Election Mess!

As we are all aware of, the 2019 Canadian Federal Election has been well underway. The election is soon among us, on October 21st, to be exact! This is when Canadians from all around the country will head out to cast their ballot. 

Image result for elections 2019 canada

In 2015, the Liberals won a majority, which was led by Justin Trudeau. Again, Justin Trudeau is running as the leader of the Liberal party and has been their leader since April, 2013. If the 

Liberals win, and if Trudeau wins his seat in Papineau, he will remain as the Prime Minister of Canada. The Liberals are associated with the colour, red. There are a couple of other noteworthy parties. “Choose Forward” is the slogan that the Liberals run with. 

Image result for justin trudeau liberals

Andrew Scheer is the leader of the Conservative party. They are usually associated with the colour, blue. Currently, they are sitting in second place. “It’s Time for You to Get Ahead,” is the slogan that is used by the Conservatives. Scheer has been the Conservative leader since May, 2017. His seat that he needs to win is in Regina. 

Image result for andrew scheer conservative party of canada

Next, there is the NDP or the New Democratic party which is led by Jagmeet Singh. (He is a big deal to us because his ‘seat’ is in the Burnaby South riding – Royal Oak area. These leaders also need to be elected or win their ‘seat.’ The slogan that the NDP uses is: In it for You. Singh has been the leader of the NDP since October, 2017. There are a few other parties that are also running like: the Bloc Quebecois, the Green Party and the People’s Party.    

Image result for jagmeet singh ndp

As the Prime Minister of Canada, Trudeau has implemented many positive changes in government and in Canada. First, he has worked hard to increase gender equality. For example, our anthem became gender neutral and his federal cabinet has 15 men and 15 women (this was a first of any other government). Second, he has allowed at least 40, 000 Syrian refugees to come to Canada, and in 2018, Canada resettled more refugees than any other country in the world. Lastly, he has focused greatly on climate change and the reconciliation process with our First Peoples.

Take a look at this link for how elections work: 


This video explains how Canada’s voting system works: 


In fact, he has been one of the most vocal Prime Minister’s that Canada has had regarding equality. BUT! Unfortunately, when an election is happening and every vote counts, unsettling stories surface.  For many, many years, White Male actors would play roles of Black characters. Instead of having a black actor play the role, or just doing away with the whole idea of colour/race/ethnicity, these actors would wear ‘blackface.’ Generally speaking, actors would take black coloured shoe polish and rub it all over their face to appear ‘black.’ Sadly, some actors would try to caricature (exaggerate) black features, like facial features or hair. In recent yea

rs, the West has stood heavily against these racist acts – at no point is something like this ‘funny’ or a ‘costume.’ In their college / high school years, a couple of American politicians wore ‘blackface’ and when their pictures surfaced in the media, they resigned. 

Take  a look at a Florida politician, who has yet to step down, named Anthony Sabatini. Clearly, he is dressed up as a racist stereotype- a Black gangster. 

Image result for michael ertel blackfaceImage result for blackface

Watch this news clip about blackface in Canada:


On at least a few occasions, Justin Trudeau dressed up in blackface and brownface. 

Image result for blackface

In the pictures on both the top left and bottom left, Justin Trudeau is wearing blackface. On the picture in the right, Trudeau is dressed up in brownface, wearing a turban and attempting to look like an Arab (Muslim) in his Aladdin costume. He says: In 2001, when I was a teacher in Vancouver, I attended a gala. The theme was Arabian Nights. I dressed up in an Aladdin costume and put makeup on. I shouldn’t have done that. I should have known better, but I didn’t and I’m really sorry.

Please read the below articles for more information: 



So after reading through this all, it’s your turn, your first of the year, to weigh in on this. What are your thoughts on Trudeau’s actions? Do you feel that he is racist or that the acts of dressing up in blackface and brownface was/is racist? Or, was it like he said, a simple mistake that he didn’t know about at the time. Do you feel that as a politician, he should have resigned or is it fair for him to stay in power and run as the Liberal leader? Do you think that this sends a strong message to people that blackface and brownface is wrong, or will people still continue thinking that it isn’t that bad? What do you think this says about Canada to the rest of the world? Please respond in complete sentences, formal language and use of details. Grade 5’s your submission should be roughly 20 sentences, grade 6’s your submission should be roughly 30. Please feel free to write more than this, and remember to treat this issue with sensitivity and compassion!

37 thoughts on “Election Mess!

  1. jeremy17 says:

    I think Justin Trudeau did this on purpose because he did have a choice to be Aladdin without the make up. I also feel like he is not a good politician for hiding this racist action. Justin Trudeau should not have had the liberal leader position. Justin Trudeau should have been given a lower position. Blackface and brownface should be illegal in all countries. If Mr.Trudeau was the prime minister and he did it again, he wouldn’t be the prime minister anymore. He has said that he would not do it anymore. This should be a lesson for all people. He would lose many votes in the election. I feel that blackface is wrong for all people that who have done it. I think that others who do it on purpose are racist people. They should not be trusted in games, work or government. I think that the rest of the world will see Trudeau as a non-racist person. We should be kind to everyone so we can have friendships throughout the world. And also to the ones that have blackface. Everyone should learn from this. Mr. Trudeau did this quite a while ago and now he has to accept his mistakes. Blackface is not for anyone. Not for any animal. Some people know that he should be a better person in thinking of his actions. And again, everyone should learn from this.

  2. labib1 says:

    I think Justin Trudeau has made a bad mistake. The mistake has brought worldwide attention and Justin Trudeau is really on the spot, but you should give people chances to fix their mistake in life. I do agree that he should have known better, but he may be right about the world not being active on racism and how people were not realizing that we should not do black or brown face. It is now proven that doing an act like this can cause commotion in the world of politics and can result in politician resigning because of the guilt. This conflict in another way is a big advantage for opposing parties so they can take it as a weakness to persuade people over to support their side. His party’s motto “choose forward” also makes me connect with his past and how you keep the past the past. He is still a good man and can bring the country together while saving the world. We can talk about this all you want but if we lose Earth, we lose everything, so Justin Trudeau is doing a good job being active on climate change. Racism to other people is not funny and it just shows that certain people think that white is superior. For a prime minister, none of them really seem to be a perfect choice because they all have bad stuff about them in the outside. The inside can be completely different, Justin Trudeau may be truly sorry, and, in your life, you must make mistakes or else you’re never going to learn about them. So, give him a chance and he may even start looking into these types of acts. I’m not a fan or true supporter of Justin Trudeau but just in general he looks like a person who is polite and deep down would give anything to continue his journey. He also has helped the helpless people of Syria by taking in refugees and giving them homes to live in and giving them place. Other candidates take it as “shocking news “and how Justin Trudeau should no longer participate in politics and how racism does not belong.
    In my opinion he sends a strong message that this is wrong, and people should never imitate people and their religion by being racist. At the Leader’s Debate today some Trudeau supporters face to face screamed at him saying hopes for him to get minority in the election. Now with all the drama some people lay their confused. So, being confused it leaves lots of Canadians under pressure to figure out who would be a good leader in their opinion. Trudeau is now getting attacked left and right with embarrassing comments from Andrew Scheer because of the SNC Lavalin case and the Jody Wison Raybould issue. People probably also think of Justin Trudeau as a racist coward because of all his acts with racism in more than 3 ways. It would truly be fair that Justin Trudeau continued as a prime minister because he already has led for 4 years. My family is also originally Muslim, and my dad just takes this as a mistake, and he doesn’t see why people are taking so much over 3 pictures. He has apologized many times in public, but it still has not made people satisfied. It also looks like he didn’t even do it that seriously, he just pretended to be Aladdin. Also, it doesn’t seem like pretending to be your favorite
    singer is a problem. The way Justin Trudeau did his blackface just seemed to be full on neutral. All the candidates have their problems, but Justin’s is the only one the fisherman caught. He is on the other hand very gender equal in some cases fixed our anthem so its gender equal. In conclusion, I think Justin Trudeau should be given the second chance from his racist actions.

  3. lorenzo6 says:

    Justen Trudeau has made a very very bad mistake by doing blackface thinking it was OK. But it is not ok. its racist and very offensive to many people around the world and even Canada. He has regret his actions and says he would never do that miserable mistake again. Now he is the prime minister of Canada and does good things now. If he does this again he might now be elected by the Canadian citizens. Also Justen Trudeau might have already got a second chance by the people of Canada. He was right about saying he should have known much better then playing around doing black face. We think that being racist is sometimes showing off, or looking cool. But reality, it’s not cool. It’s not ok. Thats the mistake Justen Trudeau has made. I think that, it’s his first big bad mistake, and everyone makes mistakes so I think giving Trudeau a second chance to the right thing is a good idea. After all he still is our Prime Minister. People do racist things for attention, and like i said, that they think its cool but it’s offensive to many people around the world. Justin Trudeau is a very good man inside. i really know that but people start to be mean to his about his blackface mistake. It’s getting embarrassing to Justin. And this is not just to him. it’s also to other racist people out there. Since everyone makes mistakes, i think Justin Trudeau deserves a second chance.

  4. leo40 says:

    I think that Justin made a big mistake here. Dressing up as Blackface is racist, and people who are doing this are discriminating black people. If people knew he was doing this, he would have never been a prime minister. I think that at the time, Trudeau didn’t know what he was doing. He probably just thought it was fun but didn’t know how racist it was. I feel like he should have resigned when he was doing it. If he did it and still wanted to be prime minister it wouldn’t be fair, and I have only one word to describe him: greedy. Although he’s not greedy on other things, only this topic has brought my attention on here.

    I think it will send a very strong message to people doing blackface. Like I said before, if people knew he was doing this, he would have never been a prime minister. And I, personally think that if the leaders from the other parties knew this about him, they would have used this excuse to take advantage and persuade other people to support their party. Then, Justin wouldn’t even stand a chance to get a seat in the house of commons, and I most definitely think that he would have a very small chance of being the leader of a party. I think that if he apologizes, this situation will be forgotten. However, I don’t think that he will ever forget his big mistake. I don’t think that he will ever do it again. But one thing for sure, black people around the world will never forgive him. After people who were doing blackface hear our opinion, I am sure they would never do it again. In my head, I think that if people in Africa or any black person in any part of the world knew this and understood what was going on, they would be shocked, angry, and mad at the people who were doing it. I don’t understand how black face is funny though. It’s not cool, it’s racist, and this mistake has brought the world to focus on this. However, people must occasionally make mistakes. Nobody is perfect, and people should be given the chance to correct their mistakes in their life. Everyone makes mistakes, but you can’t make a lot! However, Trudeau’s actions on THIS topic and how racist it is have given me second thoughts about giving him a second chance…

    I, on the other hand, think that Trudeau isn’t just a bad guy. And I know that he is proud to be the prime minister of this country. I’m pretty sure he would do anything for his country. He’s worked hard to solve this gender equality thing issue, trying to stop and help climate change after paying a visit to the Arctic. He has also let tens of thousands of helpless Syrian people into our country because they need help. He has done a lot for this country and I do believe that he is a good and polite man and he is definitely someone I can count on and has never let anybody down on anything. And so, in conclusion, my opinion is that Justin Trudeau should be given another chance.

  5. lucas78 says:

    My topic is about Justin Trudeau and how he was invited to a party. At the party he dressed up as Aladdin. He accidently did something horribly racist. He did something called Black Face which was putting on makeup to look like a black person. So now I will tell you about my opinion about it. My opinion is that Justin Trudeau did it by accident and he realized later on. But what he did was terribly racist. I think he shouldn’t have gotten away with it, but he did get away with it! I am disgusted at what people are doing these days, applying makeup to look like a black citizen and adding stuff such as hats, and necklaces to look like a gang dude ugh, so rude. Now I will tell you about my opinion about how some people think that it is okay to do Black Face. I think that many people think that it is okay to do Black Face because Justin Trudeau did it. I also think he should not be in power and he should step down from being leader of the Liberals. He doesn’t deserve to be a leader after what he did. I also think that Justin Trudeau did it on purpose because I searched up on the Internet and got a reply. The Internet said that he actually did Black Face more than once. Actually, maybe he might have done it three or four times! That is why I think that he is making more and more people think that it is okay to do Black Face. I also think that this makes Canada look bad. I think that because what my best city looks like is a place where people are happy, caring, nice, and polite. What are your opinions for him doing Black Face? Do you think that he did it by accident? Do you think that he did it on purpose? I hope the world leaves behind racism and becomes equal soon! Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. tyson12 says:

    I think Justin Trudeau could have known better but at the same time I think he was trying to fit in with the others so I would not be that mad at him. But I also think that he should have not done this because it is very rude and racist. I think that he should have avoided this because if a lot of people start to know about this people may think that Canadians are racist. Then people may not come to Canada. I think that if he avoided this he could have more people respect him and people will be nice to him. Justin Trudeau may have thought that it didn’t matter but he should have thought about it and then done something. This is a big problem because it is online. A lot of people are online so they may see Trudeau in black/brown face. When this was first noticed at September 19 It was all over the news. In the future this may be a world wide situation. Also since there are many pictures there is a lot of proof that he was wearing it. He did admit that he was wearing blackface. But his excuse was a very bad one because he said that he did not know that it was racist at that time. He could have made a better excuse. I think that he was surprised when he saw it online. Since a lot of people voted for him when he was prime minister I think not that many will vote for him anymore. This is also very racist since he was a teacher. Usually teachers should not make fun of a group of people just because they are different. I also think he should have been a better role model because he is a teacher. Also he should have not done this. This is What I think of Justin Trudeau and the black/brown face.

  7. teran2 says:

    By Teran

    When Justin Trudeau was elected as our Prime Minister, I thought he was going to be a great leader.
    Justin Trudeau did do some good things. He has brought positive change to Canada. He has increased gender equality in the government, by having an even amount of both genders. He is focused on global climate change. He has also brought in 40,000 Syrian refugees since he was elected as our Prime Minister, and helped them find homes. Canada has welcomed the most refugees compared to the rest of the world. He promised to support health care programs.

    Justin Trudeau also did make mistakes. I think he made a big mistake on doing his black and brown face. It seem like he was making fun of people of people who are naturally black and brown. I think he should have known better to not do what he did. One thing that made the mistake worse was that he did it more than once. But I do believe that he is truly sorry. People do make mistakes. I believe it was in the past, nearly 2o years ago, and he has learned from this. However, I don’t think he will be elected again for his brown face and black face mistakes he made in the past.

    I believe Justin Trudeau should be given a second chance. He has done more good things than bad things. I think he did a good job with focusing on things Canada needs to improve. If he does become Prime Minster again, I believe he improve as a leader.

  8. Sally Chen says:

    Justin Trudeau had decided to wear a brown face once at a “Arabian nights” themed gala. I think what Justin Trudeau did was unnecessary unacceptable and wrong. This picture represents Canada and how the prime minister acts. The photo of Justin Trudeau with a “brown” face was taken in 2001 at a private school, Arabian nights themed gala. It’s disappointing to see how racist he was at the time. I don’t think that Justin Trudeau should be forgiven, due to that photo most people must think of our prime minister as racist and rude. And other people from other countries may think “if that’s how the prime minister acts is Canada racist?” As I said before that picture represents Canada. And I believe Canada would not like to be thought of as racist people. It was a mistake and he had a choice weather not to wear a brown but he choice to do it. I could not imagine that the prime minister of Canada would do such a thing it is nasty and wrong of him. And as a prime minister alone I think he makes bad decisions. The picture had leaked and gotten worldwide attention and he did nothings about it. If I’m going to be honest it’s embarrassing to be in a country that seems so racist. I’m not sure why he wore the “brown face” but it certainly did make a huge difference from how I saw him before and how I see him now. He was supposed be someone we look up to, a leader an inspiration a responsible person we look up to but yet, our expectations are set too high. Justin Trudeau is supposed to be the one who inspire us to make good choices yet he himself can’t do that. This just shows how racist, irresponsible and horrible of a prime minister Justin Trudeau is. If you just take a moment and think of the things, he had done to make Canada a “better place” you will understand why I am saying this. Yes, he has done pretty good things as prime minister. But he has also done some things horribly wrong, and because we should always hold our politicians accountable. I believe Justin Trudeau is a uncappable man because of his actions. Let’s face it, the Trudeau government has been sluggish to respond to Canada’s ongoing opioid crisis. Justin Trudeau is a bad prime minister and will not be forgiven for his actions.

  9. zoe24 says:

    Election Mess!
    The pictures Trudeau was in as blackface sends a message to the world that racism is not tolerable! Even though Trudeau understands his mistake, other people are being very over dramatic over 3 pictures/videos of him wearing blackface, he was only participating in the Arabian Nights Gala Festival. Justin Trudeau had worn blackface multiple times, in fact, on CNN and BBC claim that Trudeau could not remember the times he wore blackface in his life. Andrew Scheer, Trudeau’s opponent, attacked him for the prime minister’s history of wearing blackface in his life. But because people keep saying, “Ohhhh, Canada’s prime minister has done blackface before!”, he may feel guilty and can lead to resigning. A history doesn’t mean that it WILL happen again. Its just a backstory, and such.
    These people said that blackface isn’t racist, and I personally think that they don’t understand the definition of racism.
    1. “Guys relax, blackface isn’t a big deal. I did it multiple times. Ya i was a little racist about it, but no one was hurt.”
    Blackface IS a big deal, and even if they say no one was hurt, someone obviously would have seen it on the video/comments anyways, and might have felt hurt. So even if that moment this person did blackface, no one might have been hurt at the moment, but otherwise, reading the comments this really surprised me.
    2. “Nothing wrong here.That was hilarious 😂.juat look at how happy he looked.”
    He might have been having fun, but at that point he didn’t understand what was racist and what was not. He went to the festival expecting to have fun, dressing up as Aladdin. Trudeau appreciated some of his supporters claim it was makeup, but he says that it wasn’t makeup, and it was blackface.Other famous people like the Canadian rapper, singer, and such, Drake, had also done blackface, and not caring much, thinking it would be a joke or something.
    Trudeau says, “I should have understood better then, and I should have never done it, and it is something unacceptable to do.” I know that Trudeau truly means it, and although I am not really a supporter of him, I understand he truly means it. He also apologized for wearing blackface, which still doesn’t satisfy some people. A lot of people in some social medias (I forgot where) say they wish they never elected him, and wish they could take back their vote. Personally, I think that they would be thinking they were a fool, but honestly, I think he has a lot of pros and cons to be aware of. Everyone has pros and cons (DuH dUh DuH) , and no one is perfect.
    A lot of people think blackface is ok and it’s hilarious, but it’s not. These people have demonstrated that they don’t care about other people that do feel hurt inside, although they may not show it. A lot of people had commented on a post on Twitter, and some of them said they were a fool in the past for voting for him. Now, there’s nothing wrong with electing him, its just a mistake he learned from.
    If anyone thinks blackface is ok, it shouldn’t be, because everyone has their religions, cultures, and beliefs, so no one should be judged or anything for their skin color, voice accent, hair color, eye color, and such. (This is a bit jumpy, sorry 😐) Justin Trudeau should be given a second chance for his actions he apologized for.

  10. kadin2 says:

    I think Justin sound just quit his job because he said so much. lies and who likes him now that he lies, I would like it very much. I did not like it when he was dressing up, I think that was. offensive to those peoples don’t know that people like Justin. can lie that much I just what him to go out so my dad will not. yell at dinner when we are watching the news I would vote for .the NDP because I hear stuff that is good NDP I will serenely hope that the win the vote because and if liberal wins it can be .bad so I hope that the win but for the conservative I don’t know that’s why I like NDP more better than liberal people just .believe in Justin I don’t know but Justin sounds so bad but cant lie he more better than trump at leased Justin made a mistake. to do something like that but why I don’t even feel bad about. him even in Vancouver people just hate him but some people. just move on from it I don’t know how but its hard, but life can. always down but with a little help people can go back to their life’s I mean implosion why implosion I think its bad but sending it to. the philosophize really Justin I mean it’s bad and the send it back and now what are me going to do but if NDP wins I don’t. know I can’t tell the world and he wound stand a chance to. Justin not to hate on him but yeah this is bad for the. earth and its dyeing so let do what we can to save the earth I. would not even vote I can’t I am still a kid and I think the blog .is very helpful to us I would like to stay and talk all about Justin. but I am not that bad my teacher made us do it.

  11. alan6 says:

    Election mess. BY: Alan S J.

    I really do think it was bad that Justin dressed up as a black person. I think that Because…. It is racist to black people. It makes them feel sad. Dressing like that is like abusing them in a very bad way. They don’t care how they/ black people feel. Justin shouldn’t have gotten away with it. it is not a small deal it is a big matter a fact. Like imagine if you were black and others were dressing and saying stuff like that. And when people say and do that It is hard on them. And in fact, it is so bad that people protest. Well I know that I said that I think Justin should not get a second chance I also think he should. Because he was only a young person and that he didn’t know much. I think he learned his lesson because he was all over the news, and he was PR minister. So, everyone thinks he should know better. And what might be dangerous is that the people being abused in a way might get revenge and war might happen. You never know. But it might because it is so abusing, sad, irritating, and something that no one should experience EVER. It is sad what happened back then. And a fact is that it’s kind of still goes on…. (racism.) So, I kind of think both yes he should be forgiven and no he should not get forgiven. But I still feel bad for the abused ones. Black face is racist indeed. So I care about them. And In my opinion, I think that it is sad 😢 that people are doing these things. But I feel that they/Justin and such should be given another chance because then again, they didn’t really know kind of. They were young. And the black face history is still going on! I think it is rude to do that kind of thing. And represents a manner less PR minister. I just hope everyone who did that learned their lesson. This is a very harsh way of racisim This concludes my assignment on Election mess. By: Alan.

  12. maya33 says:

    My opinion about Justin Trudeau’s care about racism doesn’t really seem true. I think of this because in 2001, Justin Trudeau was known to be a Teacher. He attended a gala and the theme was Arabian Nights. So, he dressed up as Aladdin and put make up on. But to be honest, I don’t really think that the makeup was necessary. It was almost like he was willing to be racist and as a teacher, he was known to be a good influence to the students there and teach them not to intimidate people with darker skin instead of showing them that he could do it, making the students there think that it is actually something that they can also joke around with, but this is something serious and not suppose to be something as a joke. But another time, Justin Trudeau wasn’t wearing a brown face. But he was wearing a black face instead. And it doesn’t seem like he is dressing up as a Disney character or anything like that. It seems like in the picture he looks like he’s enjoying on what he’s been doing. Even though he’s been saying to the world on the news that “you should never think of doing this.’ or ‘doing this wouldn’t be known for a laughing matter.” Even though he’s been doing this in the past. It sounds like Justin Trudeau’s a hypocrite on my opinion. And on the picture when he’s been dressed as a black face, it seems like he has done this almost in the same days he has use to be a teacher. He said that he was sorry for what he has done in the Gala. But he didn’t have any explanation when he was a black face. And I feel like he just pretended like nothing ever happened because he has no good explanation for what he has done when he was dressed as a black face. And this hasn’t been when he’s been a teacher. An adult. Some people think that he shouldn’t be blamed because he is the prime minister. But then what about the other people that has been wearing a black face or a brown face? Would they just blame those people and the leave Justin Trudeau alone and say “oh, well you’re the prime minister so we don’t have to blame you!” Well guess what. They are wrong. If someone was a prime minister and robbed a bank, could he just get away with it cause he’s the prime minister? NOPE. Justin Trudeau is supposed to help us stop racism, and he’s the one who’s been telling us on the news and saying that we should stop racism. Even though that he’s barley even helping us. This is my opinion about Justin Trudeau. What’s yours.

  13. vincent29 says:

    I don’t think Justin Trudeau was trying to be racist when he wore brownface. I think Trudeau was just trying to wear a costume for the event he was at, but I do think he went overboard. Trudeau has gone overboard many times. He has dressed up in outfits that aren’t professional before, so I don’t find the brownface costume very shocking. Overall, I think Trudeau just didn’t think about what he was doing.
    I don’t exactly think brownface is racist, but it can be racist if it is taken too far. I think people are a little too sensitive to the situation. Trudeau was just trying to dress up for the party he was at by wearing some makeup. It might have not been right, but it isn’t a major problem. I think what Trudeau did just shows how foolish he is.
    I don’t think Trudeau needed to step down from his position for a few reasons. My first reason is that Trudeau wasn’t breaking the law by wearing brownface to a party. My second reason is that what happened was 18 years ago. Trudeau didn’t do brownface recently. He did it a long time ago. So in my opinion, Trudeau doesn’t need to step down because of his actions. If people don’t like Trudeau, then they don’t need to vote for him in the next election.
    I don’t think Trudeau wearing brownface is embarrassing to Canada, it just shows that he is a foolish person. Trudeau has always worn weird outfits. You can see many pictures of ridiculous outfits on Trudeau online. Trudeau acting unprofessional doesn’t make anyone else look unprofessional, so I don’t think Canadians have any reason to be embarrassed.
    To sum it up, I don’t think Trudeau was exactly wrong when he wore brownface. Brownface can be racist if it is used in the wrong way. I don’t think Trudeau used brownface in a bad way. I also think Trudeau should have thought about what he was doing before he did it. I don’t think Trudeau should step down because his actions were no criminal. I don’t think Trudeau is embarrassing Canadians, he is only embarrassing himself. I just think Trudeau has an issue with picking the right outfit. At the end of the day, Justin Trudeau is just a foolish man. That’s my opinion on the Trudeau brownface incident.

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      Vincent! I have a great game suggestion for you in ROBLOX! You should play Insurance Fraud Simulator! It is a game where you scam insurance companies for money! You can get run over by cars to earn money and the mayor even encourages it in that game!

  15. tiana3 says:

    In my opinion, I think what Justin Trudeau did was unnecessary and I think what he did was wrong. I think it was a mistake, but I still think he should’ve been more responsible. He should know the affects, of his mistake otherwise people might not trust him anymore. I understand that he apologized several times, but he should still feel guilty about what he did because it is racist. I think people should calm down a bit, but it still doesn’t mean that it is okay for you to do it. I think that 3 pictures do not hurt, but he should of thought about it more before he did it because he was a teacher at that time, and he should be more aware of what he does. I know that it was a mistake, but I still think he could have been more careful of his actions. He has done some bad things before, but it doesn’t mean he can’t run for liberal leader anymore. Some of his ideas are good like taking climate action and helping refugee’s though. But some of his ideas are not good like the creation of Pipeline, making things cost a lot, and sending trash to the Philippines. People make mistakes and learn from them, so I think what he did is an example for what not to do. What he did is not a good example and is not okay to do, so even if he did it, it is not the right thing to do. People are upset that he did it, but I think people shouldn’t take it so seriously because he simply didn’t know and took it as a joke at that time. He shouldn’t have done that, but now he knows better and he apologized a lot, so people don’t really need to be so mad at him because it is pointless. That doesn’t mean that that can just go by and is okay to do though. I feel bad for those who felt offended when they heard that Justin Trudeau did that and I get that they did care. It is okay for those people to be upset but I feel that he didn’t do it on purpose. I think he didn’t know that it is racist, and I feel like he just did that because it was supposed to be for the gala. I don’t get why people make such a fuss about this accident because it is not like Justin Trudeau kept doing this several times. To be honest, I think that what Justin Trudeau did was wrong, but people don’t need to be so upset about it because he only did that once.

  16. ella34 says:

    I think that what Justin Trudeau was wrong. He should have rethought his actions. I know that what he did was bad, but did he really mean to do it? We all make mistakes, so we shouldn’t blame him for it. I’m not saying what he did was right, but I don’t think that he actually meant to be racist. But he offended some people and he should feel sorry. He made a mistake, but I think some people should be able to forgive him. I really think he is truly sorry. He should still be responsible for his actions and should try to think about his actions before doing them. He really shouldn’t have done that, and I think what he did was wrong, but we all make simple mistakes and I think that’s what he did. He was young at the time and I don’t think he knew it was racist and he thought that it was fine. He didn’t know he was doing something wrong, so he just made a mistake, so I don’t think we should fully blame him for his mistake. If he didn’t make that mistake ever again, then it probably was just a simple mistake that he made. He still should have known better, but he didn’t. So, even though he did that, he just wanted to dress up for the gala. It wasn’t a mistake that kept on repeating, it was just a one time, mistake that he didn’t mean to commit. Now that he’s sorry, I think some people should be able to forgive him. I know that some people might not be able to forgive him, but I think he just made a simple mistake and he didn’t mean to do something wrong. He offended some people, but I think that he is truly sorry.

  17. noah30 says:

    I think what Justin Trudeau already had his chance of being the prime minster of Canada,plus what he did was very wrong and racist if it were me i would not except him back in to being the prime minster of Canada.My idea is that we stop and prohibit the style of black mask .This picture and writing of what Justin Trudeau did really discourages,and disappoints me and my family because we afford to have a
    sorry or racist prime minster of Canada.If I was voting i would vote for the representative n.d.p because he plays it cool.Plus Andrew sheer is wild it is explained in the debate that recently happened he was over lapping everyone.My mom thinks Justin Trudeau did something unfair “If he did it then what changed now”.It is a very common saying that is out every were that has politics.In my opinion what he did was unfair.my life could be changed from all of this politics even though i i did not like what he did.

  18. marina1 says:

    I believe that what Justin Tredeau did was wrong, and he should have known better. Justin Tredeau went to an Arabian Nights themed Gala Festival Fundraiser. He dressed up as Aladdin, a fictional character from a movie. He painted his face black, to look more like the character he was dressing up as, many people ended up finding this racist. Justin Tredeau did not intend to hurt anyone and this was all just part of his costume. After all he did apologize and was not trying to be racist. I believe that if he knew how some people felt about this, he wouldn’t have done it. When Justin Tredeau did blackface, he was not Prime Minister, he was a teacher. Although Justin Tredeau did not do a good job doing this, all he was doing was dressing up as a character, he was not trying to be racist. There were many people around the world who had found this racist. Justin Tredeau said that he should have known better and that he is very sorry. I don’t blame people that think this was racist, they can think that if they want to, especially the people who got offended by this. In my opinion, I did not find this very racist, Justin Tredeau clearly learned from his mistakes, and I am hoping that he won’t do this again, which he probably will not. Speaking about the people who did find this racist, I truly do believe that they were hurt when they found this out. Justin Tredeau’s blackface was bad, but he did not think about being racist. I don’t think that the thought of being racist crossed his mind. A bit after the gala was over he apoligized. I think that what he did was not malicious. He did not try to harm anybody. Justin Tredeau’s blackface went so viral, it was all over the news.Justin Tredeau was making many excuses about this. He was a lot younger when blackface occurred, specifically thirty years old. When blackface happened most of the population thought it was very racist Throughout the years people thought deeper and Justin Tredeau made many believe that he did not intend to harm anybody. Blackface got less popular then it was before, but still is very popular. Even though there are still people in the world that really think this was racist, at this point there are more people that don’t think it was very racist. In conclusion, I did not think that this was very racist. Many people got hurt by this, but Justin Tredeau did not want to hurt anybody. I did not find this blackface racist. Did you think that Justin Tredeau’s blackface was racist?

  19. salina3 says:

    In my opinion I think Justin Trudeau did a bad job in representing Canada as a non-racist country by doing what he did, but that happened before he became a prime minister. Although the doesn’t excuse his actions or make them OK. But sadly, many people have done this, so should we really judge him so harshly? Putting makeup on his face probably hurt/disrespected a lot of people, but he has also apologized. Besides he has done a lot in Canada to try and make things right with the Aboriginal people. I would also like to point out that he was going to a Gala with the theme Arabian Nights, dressed as Aladdin. He was someone who was invited to the gala. It was not him who made the theme Arabian Nights. Although the black face part was unnecessary, I don’t believe he meant to hurt anyone. Personally, I think people are trying to use that against him so that less people would vote for him, and their taking it a little too far. the other representatives are kind of taking advantage of this. People have many different opinions on this, but since I was not there for this incident, I don’t know all the details, so I don’t know how he acted while dressed like Aladdin. He was someone who was invited to the gala. In his apologies he was right he should have known better, but he didn’t, which is not an excuse for his actions. Although he was being very hurtful and rude by doing what he did, he also said (what I believe is) a sincere apology. I also feel that judging someone just based on one mistake is not right either. I think we should give it some time to consider whether it’s worth taking him out of the election, because the black face incident happened nearly 20 years ago and has only become a problem recently. We should wait and see if he really is sorry and if he is then to give him a second chance. Just because he is the prime minister doesn’t mean he isn’t human, and we all make mistakes so why shouldn’t he? Nobody is perfect and we shouldn’t judge him for that, he’s probably stressing out with this whole black face incident going viral. I believe that he is truly sorry and that this won’t happen again. Justin Trudeau was probably under the impression that it was ok to do that since there was still a lot of racism going on at the time. We should all use our mistakes as a learning experience so we can do better the next time. I don’t think it should be completely up to us to decide whether we should move on or have him taken out of the election. The aboriginal people should have a right to decide whether to forgive him or not. Being called something racist is not something not OK but is very offensive and rude.so they should decide whether to have the final word. It is not a good thing to call someone something racist but the very opposite. I think Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, deserves a second chance to make things right. I think we should put it in the past but not forget about what happened, so we don’t make the same mistake. Justin Trudeau is a good guy deep down but even good people make mistakes. I think we should let this one go because this black face thing hasn’t been a problem until a while ago because others are trying to use it against him. I think that in all we should give him another chance as long as it doesn’t happen again.

  20. mohamed4 says:

    I think Justin Trudeau is an idiot that doesn’t deserve to be prime minister. Justin trudeau has done a bad things. Yet he still has the courage to be the prime minister of Canada. His racist act should automaticly kick him out of his job. The prime minister can not be racist.The problem is that if the prime minister does it, then some people will think it is okay. Eventually everyone will be doing it. We would just look like fools. And where did that start, from the prime minister himself. Trudeau may have done alot of good things,but some people do good things to cover up the bad stuff.If I were him I would try to show that I really am sorry .He should have proved that he is sorry. Trudeau should have knew what he was doing.He did really good things but that mistake might take some time to be accepted. Though he should not have done it, Trudeau had literlly no idea it was racist.He just wanted to do a play. He should have been carful of his actions. Any way because of his actions now everybody knows who he is. That kind of humiliation can teach anybody anything . If trudeau still has hopes for becomeing the prime minister, I can slap him. He has absouloutly has no chance. After almost doing nothing about. He doesn`t deserve to be prime minister at all. But at the same time he does deserves to be prime minister. Hehas helped plenty in climate change. if he didn`t in 20 years were gonna wish somebody did. Justin Trudeau is a good person but has done bad actions. Next time he should think differently.

  21. noorai1 says:

    Justin Trudeau Mr. Trudeau

    is not half bad. Yes, yes, he has done some bad stuff. Mostly he has been helpful and cooperated with being the prime minister for more than two years. He is a good guy. He has done mistakes throughout his life (like all of us … DUH … UwU) but we can forgive him. He has let more than 1000

    Immigrants into Canada, which’d helped them a lot. Years ago, Justin was a teacher. He was invited into a party. In fact, that party was a costume party. He dressed up Aladdin, but sadly, he had put black ish brown ish makeup.Which most people there did not care. But there recently on the new Justin Trudeau said he did this. He was sorry and had wished he had never done it EVER. Most people forgave him or really did not care. But some people did take it Personal. Not all them were black. He was sorry anyways. He is sort of bad because, one) he has been racist Not on purpose, two) he has bad choices of taxes, and gas prices. But he does care about climate change (unlike Donald trump). Also, he changes the Canadian anthem “son” to “us” to respect the woman to, not just the men/boys. In my opinion I believe he never meant harm at all. Also, he never really meant to be racist. It’s just he was not smart at the time. And my opinion may not be the best. But it’s what I think. People may not like Justin Trudeau. But for now, he is good in my book. As for the voting it’s my brothers first year voting and he is voting for Andrew sheer, because he thinks that he is dumb and a drama lama; -; . If I were voting I would vote for Justin Trudeau. Why? Because I think he has helped a lot about climate change (well later he is 2020- 2021- 2022). He has been trustworthy and so far, a great prime minister to Canada. Well that’s my opinion so far let me know your opinion!

  22. marko16 says:

    I think Trudeau made some mistakes in his life but at least he owned up to his mistakes. He apologized and acknowledged his mistake, and he didn’t forget.
    Some people like judging books by their cover, but I don’t. There is more inside than just a face.

    He was a Premier for 4 years and he must have done some good things to keep this going on. He is well focused on climate change and gender equality among other things. This makes him a great leader. Yes he made some bad choices in the past, but he is human and we all make mistakes. Just because he is a politician doesn’t mean he is going to be perfect. We all make mistakes and learn from them. To be honest what does PERFECT really mean.

    The black face that he made was wrong. When you are young you don’t think of how it might affect you in your future or the people around you, some things you have done. I am sure he didn’t mean any harm, it was just a costume for him at the time with no background of that.

    It depends how you look at the message that costume sends. Trudeau made a black face so he can connect to the character of Aladdin, which the theme of the Gala party was the Arabian nights. In my opinion it was just an impulse costume gig and nothing to do with racism. As I said already, Trudeau admitted the mistake and apologized, which is giving him the opportunity to learn from it. I hope the world can see his good actions what he is fighting for, and he has more of the good ones then this 1 mistake he made.

  23. althea2 says:

    Justin Trudeau’s actions weren’t necessarily wrong because he wasn’t trying to make fun of other races. In my opinion, Trudeau’s intention of blackface wasn’t to be disrespectful because he doesn’t seem like the kind of person to do such a thing to offend someone, but perhaps the impact of his action might have disturbed others. I don’t think he is racist or made a mistake because he was trying to go along with the party theme. In fact, some perceive that he is embracing other cultures. However, if his actions are offending people, he should stop. We should be sensitive that people’s values have changed and people see things differently from one another.

    It’s also fair for him to stay in power and run as the Liberal leader because he has done good things for Canada in the past four years. For example, he has made many positive changes in Canada. First, he has worked hard to increase gender equality. Second, he focused on improving climate change issues. Third, he has helped the First Nations get their land and rights back. Altogether, he is very respectful about races, gender and cultural differences. His past actions do not suggest that he is a bad Prime Minister or a racist.

    I think people have the right to dress up as who they want in social or holiday events, if you are being respectful, and you know that others will not be offended. For example, my dad liked a funny British comedian who used to act as a black person. So, on Halloween, he put on black makeup to be the comedian and everyone thought it was funny. However, now people are more sensitive, and you may not know who you might offend. So, you must be very cautious and avoid brownface or blackface makeups, unless it’s a cultural event where participants agreed that representing different races is acceptable.

    This says to Canada and the rest of the world that when you are dressing up as people with different races, you must be respectful and responsible for your actions, and not make fun of people with different races. Every person, no matter what race or gender, should be treated the same and feel comfortable in our country.

    Overall, I believe Justin Trudeau is a great Prime Minister because of all the things he has done for Canada, and we should be thankful that we have a decent Prime Minister for Canada. The lesson I have learned is that the impact is more important than the intention because even with a good intention, the impact can be negative or offending to receivers.

  24. lyn2 says:

    No, I don’t feel that is racist that he didn’t know. I know that he may hurt other’s feelings, but he didn’t mean to do it on purpose. Some people may feel sad, angry and hurt inside. Well the thing “black face” is racist and not so racist depends on the situation. I think he just made a mistake because he didn’t know, but he is a teacher and he shouldn’t know better. Many people think he is racist and in some of your brains be like “what the heck does she think he is racist or not?” Well in my feeling I don’t think he is racist but at the same time I don’t think he is, this is a confusion right now in me, but I can’t really decide if that he is bad or not. I feel like that he could be the liberal leader if he wants too. It was the past and we should forgive him. Continuing Justin is a very nice person he said sorry and it was a long time ago and I heard this from someone (AKA Mr. Heard) told me that people were fine with it like it was no biggie. Well in the party it was themed “Arabian Nights” and he was trying to dress up as Aladdin and he did his best to look like him, but he didn’t have to do brown face. In the past it wasn’t a biggie but now someone brought it up everyone is shocked so am I, everyone is like “He isn’t so good after all.” But I think he is good like look what he has done for us he changed lots of things and in the Canadian Song O Canada, he changed the word “son” to “us”. I think after seeing the blog post most people think he is racist, and some people don’t well that’s people opinions and not mine. I think after seeing the blog those images to show time’s when Justin was doing black and brown face, when I look at it, I feel like it’s a mistake I mean no one is perfect like no one’s always right and nice. I saw that it just might keeping going depending their vison. What I mean by that is that is that people may think. “Oh, I see I am not going to do it because it is wrong.” But other’s see it as. “Yea whatever I am going to/ or keeping doing it.”

    This message is strong it’s because after seeing Justin’s mistakes Justin himself looked back at the past and said, “I shouldn’t have done that, and I am really sorry.” He decided that he is wrong and does he keeping doing it? No not at all because he learns his mistake and tries not to do the mistake repeatedly how we do it as well.

  25. joshua38 says:

    October 8th, 2019
    By Joshua
    In my opinion, I think Trudeau has made a very bad mistake. Trudeau should have not worn the blackface. He should have known that it was racist to many people and should not have done it. He wore blackface and brownface multiple times; in fact, CNN and BBC news say that Trudeau does not know how many times he wore blackface makeup. The blackface caused worldwide attention. Trudeau is also the leader of the Liberal party. As the prime minister of Canada and the leader of the Liberal party he should take responsibility for the issues he’s caused. Racism is a very bad thing. I believe that making fun of people’s culture, language, and skin color is incredibly racist. So, I don’t support some of Trudeau’s doing. But still, I think Trudeau is better than Trump. But he did do some good things as a prime minister. He let in 25,000 Syrian refugees. Trudeau is the first child of a Canadian prime minister to become prime minister himself. So he definitely should have known that blackface was very wrong. I would give him more chances because everyone makes mistakes and they learn from them. If Trudeau was truly sorry, then I hope people would forgive him and I would accept his apologies. To be honest, I don’t know why people are still not satisfied with Trudeau’s apologies. He apologized a few times, and he looked very serious. He also said he regretted doing blackface. This year, one of my wishes is a prime minister who will listen to our voices but not ignore our opinions and will oppose all things that will change the civilization in a bad way. And hopefully he or she has a good background story. When Trudeau first ran for the Liberals. He says he did not tell party vetters about the brown and blackface incidents because he was embarrassed by the blackface. I guess anyone would be embarrassed if the bad things they were hiding shows. Imagine the world without crime. That would be great. People could work with each other. And they don’t need a leader. In conclusion, I think Trudeau was wrong but he could get a second chance from the people.

  26. kelvin3 says:

    My thoughts on Justin Trudeau are that he should be forgiven for his actions. Sure, he did wear blackface, but that was in the past, where he wasn’t aware of racism, and almost nobody was aware of racism as well, it was a mistake, we all make mistakes, and this was clearly not a very visible mistake, as he wasn’t thinking of it at all. He has also provided a genuine and sincere apology for wearing blackface. His course of actions after being elected have been positive, and he has enforced gender equality, going as far to change the Canadian Anthem lyrics to include both males and females in our National Anthem, as well as allowing 70,000 refugees into Canada. Justin Trudeau has done many good things for Canada, entirely crossing out all the bad things he has done (wearing blackface) and I think he is a great Prime Minister, even if he has worn blackface. His political party is about equality, and he has done well to enforce equality in Canada. He has acknowledged our past mistakes (the residential school disaster, which was one of the worst cases of racism in Canada, and allowed children to learn about their past mistakes, and how they should improve on them, and not follow onto their past mistakes, as it would be a disaster to have another instance of racism after all the racism the Indigenous people have faced. Justin Trudeau proceeds to improve Canada day by day, and he is a great example for others, not fearing to show children the truth, and looking forward instead of crying over his past mistakes.

  27. albert4 says:

    I think Justin’s mistake was the biggest mistake he can not atone.Justin should’ve ever pretend to be black because of the consequences after.But he knew later on his actions were racist but he apologized and have this guilt. But doing this racist act people didn’t think the act was approved. But even though he did this act I think he should still be liberal leader. The things Justin did was bad but he made a lot of positive changes for it by working hard making gender neutral with 15 men 15 women in the federal cabinet and around Canada. He also made our anthem gender neutral and he was the only one who has done it. He also focused greatly on climate change. He’s also trying to restore peace with our First Peoples. So if he was stepped down some of his actions would be useless like make peace with the first people and other things.

    But on the other hand doing this racist act cause people to think about his act. But on the other hand he should step down as prime minister because the guilt he’ll hold when being prime minister and other politics can use this as a way to make people choose their team. And because every vote count people may see back history of the people and find this. Not only did this happen but now flooding the internet about (Justin being)and news also flooding and saying this big story. If I was in the same place like him I would have stepped down because how big the news is and all the other politics has a way to help their team. But every other people who want the seat will also have this happen because all of the past stories and news will float to the top.He realized all his mistakes and was sorry for it. But what he did was not a simple mistake it was a big mistake as a racist act. But he did not do this act once he did it twice. One as black and one as brown face. So not only blackface but also did brown face. He did 2 racist act . this act was not a simple mistake it was the biggest mistake he has ever done. The mistake caused news to flood about him and the act was all over the internet. Although he think the act is a simple act the act is not a simple mistake. And no one will forget the act as long as he is prime minister.Even if hes not and no one realized the pearson who did was you. I still think he should be president.

  28. landon1 says:

    Ms Panesar I didn’t finish the blog and then I posted it so I posted it and I think my mom is going to email you the rest of it so can you please copy and paste the rest of it onto the other half and then delete this comment.

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