Hi Families!

Here is the weekly learning plan for this week, as well as some optional extensions for those who are interested. We are focusing on some fundamental letter and literacy skills this week. Many of these activities can be practiced frequently to help continue some of our classroom routines at home and build important foundational knowledge.

Class Meetings this week: Monday at 11:00am and Friday at 2:00pm.


Thank you, and I can’t wait to see all the fun stuff your children create!

-Ms. Osiris


This week’s activities: Weekly Learning Plan for May 4-8

Optional activities: Optional Challenges for May 4-8

Optional Printing Book: My-Printable-Alphabet-Book-ABC

Optional Mother’s Day Page: Mothers Day



If you need to use the “Translate” button for the Learning Plans, you can find the text-only plans below.

Week of Monday, May 4 to Friday, May 8, 2020

Theme: Letter Party Time!

If you see *** before an activity, that means that I would like you to share a picture or video on Fresh Grade! (you are always welcome to share more)

It’s Letter Week!

This week we are focusing on reviewing what we know about letters in fun ways! You can do bits and pieces throughout the week at the pace that is best for your family.


Checkout the Alphabet Jive video that I made and posted on Fresh Grade! Practice every day this week.


Build some letters with items from around your home (ex: Lego, playdough, blocks). See if you can build something that starts with the same letter (ex: make a Q with playdough, then build a question mark). See how many letters you can make!


Watch The Long and Short Vowels Song on Epic! or here https://youtu.be/4TjcT7Gto3U

Short vowels are the ones we learn in our Alphabet Jive (like a is for alligator)

Long vowels are when a vowel says its own name (like a is for acorn)

The vowels are a, e, i, o, u.

Go on a scavenger hunt, in your home or around your neighbourhood. Can you find items that start with all the vowels, both the long and short sounds?

***Watch and Create!

Go onto Epic! and explore some of the Alphabet Stories videos. Can you make your own alphabet story? Take your time and work on this over a few days. Don’t rush your story!

  • Think of 3 words that start with the same letter as your name
  • Create a story using those 3 words, just like in the videos!
  • Experiment with telling and retelling the story using your materials of choice

(ex: playdough, stuffies, Lego, painting, loose parts, nature parts)

  • Record a video of you telling your alphabet story and upload it to Fresh Grade!


Get up and get moving with these fun alphabet videos! There is one for each day of school this week.

The Syllables Song https://youtu.be/HKxAjCqc3wU

Practice your letters in sign language! https://youtu.be/WP1blVh1ZQM

Do the Alphabet Dance! https://youtu.be/VloEiK4Ihj8

Can you find the rhymes? Freeze when they don’t rhyme! https://youtu.be/cSPmGPIyykU

Dance to the ABCs! https://youtu.be/mrkIhHnKQTs


Last week, we explored pushes and pulls. If you need, you can refresh your memory with this fun video! https://youtu.be/94zy9gF40pE

  • On a piece of paper make two drawings – one that shows a push and another that shows a pull. You can use examples that you explored last week!
  • Practice trusting your sounds by s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out a word for each picture to help show your ideas.


Even numbers can be letters! How weird is that?! Check out The Spelling Numbers Song on Epic! or watch it here: https://youtu.be/HG361wJyDY0 Practice writing the number words for numbers 1-10!


Find your favourite book, either one you have at home or one on Epic!, and read it with a stuffie. After you have read the book, practice retelling the story to your stuffie in your own words – be sure to include the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


Choose your favourite number between 1 and 10. Create a counting collection! Find as many objects as you can around your home of that number. Here is my example!

Can you guess what number I chose?


Time to go on a Letter Hunt! For each day this week, choose a different letter. Search around your home or neighbourhood and try to find as many instances of that letter as you can! Look on signs, food boxes, logos, books, and even clothes! How many can you find?

Read and Share!

Read The Best Mother on Epic! together to help celebrate Mother’s Day! Draw a picture for your mom about what you think makes her the best mother. Show her how you can trust your sounds by s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out a word (or more!) so help show your idea. Be sure to fill your picture up, ceiling to floor, wall to wall, adding colour and detail to do your best work.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there in Div. 27 who are doing their all to support their children and families during this difficult time!


Optional Activities:


Practice printing your letters! If you have a printer at home, print off the booklet from our blog. If you don’t have a printer, use blank paper and make a road like this:


–  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –  –                  Practice your upper and lower case letters!

_________________                Can you draw something that starts with each letter?


After making your alphabet story video, draw your story! You can draw one picture to show the most important moment, or you can draw many pictures to show what happens first, then next, and finally what happens in the end of your story.


Can you make counting collections for all the numbers 1-10?


Celebrate Mother’s Day by printing off the Mother’s Day page on our blog! You can draw a picture in the middle of your mom.


Go for a walk in your neighbourhood. How many letters can you find in nature?


Can you make letters with your body? See how many letters you can form using your body! Check out Grover from Sesame Street try! https://youtu.be/Cm_b5Fylx6s

Read and Create!

Check out The Fort That Jack Built on Epic! Can you make a story about your fort?