Don Cherry: You People vs We People

Okay, so I know Teran plays lacrosse and soccer, Marco plays water polo at SFU, Ella plays tennis, Landon plays soccer and Marina plays volleyball… is anyone on a hockey team? I ask about hockey because a hockey related incident happened recently which needs a discussion!

Image result for don cherry racist rant

On November 12th, the infamous and outspoken commentator, Don Cherry made some remarks that got him axed, well, fired! (Please don’t think of Vincent and his protactor-otine)! 

For those of us who don’t know who Don Cherry is, I’ll quickly fill you in.  Cherry  was born in Kingston, Ontario. He is currently 85 years old. He is a sports commentator/writer and a retired professional hockey, he even played for the Canucks at one point in his career. Since 1986, he has been the host of Coach’s Corner. He’s generally known for his overly-enthusiastic rants and his colourful attire (shirts, suits and ties). 

This is not the first time that Cherry has made some harsh remarks and come under fire numerous times. Unfortunately for him, this time, his remarks cost him his job. He was given the opportunity to apologise but refused to. Had he apologised, he most likely would have kept his job as the host on Coach’s Corner. This time he spoke about veterans and how ‘immigrants’ come to Canada because they like the way of life here but do not contribute to the soldiers who gave their life to make Canada the country it is today. He said: “You people that come here … whatever it is, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you could pay a couple of bucks for a poppy.” 

Some people are upset about his use of ‘you people.’ They have questioned his use of these words as not just a reference to the immigrant population…which would be all of us except our First People…but to people of colour. Interestingly, as was discussed in class, many soldiers who fought for Canada were ‘coloured’ immigrants like, Indigenous, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Black soldiers.   

Read the articles and watch the videos below:

So now it is your turn to weigh in! What do you think of what Don Cherry said – did he have a point to his rant, should all Canadians wear poppies for our soldiers ? Is his rant racist and he meant what he said as he has made many controversial remarks before or was he being truthful by saying that he should have changed ‘you people’ to ‘everyone.’ Do you think firing him was the correct call to action or should something deeper have happened? What would you suggest for him to do to rectify his words? I would also like for you to do some independent research. Please check in with your parent/s/guardian/s and ask if you had any family members who fought/were a part of a war.  Grade 6’s 25 sentences, Grade 5 20 sentences, please! 

48 thoughts on “Don Cherry: You People vs We People

  1. Sally Chen says:

    In my opinion, I believe what Don Cherry’s rants were racist rude and unexpectable. On November 21st Don Cherry had made a horrible mistake of saying on air ‘immigrants’ should not wear poppies because the soldiers were mostly Canadian. And mentioned that the people of Canada would at least spend a couple bucks for a poppy meaning the ‘immigrants’ were poor and selfish but that’s not true. Don Cherry had believed ‘immigrants’ (Chinese Japanese Indian/indigenous.) Everyone should have the right to wear a poppy and it’s ridiculous that only Canadians could wear a poppy because apparently most soldiers were Canadian. In fact, there were soldiers who were Chinese Japanese Indigenous and god they can’t wear a small poppy! It’s not fair to those who fought in the war and not being able to appreciate yourself. The thing that will always be stuck in my head is that Don had refused to apologize for his hurtful words. Don had of course gotten fired from his job as the Coach of the corner. Canadians from all over the world had fought in a world war but can’t celebrate their achievement because of racism. Poppy is a type of flower we wear to celebrate the loved ones that died during war. Don should have been fired a long time ago knowing his way and attitude. I don’t think that Don should not be forgiven. His behavior is outrages and cruel. Nobody should be treated like a peasant or dirt like they’re not cared for. Everybody should be able to wear a poppy. Don Cherry is racist and should not just be forgotten. Canadians wear poppies for a reason, to remember the loved ones who had died in world war who had sacrificed their lives for our safety. But what do we give in return? Disrespect because some stupid person said so. In conclusion what Don did was racist and unexpectable.

  2. labib1 says:

    Don Cherry has got himself in a situation that surpassed his bounds, his words affected lots of people and for me I think him getting fired was the right call. Don Cherry is not doing anything to fix this problem, in fact he is making it worse by regretting what he said and claiming he should have said everyone instead of Immigrants. I’ve been watching the news lately and have seen breaking news on this problem. It was good to act and send him away because of this but that has its own problems. People in Canada think of him as an infamous landmark and what to act on bringing him because they love him and his personality. I’ve seen the huge numbers of people who think he deserves to come back on the site, and they look like they’re going to have enough to send it to the city. If they don’t get enough signatures there can be a bigger problem which involves people protesting in the streets like Hong Kong but maybe a little less crazy. This may be a political problem because Don Cherry is a right-wing guy and supports the conservatives. This could make the conservatives loss or gain votes depending on Don Cherry’s fate because he is a big character in the conservative’s party. The conservatives already have their own problems which would make matters worse. My family does not wear a poppy even though my grandpa fought in war and died of blood cancer afterwards, my grandpa fought in the 1971 Pakistan vs Bangladesh war and survived. Don Cherry has been fired for his Saturday Night’s Broadcast after Sportsnet fired him saying that hockey does not divide us, it brings us together. I agree with Sportsnet and Ron Maclean that this was hurtful and was wrong. Ron Maclean did not say anything until the broadcast was over and he apologized along with Sportsnet which I agree with. The sight of seeing someone that has had numerous warnings like his several complaints of why Canada didn’t send troops to Iraq, when he said that girl reporters shouldn’t be allowed to go in men athletes’ locker room, last year when he said that people who believed in climate change are cuckaloos . That was a lot of warnings Cherry got from Sportsnet but since he has now actually been fired, it may make it worse. People may only watch broadcasts because of Don Cherry and his personality. Sportsnet seems to be tired of this along with the world so they decided Don Cherry can’t stay anymore. I also think that how the immigrants who don’t where poppies shouldn’t have been called out like that and just like that, Canada’s hockey night have been completely changed. He still does seem to regret his actions, but he said that he regrets saying you people instead of everybody. I realize that if you become such a big icon and let something slip, it causes big damage. If I went along and said that when I was playing outside, no one would even bother to listen. Along with Cherry’s remarks came a message that made me think like how hard it is to follow everything because I been here since I was born and have never wore a poppy on real Remembrance Day along with my family. Honestly, I think Don Cherry should learn that if Ron Maclean isn’t arguing with him, he might be going a little over the top for it to be broadcasted around Canada. He doesn’t really look like he understands why he got fired maybe because he has done it so many times and had been forgiven and given the power from the people, now he looks baffled and confused while its written right in front of him of how terrible of an act he just committed. No one wanted Don Cherry, the infamous landmark to go away but it had to be done after his words that were past the border. In conclusion, Don Cherry’s words were hurtful and offensive and should have never been said especially in front of an audience, I also see that people still want Cherry back and want him even though he said hurtful things.

  3. kelvin3 says:

    In my opinion, firing Don Cherry was a good idea. He has made some rude remarks to many people and had insulted people who worried about climate change. Additionally, the use of “You people” singled out immigrants, but he has decided to correct himself, claiming that he should have said “everyone” instead of “you people” in the sentence. Ron Mclean has had an emotional monologue over the firing of Don Cherry. He is disappointed in himself and hopes to improve Coach’s corner. Meanwhile Don is calling Ron Mclean’s apology disappointing. I think that Ron will host Coach’s Corner by himself even after firing Don. Coach’s Corner is expected to be hosted again by Sunday and fans remain excited.

  4. tyson12 says:

    I think that he should have known better and thought about it before he said it. Don Cherry was working for a very long time. Some people want him back but I think that he shouldn’t. He should have just not said it. I think that the things he said offended many people. He makes a lot of money from that job but now he cannot do it any more. I also think that it was rude to many people since he said you people. I have seen him many times on T.V. but know you cannot see him. I think that he should try and get the job back. Some people may have liked him so he should have not done it. Also know people may think that he is a bad person. This affects his career. I think that if he tries to get a new job some people will not want him. I think that his family is mad at him. This was a bad choice to make because he lost his job. He had many second chances but he didn’t stop. If I were him I would stop on my first warning. The people who work there were probably mad at him. I think that if he wants the job back it will be hard. Thank you for listening bye.

    P.S Eat hot pan pizza it is very good!!!!!!

  5. kadin2 says:

    By Kadin
    I think don cherry should had not got in fired and my .parents said that don cherry should have not got fired and. my mom said don is very good at his job and my dad said it’s his fall and him. should have shut his mouth and I was in bed and I hear it and I was. watching super dragon ball heroes and I feel bad for him and his. a nice man but he said it at the wrong time and I sometimes I do that. to and that the people there are stupid and now they are trying to get him back. to the show and his partner said on the news he sorry to the. people how saw the game and got fired at November 12 he wears. ties and suits at any game and any show he is on, but he is 85 years old. and he should have retired all ready and I think it’s really bugs. my cause I used to watch hockey with my dad, and it gets very boring at the first peered and writing is not my favorite. and sometimes I watch it but it very funny when they fight. and it very entertaining but that’s why I like basketball better and I am. good at fixing stuff and it I laugh when people laugh it. very heliairs and I think only people go on twitter to chat with stars. and I like ties and basketball is easier and I know it’s very fun to play sports or be the coach. and lead the team and in joy it when you can. or not it’s how you in joy life and spend it and yeah it sucks. sometimes but it’s harder to work for money and know kids what big expands of toys. and now that I know and I’m in grade 6 my life in elementary is all most over and it’s. you going to high school and it’s hard. to do what you what now but now when your parents are gone their gone you never see them again. so, don should have learned it when he was young and. I love sport and I love my life as a kid.

  6. lyn2 says:

    Blog Post 9999999999.1

    I think it was right to fire him. For reasons, because he done things that were offensive and rude that can hurt people’s feelings. This can cause rage and being rude about other’s background is not right. He may have said sorry, but you never know if it is a really “sorry”. I get how sometimes when you are an elder you can be like a bit strict, but this is over the top and it is like on the news like dude that is not cool. He should have known better. From what I am thinking when he said. “You people that come here whatever it is, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple of bucks for a poppy.” What if in someone’s country there is a war about to happen a war. They could have fled here because they know we are safe they know that we are not going to have war here in Canada. But him just saying that could be wrong what if they don’t know about all the stuff here what we do here in Canada some people’s tradition is different and that’s okay but what if they don’t have that much money but they need it for the persons weekly meal? Yes, I know they were people that died in war and we were poppy’s in respect, but some are just new in this country like last year I had this person who just came from China he didn’t get Halloween, but he tried and wore something even if he didn’t get it he tried to fit in with the traditions we do and he were something from his background. This is a bit confusing and I do have some temper about what his word’s say like man think before you speak it is a pretty simple also don’t you type what you are going to say, and you just do that or is it the first thing that came out of your mouth? This is commonly rude, and some people don’t want to get poppies and, but you can just come to a ceremony which is completely free you can just go there. There is a choice if you want to put on a poppy or not for me, I didn’t wear it the whole time it started to prick me 24/7 so I had no choice but to take it off. Just imagine that you are in the same problem as me, so you take off the poppy the next thing you see is Don Cherry, he looked at you with his killer eyes and he says. “PUT BACK ON YOUR POPPY YOU ARE BEING RUDE TO THE SOLIDERS!!!” I would completely freak out. I get how the soldiers put their life at risk but him screaming at my face is even worse than not putting in a poppy. Also, I did research about how much poppies where they are 1$ but why not have poppies free? This man with a white bearded looking like Santa man is not nice. I don’t think that EVERY Canadian must wear a poppy I am going to us our phrase this is free country meaning we can dress believe in anything we want and we don’t have to wear a poppy it is our choice since this a free country. Since he said the two words. “You people.” Is like he is watching like uh oh he knows who he is talking about is he talking about me? These two words can make some people feel guilty because they didn’t wear a poppy on that certain day, but the poppies can be worn after the day. This can be celebrated if wanted to, but most people celebrate it in Canada because the soldiers were from different countries, but they all fought for our county Canada. I would like to be said as everyone not you people. I have no idea how you got slide threw after he said those stuff and still got forgive but this one bruh get yeeted under the bus of never going to be rehired ever again. I think that it is not right and that if you keep this up like how much times had that happen let me think maybe a lot, so I don’t think that he has any more chances. After seeing this this can be right, I think that the choice they made was right. Since he had many bad comments and because like bruh it’s Canada your choice to either where it or not. This is not like not like other country someone’s not going for you holding a machine gun and going to kill you or shot you because you didn’t where a poppy. Even if he looks like your daily news reporter with what happened but nope he is just maybe say racist stuff make fun of people and just call some people out like he said you people kind of still creepy like imagine like in like cartoons having the eyeballs become long and look at your face that would be creepy like no joke. This is not acceptable I would have fired him on the spot. Did he even get warnings because it looks like he did but how was he still doing it without being worried to be fired?? I think this is racist and someone should replace someone that will not do those certain types if things such as things he has done.I cannot ask my great grandpa for info even if he had fought in the Korean war because he died of cancer at the age of 73 so. Sometimes when you want to ask something, and you realize they are not there, so you end up asking your food-Lyn 2019

  7. vincent29 says:

    On November 12th, Don Cherry said that immigrants come to Canada for a better life but they should wear poppies on Remembrance Day because apparently they don’t. Wear poppies. Then Don Cherry was fired from his job after that comment.
    I think Don Cherry had a point in what he said but he DEFINETILY said it the wrong way. First of all, it isn’t just immigrants that do not wear poppies. There are other people who don’t wear poppies as well. And there are probably lots of immigrants that wear poppies. Don Cherry said “You people” when he was referring to immigrants. I don’t think that was a very good way to refer to immigrants and a lot of people are probably offended.
    I don’t think it was fair that Don Cherry was fired because what he said shouldn’t cost his job. He just made a bad comment and I don’t think it is worth firing him for that. People say all sorts of things and I don’t think they should be taken super seriously. If things like this were taken seriously all the time, almost everyone in the Country would be fired because we all make mistakes and accidently say something that isn’t right.
    I think Don Cherry should apologize for what he said because it wasn’t a very nice thing to say. Don Cherry could have made people feel ashamed because they didn’t wear a poppy. Some people might have wanted to wear a poppy but couldn’t afford it. So I don’t think it was fair for Don Cherry assume people could spare a few dollars for a poppy.
    I think everyone should wear a poppy on Remembrance Day if they can. If you can’t afford a poppy, then you don’t need to wear one. But if you can afford one it is good to buy one. Poppies are a good way to honor and remember those who fought in war for us.
    Overall, I think it wasn’t necessary to fire Don Cherry because people don’t need to listen to what he said. But I do think Don Cherry should apologize for his actions because he said something that could offend people and it is just good to tell people that you are sorry. In a way, Don Cherry had a point, but he said is in the wrong way. At the end, everyone just overreacted.

  8. salina3 says:

    In my opinion I think what Don Cherry said was not OK because said something really racist and he didn’t apologize and doesn’t want to apologize either. He said that the closest thing to an apology is to say that he used the wrong words, which I think is really not OK. He has been reprimanded a bunch of times already he should have already learned his lesson. I’m glad that at least Ron McLean (Don Cherry’s friend) apologized for being racist but Don Cherry himself refuses to say sorry. If Ron McLean knows apologize sincerely, because that’s what is right, why can’t he? Don Cherry still believes that what he said was right beside the fact that he said himself that he could have put them in different words, but overall, he still believes that his point was correct. At first, I was on his side until I saw that he didn’t want to apologize and that things like this had happened many times. If this was the first time, being fired would’ve been too harsh but these types of things have happened too many times. Although there are better choices than to fire him, I believe that they made the right choice. To be honest I think they should have fired him a lot earlier. I don’t think one-bit that firing him is an overreaction, thigs like this have happened multiple times why should we let him be so rude, even if he is an icon. I doubt he would have learned his lesson if they didn’t fire him, I think that he deserved it why should he get away with being racist and others can’t? At least he could say sorry at the very least but instead he refused to apologize, which is rude. Besides, he doesn’t have the right to rant about something like that when he himself is not a veteran, he doesn’t know what it’s like and how the veterans feel. Even if the veterans did the same way it’s not up to him to say that, especially in the way he did it. Pointing out a certain group of people in that way is impolite even if he meant everyone. It is no excuse to say that he should have rephrased it if he isn’t even going to say sorry. As far as I can see he isn’t even really upset, he still supports the fact that all Canadians should wear a poppy. The topic itself I have no problem with its I just the way he pointed out a group of people only. If he is going to rant about at least tell off everyone not just a few people. Not to mention doing that without apologizing, Don Cherry should be almost thankful they called him out on it because if they didn’t, he’s never going to change. Maybe now he’ll see what he did wrong. So, in conclusion I think that he should be fired because the way he is so racist is not OK. Why should we let him get away with it and not some other people? That’s not fair, these are the main reasons as to why he should be fired.

  9. althea2 says:

    When Don Cherry gave out his rant, he wanted to make his point about respecting the soldiers by wearing a poppy. However, when he used the words ‘you people’, they came out disrespectfully. In the interview with Don Cherry, he says he doesn’t regret anything he said. But he mentioned that he wished he used ’everyone’ instead of ‘you people’. His rant is not racist although some people have taken it that way. The reason why I think this way is because firstly, he clarified that he should have used the word ‘everyone’, which means everyone living in Canada who is not wearing a poppy. Secondly, even though this incident has caused his job and negative publicity, he is standing by his point about showing respect for soldiers and has never focused his issue on race. This still does not excuse people for not stopping to think before they speak, because a wrong choice of words can be hurtful or offensive to others.

    In addition, a person said in an article, “we do recognize the soldiers who fought for us, but we also may have reasons why we don’t wear the poppy’. I agree with this person that just because someone did not wear or could not wear a poppy, it does not mean that they are not appreciating the soldiers.

    It doesn’t really matter about whether firing him was a good thing or not because the choice was made by the company, and not us. It is the company’s right to separate themselves from someone whose beliefs are different from what it stands for. So, it was a good thing to fire him for the company because he would not change his belief apart from changing the two words. I don’t think the firing solved anything on the issue of racism. But it might have sent a message to everyone about choosing words carefully especially in public.

    Don Cherry should rectify his words because some people may be very offended because he called out certain group of people and not the whole population of Canada. If Don wants to make a good point, he should deliver the message in calmer and more respectful tone. When he is using fingers and rants, he promotes more negative emotions and removes people’s attention from his message.

    Nobody in my family has joined the war, but my family says that it is always good to remember the Canadian soldiers who fought in the war for our country. We must recognize the soldiers who died during the war. If Canadian soldiers never went to war, Canada wouldn’t be the same.

    In conclusion, I believe that everyone has a privilege to express one’s respect for Canada in the right words. Although some people may not wear poppies, they will learn and remember how the Canadian soldiers fought so bravely in the war to make Canada what it is today. Don Cherry’s incident gave me an important reminder to think before I talk and choose my words and tone carefully when I want to make a point that counts.

  10. landon1 says:

    Before writing this blog post I didn’t even know who Don Cherry is until I did a little bit of research and I can see where he is coming from except he overlooked one thing, what if the people he is talking about don’t have enough money to buy a poppy. He has done things like that in the past and i am kind of surprised that he wasn’t fired along time ago and people are still standing with him after all he’s done. In the 2003 he yelled at the canadian government for not sending troops in the Iraq war, in 2013 he said that he does not believe that female reporters should be allowed in locker rooms of professional athletes and last year in 2018 he called people who believed in climate change cuck-a-loos so he hasn’t had such a good track record over the years. I am going to make a sentence about each thing he has done, so first up the thing that happened in 2003, I think that he shouldn’t be arguing with the Canadian government because they’re not sending soldiers to the Iraq war it is a stupid thing to argue about especially to the government. The next thing I’m about to rant about is the 2013 incident, why would you make a rant about something you know you will get in trouble for, or did you just not think you would get in trouble for something you know is sexist and not okay, why would you do this? After that he called people who believe in climate change cuck-a-loos which isn’t even a word and that is just plain wrong, to make fun of people who believe in climate change which is a dangerous thing that has tons of scientific proof to back it and the people who believe in it up, you know people are going to get angry at you and you still do it and on live T.V. Which makes matters even worse because millions of people watch you every time they want to watch this, the most recent thing that he has done that was seen across canada, the famous(for the wrong reasons) you people rant that got him fired, I thought Canadians are famous for their politeness and manners but this rant shows none of that for the famous Canadian hockey coach, Don Cherry and the reason I gave mini rants about what he did is to show that this isn’t the first time he did something that almost got him fired and because I don’t have any ideas for other sentences as of now. I think that he is somewhat right about the rant that he made except for the fact that some people don’t have enough money to buy a poppy but if you do then you should buy a poppy and support all the people who lost their lives in a war to protect canada. I think Don Cherry had a very bad choose of words that came out of his mouth and he still believes that those poor choose of words are true because people like Bobby Orr are voting for him back on Coach’s Corner. Don Cherry is a vey outspoken man and I think that’s good that is exactly why people tune in to Coach’s Corner, just to see him and what he is going to rant about next but that very outspoken characteristic is the thing that got him fired. I get why people liked him so much and want him to come back, he seemed like a great guy and he wore very interesting clothes but it’s like he thinks he can get away with things because everybody loves him being on T.V. And he’s famous or he thinks he can get away with things because he’s done it before or something like that. As of the day that I am typing this he has not and is refusing to apologize for his mistake even though just by apologizing he could get his job back and everyone would be happy,he is saying that he meant what he said and that he would change a few words but other than that he won’t take it back. His co-host, Ron McLean has apologized deeply and has said that he should have stopped Don before he went to far and he has also said that because he didn’t stop Don and he was just listening to what Don was saying so he is just as bad as Don doing the rant. I just don’t get why he would do this, he was born along time ago so I think that back when he was younger, people were able to get away with a lot of things that you wouldn’t be able to now so maybe he hasn’t adjusted to nowadays and he still thinks he can get away with stuff like this. The fact that he hasn’t apologized yet is something that I think about because he could get his job back and yet he still refuses to. Even his co-host apologized and he wasn’t even the one who said the you people thing. I know that Don Cherry is well respected because he is a very famous hockey coach but just because he is a famous hockey coach doesn’t mean that he can do whatever he wants. He has gotten away with a lot more than he should have, yeah I would have given him a second chance after the first time but after the second time i would have fired him. I have said this sentence a lot in my blogs, but just because you are a famous person you can’t get away with anything you want even if you’re the prime minister like Justin Trudeau, especially Justin Trudeau. I want to see what you think about Don Cherry, do you think he should be back on T.V. or should he stay fired? What did you think of my blog post and remember to give hot pan pizza a zero review because Vincent is starting to annoy me with the whole hot pan pizza thing and any ways goodbye.

  11. ella34 says:

    In my opinion, I think Don Cherry’s rant was wrong. It was extremely rude when he said, “You people that come here… whatever it is, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you could pay a couple of bucks for a poppy.” It isn’t fair because some of “those people” do wear poppies and pay for them. I think he made a wrong choice of words when he said, “You people.” Some people were offended by that, so he should have apologized. But he made a mistake, by refusing, and that cost him his job. Honestly, I think they did make the right choice firing him, but I do feel a bit bad for him. According to Cherry, he wanted to “explain, (not apologize) but smooth it over.” But he said the conditions were almost impossible to do it. But the biggest mistake that Don Cherry made was that he didn’t realize all the sacrifices that other countries (including Serbia) made. In Serbia, 57% of men were killed in the first world war. What’s also ridiculous is that Serbia has its own flower called Natalie’s Ramonda instead of poppies. Since we don’t have poppies, we have another way to remember all the soldiers who sacrificed their life for peace. Natalie’s Ramonda symbolizes endurance, courage and ability to rise under difficult circumstances. Don Cherry didn’t think about all the people that have a different way of celebrating Remembrance Day. Going back to what he said, just because some people don’t wear a poppy, doesn’t mean that they don’t respect the soldiers that died in the war. Some people simply don’t wear a poppy because they don’t celebrate Remembrance Day that way. My grand grandfathers on my mother’s and father’s sides fought in both the first and second world war. My mother’s uncle was killed by Germans in the second world war when he was about 21 years of age. We don’t need a poppy to prove that we miss them though. All in all, what Don Cherry said was wrong and racist.

  12. jeremy17 says:

    I think don cherry has a point to his comment. Every Canadian should wear a poppy to thank and recognize each Canadian solder that fought in the wars of doom, (I just made that up,). I’m on both sides, Don Cherry’s side and the other poppy wearing people that don’t wear poppies. For the Mr. Cherry side, he has a point for people to wear poppies, the Canadians that were in the wars, they lost their lives for us, the future Canadians. And for the people that didn’t wear the poppies, they got words that were offensive to them. So, what do I mean, I mean that it’s a good and bad thing? Just like what Ms. Schmidt said, it’s a lose-lose. The people got offensive words from Don Cherry, and Don Cherry said the right words, but the wrong way to say it, he got fired. Back in the days I didn’t really pay attention to the solders that fought in the wars, but now, I really think and thank the solders that fought in wars to keep us alive. So what side am I on? I’m mostly on the people that didn’t wear the poppies side (, I might say that now, but I’ll say that later, and I didn’t wear a poppy. So that’s also not a reason why). Now, let me add the firing Don Cherry, he did get fired, but to me, I think it’s a bad idea, they could have just apologized and made a tiny bit of the show (Coach’s Corner,) to apologize to the ones that didn’t wear poppies. One thing I want to say, on Remembrance Day, I forgot to wear my poppy. But here’s the thing, I have heard what he said, but on the CTV, all what he said sounded like what Donald Trump would say, and climate change believers, a weird cluck like name that a chicken would be called. Back to why I’m on the people that didn’t wear the poppies. As I said before, not just because I didn’t wear a poppy, it’s because he does say things similar o Trump. Trumps racist, Dons kind of racist, more like not nice words kind of person. Next, he’s kind of selfish to me, not liking that women get to go into the pro athletes’ lockers, that means he’s selfish and thinks the sports room/lockers are too precious, he is part of the “Coach`s” Corn Channel. And for the attacking the government for not sending troops to Iraq in 2003. The troop and Iraq, it’s more like Donald Trump, he’s on Iraq, (I believe, otherwise, he’s more on the troops,). Lastly, I’ll make the final report. I’m on the people that didn’t wear the poppies. So that’s what I think about Don Cherry’s poppy idea. Till next time!

  13. maya33 says:

    Don Cherry and His Big Mistake

    Don Cherry was fired on November 12, 2019. Just a few days ago. He was fired for saying a disrespectful note for the Immigrants. Of course, he has said some racist notes, but this one went way to far. His note was that they should be wearing a poppy to show respect for the men in war. But the way he said it in his voice seemed demanding and rude. My mom (Olivia Arenas/Gorio) use to be an Immigrant here in Canada. She used to work as a senior companion for a man. She didn’t learn that much of him, but he told her that he used to be a veteran (someone who has been in the army or war). And of course, my mom wore a poppy on Remembrance Day. And it’s not that all Immigrants aren’t wearing a poppy. My mom uses a poppy every Remembrance Day ever since she came to Canada. Especially when she was an Immigrant. So, it’s not like all Immigrants forget to wear a poppy. My sister (Arwen Gabrielle Gorio) almost forgot her poppy on Remembrance Day. And she’s not an Immigrant. So next time when he messes up again, he should be less specific. If he was known for rants, why couldn’t he just do a good rant. For example, he could make a rant about how we should respect the people who have been through war and all the trauma they’ve been through. So, we should show some respect by remembering them. And in that sentence, there is another reason why he shouldn’t be so demanding about poppies. If you have the chance to get a poppy for Remembrance Day, that’s great. But the poppy is to show part of respect to the men. But the most important thing is for people to remember. To remember to always think about how these men who defended Canada. These are all my opinions about Don Cherry and why he deserved or didn’t deserve to be fired.

    Made by: Maya Azrielle Gorio

  14. tiana3 says:

    In my opinion, I think that Don Cherry’s words were very unacceptable and that what he said was not right. Don Cherry’s words were not kind to immigrants who came to Canada and didn’t wear a poppy on Remembrance Day. He owes a bigger apology to the people who were offended. I think that what he meant is racist and he deserved to be fired. The immigrants didn’t really do any harm so what he said was rude. Another reason about what he said was wrong is that some immigrants might have possibly worn a poppy when he said that immigrants didn’t wear one so, what he said is wrong. Some immigrants also may not have money and they could also be in a rush as well. I think that the immigrants might respect the soldiers who fought for Canada and are very grateful for being able to live in Canada but, may not have money to buy a poppy. Honestly, those immigrants didn’t do anything wrong and were helpless. Some immigrants may have been busy from settling into Canada and might have forgot too. Then those immigrants would get complained, for not wearing a single poppy and, “are not respecting the soldiers when they are getting good things” apparently. That is not fair all and it is not true as well. It is very disgraceful for judging those immigrants when you don’t understand or know their feelings. His words were racist, so I think firing him was the right thing to do, otherwise, things would just get worse. Don Cherry should be more aware of what he is saying and should have more care and caution of his words. He shouldn’t use the facts that the immigrants are not from Canada and that unfortunately, some of them came from a poor country or family. In Canada, they want to find peace just like most of us have, so we should treat them equally. I think that Don Cherry shouldn’t complain since he didn’t do anything to support the immigrants when some of them don’t have money. I think he is trying to say that immigrants don’t come from Canada, so they should be happy and respect Canadiens such as the soldiers who fought for us and to be a part of Canada, they should wear a poppy(on Remembrance Day) to respect them. But what if they are broke? What if they were busy and might have forgot? They want to be a part of Canada but, it is wrong to complain to them for not contributing into this event. I think that even though someone doesn’t or forgot to wear a poppy on Remembrance Day, they might as well respect the soldiers from their heart. Otherwise, it’s not nice to wear a poppy but not really care or respect the soldiers on this day. Maybe, some immigrants do respect the soldiers from heart but for some reason, they didn’t wear a poppy on Remembrance Day. But just because they didn’t wear a poppy doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be judged crucially. I believe that he wants the immigrants who didn’t wear a poppy to wear one, but he still said it rudely so that is what got him fired. I know that what he said was rude especially how he said, “You people…” since that isn’t a nice way to talk about the immigrants and use those words to say something about them. In conclusion, Don Cherry’s words were racist and mean and were not fully true, so it is right to fire him.

  15. teran2 says:

    This is my opinion on Don Cherry’s remarks regarding that all people should be wearing a poppy. I do agree with Don Cherry and some of his thoughts. I still believe that he should not have chosen the words words he did. He said “those people”. By choosing those words he is referring to a group of people that are new immigrants. This seems to single them out. By singling out a group of people and putting out your opinion out in the media you are responsible for putting thoughts into other people’s minds. These thoughts in my opinion are divisive. Don Cherry is a celebrity and people look up to him. I had a conversation with my mom about Don Cherry. She said Teran your lucky that at age nine you have not personally experienced a lot of racism. Even though my mom was born and raised in Canada, she experienced a lot of racism by the time she was 9 years old. When she heard Don Cherry refer to a group of people as “ those people”, it hurt her feelings. Sometimes, to this day she is still made to feel as if she is one of “those people”. This is not how be treated and be made to feel.

    I think he should have been fired because he didn’t apologize for what he said and how it made people feel. However he did bring up a good point about how so many people have forgotten what a poppy means. There are many people who are from Canada that also don’t wear the poppy also. He could have chosen the words better.

    My grandfather fought in WWII for the English army. It would be shameful to forget about my grandfather along with the thousands of others who also fought in wars in order to give us our freedoms we all share today.

  16. leo40 says:

    In my opinion, I think that what Don cherry said is correct. There are hundreds of thousands of Canadian soldiers that gave their lives to make Canada a better place and it’s like some of the immigrants don’t even care about them (except for the immigrated soldiers). Don and his friend Ron MacLean even went to Nova Scotia and they were holding up signs that honored and remembered two children that died there. One was fifteen, and one was seventeen. Nobody even said a word. Every year we honor the soldiers that died in the war and even the immigrants could participate in this annual event just to remember them. So, they come here, they like our products and stuff and yet they don’t understand how they are able to be getting this stuff because other people aren’t controlling us because of the Canadian soldiers that gave their lives to make Canada a safe and happy environment to live in. So, as Don cherry said, “You people that come here … whatever it is, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you could pay a couple of bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys pay for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada, these guys paid the biggest price” (and the reporters say,) Cherry said, emphasizing the “you” with numerous finger jabs at the camera. So, as I was saying, they come here, they like our products, and yet they don’t honor the fact that they can walk freely on the roads of Canada and not be a victim if suicidal bombers and get blown to pieces every two minutes because of the Canadian soldiers that gave their lives to guard Canada and protect it from dangers.

    On the other hand, I don’t think that what he said was wrong, it was just his tone of voice, and because he used the phrase, “you people”. He could’ve used a nicer tone because the tone he used was like an annoyed, arrogant, questioning, or fierce tone. He also talked as if he were extremely disgusted. The other reason was because he said, “you people”. When you say, “you people”, it means a lot to other people. Even to me. When you say that, it makes other people feel as if they are being disrespected or targeted. And again, I also feel that way. Don could’ve used another phase instead of the one he currently used. For example, he could’ve said “you guys” instead of “you people”. So, in the end, Sportsnet gave him a chance to apologize. He REJECTED that chance and thought that what he said was correct. Not only did he think it’s correct, but he’s not acknowledging the fact that what he said was racist! All he said was that the word he should’ve used is “everybody”. When he was interviewed, he said, in my own words, that he would’ve loved to keep his job if he could. But if he’s fired, he’s fired. So, I can see that he’s that kind of person that just accepts the result of a situation (but not always). He also said that when he said, “you people”, he literally meant anyone. It could have been Irish, Scottish, or even Canadians. So just to simplify it for you, his phrase was addressed to all immigrants that moved here because of the things happening in their country.

    So, in the end, I think that what Don Cherry said was correct. I don’t fully support what he said though because of one: his tone of voice, and two: the fact that he used the phrase “you people”. Basically, what I’m saying is that I agree with what he’s saying, but I also agree on what his punishment was. However, the only part that I think was wrong was when Don Cherry’s friend, Ron MacLean had to apologize for Cherry’s words. He didn’t do anything and yet he must apologize for the person who doesn’t have the guts to admit himself that what he said was wrong! And now let me show you how rude Don Cherry is. He had a meeting with Ron and here’s what he said,


    “Why wouldn’t some kids feel like they haven’t gotten a fair shake in life?” MacLean asked.

    “Fair shake in life! Go out and get your own fair shake in life and work for it. Don’t give me that stuff,” Cherry replied.

    Now he’s targeting women,


    “When you come to the games, keep your eyes on the puck. I’m telling ya, I’ve seen some awful smacks, and it’s always a woman yapping away there. Look at the game,”- Don cherry

    Now he’s talking about the warming trend:


    “David Suzuki left wing kook, you’re in Vancouver. It’s warm out there. Why don’t you come to Toronto, we’ve been freezing for two months … what is this, warming trends? We’re all dying of cold, and he’s talking warming trend. What?”

    “I’m just asking you, the cuckaloos are always saying there are warming trends — we’re freezing to death.” -all by Don Cherry

    Now he’s insulting the hockey players. I mean, does this guy know when to stop? Does this guy have a limit ’cause I don’t think he does.


    “The ones I’m really disgusted with …. The bunch of pukes that fought before — Stu Grimson, Chris Nilan, Jim Thomson — the reason, ‘Oh, the reason that they’re drinking, drugs and alcoholics is because they fight.’ You turncoats, you hypocrites,” “There’s one thing I’m not, it’s a hypocrite. You guys, you were fighters, and now you don’t want guys to make the same living you did.”- all by Don Cherry

    The three players released a statement calling his comments “inappropriate”, “baseless and slanderous,” adding that they were considering “further recourse,” which prompted a rare apology from Cherry a week later.

    So now you know how rude he is. Well, that’s not all, he has been way ruder than that countless times. So, in conclusion, I would say that what Don Cherry said is correct, it’s just the tone he used and the “you people” statement.

  17. marko16 says:

    Don Cherry

    After doing a little research about Don Cherry’s comments, I’ve learned that this is not the first time that he had made sexiest or racist comments.
    As commentator after hockey game, he said “you people” don’t respect Canadians for fighting for Canada’s freedom.
    “You people” in my opinion is racist and only referring to the immigrants.
    Don was asked to apologize for what he said, which would probably give him his job back.
    He refused to apologize.
    I think he didn’t want to apologize because he thinks he is right.
    Don said on one of the clips I saw, he should have used “everybody” instead of “you people”.
    Using word everybody, would probably change people’s perspective and they would not think he is referring only to immigrants.
    He lost his job because of the words he used, and I think it’s right.
    If everyone is using the same words and meaning behind it as Don in public and on TV, it would be very offensive to ALL of us in Canada.
    Since Canada is made out of immigrants and different cultures, we should respect our differences.
    In a way Don Cherry was right about that people are not wearing enough of the poppies lately.
    But I think it depends for some of how long they have been here in Canada.
    I am thinking of newcomers that are trying to do right for their family, go to work, provide food and life essentials.
    Some people that moved to Canada, they didn’t have the same where they came from.
    Maybe they didn’t have poppy as a symbol to veterans, so they don’t know what that means.
    Maybe they don’t have money to buy poppy.
    Going back to Don, maybe he was frustrated that people are not acknowledging war veterans because he lost close family or a friend.
    But this is not giving him the right to use “you people” at all.
    I felt uncomfortable when I’ve heard comments that Don made.
    The reason for that is because my parents, my whole family and many friends, are immigrants.
    We wear poppies, maybe not all of us but we are truly grateful.
    Both of my great grandparents were in 2nd World War fighting for freedom of all of us.
    Also I feel that many people that don’t wear poppy are still very grateful.
    Poppy is just a symbol, it doesn’t mean people don’t care.
    At the end of the day Don Cherry was wrong for what he said but didn’t own up to it.

  18. alan6 says:

    In my opinion I think it was good that Cherry got fired. I think that because, he did lots of bad things in the past and even if he apologized for the kind of same thing. Like why would you give an adult like 10,000 chances when you know that he knows that it is wrong to do those types of things. And Don cherry did something that is kind of racist to some people. (not really.) well what I mean is that he was angry that some immigrants did not wear poppies to remember the solders. Well in that case you can’t really force the immigrants to wear them because you do not know their cultural background. Like they can be like what the (something you do not want to hear) is remember ends day? And so, on the news he’s like IMMAGRANTS. Only do not were the poppies. So, what who cares. It’s their choice of what they want to do. So, it is pretty good that he got fired. And as we all know he did very bad things as a famous person. And of the looks of things in my case I think that people are happy because of the fact. And why does there have to be so many bad people in our world. And guess what it is always the famous people that are doing most of the bad things in our world. It is so too bad. ): and finally it is indeed bad to think that you are the center the universe or something like that. And here is a very good example of something: you can do what you want in your own world but if you make good choices then good things will come back to you. And if you do bad things then…. you guessed it bad things will come back to you. It is that simple. And so that is a reason why Don Cherry got fired on the spot I should say. Well that concludes my blog post. And I hope you learned a thing or two. And most importantly do not do bad things because if you read my post then you would know that whatever you do will someday come to haunt you back in the Future. So, you better watch out if you do bad things because even if you say sorry that is not enough. By: Alan S J.(:-

  19. marina1 says:

    In my opinion, I do not think that what Don Cherry said was acceptable. Surely, there were many people who were offended by this but didn’t do any harm. Don Cherry maybe didn’t even mean to be rude, but I doubt that. If I am going to be honest, I am not happy that he got fired, after all it was his job, but luckily, we won’t be hearing such rude remarks about others as often. Did you find this offensive? Even though Don Cherry apologized for most of the mistakes he shouldn’t be forgiven all the time since his ‘mistakes’ are clearly on going. What he said is not something someone who cares would say. Maybe the reason Don Cherry is saying all these offensive remarks, is so that he could get more attention, or maybe he just says what he really thinks. This sort of stuff though, he should keep to himself. Not just because he got fired due to the rude talk, but that many people can get very offended by this. I think that this was a very big mistake. Don Cherry should for sure pay more attention to what he is going to say. He not only ruined his reputation but lost his job as well. What he said was very unnecessary and was not needed to be heard by the whole world either. The fact that he said “You people” just made it that much worse. What did he mean by “You people”? Maybe Don Cherry doesn’t understand that, there are many people who celebrate Remembrance Day but don’t wear poppies. It seems like Don Cherry is almost mad, that there are ‘immigrants’ coming to Canada. Do you think so? Don Cherry clearly doesn’t know that there are tons of people in the world that respect everyone who have brought peace to this world. Don Cherry was disrespectful when he mentioned that people should spend ‘a couple of bucks’ to buy a poppy. It seems as if Don Cherry was asking to be fired. Nobody should ever be making rude remarks about people even if they were being disrespectful first. That was exactly what Don Cherry was doing. It caused him to lose his own job. Don Cherry (as I mentioned earlier) has made many other rude remarks through the past and was very offensive. My family has never fought in any type of war of anything like it.

  20. zoe24 says:

    Don Cherry: You People VS We People
    Still going on with racism?! After the Trudeau and voter incidents, I didn’t expect someone different to start it up once again. After Don Cherry, former host of “Coach’s Corner”, made the remark “You people”, WE people have started to post OUR own remarks.
    “Anxious to get a new [poppy] before Don Cherry has me sent back to where I came from,” wrote one Twitter user. “#Wethepeople, not #youthepeople,” said another. When I saw these thoughts, I know how they feel. If I was one of the people who immigrated to Canada, I would be anxious to get a poppy so I wouldn’t have to be kicked out of Canada.
    When Mr. Cherry was ranting about the people not “supporting” our country, his “partner”, Ron MacLean, a sports broadcaster, listens intently. After Cherry is finished with his speech, MacLean gives a thumbs up, and. On November 19th, the CBC news says MacLean doesn’t think Cherry is racist.
    Cherry does make a small point (The milk and honey IS good… sike, not that), we all should buy a poppy at least and show our respects. We could also make a poppy and just stick it on our jackets, shirts, etc. But of course, not everyone has to. Cherry should have thought about the opponents “attacking” us. The people who immigrate here may have been a relative to the people/person trying to “attack” Canada. Don Cherry did have a point, Canadians should wear poppies, but they shouldn’t wear poppies because they are forced to. Poppies are worn because it shows that we care, and not everyone cares about the soldiers, which is perfectly fine. Everyone has different opinions.
    Cherry’s rant is racist and is not. Cherry was just trying to make a point, but he really should have changed his use of words differently. Personally, if I had to fire Cherry, I would have thought, “Does he really mean how he said ‘you people’ or did he just accidentally say that?” If he really meant “you people” in an offensive way, I would have fired him. If I could suggest to him I would say, “Sometimes opinions you think matter a lot to you may not apply to other people.”
    I have to admit; I really hate Cherry’s use of “you people”. That seems like whatever Don Cherry’s point is, it doesn’t apply to him. I understand how others feel, and why they question Cherry’s use of words, but I feel angry at Don a Cherry for having the chance to apologize and keep his job, but instead, he doesn’t apologize. I think that signifies that he really means what he said.

  21. noorai1 says:

    Don cherry and his words

    Don cherry went live one day and was talking about Remembrance Day. He was explaining things about poppy’s when he said this “you come here and eat are food, and you can’t even spend a couple of bucks for a poppy”. (Or something close to that x3). I find this rude because, some people don’t have to. They might have a different religion and so and so. They could be poor so they could not even afford a poppy (which I am not jugging paying rent and making money is hard. People have rights here. Canada is a free country remember that don cherry. We all live in peace (cringe xD).

    But still I feel like firing him was a bad idea. He slipped words out of his mouth that weren’t cool, but that was not a good reason to fire him. Yes, he was doing this continually but bruh he is like you said, 85 years old! Give him a break! He is in his …… last years. On earth…. T~T. (I about to cry bruh miss.panesar.!! I’m crying!) He probably is so much stress now, which is never a heathy option to be stressed out. I believe he should get his job back to deduce his stress. His mind was most likely not on track then. So, don’t judge the guy! He is 85, remember that! I guess I’m on don cherry’s side. So, no hate please! I don’t think he is a bad guy at all! So those are my final thoughts! MISS>PANESAR IM SO SORRY THIS WAS POSTED LAATE!!! T~T I have good reasons! >: (

  22. noah30 says:

    I think that what don cherry said was true but very offensive to the immigrants because what if some one judges you on some thing you don’t know.I also think that they over reacted to what he said, i don’t think that they should have fired him they should have given them a chance to reclaim his job.My dad said that what they did to don cherry must have been an accident because he was a great man.My mom said that he should have been warned not fired,everyone makes mistakes.I kind o agree with what my mom said because it is true that everyone makes these mistakes in their lives.And plus it was a very small mistake i might make a mistake.Maybe it just came out wrong that always happens like if i said some thing nice to a person and it came out mean.That could always happen to people.My dad also said who ever fired him should get fired him self because he made a big mistake.Most people i asked said that don cherry was a great man but you always have to go down at one point.No I don’t know don cherry the best but he look’s like a successful person ti begin with. Hokey players don’t end up like he did to start with.I think he definitely exceeded my expectations.But i don’t want to ed up like he did.

    thank you!

  23. joshua38 says:

    By Joshua

    In my opinion, Don Cherry is wrong about immigrants not wearing poppies because on Remembrance Day, I wore a poppy and I am from Hong Kong. He using “you people” is bad to me because it sounds like I am not part of the country. I felt offended because he is saying that we are mean, and we don’t care about people who die for us in the war. I think it is ok that he is fired. I think he is kind of racist because he said immigrates don’t wear poppies and it is like he thinks of all immigrates are bad. Firing him is probably a smart decision for his boss because, in the article, it mention that Don Cherry had made harsh remarks multiple times and he had also been given a chance to apologize but he didn’t. And we all know that immigrates who came to Canada fought in the war. And some of us are from the same country as the people who fought in the war. So, of course, we would remember them and wear poppies on Remembrance Day. I think Don Cherry should do some research before he says immigrates don’t wear poppies. I guess being fired would be a lesson for him to not be too harsh on people. I think maybe he could have just told people to wear poppies in a nicer way. For example: Canadian soldiers fought for us. So, we should wear a poppy to remember them. Or: Soldiers fought for us in the war, so we should be grateful and wear poppies. But maybe he was trying to persuade us to wear a poppy. But he has no idea how to do it in a nicer way? I am kind of mad about what he said. but this is also a lesson for us to not be rude. I don’t think any of my family members ever fought in a war. I am glad because if they die in a war, I would feel very sad. And if they died before I was born, there is a slight chance that I wouldn’t be born. So, once again, I am glad that they didn’t have to go to war. Don Cherry is might apply for a new job. If he gets the job, I hope that he will be less harsh. In conclusion, I think Don cherry getting fired is fine and he should be nicer.

  24. lorenzo6 says:

    I think it was good that they fired Don Cherry because world war 2 had lots of Canadians fighting or our freedom and he might think that its just what they want to do. But really it’s what they need to do to protect their family and everyone else in their country. What he probably does not know is that the Canadian solders fought in war for him too. many people just don’t care about these solders. but we people who wear poppies care for what these people have done to protect our country. we wear those poppies to remember all the sacrifices that these solders made. some of them never got to see their families again. some that survived, put their lives in danger to protect us, and so we can have our freedom. Don Cherry was being so rude to not ever wear a poppy and told some people to not wear a poppy. I don’t think it was a good idea because there might have been some young people watching and that was not a good to teach them what is wrong. If it was a mistake he did then he must say sorry immediately But the way he said it, does not look like it was a mistake and that he was meaning it and he wanted to say that on purpose. I think that the people who were in war and were so lucky that got to go home, had to feel very offended by that message that Don Cherry said to the country. I and my family wear a poppy to remember what the solders did to let us be free so we could live a happy life. Since these brave solders did this, me, my friends, and my family can go have the freedom that the solders did for us and for all Canadian citizens. he did not say sorry and did not want to even say it because he thinks it was really ok. I’m going to agree that Don Cherry should be fired and hope that the people i know don’t just turn on like that. So hopefully that the people who got that message did not do what he did or said because that is not a person you should look up to. I wish that no one will go on the news and say that again. I think that Don’s actions are NOT OK. they are super racist and not being nice to the people around him. even the people who gets home from war and see this message. If there were not people who wanted to risk their lives to save the countries peace, then he would be begging for mercy and really wanting for some solders to come help him. I also think that when he said you people, that would mean lots to they other people of Canada. And it would make some people people feel like trash when they are called you people. I hope that the people who agree with Don Cherry will soon find out that they have also done wrong. I also hope that Don Cherry will also soon realize that he made a big mistake and owes the country Canada a big apology and that he won’t make the same mistake ever again.

  25. mohamed4 says:

    I think Don Cherry should have worded his sentence better. I understand how he feels but he should have used different words. He is not wrong to feel that way. Though it makes sense that he would feel that way, he made it racist. If he used different words it would have been fine. He blamed it on two types of immigrants and noone else. Imagine if some body pinned the blame all on you. That is kind of harsh. I can also see why they axed him from his job. He was being racist but if you think about it he was giving examples of the people. He should have said everybody and not pin it on two peoples. It is kind of hard to just go on and fire him. In a way he deserved it . This world is very racist. After he got fired, people interviewed him and he said he wishes that he said it differently. lots of times. That means that he didn’t mean for it to be racist but that is what happened. If Mr. cherry was thinking at that moment nothing bad would have hapened. This man may seem like the bad guy, but everyone has a reason. Mr. Cherry is not a bad man but he made a few bad mistakes.

  26. albert4 says:

    Firstly i don’t know don cherry. Sometimes multiple acts can lead up to this or this was out of no where.Anyways don cherry makes a good statement he is right that people should wear a poppy for the people who died for such a good land but immigrants sometimes dont know our culture they thought of just everyone’s land deal. His statement is not like the absolutely no reasons people he gives an actual reason this is what makes him different from people and a good education who thinks what he says. This mad act got him fired and alot and i mean a lot of people came for a good country maybe like half our country or even more is practically immigrants even my father from china! And in my defence don cherry’s statement isn’t perfect. People can think of the people who died and the act of kindness they did suffer terror and everything it can’t be they have to wear a poppy.

    Now on the people’s view at don cherry. Probably the most anger and frustration maybe even the people had no money case canada’s money is the most balanced. The people are thinking to themselves about this but what if the people don’t know what their saying they would question themselves. But cherry should’ve take back what he said because the children can learn everything and canada would be normal again no more of these fights. These were all in my opinion everyone thinks different but the winner? I think the winner were us people we can teach on the streets and say about this when given to poor and in the next generations of people would die and the new generation of people who do go to school will know this. This is why all of my loyalty are on people. But this doesn’t mean the future would have the same. But don cherry is a good man he just wants people to realize who paid for the land who shaped our land and give them this small credits to them.

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