The Golden Gorillas

Adventures in Division 2

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Gr. 7 Yearbook Photos Needed

Please see this notice from the parents on the yearbook committee:

Grade 7 Yearbook Photos


Hello, grade 7 parents!


We need your help to create the memory keepsakes for our graduating class. We will be putting together the yearbook and possibly a year-end slideshow (traditionally shown at the School Leaving Ceremony but we don’t know what that may look like with Covid this year).  We are looking for some pictures of your child (and their friends) during their time at Sperling. Please dig through your photos for the following:


For their profile section, we need the following for each child:

1. Baby picture (please label with your child’s name and “B”: firstname.lastnameB)

2. Five-year old / kindergarten age picture (please label with your child’s name and “K”: firstname.lastnameK)

* if your child didn’t have a school photo taken this year, please also include a current picture (please label with your child’s name: firstname.lastname)


We are also looking for pictures of your child and their classmates at school. Please limit to between 5-10 pictures only.  Pictures we are looking for include:

  • sports through the years (team photos, event photos)
  • ski and skating trips,
  • field trips,
  • performances / assemblies,
  • Sperling Sprint and Terry Fox runs,
  • sports days
  • Timberline Ranch trip
  • grade 7 band (pictures of your child practicing with their instrument at home)
  • pictures of your child on video calls or other home-schooling activities

Group photos are preferred for all but the last 2 categories listed above.


You can email your photos to

We are looking to have these photos in by March 12th as we need time to organize and create the yearbook. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at the above email address.


Thank you for your help!

The Yearbook Committee (Cindy Dopson, Daisy Lung, Maria Morabito, Karen Jew, and Benita Sun)

Grade 7’s: Burnaby North T-Shirts

As part of our Grade 7 Transition, The Burnaby North Leadership/Mentorship team will be putting together care packages for our incoming students, which will include a Burnaby North “Class of 2026” T-shirt for each new Grade 8 student.

Please figure out which T-Shirt size you would like to order.  I will be asking you in class on Thursday.

Buddy Pen Pals

Because of Covid protocols, we haven’t been able to have our regular Little Buddy activities this year.  Instead, we have been writing to Mrs. Yee’s and Mrs. Schiffo’s students and they have been writing back to us.  The students have been so engaged in their letter writing. The days we receive letters back are happy days indeed! Mrs. Yee told me this morning that one of her students asked to read his letter again before bed last night!  It’s great motivation for writing to have such an appreciative audience. 

Stocking Stuffers for Seniors

WOW!  Thank you to all the families who participated in our Stocking Stuffers for Seniors donations!  The staff at London Drugs were amazed with how much we collected.  I purchased some crossword books with the money that was donated.  The staff there suggested that crosswords are popular items with the seniors they support.

Your generosity is so appreciated.

Grandparent Interview

Our grandparents are special people! Some of you, I know, have grandparents who live with you.  Others might have grandparents who live far away.  Even if one of your grandparents has passed away, they are still a part of you and your story.

Please figure out a way to complete this grandparent interview as we discussed in class.  You can do this over the phone, in person, have a video conference, and  even employ one of your parents as a translator if necessary!  I have included the suggested questions from our lesson in class (see photo)  Please feel free to add any other questions you would like.  We will share what we learn, and write about it next week.

Skilled Sharks Classroom Contract

We have chosen this year’s class name: The Skilled Sharks.  Congratulations to Jack for writing and presenting a persuasive and thoughtful speech.     Congratulations as well to all of the students for their strong participation in the class naming process!

In Social Studies, we have been studying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.   This document lists 54 articles outlining the rights that children should have throughout the world.   We learned how many countries signed this agreement, and how “ratifying” it meant that they adopted its ideas into law.

Using the main points from Jack’s speech and adding our own ideas, we created a classroom contract. I am proud of the students for doing such a great job.   The students have all signed our contract.   Now it is up to us to show our commitment to creating the classroom we have described.  It will take the effort and responsibility of each member of our class community to turn these ideas into reality.

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