Is There a Headline Good Enough For Her?

Our lovely Hanaa,

We miss seeing your smiles, sass, smarts and humour. You are constantly in our thoughts… only the good ones, of course. We decided to showcase the many sides of Hanaa. Enjoy 🙂 



-Your wonderful class, DIV 5, and your EXTRA, EXTRA lovely teacher 🙂 


26 thoughts on “Is There a Headline Good Enough For Her?

  1. milica6 says:

    Miss you hope that every thing is okay there. I feel so bad. Anyway what do you do when you throw a party in outer space?


    You planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Miss you, Milica

  2. beatrice7 says:

    Hey, Hanaa! What’s it like in South Africa? We miss you! Hope you like the jokes we are telling you
    Q1) Why did Lim throw his clock out of the window?
    A1) Because he wanted to see time fly!
    Q2) What do you call 4 or 5 bulls in quicksand?
    A2) Quattro Sinko
    Q3) What happens when you put a red hat in a blue sea?
    A3) It gets wet!
    Q4) How do you make holy water?
    A4) You boil the hell out of it!

  3. jemimah1 says:

    Hey Hanna, I miss you. I hope you are back soon. I cant wait until I can argue with you and talk to you about marvel and Percy Jackson. cant wait to have you back, and remember, in Switzerland, it is illegal to own a guinea pig

  4. peiyi1 says:

    hello Hanna,
    I hope you have a good time in South Africa. Also I hope Your coming back soon I can’t wait o see you Tiya and Jemimah argue ( It’s hilarious).
    From Pei Yi

  5. bernice4 says:

    I have a riddle for you Hanna: Why did the kid throw the butter out the window? He wanted to see the butter fly. Get it? I hope this riddle helped make your day better and I hope that you come back soon. I miss you so much. You made me laugh when you and Ms. Panesar argue over who is best.

    P.S. I still believe that the name Hanna Awsome Kanjee fits you the best.
    P.P.S. Come back soon and help Tamara and me catch Lim, Jason and Matthew.

  6. hanaa1 says:

    Hey Guys,
    Thanks so much for all the comments and thank you Ms. Panesar for the blog post. I really like it. So, I am now in Cape Town after 26 hours of flying and I am staying for about 10 days and I will come back on Monday the 11h hopefully. I don’t know if all of you know but, I came because my grandfather, whom I am very close to, passed away recently. Now most of you commented and now I will respond to all your comments from who commented first. If you want to speak to me privately, my email address is and my iCloud email address is, Bare in mind there is a nine hour time difference between Cape Town and South Africa but I am free most of the time.
    Tamara- I miss you so much as well
    Fredrick- Its really hot here but its nice to be with my family again.
    Bernice- I miss you as well and cant wait to come back. And I am doing good thanks
    Amelia- I feel ok thanks
    Johnny- Well, I miss you too (NOT!) And I don’t know about having fun regarding the circumstances I am here for. But I’ll try.
    Milica- Yeah, everything is pretty ok and thanks for the concern]
    Beatrice- Its pretty hot here and very strange to be back. Thanks for the jokes and lol :).
    Jemimah- Hey, I miss you too and I miss arguing with you and talking about MARVEL. On that note, did you know that Spider-Man: Far from Home is out in Japan? I cant wait to be back.
    Pei Yi- I don’t think that I will have a good time due to the circumstances I am here for but I will try. I hope to come back soon. Thanks for your concern
    Bernice (again!)- The riddle did make me laugh and helped my day. I hope to be back in school soon and I definitely miss arguing with Ms. Panesar over who is best (though I am sure you know who that is!) Thank you for everything and I cant wait to come back and see the border security again!

    Thank you soo much for everything guys. It really made my day to see all your lovely comments and I miss you all soo much. I hope to be back in school soon and a special thank you for Tamara, who has been there for me from the start and has called me and really helped me feel better. Thank You soo much and I cant wait to see you again. Remember guys, you can call me and message me anytime,I really appreciate it!

    H A N A A K A N J E E
    🙂 🙂 🙂

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