Election Results Are In!

This post is more easy breezy and dedicated to  Vincent The Giggles Toews, who wanted one for the election! 

What are you thoughts on the election, the election results, etc.  If you were to vote for a candidate in your riding (area), who would you have voted for and why? 

Image result for canadian election results


Here are some links for more info: 




And the student vote results:


Any thoughts, comments or questions are welcome!!  Have fun 🙂 

15 thoughts on “Election Results Are In!

  1. labib1 says:

    It honestly is weird how the liberals won so much more seats but the conservatives had more of the population, also funny how bloc Quebecois got more then the NDP even though they’re mostly only known in Québec and the NDP are supposed to be the third most popular party along with the liberals and conservatives. The peoples party also got defeated COMPLETLY because the party leader lost his own riding against the conservatives, poor guy.

  2. zoe24 says:

    Like Labib (I would have replied, except i have my own thoughts), I’m quite surprised the Liberals won so many seats after the… uhm… incident (I don’t want to be rude, but apparently I sound very rude). Like Labib and Ms.Panesar, I’m sad/surprised the NDP lost by a lot, and also the difference between the seats of the Green and the Liberal parties.

    Since the results are in, I might have well just spill mah beans. I rooted for NDP because 1. I didn’t really know the others besides Andrew Sheer, and I remember him throwing insults at Trudeau, and I think Mr.Sheer might have not thought about it, or either Mr.Sheer himself was slightly insulted. 2. If Mr.Singh had gotten more seats and won the election, personally, it could maybe change racism, after what happened to him at the Atwater Market. “Hey, I think all Canadians look different.” I really like how he said this because it shows that he thinks and says positively , and he doesn’t try to show anger, frustration, embarrassment, etc.

    Still, I think that election stresses the candidates, and they might be working very hard just to get the place as Prime Minister, Premier, etc. If I were a candidate, I’d be stressed and probably have bags under my eyes 😂.

  3. labib1 says:

    also their was a surprise over by Vancouver Grenville were independent candidate Jody Wilson Raybould won her spot in the house of commons, I wonder what will happen with Justin and her, will their be forgiveness or agruments?

    • Ms. Panesar says:

      Labib, that is a great observation, and so true! Looks like people seemed to believe her in contrast to Justin Trudeau. I am happy for her though, she is a confident, intelligent woman, not to mention super gutsy that she went up against the Prime Minister!

  4. kelvin3 says:

    I’m a bit confused on how the NDP got a higher percentage of votes than the Bloc Quebecois, but got fewer seats than them. That part of the vote is confusing, but overall I think the vote elections are fine, and I wouldn’t do anything to change them. I would vote for the Liberals, due to past arguments, it’d be known that I support the liberals.

  5. labib1 says:

    Honestly though, we can never expect an election to go exactly how you wanted to be but there must be someone who leads and whoever does get chosen has been chosen by the country.

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