
April 6, 2019

A cinquain (pronounced “sin-cane) is a type of poem. Before writing a cinquain, there are some things you need to know…

1.) Each line has it’s own number of syllables.

Line 1: 2 syllables

Line 2: 4 syllables

Line 3: 6 syllables

Line 4: 8 syllables

Line 5: 2 syllables

2.) You don’t have to rhyme, but you can if you want to.


These are 3 of my favorite cinquains that I wrote:




                Writing is fun

               Educational too

Write on paper, write on the wall

                     Go write




                              We are on pointĂ©

                            Listen to the music

                      Aerials, relevĂ©, and splits

                                  Just dance





          All pink and bright

            A sugary delight 

Chew it all day, chew it all night



Cinquain poems

In class we are learning how to write cinquain poems.They are kind of like these:



NINJAS                                T-REX                                        LIONS

Ninjas!                                  T-rex!                                         Lions!

Super Stealthy,                      Super big, cool,                        Lions are fierce,

using a katana,        with banana shaped teeth,               lions have a mane,weird,

Ninjas feel invincible.ya.  t-Rex skin is ruff and cold ,wow.  lions have very sharp teeth,                                                                                                                                     scary!!

Ka-Pow.                                    Scary!!!                                      cool mane.


Cinquain poems have five lines in each poem. like my poems, NINJA, T-REX, and LIONS, they all have five lines, and cinquain poems don’t have to rhyme. So you should try making cinquain poems on your own. Have fun!!!











At school Div 3 and Div 4 go to a building called fortius in the building there is a program called KIDSMOVE. In KIDSMOVE they try to get kids to be more active and they sometimes they give us lessons about nutrition.

They try to teach us a lot of sports, it is very fun.

Here are some of the sports: soccer, basketball,  ultimate, etc.

They also repeat some sports like: soccer, and ultimate.

But the bad thing is we have to walk to fortius.

I love fortius.

What I do when it seems I do when it seems I can only seem to see the left end of the stick.


Recently in our novel touching spirit bear, Edwin took Cole to a pond on a remote island in the middle of nowhere. In the pond Edwin gave Cole a stick “The right end of the stick is stick is your happiness the left end is your anger, break the left end of and get rid of your anger” Cole broke of the left end but a left end still remand. The lesson is “Anger is a memory never forgotten”

What I do when it seems I can only see the left end of the stick I:

tack deep breathes,

try to distract my self with something I love doing,

and i might count down from ten to one,

or read a book