Canada’s Food Guide

Ever since I can remember, there has always been a colourful food guide. Your guys have seen it too- the colourful food rainbow one. But in January of this year, Canada’s Food Guide finally got an upgrade. 

Believe it or not, I know Matthew will enjoy this military stat – Canada’s Food Guide was first introduced in 1942 as a way of promoting health during wartime rationing. So yes, along the way, it has had some edits. 

Image result for canada food guide 1942 1942 version

But now, the new food guide has many edits. 

Image result for canada food guide 2007

Left: old guide, Right: New Guide 

The new food guide has no emphasis on ‘food groups’ nor ‘servings.’ For more information, you can read the article below:

The article below shows some of the Food Guides from around the world.

So what are your thoughts on this new food guide? Do you like it or do you prefer one of the older versions? Were there any food guides from other countries that you liked? Why? What additions or removals would you add/remove from the new food guide? Do you think that the new food applies to all Canadians, people are various cultures/ethnicities, religions, social status (wealthy, middle and working class) and diet (vegetarian, vegan, or prescetarian). 15-20 sentences please!



30 thoughts on “Canada’s Food Guide

  1. frederick1 says:

    meat is important and vegetables are important. i like of food guide but the old one is better i have reasons it look and has lots colors than the old one.

  2. jason78 says:

    My thoughts on the Canadian Food Guide.

    Well my thoughts on the food Guide is that it has changed a lot. What I mean is that the old Food Guide has a bunch of word on it and numbers and the new one only has pictures. The old one had no picture but it was since 1942 and the new one has colour because it is 2019.

    Now let’s talk about which version I prefered more. In my opinion I would prefer the older version more because it looked more easy to understand because it has the words and it tells you what to get and it tells you how much you need to consume. For example, it tells adults to consume ½ pint of milk. And now my reason why I don’t like the new version. I don’t like the new one because it’s too complicated to understand and it doesn’t tell me what to buy and how much I need to consume. But what I also like about the new version is that it is divided to equal parts.

    Now let’s talk about what Food Guides that I like from other country. The first Food Guide that I like is the Chinese Food Guide. I like it because it is neat and there is equal parts of every portion. Another reason why like the Chinese Food Guide is that their picture is a Chinese Palace or like a kingdom.

    Now let’s talk about the second Food Guide that I like. I also like Spain’s Food Guide because they also have equal portion and that instead of a building or palace they put a picture of their country as their picture Food Guide.

    For the food apply I kind of like and king of not. The reason why I like it is that it provides enough detail for us to stay on a healthy diet and the reason why I don’t like it is that they didn’t provide what the name of the food was. Thank you for reading on my reflection of the Canadian food guide.

  3. hanaa1 says:

    I think the old food guide is very plain and simple and the new one appeals more to the younger generations and kids. In 1942, the food guide was really confusing and focused a lot on food groups and the serving you should have every day. Also, the new food guide says you should drink more water than milk. Now the smallest aisles are reserved for dairy products. I think that I would emphasise that it is important to have enough calcium intake. It’s nice that they show you the amount of each food group you should eat. With the old food guide, they were really specific about the portions and what food you should eat. I think that no matter your religion or culture you should consume a healthy diet. People that are vegan or vegetarian should know its important to get your needed intake of protein. I don’t think that the food guide really applies to vegan or vegetarian people because it specifies you need to eat protein foods. Also, some religions restrict certain foods that the food guide says you should consume.
    A lot of the food in the food guide is very accessible working and middle-class people, but for perhaps, less fortunate people, accessing these foods can prove quite a challenge. Instead of giving homeless people money, we should give them healthy food
    I think of all the international food guides, I really like Antigua and Barbuda because they used a pineapple and I love pineapples and I think Swedens food guide is the clearest and straightforward. It tells you exactly what you should and shouldn’t eat.
    – H A N A A K A N J E E

  4. dennis7 says:

    To start off I think that the new food Guide is better than the original one back in 1942. And you might be wondering why would you think Dennis is that the original food guide is worse than the new one or the new ones better in the worst whatever. The reason why is because the new food guide has a lot of more information about food that we didn’t even know that could be better for you. Now that I finish that off now we can talk about how the other food guides around the countries are. (And no I do not prefer the older version thank you very much.) I actually found another food guide in the world called the Benin’s guide. And when I saw that it showed a lot of things that I would normally think that was in a food guide. And just like I just said the reason why I really like this food guide is because it had all the things that you normally see in a food guide and you would think they would be in a food Guide. At this point to be honest I already said pretty much everything I really like the food guys and that’s that, so what I’m trying to say is is that the food guys are actually kind of perfect there’s nothing really I would change to the food guide to make it be more better than it already is. But if I really had the chain to me about the food guide I think I might change the fact that some of the Starchy Foods or kind of taking over all the credit in taking most of the space in the food guide but that just might be me because only I really seem to care about that. And on top of that you might as well add some more fruits because come on, fruits are like the main source of energy here and that they pretty much show how good it is to be healthy and how some foods can actually really be. And lastly now I’ll just say what I really personally think about if everybody actually will be applied to this new food guide and everything about it. And to be honest all I really have to say is that no!!! Of course people are not gonna waste their precious time going and get every single thing on the list just so they can listen to what Canada thinks is good for everybody. And sadly there’s a lot of people there that don’t care about any of the food guide like for example teenagers adults etc… And to be honest too I kind of think that I would just not want to follow because I don’t really care that much but that is not good at all because I surely care about the food guy but whatever. But maybe some cultures might like you never know they really could just follow it because they have to. And for depending on your social status for example if you were middle class probably will follow the food guide but if you were in the working class it will be like a chance that you wouldn’t have any time to do any of that. And then for The welfare class so they would probably be like super rich and stuff and some people will actually maybe fall away and then some people just don’t even care at all. But it was all said and done I’m pretty sure that I’ve said all the things I had to and plus there’s all this is is I can do because I can only do 20 and is my 20th sentence so just and I think that vegetarians would depending on the food guide would actually maybe do any of but with all said and done I’m pretty sure that I’ve said all the things I had to and plus there’s all the services I can do because I can only do 20 sentences and is my 20th sentence so just and I think that vegetarians would depending on the food guide would actually maybe do any of it, Oh and one more thing just remember that I made this because I kind a want to but I had to do so bye! 👋 P.S. if you’re reading this on Friday Ms. Panesar then please come back on Monday because we don’t like our substitute.

  5. milica6 says:

    Hi my name is Milica and today I will be telling you about Canada’s new food guide. The new food guide tells you to look at food labels when you buy food from the grocery store. Another thing they tell you is that when you eat you three daily meals half of your plate should be filled with fruits and veggies and then the other two quarters should be filled with protein foods and whole grain foods. That is what you should be eating as you daily meals.

    Something that I noticed when I looked at the food guides of different countries and I noticed that all of them are pretty much the same except for ours. Everything is pretty much the same except they separated the fruits and veggies and the meat and protein foods. In some of them I noticed that they made a separate section for salt, sugar, pepper, mayonnaise and oil. Things like that , like seasoning, oils and condiments. The latest food guide was published in January 2019. That was the first update since 2007. In the latest food guide one of the main recommendations were that more of us in Canada should more nutritious and plant based diets. In the book they said “ Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods and protein foods. Choose protein foods that come from plants more often.”

    My thoughts and feelings: As I was telling you about how all the countries have their own food guides. I don’t understand why we need to all have different food guides. We should only have one food guide for the whole world. We are all humans, so I don’t understand why we need to have different food guides. It’s probably because every country wants the best for their people so they believe in different things that they think will be good for the people’s diets.

    By: Milica Pavlovic :):):)

  6. tiya1 says:

    Food guide
    First of I am so excited that we are doing a blog post on food cause it is amazing! But for the new food guide I really like it and I do think that this one is better in my opinion. Some of the reasons I like this one is better because it just seems more fresher and new. Another reason I like this food guide better because I like how its on a plate this might seem weird but I like that because it shows you to have everything on your plate and it’s good to have at least a little bit of each group and if little children they might do it to.
    Some of the food guides that liked from other countries were Benin. I liked theirs because of a very random thing it was because I liked the shape and I liked who it was a hut cause it tells you to have every single category and its good to have, like how I said for Canada’s food guide I liked Chins for the same reasons.
    One other one I liked was Antigua and Barbuda’s. One of the other reasons I liked it was because showed how much you should have and which is the maximum for a healthy diet. One thing that made me laugh, I don’t know why, when it said that you should eat so little sweet, there was like a speck.
    One other one I liked was the Japanese food guide. The reason I liked was because first of it is a spinning top and it reminded me that you should eat a variety of healthy food and to keep it fluent on what you eating. For example not to stop it like in a day or a week. So these are some of the food guides that are from other countries that I liked. But I still found that all of the other food guides were very creative and I really liked all of them.
    I think that the new food guide applies to everyone because if you do eat meat then everything applies to them. But if you are vegetarian than everything applies except the meat and there are alternatives for that and same for vegans. So I really think that this food guide is really well thought of and I really like it.
    I hope you enjoyed my blog 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. amelia15 says:

    It’s about time that are Canadian food guide gets an upgrade! Well I’m not completely sure about the differences but I’m pretty sure that this new food guide will surely be better than the last one right? Maybe, and maybe not. I mean, aren’t healthier foods more expensive? Because it’s healthy, so wouldn’t you bump up the prices to earn more money? Foods like fruits and veggies and other non-tasty healthy things are ideally more expensive than maybe chips, or candy and other more appetizing junk foods that aren’t healthy. Most people don’t like to really eat healthy, and I feel like one of those people. Maybe you can relate? I feel that majority of people have to eat health to properly grow or just because they need all the important vitamins and minerals. Plus some fruits and vegetable have important fiber you need to feel full. So yeah, most healthy stuff is better for your body and is important to eat. When you eat all those things then it helps protect your body from harmful diseases like cancer, or diabetes and also heart diseases. So we all need out fruits and vegetables so we will be a little healthier. This newer food guide wants you to eat lots and lots of your greens and plenty of protein from mostly plant based foods along with whole grain foods which have fiber in them. The more plant based foods you eat the better. Plant based foods contain very little of trans fat and unsaturated fats which is perfect for a good healthy diet. Apparently a plant based foods use less energy, land, and water than an animal based diet. So yeah, from all this random plant based information, you can kind of tell that this new food guide wants you to obviously eat more plant based foods than any meat or anything. So to really sum it all up, you technically have to eat lots and lots of your fruits and vegetable and all your whole grains and less meat. I feel like we should stick with this newer food guide because firstly, it’s the newer version so better updates on today’s living and secondly because all this information sounds true so we should really try to eat heathier. Other countries have different food guides so there’s might be way different from out food guide so I’m just going to stick with our Canadian food guide because its recommended for us so I feel like we should stick with it. I wouldn’t really want to change anything because I firstly not a professional I’m just some elementary student, a secondly I feel that its just fine the way it is. Lastly I believe that people should follow this food guide so we could protect ourselves form any harmful diseases or just for the sake of being healthy. But as I said from the beginning, this food guide might be a little bit expensive and maybe some people can’t really afford to follow this food guide so that might be a problem but overall I think that this food guide should be followed and it seems pretty reasonable.

  8. peiyi1 says:

    My Personal Thoughts
    Hi, today i’ll be talking about my thought and feelings about what i think about the new/old canada food guide. I personally think that new food guide is better. Firstly because it looks better. Secondly it shows you the amount of whatever you will need to eat for you daily portion. Thirdly i like this one better than the other because it it’s not as old fashioned as the other one in some type of way. Btw you can see all the following items that belongs in the correct category which is just awesome.
    Today i have looked at some fantastic looking food guides such as China and Benin’s food guide. China and Benin’s food guides are my favourite because they are more of a traditional food guide. As you probably know china’s food guide is in a shape of a traditional chinese house. If you haven’t been to china before you should really try to go their ad check it out. The traditional chinese house is usually for a imperial to live in. Basically i mean a palace but in a traditional way of saying it. It is a whole lot more expensive that normal houses in Canada. I believe it is about at least ten million “not much”, yes i know that is a whole lot of money.
    But back on track we also have this amazing looking Benin food guide it is also shaped as a little traditional Benin house. These traditional houses provide a fascinating glimpse into the lives of many West Africans over the past century. These houses are small on the outside and bid on the inside. It is actually a two story house. Bottom for cooking and top for the bedroom. The only way to get up onto the second floor was to climb up by stairs. The girls thought they were fun to play on but in reality the stairs are wide apart you could fall right down if you didn’t pay attention. Thank You for reading i hope you enjoyed reading!!!

  9. amra1 says:

    Hello! My name is Amra and today I will be sharing you guys some of my thoughts about this new food guide and which one do I prefer, if it is the old one or the new one. Enjoy!
    My thoughts:
    What I like about this new food guide is that it’ll help children and adults a better positive relationship with their own food and it’ll help the Earth by reducing food waste and by protecting the environment. Which one I would prefer is maybe the old one because on the old food guide sheet it was like showing us lots of ingredients, fruits, and vegetables, and the more food it shows the more I get interested about it. The new food guide shows only three parts of food, like vegetables, meat, and grains, but on the old food guide it shows four parts, like dairy, grains, fruits and vegetables. And another thing, about the new food guide, the food looks bright but in reality it looks less brighter. So, once I went on to my Instagram and searched up “Life hacks” and then I pressed this video by accident and it was talking about what was the difference between when you see food on commercials and in reality, so I watched the full video and then when it finished I figured out how they try to make the food bright on commercials, they just use the lighting, put some kind of spray to make it bright, and wax.
    Food guides from other countries that I like:
    Well, I like everyone’s food guide, but my favourite one out of all of them would be Antigua and Barbuda because I like how it is colourful and it shows all of the food groups and what I also like about it is how they explained each section in the pineapple how it is good for you, why is it good for you, etc.
    Do I think the new food guide applies to all Canadians:
    I think that this new food guide does apply to all Canadians, because it does say it’s “Canada’s Food Guide” and I saw that since this new food guide came out, Canadians encouraged and they need to eat more fiber, less sugar, and to have less stress, like to stop stressing out about their weight gain and their overall fat intake. Anyways, for this new food guide, some things that I want to add on the new food guide is maybe on the side of the dish they could put salad, like tomatoes, lettuce, and some cucumbers too, also maybe for each section on the plate to explain what’s it good for, how does it help your body, etc. But, for this new food guide I wouldn’t change/remove anything from it, but the government said he’ll might change it so it’ll help Canadians to eat better.
    Thank you for reading this and I hope you liked it!
    -Amra Djapo

  10. harry17 says:

    The new food guide looks more healthier but since it’s all put together it’s hard to tell which foods there are. I prefer the new food guide but it would be easier to read it if it was put like the old one. So basically i prefer both of them but the new one is more important because it’s the food that I think is important. The new guide looks like it has more healthier foods but I’m pretty sure that milk is healthy for you to. The new food guide would help a lot of people eat healthier and vegans plus vegetarians would have no problem following the food guide since there is barely any meat or animal produced products and for vegetarians to, they can also follow the food guide. Pescetarian on the other hand can only eat fish as there only meat but can still eat anything that vegetarians can eat but i don’t see any fish on there so if they follow this food guide there basically a vegetarian. I don’t think that the food guide shouldn’t apply to every Canadian because even if they eat a lot of junk food some people exercise a lot like Daniel who likes to run a lot and Reilly and Vincent who play basketball and like me, I swim three times a week a constantly get attacked by people and there’s also Matthew who has tried to arrest people but so far has not captured one wanted criminal( he has but hey keep escaping). Some foods i think they should add to the new guide are fish specifically tuna because it is one of the most common canned foods and it has salt in it which can be good for you if you don’t consume that much. Another one they should add is milk because it has protein that can help your bones become stronger so they don’t suddenly break when your playing on the monkey bars or when your playing baseball and you swing the bat and you suddenly feel something crack, that’s going to hurt a lot. One difference between the old and the new food guide is that one is realistic. One is like a comic and i prefer realistic versions because it has more color to it and is naturally just easier to see than comics. I think the new food guide has improved a lot though because it’s really healthy and especially the wheat because it’s low in fats and also provides complex carbohydrates. On the Canada’s food guide ( there are also a lot of healthy but delicious foods. I think the new change is the best one yet and since it goes to helping the military i congratulate the people that made this even if it took them more than five years to change it whatever it’s still a good food guide and I’m totally using it right now. I Think the Japanese food guide looks pretty cool too.It also includes running to get exercise and it’s all in a spinning.The thing is supposed to be a traditional Japanese toy and one of the main things in that guide is rice and that goes to most Asian country because apparently most Asian countries eat rice including China.

  11. bernice4 says:

    Hi folks, today I will tell you about the new and old food guide. I like the new food guide better than the old one because the new one tells you how much of each food category you should eat, but the old one doesn’t. The old one is also confusing because it doesn’t tell you which category is which. You could easily get confused. The old one also has cartoony pictures of the food, but the new one, on the other hand, has pictures of actual food on it. This is beneficial because that way you can tell what the food actually is, but cartoony food could get you confused and you wouldn’t know what the food actually is.The new one also has more variety of food than the old one. Which one would you prefer? Why? The only thing I would change in the new one is the fact that they should label the food categories more clearly. They should also put drinks on it like the old one. This way you would know which drink is better for you. Maybe they could add how much of each an adult and growing child should eat on average per day, this would help people eat the right amount of food in each category and make them healthier. Some of my favourite food guides from around the world are the England one, and one that is shaped like a clam shell, but sadly I don’t know where it is from. There is also one that looks like a pizza, but it has the food groups on it. Which ones do you like?

  12. yang1 says:

    My opinions on the food guides.

    During the past century a lot has changed, civilization and a lot of new ideas have sprout up to the human minds including new tech new inventions and to modernise and upgrade a lot of the things back then. Almost everything has changed from the new ways of producing and using electricity have given us a lot more modern look in this world for today. Although a lot of the things have changed for the better, although a few things haven’t stayed up to date in my opinion of which includes canada’s recent change in their food guide. LEt’s take a look at how there are so different from one another and why it makes the set things both good and bad.

    1940’s version
    Let’s look at the positive details at the older food guide. First of all, there is quite a bit of detail that describe the amount of food that is needed and how much there is for certain foods. Things like our daily intake for a healthier diet and they even display the different amounts that are needed for both adults and children. The food guide also displays a lot of detail and even says how many servings would be ideal for you everyday. Now the detail is a lot better than the modern version that we have we still need to remember that this had been written almost sixty years ago. These meant that it was very outdated to the amount of information that most people know to these days. These things like the amount of protein, carbs, fat and a lot more of the essential needs for our body. This food guide doesn’t include many details, and these things could be lethal if not treated carefully. For example, if any of those foods had been modified or cooked in a different way people may treat as the same way as they seem on the food guide. This could affect them because cooks could have added a lot more salt and pepper and things that enhance the flavour, but however do not benefit the body and get rid of a lot of the protein that is going in the body and replacing it with a lot of the many modifications that are made to the dish. This doesn’t only depend on this one as they should tell people in general to be cautious of these things as it could affect many people especially in their health. My personal opinions on the old food guide, it is very detailed in the way they display the amounts of food that should be eaten on a daily basis to keep up a healthy diet, they are missing a lot of key points in how different effects might happen to their health diet if prepared wrongly. It is also good for them to give tips on what vitamins that could benefit the body and split the amount of food between two age groups, but what can you expect this was 60 years ago.

    Newer versions
    Just like it’s previous predecessor this comes with it’s goods and bads, so let’s find out the details that are in the newer food guide. Well one thing I would start of by saying that the colours look very vibrant and colourful which is something that helps the attention of the readers. This obviously allows for them to spread the awareness of the food guide overall helping the community into realising these things. And I don’t want to forget to mention that I love the way that they used the colours to demonstrate the different food groups and to see which ones all in the same category, and I like how they even go one step further to even displaying the food in the quantities to show how much of what amount of food should be on the plate, dividing all the grains, vegetables and protein, but they don’t show everything however of which will be explained in its flaws. Another thing however is the display of the food that can lead to a change of events that may cause health problems or cripple the diet that is taken in, but all things come in small packages and a lot of its flaws weigh down a lot of the good things about it. One of the flaws and what I feel like is the one that affects it the most is the amount of detail that they put into the food guide. Now, you may ask me, “Lim but didn’t you pay attention to all the colours and the quality of the food guide, it looks fabulous.” and for some parts I have to agree with you, but I meant to look at the amount of writing they put in the food guide, it’s in between from very little to close to nothing at all. This doesn’t help anyone because they don’t describe what the food groups are. Luckily, I am fortunate enough to get the knowledge that I know from Ms. Panesar, but it doesn’t apply for everyone. Sure they may show what kind of foods are within the same food groups but they don’t describe which is which. Another negative thing about it is although they show the amount of food on the plate but do not show how much the amount is in measurements. They also don’t defer the age groups between them that may be important, because of the split between both diets. In my opinion I don’t think that the newer food guide isn’t the perfect interpretation of the food guide because of it’s such little detail. This is something that is important to have as it can tell you a lot advice that can lead to the healthier lifestyle and it also helps with a lot of other things. It does catch the eye by me and others because of the colours and for that it is the only good thing about it, but it doesn’t over power the huge flaw.

    Final showdown
    The old one has a lot of unappealing details about it but at least they have quite a bit of text even dividing the age groups from one another. This is a huge key into debating whether one is better then the other or not because they both have goods and bads. The older version shows the amount of servings that i needed and even show some tips for the body to maintain a good build something that the newer version doesn’t even feel like expressing. A good thing about the newer version is the better quality that they put into getting people to notice it more and even go as far as showing pictures, but then again it is still as bad as the article says. I personally as well think that the older version has a lot more detail into those things and deserves the number one spot but I do recommend to change the food guide once again to retain the design of the newer one but keep the details of the older one and maybe even add some facts as well along the way, therefore not having to complain which is better then which.

  13. kenrich1 says:

    Kid: Um yum yum

    Mother: Hey what are you eating?

    Kid: Junk food


    Kid: Cuz food guide suks

    Ok, that was one of the weirdest backgrounds I ever did for a Blog post I mean plog bost. anyway, So I don’t have a lot to say about the new food guide but judging the new food guide piktures I think it is hard to understand lol! Ok let’s go in more details in dis guide so ok Let’s see in the old food guide it tells you how much you should eat but in the new food guide Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pretty sure milk can’t cross the middle like that it’s like you are eating a bowl of cerial but instead of milk going on top it goes to the bottom. The old food guide also contain AMMOT of food you eat a day and just getting over ammmot it can ruin your day let me tell u that is like if you do a math class and if you don’t get within a ratio of uh I don’t know 1- 80 you get a C- or D in math class lol!

    Now with this food guide you can’t tell how much you need to eat but if you are good at volume or good at fractions you should know what to eat? Like look at that picture for example and you will know how much to eat simple… Well for nerds like Johnny which he has a new name now called Johnathon so I am gonna call him that instead cuz I would rather say Jonathon then Johnny… (oof) I think that how this bowl is made that inside there are y dividers that divide the bowl into 4 areas to store all of the foods I mean that is what I would hope but who knows! it could not? Before I move to more detail I am gonna talk about International food guides. First off USA ok so If you don’t google stuff or you waste our time googling some shi! You know how it looks it is basically the same thing except it is organized by name so basically Canada copied the USA. Ok next Japanese food guide I know it is using a pyrimid but it dosen’t look like one Ok 5-7 grain dishes I agree you eat a lot of grains it was top should in Canadas old food guide see! If you don’t believe me how about I give you the link ok maybe the link doesn’t help NVM so basically continuing in Japanese food guide 5-6 Vegetables Fare enough The only vegtables I eat are carrots 3-5 meats I think it is too much… Unless your me and actually love meats 😃 2 dairy products fair enough and 2 fruits Eh I think it is to fewer fruits considering how broken fruits are they should go with vegtables🍆🍅 Ok so to conclude Canada’s food guide It’s ok! Here are the scores

    Health & eating – 100%

    Accuracy – 68%

    Fun! 12%

    Total: 77 points

    What I prefer: Old food guide

    Thank you for listening to a blog post and bye 😜

  14. beatrice7 says:

    I prefer the old food guide partially because I’m lazy and partially because of some other reasons. The reason why I said I didn’t want the food guide because I was lazy is because, why do you have to change the food guide when the new one is just fine, and people don’t have side effects from that food guide. Teachers don’t have to teach new things, and students don’t have to learn new things. Maybe, there are some good changes to it, for instance, if the amount of carbs you eat is decreased, you will become slimmer, but your energy supply will be cut. I looked at the Indonesian food guide (yes that is how patriotic I am) and I liked it because it was shaped like one of the traditional foods! I also liked the Korean and Japanese one because both food guides had some symbols representing something. In the Korean food guide, I liked how the person riding the bicycle represented exercise, the big wheel represented the food guide, and the small wheel represented water. The Japanese one had a person running around the “glass of water,” which was the spinning top handle and the actual spinning top was the food guide, and the line that represents the motion of the spinning top represents snacks and sweet beverages. I think the food guide doesn’t really apply other religions, cultures, etc. because if, for example, Catholics don’t eat meat on Fridays, they just simply eat no meat on Fridays. For people who have certain diets, they just simply eat what they eat. For people who work out, they eat more carbs for energy. For people who try to lose weight, they just eat more salads and less carbs. It seems like it doesn’t apply to NOBODY! But I think it does apply to some people. If the food guide is changed, people who follow their culture’s food guides, might be too used to the old food guide, and have side effects because their body needs to get used to the change. No, I don’t have anything to add on or remove from the food guide. Thanks for reading! \
    (hooray, I have no life)

  15. kevin48 says:

    There is a new food guide. If I had to choose (which I do for the blog post,) I would choose the better one. The only problem is that I don’t know which ones better. This means I have to guess or do boring research. I think the old food guide is better. At the same time in my head the new one says it has more information. The new one also has a better picture. Always remember “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Haha, that’s an idiom. I’m so smart. 🙂 The new food guide doesn’t have any food groups or servings so in my mind the new one sucks. The old one I think is better because it shows the four groups and servings and foods from the four food groups. I think the only reason I think it’s the old one is because on the blog Ms. Panesar said it was bad. It might be because I only seen the old food guide not the new one so I probably know nothing about it. The new food guide’s picture is better I gotta admit but the information is bad and that’s what matters. That is the reason the new food guide is bad and I’m not changing my mind. Overall, the old ones got to be better. There’s even a rainbow on it! So it’s got to be good. In my opinion the old food guide is better.

  16. jemimah1 says:

    My thoughts on the food guide… well since to took me a while to get to the sites since my computer hated me, i had a pretty high bar for these food guides. Some of the food guides impressed me while some fell kinda short. One of the ones that I loved was the country Benin with the traditional house roof and Japanese’s spinning top. Don’t even get me started on the one in Venezuela I mean, there in someone in a canoe and another person that looks like they are going hiking. That is insanely cool. Its kinda inspiring to see so many people that use the same types of food but how they make the guides for it are made in so many cool ways.

    Then there were ours. We had like the least crazy one. We at the very least had a rainbow that had more uniqueness. Then they changed it and made it so instead of making it cooler, it was just a picture of food and no fancy things about it. But to be fair, it is a nice photo and the food looked delicious. So even though i don’t love it, I guess i’m fine with having this new guide. One thing I wish they did do was make something fancy with it. I mean there are all of the other countries that decided to make there food chart fun for all of their people. Then there is canada. We decide that instead of making the chart fun and interesting for everyone, they decide for just a photo. I mean like there are kids that are going to learn about the food chain and instead of being as fantasize like how others do, they are goig to be more bored since there is no fun about it.

    Besides that though, the changes they made do make sense. In the past we had a different understanding of a balenced diet. So when we learned more about what our bodies needed and what foods gave them, we started to reilize that some of the foods that we thought needed a lot of (dairy and meat) weren’t as need as we thought it was. So the new food charts changes are really needed and insightful since in a world that there are people that are veagan, vegetarian, and prescetarian it must be nice to know that some one what they don’t eat are not as needed and can be substituted for other items.

    Overall I am meh with the change. I don’t like the idea that had, but who am I to judge. Its a good photo and amazing food. So even if i would wish it would be more fun, I am fine with dealing with it for now.

  17. jeron1 says:

    OK firstly there is not so much changes on the old one and the new one. Except for the three, I think, grains in the grains part. It’s just that there are no milk products that help to make strong bones and teeth. For me that is OK because I am not allowed any dairy products, but I still get my nutrients from almond milk. If you don’t have your nutrients from your milk or any other dairy product, you will end up like Mr. Glass. Mr. Glass is the main character in Glass that bones break so easily just so you know, sorry off topic. Now back on topic, did you notice there is no fish on the new food guide. Fish is the one of the best protein foods and very nutritious, not really sure why they removed it. Honestly the new one is represented way better, but it is lacking some nutritious foods and the old one honestly has, I think, everything a person needs. That old one was a cartoon version, like a said it had everything a person needs. Here is a way to get kids to eat vegetables. Instead of water is the best choice, make a smoothie of all the vegetables on the new food guide and drink it. The taste is really good and it is better than choking down the vegetables and fruits. For me I drink three smoothies a day so I’m good and even if I try, I will choke just looking at a vegetable. So now water is proven not the best choice of the liquid after your meal. I don’t know in different countries about their food guide, so I feel like this is the best guide. At least the new one is better than the really old one, the one that says Official food rules. Hope this food article helps.

  18. vincent31 says:

    I think that I like this food guide today because it makes a lot of sense to me like how they talk about eating more unsaturated fats over saturated fats. They also give you more freedom of what you can eat because looking back at the old food guides it says that you must aleat eat these. Which I understand that they want you to have that much of a food group,but it say that you must have those food in a day. The good thing is they slowly not slowly,but they changed the food guide to eat a variety of food giving you more options on what you must eat in a day. Also I think that having different varieties actually makes your body better because my parents always say you have to eat everything and try new and healthy things. By that they do not actually mean that, but what they are trying to say is that you should eat a variety of food to stay healthy because if you are not balancing the food groups that’s not good. For some reason I kinda believe that many of you might not believe that XD. The new food guide also says that you should choose water over other drinks I kinda disagree with that at the same time I do. I do not agree because for example in the morning I think you should drink some milk because as many people say it makes your bones stronger with many other reasons to drink it. Other wise I mainly agree with the new food guide vs the old ones. No I do not have other food guides from the other countries that I like. I think something I would like them to add is other healthy drinks in the food guide instead of only water. I know water is the the best drink to keep you hydrated,but there are many other drinks out there that are healthy and give you some kind of water. Although water keeps you the most hydrated it does not give you nutrition. Other wise I do not think they need to remove anything. Ok now I am gonna tell a very short story with a few sentences. “Hey mom today I found a food that is so good I am not sure the name,but it smells so good it has pineapple on it and cheese and some good bread on the bottom and has a crust also made from bread. Aww it just smells so good. ”Said the child. Then mom yelled “DID YOU EAT PIZZA!!! O MY GOSH DO YOU KNOW HOW UNHEALTHY THAT IS”. “No mom” said the kid frighteningly. “WELK GO EAT THE FOOD GUIDE NOW!”said the mom.”But I am too full now.It was so good I ate a whole pizza.”Said the kid frighteningly. “NOOOOOOO WHAT HAVE I TAUGHT MY CHILD”

  19. arnav1 says:

    Hello today I’ll be talking about the Canadian food guide. If you haven’t recently heard Canada changed their food guide. If you look above you will see pictures. The pictures basically are the versions of the Canada food guide. Personally in my option I like the old and new one not a fan of the 1942 though . The reason is because it has more detail and its more easy to tell. Basically I like both of them. The reason I like the one on the left is because its understandable and all colourful and happy. I also like the one to the right because it’s realistic for example the one on the left is just cartoony. The 1942 is just plain and confusing at least add some colours ! Anyways I think this food guide involves to various religions, social status., etc due to if someone has a religion of not eating any fish. Also what about the vegetarians. Personally this is optional for everyone they could eat whatever they want. Well what I mean by they can eat everything is not like only cheese burgers or Mac Donald’s like it’s ok good eat it but at least have 5 things that are healthy for you. Honestly I don’t have anything to add to the guide in my opinion it looked great. I like China’s food guide it has a structure than puts everything into one category. Like the dairy Is in the dairy box and the bread is in the grains box and theirs also many other stuff In each box. Just saying I found this from the internet it was the food guide in (2016). It’s also understandable and easy going instead of it being all complicated and hard to learn.

  20. reilly2 says:

    In the old food guide there were dairy products and in the new food guide there are no dairy products. I would have liked to keep the old food guide because the old food guide has dairy product and it has a rainbow which makes it more appaling. Since becasue there are no milk products I would put in some more meat products. when I serched the canada food guide up it said they want people to eat and choose protein products from vegtaables. The food guide I most dislike is the america one because its not food Its just colours. I guess the america food guide is good because they separted the food groups and they have there each side so the biggest food group side were the vegtable so you shold have more vegtables a litte more than the other food groups. My favorite food guide is the belgium food guide because its a rating for which food is good to food you shold have less of. My second favorite food guide is the austarlian one because it shows what you should have the most at the bottom and they included herbs and spices. THe canadien food guide applies to vegtable and vegan diets because the most of foods are vegtables and fruits. It also applies to wealthy, middle and working class people becasue most of these can be food cheep and can be be food in most grocry stores. It also applies to the prescetarian diet because they eat vegtables and fish. and overall I think it applies to most canadiens. also I think that the new food guide is worse than the other one. I hoped you like my blog post.

  21. mark28 says:

    My Reflection on the Canada Food guide
    My reflection on the canada food guide is that I think it is a good way to have a healthy diet and live a good life. Another reason I think the Canada food guide is a good way to get a healthy living is because it makes you get the good amount of food and nutrients. Also It is good for you because you might be thinking that you are having everything from the food guide but actually you are missing out on the proteins… Or the grains let’s just say. I Used to have a Canada Food guide at home but now I don’t know where it is… OOF I still use most of the circumstances on it but i am falling behind a little bit. In 1940 the food guide was a little more simple. It had Grains Dairy proteins/meats and vegetables. Now it it is a little more complex. Their are food guides for many other countries but my favourite is the Canada food guide because that is the only one that i uses. OOF!!! Most of the food guides are not only about food but also about doing other stuff like working out every day and not watching TV all day. Their is a basic message in the canada food guides which is: Eat a variety of foods. Drink plenty of water. Get enough exercise. And if you can do all the things the canada food guide you will be healthy and obviously have a good life. I think that everything one the food guide is pretty reasonable so I don’t have any complaints about it. Also I know that some people with a culture that restricts them from eating a various type of foods and I don’t think it is bad. My reason why I don’t think it is bad is because let’s just say you can’t have pork and you think something is going to happen with you if you don’t eat pork but my sollotion to that problem is to just eat something else with the same nutrients or products. I think that the people who are really poor should eat what they can save up for but they should still eat atleast something from the canada food guide or else they will get sick of not getting enough of one nutrient. The people who are like most of us which is the middle class should definitely eat lots from the food guide or else they will end up not getting enough of one nutrient. Same thing with the rich people because they have a lot to spend and if they are really rich they can even give/Donate food to the poor so they can have a health Canada Food guide.

  22. johnny4 says:

    Food Guide
    Firstly when I saw this I thought oh this new version of the food must be more simple than the old version as the old version was quite(and I mean it) difficult to use as it has many parts to it. I also feel that the new guide is simpler than the old one as it does not emphasise food groups. I personally prefer the new one over the old version. While I was looking up food guides from other countries, a few that stood out were China’s food guide which is shaped like a pagoda, a tiered tower with eaves, Antigua and Barbuda have their’s shaped into a pineapple, Korea’s (south) is shaped like a bicycle with the guide on its wheels.Some of these that I just mentioned I liked because of how it stood out to me (like I said before).Now here are some that stood because of either their simplicity or their uniqueness here are some of them, first, there is Canada’s new food guide which doesn’t have any food groups and is quite simple,then there is U.S.A’s which is a child-sized plate split into different pieces,and then there is also Brazil’s which is said to be the best in the world by Vox as it just simply encourages their citizens to cook whole foods at home. And is I could make changes to the new food guide I would keep the entire guide as it is.Personally, I think that this guide almost applies to all Canadians as it just says to eat a lot of food with protein and to eat your fruits and veggies though little kids like us may not like that as some kids do not like veggies of any type.With the case of it applying with all cultures, I think that the food guide could include some foods and ingredients from many different backgrounds and I feel that the guide applies to everybody from the richest to the poorest as the ingredients that their foods are made out of are the same but just different qualities. Also, the guide works with all diets as you do not have to follow exactly what the guide says so you can omit the parts that you cannot participate in as after all it is a guide, not a law book so you don’t have to follow it exactly.Overall I think that this new guide is much simpler and better and easier to use than the one before.

  23. matthew88 says:

    Before we start first thanks for shouting me out Ms.Panesar :). I think that the new food guide might be necessary because it will probably be for the best since it is new. But I dont think putting a plastic water bottle in the picture is the smartest. That is because the canadian government is attempting to slow down the amount of 1 time plastic maybe using a glass of water would of been better. I do disagree with some things though because some religions might not allow you eating for example pork, so maybe it should of said protein foods according to your religion or something similar to that maybe. I think that the food guide should apply to all canadians because then people actually make use of it instead of just leaving it.
    I like the old food guide more though because it gives a lot more detail on the types of food. The new food guide is more of just food on a plate and a few words saying what they are. For people who don’t know much about nutrition it will be hard to understand which each things are so having a list is better. Also the new food guide doesn’t tell me how much I need per serving or how much I need as a child! I like Benin’s food guide because it is made like one of their houses.I guess it kind of bring in their culture with their food almost. Also I like the other food guides that have foods as their like backgrounds. For example one of those countries is barbuda, their background is a pineapple

  24. cecilia5 says:

    My thoughts on the Canada Food Guide.

    Believe it or not until this day I have never EVER seen the Canada Food Guide let alone follow it on purpose. I would like to start with the sections of the new and “improved” version. So whole wheat v.s. white (not to be bread racist) but white bread is better. According to a study Dc. Oz most of the time whole wheat bread has a lot more sugar than white bread. But like for rice there is a racial stereotype is that only black and Asian LOOKING people can grow up eating rice well if you have seen me i don’t look either but i grew up eating rice almost EVERY day! Sorry i got a bit off track but like the best rice for curry is basmati but for everything else i love sushi rice. Next is drinks they say that you should make water your drink of choice. This is ok but what some of the primary’s in our school think is that you should only drink water but you should also have milk because think of it if you don’t have milk ever than you most likely won’t get enough calcium. If you don’t have juice unless you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables you won’t get the essential natural vitamins.
    The only two parts of the new Canada Food guide that I agree with are the fruit and vegetables, and the protein foods. You see these are important because as I said in the last paragraph fruits and veggies are the main source of natural vitamins.
    So in conclusion I agree with the new Canada Food Guide, but I also like the old ones just the same. How ever I haven’t followed it in the like 10 year period where i could have started to follow it and i am perfectly healthy. After all the Canada Food Guide is just a guide.

  25. johnny and vincent says:

    hi ms panesar why u lock us out ????? 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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