired and then ugly people do not get jobs and it’s all about women making men drink stupid alcohol!!! It’s sad how are ugly people going to get a job imagine if that ugly person went to palliating class all that years of work wasted unless an other air line . And my least favorite word is in the explaining paragraph that Ms. p rote “harassed”.

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