Student Vote!

On Friday afternoon, Division 5 took to the ballot box! They had fun while also learning about how to vote and the overall process. In some pictures, maybe a little tooooooo much fun! 

P.S. I was coerced into the selfie, totally against my free will. I blame Ella, Tiana, Sally, Althea and Noah ๐Ÿ™‚


12 thoughts on “Student Vote!

  1. lyn2 says:

    Hey! I am not feeling well because coughing like CRAZY and it might be ruining class and might be annoying! ๐Ÿ˜… and Im going over to my grannyโ€™s so I might not reply back fast. Well fellow class mates have fun!

  2. zoe24 says:

    Ms. Pandasarcastic :3

    You seemed to enjoy the selfie though! Even thought you blame them, it was a good photo (Or was it? (Total sarcasm))

    Voting was really fun! I didnโ€™t know who to vote for ๐Ÿ˜… but STILL IT WAS FUN

    • Ms. Panesar says:

      Lol no Zoeeee, I was completely forced. I totally did not want to do it, but because I am just soooo nice, I let them.

      P.S. What really happened was that I was ambushed, jumped on, and forced to take a quick pic!

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