At school Div 3 and Div 4 go to a building called fortius in the building there is a program called KIDSMOVE. In KIDSMOVE they try to get kids to be more active and they sometimes they give us lessons about nutrition.

They try to teach us a lot of sports, it is very fun.

Here are some of the sports: soccer, basketball,  ultimate, etc.

They also repeat some sports like: soccer, and ultimate.

But the bad thing is we have to walk to fortius.

I love fortius.

1 thought on “KIDSMOVE

  1. We have been very fortunate to have been able to participate in the KidsMove program. Why do you think organisations like Fortius Sport & Health, the Steve Nash Foundation, & the Burnaby School District would spend time & money on this program?

    It is good that you (and I’m sure many of your peers) enjoyed the activities the coaches worked on with you. Were you introduced to activities you had never tried before, or were you able to improve any skills or movements? Were there any lessons on teamwork or mindfulness or sleep or purpose or listening or effort?

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