Plastic Cloth Bags

Next Friday we will be doing a class clean up. Part of this process incovolves students taking out all materials in their desks. They will place these in a plastic or cloth bag and hang it up in the cloakroom. As a result, it would be appreciated that students bring either two plastic bags or a medium to large cloth bag next Friday, December 20.

Report Card Envelops

Hello Families. Today, report cards will be going home. As with previous years, you will need to sign the report card envelop, write a comment if you would like in the space above the signature, and return it to school. Please return the envelope by December 13. Thanks!

Artifact Project for Social Studies

Above are two examples of artifacts students have created. As well, a story was written about the artifacts and the person who used them. The purpose of this is for students to then go around to other students set of artifacts and apply their learning of archaeology. They will act as an archaeologist at each group’s station. They will then create a story based on the artifacts they are analyzing and compare it to the one that the group wrote.

Egg Drop Vehicle

Above are two examples of egg drop vehicles Div. 2 is working on. The goal is to ensure that an egg is properly protected from a fall from a given height. This relates to the world in many ways. For example, NASA works regularly on create an apparatus that would allow a rover to land on Mars safely. After we do the egg drop, students will have the chance to make changes to their vehicle. Once we are done all of this we will discuss the science behind what students are doing in class.

Photo Retakes

If your child would like an individual photo retake, they can get one shortly. Photo retakes will be happening on Wednesday, Oct. 30.

Photo Orders

The photos were sent home yesterday. If you would like to place an order the most efficient way is online. The website is on the photo order form. Orders are due Friday, October 25.

Passion Project

I am developing a passion project for students. It will be a guided research project that is based on their interests and includes a number of steps, such as brainstorming a topic and asking powerful questions. I will finish creating the instructions and description of the project shortly so you can see what it is all about. Students will be working on the project on Fridays and when they are finished their other work. Do let me know if you have any questions about this.

Signed French Quiz

Today, students will get back a French quiz they wrote on Tuesday. They will need to bring it back to school with a parent signature. This will be the protocol I will follow with all tests and quizzes this school year.

Student Photos

Individual student photos will take place next Tuesday, October 1st. This info will also be placed on the classroom Homework Board.